


tango gives us a crumb more of info on decked out 2 and i literally start rolling writhing on the floor foaming at the mouth. like ok sure decked out 2 is happening in s9. cool cool cool. oh? it’s gonna be ice themed? nice. you’re gonna. you’re gonna use an entire valley and several mountain ranges to contain it? because it’s also gonna be your megabase??? and there’ll be three layers each with a different mob, the warden being at the deepest and most difficult level?? and the entrance alone is gonna be how big? im going to fucking die actually. this man is insane and i love him so much


Now the second thing that I need to mention is that- I’m doing this, kind of— BHVFH

Hi There.


Take the most delicate branches of the tree, fold and shape and carve them into a crown. Paint it black, but still let the natural wood grain shine through. Place it on the brow of your first contestant, first victor.

You may think that it was just coincidence that the ceremony took place under the Tree of Whimsey. But come on now, you’re smarter then that. Tango was smarter then that. He knew Bdubs, and knew that the vacancy he saw in his friend’s eyes was a lot to worry about.

The problem was, it didn’t matter. The joy of being crowned a victor was so cool that any worry he had dissipated the second the lopsided crown was placed on his brow. Just him, the master of puzzles, and the Tree of Whimsey.

The crown fit him so perfectly he didn’t even need to take it off to sleep. Not that he slept anymore. He found himself often aimlessly wandering towards the monolith and the tree at night, even after laying down for bed. It was a giant amongst the sea of trees around it. White bark glowing, infused with moonlight. He wanted to touch it, speak to it. But something always stopped him, like Impulse asking a question about the wither skull farm or being reminded of his unfinished nether hub plans.

And then one night there was no hermits to interrupt, no plans to finish. He knew the path, for it was laid out in front of him in soft shimmering light. He followed it, a noise akin to wind chimes getting louder and louder as he got closer. The Tree Of Whimsey was waiting for him. There was a figure at the base of the tree, Tango could see, and he was jealous for a moment before realizing it was Bdubs, still wearing his long mossy robes.

Oh, to touch the tree, feel it’s warm and welcoming power, like a caress from a god, Tango assumed. He walked over to stand next to Bdubs, who didn’t turn to greet him. Weird. Tango cleared his throat, and then Bdubs turned his head. His eyes were blank, staring yet unseeing. The smile he always had on looked cracked and bloody, like he couldn’t close his mouth or lick his lips.

Tango, kind of disgusted, turned so he was looking right at the tree’s beauty instead. The wind chimes were louder, an elegant melody that filled him with- well, the problem was that the Tree of Whimsey was supposed to be perfect, right? Tango believed that. But that face… that was not perfect. And, he now began to come to think, neither was the crown. Just a little lopsided. Just a tiny amount, so almost no one would notice. It made him wonder what else wasn’t quite right.

He adjusted the crown on his head, and for just a moment, he felt a dizzying wave of fatigue wash over him, and the pretty lights went out. He frowned. He didn’t like that. He let the crown fall back, so everything was almost perfect again. Here in the glow of the Tree of Whimsey, with its crown on his head, as long as he kept looking forward, there were no dead eyes and cracked lips or flashes of darkness.

Put a crown upon your victor’s head, and he is now mine. I call to him, and he, no more then a vessel, will respond. Teach him perfection and beauty live in the tree and nothing else. For what is whimsy but a stark white fantasy?


a question for the dead: what was the point?

Tango: You’re going to have to be more specific, my friend. Of my life? Of my death? Of the game? Of Team BEST? Lotta things you could be asking about, my friend.


Tango:Fine, then. It was all pretty stupid, wasn’t it? …don’t ask me which one I’m answering. Don’t ask that.

Keep reading


funky mad scientist. he prank.


I’m absolutely floored by how pretty this is. It really does feel like you’ve walked into a place filled with so many types of magic, a place that can hold all kinds of secrets within it. Each area is its own little thing, but having it look like they all belong in the same area as well? Beautiful



Can’t stop thinking about this

[VD / transcript:

A clip from Tango’s episode 14 of Hermitcraft 9. He is facing the camera in F5 mode while standing of the floor of the Nether hub, meaning he is mostly surrounded by black concrete, with crimson blocks floating above him. There are a few zombie piglins standing in the background.

