#movie screencaps


“As much as I want to, I can’t live in your book any more.”

Her (2013)

Directed by Spike Jonze.

the grand budapest hotel (2014) dir. wes anderson.

Talent is so fragile and so rare. And our culture does everything to crush it. I mean even at four or five, they’re coming into school attached to their phones, talking only about TV shows and video games. It’s a materialistic culture, and it doesn’t support art, or language, or observation. Even my own children, who are great, they don’t read. You know, you think maybe it’s just a phase. But I worry that it’s something larger. A lack of curiosity. A lack of reflection. No one has space for poetry.”

The Kindergarten Teacher (2018) dir. Sara Colangelo.

Dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.

Inception (2010) dir. Christopher Nolan, USA/UK.

“Why is everyone so ready to think the worst is over?”

Suspiria (2018) dir. Luca Guadagnino.

“you guys wanna go see a dead body?”

stand by me (1986) dir. rob reiner.
