
 Presenting the fifth issue of the Algorithms of Late-Capitalism zine: “Shifting the Power” Di

Presenting the fifth issue of the Algorithms of Late-Capitalism zine: “Shifting the Power”

Digital Edition
Self-printing Edition


In this era of increased reliance on algorithmic systems that we can’t
see and don’t control, how do we shift the power back to the citizen?

By knowing where, how, and to which effects algorithmic systems influence our lives – we can start finding ways to reconfigure our relationships with the systems pervading our digitizing public sphere. By interrogating and critically examining the underpinnings of these systems, from our unique perspectives, we can shift the power from the pervading technocracies back to the citizens.

This zine was created by internet teapot (Karla Zavala and Adriaan Odendaal) and participants of the workshop: “Algorithms of Late-Capitalism: Zine Co-creation Workshop” that took place at the Mozilla Festival on 17 March 2021

* You can sign up for our upcoming board game co-design workshop here *


Post link





Do your part - use literally anything other than Google Chrome

Reminder that switching to Firefox is incredibly easy and takes just a few minutes, you WILL be able to copy over all your cookies, browsing history, logins etc, as well as change the look/layout so it feels like what you’re used to.


is there an extension for firefox that gives you the equivalent of how chrome handles tab groups?

i am that person who has 100 tabs open, so having to have every single tab taking up space at the top sucks and i adore how chrome has a collapsible tab group option

do not tell me to just have less tabs open.  that is not an option here.

Firefox has tree-style tabs! That’s what first interested me in the browser, and if Chrome is really going to pull a fucky wucky, I’m definitely going over to Firefox!