Tango: I… had originally thought that two people in the same area—and I’ve read this and people confirmed it so now I’m confused, but—that—when two people came to the same area, that the local mob cap did not increase—

A baby zombie piglin comes running up to Tango from behind, and he turns so the piglin continues being visible on screen.

Tango: Hi, little guy!

end VD / transcript.]

3rd Life and Last Life are such wildly different in terms of vibes and rules on so many ways but man. Nothing will compare to when everyone was just figuring shit out on 3rd Life. They were running around looking for everyone to mess with the proximity chat. They were making monopolies on trees. They were making monopolies on sand. They were accidentally starting raids. They were desperately searching for cows while one guy hoarded them. They were making allies just because. They were making traps for fun and getting surprised when they actually killed someone. They were petrified of red names who were just confused about being alive. They were making up random lore. They were starting wars because they felt like it. They were somehow making everything connect despite it being unscripted. Unmatched. Unparalleled. It’s like when the first season of a show is made on like twenty dollars and lint before the second season got the thousand dollar budget boost to polish it off.

More updates to the Hermitcraft lost AU! They’re all coming together. More or less.

more under the cut

  • Cleo got herself a spyglass and surveys the land while atop Ren and Doc’s tower, and eventually spots Keralis in the distance. She grabs Ren and they both go down and find Keralis scared out of his mind bc a monster (read: Impulse) has been following him around, also doesn’t help that Cleo is quite actually a zombie and Ren’s a glorified werewolf. It results in Cleo knocking Keralis out and Ren dragging him back to the tower.
  • Impulse didn’t see any of this, instead later finding like an indent in the ground where Keralis was dragged off and assumes some monster got him, and is mad suspicious of the giant scary tower in the distance, thinking it’s a new mob. He goes back to Boatem and tells them to gear tf up, they’re going on a rescue mission.
  • Wels has also spotted the tower and in his Knightly Quest, asked if the others wanted to storm it to see what the situation was. Jevin very much does Not want to go in there, but he also doesn’t want to be left behind. Stress is too curious to NOT check it out, and Xisuma also doesn’t want to go in, but he’s not letting his Hermits go without him. This can only go so well.
  • False is in pure Gotta Get Out Of This Server For MCC mode and Zed is helping her out because ~science~ while Iskall is bolstering their defenses. He’s mostly doing this because Joe’s in the area trying to find Cleo and scared the shit out of him. Joe would drop in to say hi but he’s in the tunnel vision of finding Cleo at the moment.
  • Etho went mining and accidentally stumbled across TFC’s strip mines and ran into him and Hypno just Hanging Out. The three made eye contact for a moment before Etho went “uh. carry on” before continuing on his way. Someday someone will make him interact with everyone and process things. Today is not that day.
  • Gem brought Cub out of his water hideout before raiding it of all supplies. He’s now the one that watches the cats while Gem builds a pretty base and xB mines for supplies. It’s a good routine. Until xB zones out down there and gets his ass right on the edge of the deep dark. Hypno finds him and they have a whole adventure down there of xB going “YOU’RE OKAY what the hell happened to you” and Hypno being vague as shit because hes become Cryptid. results in Gem returning home one day to Cub still with the cats and going “aw shit we lost one”
  • Tango keeps trying to break out of Beef’s house thinking the creature has imprisoned him but eventually gives in somewhat after Beef just exasperatedly dragging him back each time. Continuously spots Bdubs out the window and continues to narrate him. Beef eventually realizes that Tango isn’t being crazy, a friend is actually out there. Eventually manages to find Bdubs having a crisis on “is this heaven or hell???” and throws him into his house to keep him safe. Bdubs crisis increases upon seeing two of his friends in supposed death.

I have updates to the Lost AU! I really just like this one I think it’s fun. Tempted to write something for it not gonna lie.

