#moses sumney

Big month for new albums with butts on the cover, but also: a big month for me to listen to artists Big month for new albums with butts on the cover, but also: a big month for me to listen to artists Big month for new albums with butts on the cover, but also: a big month for me to listen to artists Big month for new albums with butts on the cover, but also: a big month for me to listen to artists

Big month for new albums with butts on the cover, but also: a big month for me to listen to artists who provide me with a tiny ounce of solace in a world of chaos. (Ask me about my new crutches!!!) While the plot of Severanceis playing itself out in real time and the Democratic party is a mess, I am turning to music to not freak out. 

Niia II: La Bella Vita||Real Estate The Main Thing 

Tame Impala The Slow Rush|| Moses Sumney græ: Part 1

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«There is a secret tie or union among particular ideas, which causes the mind to conjoin them more f

«There is a secret tie or union among particular ideas, which causes the mind to conjoin them more frequently together, and makes the one, upon its appearance, introduce the other.» (David Hume)

«C'è un legame segreto, un'unione tra idee particolari, che spinge la mente a unirle più di frequente e fa in modo che una introduca l'altra appena compare.» 

Yo Mama’s Pietas” di Renee Cox: la prima associazione che mi è venuta in mente dopo aver visto il nuovo video di Moses Sumney.

Worth It”.

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We all know that colorism is rampant in the music industry, so I made a short list of talented dark-skinned singers who need more recognition.






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Moses Sumney, Bless Me (Live from Home) (2020). Co-directed by Moses Sumney and Sam Cannon. VHS Prin

Moses Sumney, Bless Me (Live from Home) (2020). Co-directed by Moses Sumney and Sam Cannon. VHS Printing by Josh Finck.

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Moses Sumney is Bae

“Is it laced within my DNA.

To be braced in endless January

Have I become the cavity I feared?

Ask me in twenty years.”
