#trans inclusive


[Image description: a text post, edited blackout-poetry style in stripes which are the colours of the trans pride flag. Resulting text is below.]

FELLOW TRANS WOMEN: align yourself with trans men
Do participate in “queer,” “LGBT,” or “trans community” branded spaces

Submitted by @valointhesky

[Image description: White text on a blue background. The original text has been edited to read, “There’s SUCH THING as a transgender child. Who has the guts to repost this?” The transgender pride flag has been edited over the original text.]

There’s SUCH THING as a transgender child.
Who has the guts to repost this?

Submitted by @ahumanperson114

Pan vs. bi discourse is so stupid just let people have their labels. I’m transandbi and my sister is pan and we buy each other, each other’s respective flags and cute pride gifts and there’s literally no problem stop telling people what their own label means or that their label isn’t ‘inclusive’ enough when it is and always has been or that their label is too new and is trying to replace things that already exist just stop. Just let people use the labels they are comfortable with. Please. It’s not that hard.

We already have homophobes/transphobes who hate every single one of us despite which LGBTQIA+ members you may personally think are legit or not. They hate us all. So can we please come together as a community instead of fighting amongst ourselves? This goes for terfs, aro/ace spec exclusionists, and enby exclusionists as well. Just stop. It’s not getting you anywhere. The homophobes and transphobes still hate you even if you hate us with them. We need to show strength and unity. Stop hurting people and especially kids in your own community.


i’m sorry but i have to say this. honestly i love sokka with my whole heart but HE IS NOT THE FEMINIST ICON IN ATLA!! i’m begging y’all to stop making him one because he’s NOT. do you know WHO IS A FEMINIST ICON??




despite sokka being totally sexist for the first season yall make him out to be the feminist character of the show while ignoring the WOMEN who carried the show and was representation of actual feminism in media.

suki is the leader of elite all girls warriors, she literally kicked the misogyny out of sokka, and single-handedly took on prison guards and captured the warden of the most secure prison in the fire nation.

toph is the world’s greatest earthbender who kicked ass the first scene we saw her in right after the boulder said he won’t fight “a little girl” and she held the championship title of earthbending fighters AND invented metal bending all while being BLIND.

and don’t even get me started on katara. miss girl started waterbending by barely holding up a bubble of water and then she could literally STOP THE RAIN, she taught the avatar waterbending (TWICE), and took down the northern water tribes misogynistic belief that girls can only be healers and proved that women can be warriors THE NEAR PINNACLE OF FEMINISM and a literal icon for dark skinned poc girls

i’msickandtired of y’all attributing the leading feminist role to A MAN and disregarding the powerful women in the show who are actual symbols of feminism.


just to be 100% clear this is a feminist post about all women in media. ALL WOMEN including trans women. so terfs please back the fuck up i don’t want you here <3
