#miss bitters


Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of our favorite TV series and fandom! If I’d been hit just a little earlier, I probably would have done it yesterday. :3

In any case, I congratulate all my fandom friends on our common little holiday :D

Вчера состоялась 20-я годовщина нашего любимого сериала и фандома! Если бы меня вштырило ну чуть чуть раньше, то я вероятнее всего бы успел это еще вчера :3

В любом случае, поздравляю всех товарищей по фандому с нашим общим маленьким праздником :D

Invader Dib Dump 1

Been thinking more about my Invader Dib AU lately 

Keef and Gretchen are fellow invaders. Mr Dwicky was Dib’s pal when they were lead scientists together. Dwicky one day went off on a mission and never returned. The “Resisty” have switched places with the “Swollen Eyeballs”. Dib has heard of them, but may not be in regular contact with them. The Resisty want his destructive inventions but know Dib’s loyalties are still faithful to his Tallests who only see him as a nuisance and disappointment. 

Gaz is one of the top Irken Elites in charge of keeping Dib from doing anything brash that would hurt the Empire. 
