#mo dao zu shi


The greatest doctor of her generation.

ID: A digital bust illustration of Wen Qing wearing a red robe embroidered with gold. Her expression is severe and she looks slightly to the right while her body is angled left. She wears her hair partially up with a gold guan. There is a white circle behind her head. ED.

Happy Birthday Xiao Xingchen! Palette by @awesomebutunpractical

ID: A digital drawing of Xiao Xingchen from the shoulders up. He is toward the right of the canvas, wearing a blindfold and a smile. His hair is partially up in a bun with a pale guan. The art is color-blocked with no shading and minimal highlights. ED.

Wanted to draw some vague flower shapes and Mianmian came with it.

ID: A marker drawing of Lul Qingyang from The Untamed in her post-time-skip attire. She wears robes in shades of blue-green over neutral inner robes. Her earrings are partially visible through her dark hair. She is smiling with her lips parted as she looks to the right. Behind her is a circle of nondescript green vines with orange flowers. ED.

mo dao zu shi
Cangse Sanren gives young Madam Yu a lotus wreathCangse Sanren gives young Madam Yu a lotus wreathCangse Sanren gives young Madam Yu a lotus wreathCangse Sanren gives young Madam Yu a lotus wreath

Cangse Sanren gives young Madam Yu a lotus wreath

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