

Today we will be looking Variscite

Variscite Associations

  • Zodiac - Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini
  • Typical color - ranges from pale to emerald green

Meanings- Moral Courage, virtue, self-reliance, success, calming, soothing

Variscite calms and soothes the mind, therefore being a good stone for meditation. It helps you to think clearly and increases perception. It encourages self-expression and the communication of ideas. Variscite provides hope and courage, being extremely helpful in supporting invalids and their caregivers to continue to deal with the dis-ease that illness can create. It stimulates the heart chakra, bringing unconditional love and understanding to all situations.

Variscite helps with past-life exploration and memory. It works on an astral and etheric level for healing via the Central Nervous System and at DNA level.

Variscite, treats abdominal distension and is helpful for blood flow problems. It relieves cramps and regenerates elasticity of veins and skin. Variscite heals the nervous system. It helps disorders of the male reproductive system, including impotence.

(Note: This being said, if you are suffering from a condition or are in pain please consult a doctor or mental health professional.)
