


obsessed with all the articles about these d list actors where it’s clear they’re trying to stay with the trends but they have no idea who these people are or what supernatural is they just see it trending but don’t realize the fan base is just insane


i thought the biggest tragedy after supernatural ended was going to be jared’s acting career but then jensen’s first big movie killed a cinematographer, jarpad almost died in a car wreck, and misha came out as straight

Man played a fruit for so long he went and forgot he wasn’t actually a fruit. Incredible. 



i have to ask. i have to. didn’t he already discuss this in the m+g at njcon??? didn’t people congratulate him on coming out as bi?? i swear i saw that. how did this go 72 hours. his wife has written about them having threesomes with men. he makes out with random guys. he said he like penis and the feeling of a man’s facial hair. i can’t get the men in woods poem out of my head. how is any of this happening. stands, his personal friend stands, publicly referred to him as a queer man on twitter just a few hours ago. this is either the worst pr fumble ever or this man is genuinely just. stupid? i’m at a loss. at least it’s fucking funny


imagine if harold styles did this


‘my clumsy intention was to wave off actually discussing my sexuality’ my brother in christ you asked the question



The CW sniper was NOT at njcon

But he should’ve been


coming soon to bookstores this fall: some things i shouldn’t have told you





every day i log onto tumblr seeing at least 5 posts about [redacted] misha collins but it’s always a LIE. why do you all lie on the internet

by talos

lost an opportunity to say “bi talos”. sorry misha for disappointing you like this on your special day

straight talos


drama rating: 9.5/10

it would have been funnier and more retributive had it happened to jackles

Misha really went bi, bi, bye huh
