#mother miranda x reader


RE8 ladies reacting to seeing Y/N asleep for the first time


I’ve mentioned this before, but I definitely think that Alcina is the mama-bear gf type. She just wants to scoop Y/N up and snuggle them as soon as she sees them, but she doesn’t want to wake them. If Y/N has a special stuffed animal, blanket, pillow, etc. that they like to sleep with, Alcina makes sure that they have it. Then she just lies down beside them and plays with their hair. Y/N really is such a cinnamon roll.


The first time time Donna saw Y/N asleep, she was doing some laundry and ran in to grab a pile of dirty clothes to throw in the washing machine. She walked into her room and noticed Y/N sleeping on her bed. Bless her, she tried not to get nervous but anxiety’s a bitch. She immediately fears the worst and goes over to make sure Y/N’s still breathing. After a few vital signs are taken, Y/N eventually wakes up to see Donna holding a mirror under their nose to make sure they’re alive. Donna awkwardly asked if they were okay and Y/N just smiled and nodded, wanting to reassure her.

Mother Miranda:

This woman is an opportunist. Some experiments are just easier to run when the patient is asleep, after all. Yes, of course she cares about Y/N, but that’s exactly why she’s doing this, she swears! She just wants to make sure that they are sleeping efficiently and comfortably… Also, it’s not even a big deal, but she took blood and DNA samples while Y/N was asleep. She probably won’t even need them or use them, but it never hurts to be prepared, right?


Bela can sometimes have a difficult time letting her guard down. She knows that she loves and cares about Y/N, but she’s not always comfortable sharing her feelings (She overthinks, like, everything). When she catches Y/N asleep on her bed, she feels the sudden urge to talk to them (Softly, so she doesn’t wake them up) and tell them her innermost thoughts. About halfway through Bela reciting a poem she wrote for Y/N, they wake up but decide not to let Bela know they can hear everything she’s saying. Their heart melts at the way Bela expresses her love for them.


It should come as no surprise that Cass is a fan of a good prank. She literally found and kept an airhorn for just such an occasion. Yes, she thought Y/N looked absolutely adorable (She might’ve taken a few pictures), but they also didn’t ask if it was okay for them to sleep on her bed… Ofc it was, but it’s about the principle, okay? Y/N screeched and jumped about two feet in the air they were so startled by the noise. Cass has never laughed so hard.


Dani is not afraid of showing Y/N how much they mean to her. Definitely the most affectionate and cuddly of the sisters. She also loves to take naps. Napping together becomes a regular routine for Y/N and Dani. I hc that Dani likes to be the little spoon. It makes her feel so loved and even though she’s basically an immortal vampire, she feels safe in Y/N’s embrace. The first time Dani walked in on Y/N sleeping on her bed, she was so touched that they felt comfortable enough in her room to fall asleep. Y/N and Dani are that annoying couple who are way too into public displays of affection (but mostly private displays of affection ).
