#modest management




May 21 - Luke gives Ash a whole bouquet of roses onstage at the biggest venue played during that tour. The happiness of both Luke and Ash during this! The roses were only from Luke, Michael makes sure to point that out right away after Ash thanks all the guys for them.

May 22 - Luke and Ash go shopping in Amsterdam, but aren’t allowed to walk next to each other, and Luke is walking with his arm by his side while the female holds onto his arm. Luke and Ash both bought items at the same store.

so was scrolling through some old posts in my contracts & sony tags and came across this little nugget that i had completely forgotten about

this part in particular was what got me thinking:

…what if things were indeed extended to the full 14 years in their contract. it could explain why niall’s still connected to modest golf all these years later and why we’re still seeing all this bs play out after so long…

it would also mean the boys are potentially stuck in this mess till 2024/2025 which i know is not exactly a happy thought but it’s also still not forever

Ok so I was scrolling on tik tok as you do when you’re a bored teen and I saw a video on my feed that was about the possibility of Måneskin’s new manger being Simon Cowell. And I was desperately hoping it was a joke until I saw another video about and then another one.

Here’s the thing. I love Måneskin and this could be an amazing opportunity for them to reach further than their current audience, probably made up of Italians and eurovision watchers. But on the other hand after everything with One Direction and Little Mix and so many other artists I am terrified that this would just change them in a bad way (not them themselves but rather their music and image)

1. Firstly we know with Simon, modest managment and syco suppress and over work their artists. 1d released like 5 albums in five years and barely had breaks between them and tours. And Little Mix were worked to a similar schedule. Not to mention the effects this had on the various members of the bands.

2. Simon Cowell and homophobia/transphobia/misogyny. The thing I adore about Måneskin other than their music and just me being in love with them is that they aren’t afraid to express themselves how they want to. The boys especially Damiano aren’t at all afraid to be feminine and wear feminine clothes and makeup and whilst I doubt that Simon would have much success in trying to control that aspect of them, I personally would be terrified to go up against Damiano and Victoria, I would still worry that they might start wearing more conventional clothes and less makeup and stuff.

Now I do realise that they are older than Little Mix and 1 D were when they signed with Simon but they aren’t much older. Damiano is only 22 and the others are around 21/20 if I’m right. They are still at a slightly vulnerable age and place, albeit less than the other bands because they already have a career. And so I’m just worried about them entering into a contract with him and having to change because of it.

Lastly and this is the most important thing for me is that I adore their Italian music. Don’t get me wrong I love the English songs too but songs like “for your love”, “chosen” and “I wanna be your slave” have nowhere near the emotional and lyrical depth of songs like “Coraline”, “le parole lontane” and “Torna a Casa”, as well as Damiano just always sounding much more confident and actually just being a better singer(in my opinion) in Italian rather than English. Anyway my point was that I fear and probably rightly so that Simon would try to make them write and sing in English more than in Italian.

Anyway all of this is purely speculation. Maybe they will sign with Simon and they’ll stay as amazing as always(not that they themselves wouldn’t still be amazing rather their image and music) and maybe (hopefully) they won’t sign with him altogether and this will just become another rumour that goes away. And I will still listen to them anyway cause I am absolutely obsessed at this point with them.

Sorry for the long rant and thanks for reading till the end.

Ed Sheeran: yo my favorite, smart,
                      lovable friends !!! I
                      need to copy the chem
                      homework bc I’m lazy
                      can you guys send me
                      pics of it?

Liam:  I’ll help u bro!

Zayn:  Lol nope

Niall:   w8 we had hmwrk ???

Louis: Bitches you’re blowing up my
            phone stfu I’m trying to snog
            Hazza in peace

            Also, bold of you to assume I
            did it mate !

Harry:*read 5:55 pm*

tag yourself I’m either Harry or Liam