This one is mainly focused on some of the Hermits coming across each other in the Vast World

more under the cut

  • Joe is not actually the one to find Cleo in the End. No, that credit goes to Doc, who had Ren’s help to find all the items, and also came across one of TFC’s strip mines with no TFC, and ventured in to get some elytra (and see if it had an Enderdragon) because if anything was going to attract Grian like a magnet, it was elytra. If he can find that guy, he’s bound to find quite a few more. He instead found Cleo stealing her 12th elytra. They just kinda stared at each other for a bit before Doc asked if she wanted to come back 
  • Joe appears in the End about ten minutes after they leave and almost immediately is like “something,,,,is Not Right” and finds Cleo’s abandoned farm. He knows very well that Cleo can handle herself but he’s still worried bc if she’s not here…oh god she’s in the Overworld isn’t she. Cue cat and mouse game where they only JUST miss each other
  • Xisuma’s been running around trying to kickstart his admin abilities again while going on a Search for his Hermits. He eventually comes across Wels doing the exact same thing. Difference is that Xisuma’s Hardcore Adventurer façade immediately dropped when seeing one of his other Hermits alive and well and was resulted to an emotional mess. Many hugs were given. Wels brought him back to Stress and Jevin and the process repeated. On god they gotta give this guy a break
  • Tango eventually found where Etho and Beef resided and stuck around in the area to find the ‘elusive’ creatures. Beef found Adequate and that led to him finding Tango. There was absolutely zero way to convince him that he wasn’t an alien lizard man, so he just. Kept Tango in his house. No, he is not a prisoner, this is for his own safety
  • Impulse came across Keralis on one of his searches. Problem is that Impulse is quite actually a demon, and Keralis is already on Edge. Keralis takes one look at him and bolts. Impulse is now trying to find the guy and coax him out with pspspsps
  • Gem and xB went on an ocean expedition and came across Cub’s base. They thought it was some strange new spawned ocean structure and were met with a very beardy, very scatterbrained Cub wielding a sword. xB was wary, but Gem immediately hugged Cub and started talking nonstop about “oh your HERE! if your here and xB is here then the others must be, too!” and Cub is just so bewildered and starved for human contact he just lets her ramble. none of them have realized Ren and Doc are in the distance
  • Bdubs found one of TFC’s strip mines by falling in it. Hypno also happened to be lurking around and Bdubs just saw a pair of fucked up looking eyes in the darkness that made him feel like he was staring into the abyss and immediately turned and left. Is now wondering if this is a very deceptive hell instead of heaven
  • Iskall came across False and Zed by False’s bird also trying to eat him. Was made even more paranoid by it all, but Zed refused to let him leave because “PLEASE I need someone sensible who also won’t talk about MCC nonstop” so now he’s here. False is very much the hunter of the triad while Zed and Iskall are the gatherers.
  • By this point there’s already a bunch of rumors/known Rules of sorts circulating around because the Hermits almost have a hive mind. 1) be VERY careful when mining because there’s something really fucked up lurking down there. 2) don’t mind the humanoid-shaped figures at the corner of your eyes, they won’t be there when you turn around 3) mostly every biome has SOMETHING weird going on in the middle of it but we don’t know what and 4) you’ll never know if you’re alone or not 
  • Basically, all the Hermits are scaring the shit out of each other because they keep acting like cryptids, and then making up more cryptid stories about them, and it’s a whole echo chamber that keeps goin’ round and round until everyone’s convinced they’re on a haunted, cursed, or already inhabited world

Alright. Hermitcraft AU where 1) it was not a simulation and 2) after they all escaped Moon Big, they wound up in Season 9. But all of them are separated from each other in this big world and they have to figure out where the hell everyone is. It’s literally just a manhunt and they’re all the hunters and the hiders.

