#eliot spencer headcanons



i am THINKING again abt the qwat vibes circa 2005. eliot’s just left moreau and is compulsively stress-making bread for the fourth day in a row like “yeah but how do you live with all the Guilt” and quinns like. *around a mouthful of bread* “the what”


I have come to the decision that I need to read more Leverage fics where Eliot goes on a rampage and just absolutely obliterates a bunch of people for taking/hurting Parker or Hardison. This could mean him slipping back into Murder Eliot mode, ruthless and calculating and efficient no one who gets in his way is left alive or this could mean him going off script; Nate, Sophie and Parker or hardison (whoever wasn’t taken ofc) try to make a plan and figure it out but when they finally look up to ask Eliot his input he’s just fuckin gone, and they’re all like shit fuck Eliot’s about to kill people, but Eliot only knocks everybody out and comes back in later with whoever was taken/hurt cradled in his arms and he’s just whispering reassurances and comfort to them and maybe he’s injured bc he couldn’t care less about being hurt he just had to get them back and eventually he’ll tend to himself but right now parker/hardison is the priority and besides, he’s always had worse and is well equipped to handle a “little” pain (depending on how much you like whump) and just aidbsbsndjxj

Lots of protective!Eliot and ot3 vibes

Anyway hit me up with links if ya know anything like that pls or maybe I should write smth like this myself


I still think it’s absolutely unconscionable to have Eliot explicitly not be in a relationship with Parker and Hardison in Redemption but I am so so into the idea bounced about in tags between @eliot-wolfgirl-spencer and myself that Eliot was not, in fact, even a little bit lonely and sad that whole time. Why would he be?

He has a nice home with his best friends, the people he loves and trusts more than anything in the world. They live together, they eat together, they bicker and laugh and cry together, they share a space; they fall asleep on the sofa together in front of one of Hardison’s favourite movies, and Parker teaches him all the things she loves to do and teaches him how to be safe, and Hardison works together with him on making a small army of vigilante food trucks, and Eliot cooks all his love for them into three meals a day, ones that pair well with orange soda and cereal, and they see one another in all states of undress and tiredness and sleeplessness and it’s safe, its domestic, its everything he needs and everything he wants, save his own hand or a fling from a bar every so often. It’s never occurred to him to be sad or lonely. He’s perfectly, completely content.

It also, unfortunately, has never occurred to him that he’s basically common-law married to Parker and Hardison.

It’s only when Hardison leaves, and new people start to live with them, new colleagues, a team, family, yeah, but it’s different - it’s only then, when everyone is telling Parker or Bre they’re sorry Hardison is gone, acknowledging you must miss him, that Eliot begins to feel that heartsick, longing, loneliness. It knocks him for six - he dates a cop, man - and he doesn’t realise, because he doesn’t have the language to articulate it and the others don’t know to offer him sympathy, that he’s not yearning for a new relationship. His loneliness isn’t because he’s not dating someone. It’s because for the first time in a decade he doesn’t have that home life. It’s not the wish for something that he never had - it’s the sudden loss of something he didn’t realise he did.
