#moon lesbian


Sun and Moon Lesbian are aesthetic descriptors lesbians can choose for themselves. There’s no concrete definition of them, it’s more like what reminds you most of yourself or describes you best, or you find most aesthetically pleasing.

I’ve also heard they’re inspired by the space alignments for nb, but with a focus on lesbians and not necessarily limited to just nb lesbians. Example, sun lesbian is either a butch lesbian or a solarian nb lesbian. Moon lesbian could be either a femme lesbian or a lunarian nb lesbian. It’s meant to allow for aligned for lesbian without feeling like needing to strictly conform to the ideas of butch or femme.

Sun Lesbian:


[Image: Flag with 7 stripes: Pinkish-red, redorange, orange, off-white, yellow-orange, light-ish brick red, brick red].

Full size [Here]

Note:The sun lesbian flag looks a lot like the fall lesbian flag [Link], nonbinary girl [Link], and to a lesser extent, Jupitergender [Link]. I know the Jupitergender and Nonbinary girl flags have existed longer so if someone could work on a more distinct alternate of this that’d be great! 

Moon Lesbian:


[Image: Flag with 7 stripes: Dark purple, purple, medium lavender, off-white, light pinkish-purple, muted pastel pink, dark pink].

Full size [Here]

Designed by:@moonbian 

Color meanings: Based on the original 7-striped lesbian flag with the colors changed to match the aesthetics of the sun and moon.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

 Cora Hale from Teen Wolf is a moon lesbian! (requested by anonymous, moon lesbian flag designed by  Cora Hale from Teen Wolf is a moon lesbian! (requested by anonymous, moon lesbian flag designed by

Cora Halefrom Teen Wolf is a moon lesbian! (requested by anonymous, moon lesbian flag designed by @moonbian)

Post link


Pride Requests #10

Agender + Queer Bluestar, Demiromantic Tallstar, NB Brightheart

Multigender Mudclaw (WC), Omnisexual Mudclaw (WC)

Abrosexual Jayfeather, Moon Lesbian Moonlight, Xenogender Violetshine