more under the cut

  • After Grian realized the world was literally actually ending, he figured “yeah, there’s no way everyone made it off in time” and went into Watcher Mode to yeet all the remaining Hermits onto the new world, but he kind of fucked it up a bit bc 1) my mans does not like using his Watcher powers all that often he’s out of practice and 2) he was just trying to get them Off The Planet Being Destroyed he didn’t really care where they ended up, he had to skedaddle back to the Void w Boatem as fast he could after he teleported them all away
  • So everyone who woke up in this new world completely alone are: Bdubs, Keralis, xB, Iskall, Stress, Hypno, Zed, Beef, Etho, Wels, & TFC. As to be expected, this all went in very different ways.
  • Bdubs just straight-up thinks he’s dead. Guy thinks this is what the afterlife looks like. He woke up in a field with Squakers and is now just roaming around thinking that death is really fun but also quite lonely.
  • Keralis is freaking out. Very on edge, is expecting to look up and suddenly see the moon is twenty times it’s size completely overnight. Always thinking something is gonna go wrong but it never does. Someone help him.
  • xB is so confused. He thinks that he must have awoken from his bunker and the world wasn’t destroyed, and maybe someone was playing a joke on them? Maybe the moon just passed right by the earth? He doesn’t know, and he can’t find his bunker. Guy is just looking to find Hypno or Jevin.
  • Iskall is going a little nuts being completely alone tbh. Can be found running around going “Etho where the FUCK ARE YOU” at the sky. Usually sticks to the mountains so he can survey the land and try and find anyone.
  • Stress is vibing in the arctic with the polar bears and rabbits. She’s very confused but she’s not going to question it, she’s going to start living her best life and once she’s got a functional home, she will see if anyone is around.
  • Hypno just spawned right next to the deep dark. You can imagine how well thats going.
  • Zed is just hitchhiking across the world. He has no idea how he got here or why the moon is normal again and he’s questioningeverything.Mans is paranoid as hell and jumps at every little noise. Grabs horse by the face and asks it to explain wtf is going on
  • Beef woke up in a mesa, stared at nothing for a bit, then went “well. guess a new season started” and refuses to acknowledge anything that happened in season 8. Moon Big? Never happened. Shared hallucination. It’s fine. He’s just gonna wander around and get lost for a while.
  • Etho appeared in a forest and has not left. Guy barely acknowledged the moon was big he just looked up, went, “oh thats not normal” and then he woke up here. Was it a dream? He thinks it was a dream. Is Iskall around here? Nobody knows. He’s just reverting back to the single-player mentality and becoming one with the bees.
  • Wels woke tf up and immediately decided to go on a quest to find everyone. He remembers Hermit seasons where everyone just split off n didn’t bother with introductions but he misses people :( he wants to go save his friends.
  • TFC hasn’t noticed literally anything out of the ordinary. Guy woke up, saw that his mines and farms were gone, went “oh. guess there was a server wipe or something” and went straight back to doing his old things. 
  • All of Boatem got spat out into the darkest depths of the world, where a small hole in bedrock met the Void and they all crawled out. They all stuck together as they hurriedly tried to make their way back to the surface. They somehow completely miss Hypno becoming a cryptid in the deep dark as they try to find sunlight.
  • Gem popped out into the new world with her portal and is totally fine. She looked around at this world, went “well. sure hope my friends are here” and like Etho, reverted back to single-player mindset. She’s got a lot of cats.
  • Cub crash-landed in the ocean and is just kinda. stuck there. he’s got no boat, so he just swims out for a little bit gathering materials before going back to the crash site, which landed on a bunch of coral. Someone please get him out of there
  • Tango drifted around in space with Adequate for a while before also crashing in the new world. Thinks it’s a completely foreign planet and is prepared to find aliens around every corner with the poor horse having to put up with this.
  • Ren and Doc had an actual normal landing on the planet. They surveyed the land for a minute, went “well. guess we should make a beacon” and started building a tall skyscraper building in the hopes their friends would see it and come check it out. Unaware that half of these people would see a demonic structure on this world they are completely unfamiliar with and immediately go the other direction.
  • Xisuma is still in the Nether. He’s afraid to leave and see the destruction, but is also scared out of his mind for his Hermits. Sure, the Big Moon hid the fact he created cryptocurrency, but STILL. His admin powers have fizzled and glitched, and every day its a “will he won’t he” on leaving the Nether.
  • False found the world with her giant eagle and is now just traveling around on it. Thinks she’s the only one on the world, thinks the rest of her friends got scattered onto other servers. Still has MCC on the brain and wonders if she’ll still be able to make it to the next event.
  • Joe left on an elytra but also just. Appeared on this new world. That’s how he works, he’s just There. Currently grinding to find an end portal so he can go get Cleo.
  • Cleo, meanwhile, is still in the End. She’s got a little farm going for her, and since Grian killed the Enderdragon, all she has to worry about are the endermen. She doesn’t really like it there, but she’s alive. Knows that Joe will find her eventually.
  • Jevin half-landed half-crashed and is pissing off the local villagers by taking refuge in their homes and perching on roofs as if he’ll see anyone. Puts a bunch of SOS in the ground and flags on the roofs that the villagers keep trying to take down. The iron golem is very close to kicking him out.
  • Now it’s just a game of chasing and finding. Which is exceptionally hard when a decent amount of them don’t know they should be looking for others, or trying to be found. Place your bets now on who’s found first!
  • Yes, there will be giant ass buildings these lunatics create in their searching. The land is just LITTERED with structures from the Hermits travels, some half-made, some past the treeline. It’s all very odd


