#mitsurugi reiji


Edgeworth: Already started your investigation, I see. I suppose I should praise your enthusiasm.

Phoenix: You don’t need to patronize me, Edgeworth…

Phoenix: Just because you’re chief prosecutor doesn’t make you better than me.

Edgeworth: But when I see a lawyer from some tiny, obscure office hard at work…

…it’s only natural that I should want to do my part to help the socially impoverished.

(I hope Larry still knows how to dial 911 after that burn.)

Edgeworth: So the suspect is claiming that she made a wish on that pendant…

…and was transported back in time.

Phoenix: Y-Yeah…

Edgeworth: Hah! Of all the ridiculous things in this world!

Edgeworth: and you actually believe this fantastic story of hers?

Phoenix: Umm… W-Well, I, uh…

Edgeworth: Hmph. You should drop this case if you can’t bring yourself to believe in your own client’s words.

Edgeworth: Not that I can blame you for your skepticism, mind you.

Phoenix: Nnngh…

(Just business as usual for Phoenix.)

Edgeworth: A flying wedding chapel… That’s a rather romantic venue, isn’t it?

Phoenix: Romantic? I never thought I’d hear THAT word come out of your mouth. Are you feeling okay there?

Edgeworth: What? Am I not allowed to think such a thing?

Phoenix: W-Wait. You’re not thinking about finally settling down and getting married, are you?


Why do you always have to jump to such extreme conclusions?

Edgeworth: For your information, I have no intention of doing such a thing… What about you, Wright?

Phoenix: No plans here for now, even if I wanted to…

Phoenix: (Well, at least I found out how Edgeworth feels about marriage. Not that it has anything to do with the case…)

Did you know that I am an attorney? Here is my badge.

???: Hmph. I see you haven’t changed a bit, Larry.

Phoenix: E-Edgeworth! I figured that car belonged to you.

Phoenix: But when did you become Maya’s chauffeur?

Edgeworth: Its nothing like that. I just happened to run into her en route, and picked her up.

Edgeworth: And by ‘run into her,’ I mean she jumped out in front of my car. I nearly ran her down.

Phoenix:(This is Miles Edgeworth.)

Phoenix: (He’s a friend of mine, and the district’s chief prosecutor. I heard he’s been busy lately…)

Phoenix: So what brings you here? Wait… Don’t tell me Larry called you up, too?

Edgeworth: He did. However, I have business of my own here at the crime scene.


Phoenix: Th-That red sports car!

Phoenix: Larry, don’t tell me you called…

Larry: You know it, buddy!

???: I trust you’ve been well, Wright?

Phoenix: !

Maya: Surprise! Now, admit it — that was a pretty good Mr. Edgeworth impression, wasn’t it?

Phoenix: M-Maya! What are you doing here?

Maya: Larry called me up!

(I love how Phoenix has become a stuttering mess at the thought of Edgeworth arriving.)

Ace Attorney is such a good game, I can’t believe I haven’t gotten into it until now…Definite

Ace Attorney is such a good game, I can’t believe I haven’t gotten into it until now…Definitely been missing out on some of the most likable characters!

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Wright as Black Jack and Edgeworth as Kіrіkо

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