#minor inconvenience


Minor annoyance. Occasionally I’d ring up a customer who happens to be buying one or two small items. Our town has a ban on plastic bags, so the store offers flat paper bags or two sizes of paper handled bags that we’re only supposed to use for larger orders. So, I’ll grab the appropriate sized flat bag for the small order, slide the items into the bag, fold down the edges, and this is when the customer decides to ask,…

“Ohhh, can I have a handled bag instead? Thanks.”

I just wrapped up your order, and now you think it’s the perfect time to reject the bagging method? Mhmmm… ‘kay.Unfolds small flat bag, takes items out, puts items into smallest handle bag that is still 90% empty bag with the stuff in it, so those two items are just haphazardly sliding from one end of the bag to the other when moved.

I’ve had customers buy one small bottle of hand soap or one package of underwear (it’s just one pair in a 4″x6″ package), and the customer requests an 11″ x 16″ handled bag when we have a flat bag specifically sized for small carry-out items like this. You’re going back out to your car.Wutchu need all that bag for? Just take the damn bag I put the thing in and be done with it.


Imagine if Elain messes with people who have pissed her off?*

Nothing major, just small things. I imagine her to be like @hacawijo, with curses of inconvenience, rather than pain.

Elain: “Hey Rhys, how’s that ingrown toenail coming along?”

Rhys: “Sorry, what now?”

Elain: “Oh, forgive me. That must be next month.”



Don’t mess with a Seer.

* From my conversations with @wingedblooms.

Some other gems from my vault -

“ wish you’d drop— your keys in mud”

“I hope you have a terrible itch on that part of your back you simply cannot reach”

“May you never be in the faster lane in highway traffic”

“I hope you step in a shower water puddle with socks on”

“May you be unable to find your sunglasses the next time you need them”

“I hope that the restaurants you go to are always out of something you want to order”

“May you always miss the trash can when throwing things from a distance”