concept, the storm guys are under an influence of some higher power this season because i think it’s quite funny (also i like to think the entity and the library are somehow connected through the crimson)


The cosmic library

“i’m ready for murder! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)”

video: “gemini SLAY” by tangotek

Mineblr Intro (take 2)

So I’m not actually a new mineblr, I’ve been here for a while, but after losing interest in Hermitcraft and Minecraft as a whole due to school and the state of the fandom as a whole I basically went dormant. So, I’m here to remake my blog!

  • My name is Geoff/Seamus, and I follow from @spale-vosver
  • I’m 17, I live in the United States on EST
  • I’ve loved Minecraft since I was about 10, but really got back into it with the Renaissance of 2019
  • I got into Hermitcraft when one of my friends got into it. My favorite Hermits are Python, Impulse, Tango, and Joe. I’m also slowly getting into Mindcrack through the lovely VintageBeef
  • I also have a YouTube channel of my own! It’s SeamusEM (not linking so this post shows up in tags) and I’ve been kind of dormant but I’ll try to post more! I mainly make Minecraft videos there.
  • I’m autistic (hence my blog name), and I ADORE endermen
  • I’m really excited to start making friends again, but I’m not sure if I’m close enough with anyone to @ them yet so I’m just not gonna for now haha oops
  • It’s in my bio but obviously DNI if you are an ace exclusionist, a transmed, a TERF, or support PDP
  • I personally don’t approve of Hermitshipping (so you won’t see me posting stuff about it) but I don’t mind if you reblog my content if you’re a shipper, though I probably won’t interact with you at all back. I just ask that you tag your content appropriately and that you don’t interact at all if you’re going to fetishize stuff like being trans or abuse.
  • I’m a writer and I’m getting into art, so I’ll probably post edits, scenarios, etc during my time here!
  • If you have any questions about me/specifics you want me to clear up, please shoot me a message! I’m very friendly and love talking to people!

That’s it for now! I’m excited to get back into Minecraft and the mineblr community!

I’m making ONE hermicraft post, got it? Don’t take the kids please it’s a one time thing-

Please don’t leave im making dreamsmp content too please-

Now that that’s out of the way-

Hermitcraft family dynamic

Context: you are the middle child

DISCLAIMER: I am not shipping people in this, please do not take it that way. Its a fun post about family dynamics, where none are supposed to be connected to another to avoid creepy stuff. Thanks :]

Grian: your mothers brother. Fun at parties, always a glass of wine in hand. Bad puns at inappropriate moments

Scar: your fathers brother. Doesn’t know what kids like, so usually gives you like 5 bucks whenever he sees you just to be safe.

Rendog: dad. Suburban dad, but like he’s from the boonies and doesn’t know how to act in the suburbs. You know what I mean.

Doc: dads friend from high-school. They grill. He’s the guy who says “I remember you when you were *this* tall”

Cub: successful younger brother who is better than you at everything. Not in a bad way, He’s just naturally talented but it sucks because now yall the disappointment.

Mumbo: your mothers friend who your father is worried about because he has better manners and can cook. Mumbo has no intention of taking your mother but your father sure seems to think so.

Impulse: your older brother who’s probably the parents favorite, but has no idea. He went to college and only see him on the weekends now but always offers for you to come hang out (so hes cool)

Tango: your older siblings best friend whos so chaotic your always on edge when he’s around. One time he tried to flirt with your mother. The next he offered your father a joint. A true abstract.


what do you see, tango?

what do you see, tango?

Post link