#iz keef


Irktober2021 Day 2 - It is My Favorite Shooow!

it was Irktober , and instead of fucking sketches, I decided to stop and start making mini-comics by the day in order to fill my hand… as far as this idea is a failure, because I’m already damn behind schedule, but… it looks like it will take a long time…

Hello, fandom! Inktober is coming. And in honor of such an event my friend and I decided to create our own version of #zimtober2021. Aliens, madness, easter eggs and various unusual situations! Join this crazy stir and may the waffles be with you!

Main tag: #irktober2021

Привет, фэндом! Инктобер уже близко, и в честь такого события мы с корешем подумали и решили замутить собственную версию #zimtober2021 с блэкджеком и шизой! Будут пришельцы, хавчик, безумие, пасхалки и всякие прикольные ситуации, которые можно обыгрывать. Присоединяйтесь к движухе и да пребудут с вами вафли!

Главным тегом будет #irktober2021

#inktober #inktober2021 #zimtober #irktober #InvaderZim

The new chapter “Keef Closer To You” is already available on ficbook.net!

Perhaps this is the most spoiler cover for the chapter that could only be thought up Also this week, the first chapter of this fan fiction on AO3 will be available for English-speaking readers :)

Thank you so much for being with us :D In the name of Keefosis and a sick insane!

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of our favorite TV series and fandom! If I’d been hit just a little earlier, I probably would have done it yesterday. :3

In any case, I congratulate all my fandom friends on our common little holiday :D

Вчера состоялась 20-я годовщина нашего любимого сериала и фандома! Если бы меня вштырило ну чуть чуть раньше, то я вероятнее всего бы успел это еще вчера :3

В любом случае, поздравляю всех товарищей по фандому с нашим общим маленьким праздником :D

Well.. I finally finished my part MAP Invader Zim on the YouTube channel Candy Fruit. Enjoy it ^^

The author tried to type the text on newspaper clippings until the last moment. And then the author realized that this would spoilerize the entire second chapter of" The Happiest Halloween, Zim “ completely. It was this fact, coupled with laziness, that stopped me.

Plus, I still haven’t decided on the color palette :D

The spoiler to the fanfic from Vindex!

This art gathering dust on the comp of the month of September. SINCE SEPTEMBER, KARL!

He waited for a long time for the idea to take shape into something worthwhile, and finally this hour has come!

I beg to love and favor Yandere-Keef!

Invader Dib Dump 1

Been thinking more about my Invader Dib AU lately 

Keef and Gretchen are fellow invaders. Mr Dwicky was Dib’s pal when they were lead scientists together. Dwicky one day went off on a mission and never returned. The “Resisty” have switched places with the “Swollen Eyeballs”. Dib has heard of them, but may not be in regular contact with them. The Resisty want his destructive inventions but know Dib’s loyalties are still faithful to his Tallests who only see him as a nuisance and disappointment. 

Gaz is one of the top Irken Elites in charge of keeping Dib from doing anything brash that would hurt the Empire. 

redraw of an old keef drawing with his current design.
