#mr shark



The Bad Guys spoilers [6]

This movie has so many good action scenes and in this case I’m a sucker for a good animated fight scene

Also love how Wolf is just geeking out about Diane being the Crimson Paw

Also it’s taken me several watches to realize that Diane used Wolf’s leg as a kick off to get to Shark’s shoulder

Spoiler Videos; [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]-6-[7]-[8]-[9]-[10]-[11]-[12]

I’m sorry, but how the heck did people not realize The Crimson Paw is a woman? That ninja gear can’t hide those sweet hips!

things i love about this scene:

-piranha’s first instinct to do something distracting is to sing. iconic

-shark being there at the drums in record time too, meaning he probably had to book it to the stage

-snake pretending to be a drink

-piranha being terrified at first but after a moment of singing being like “oh sh** this is fire” and getting hardcore into the groove

-dianne just straight up flirting with wolf

-wolf and dianne dancing. that’s it.

-on top of that, though, the end of their dancing when she picks him up and twirls him around like he weighs nothing is hilarious to me

-also wolf spinning her so fast she becomes a beyblade at 2:39

-snake doing a thumbs up with his tail

-that one lady that practically swoons when piranha sings in her face

-the poor child that has to hold like 20 bars of gold

-mr. snake playing the guitar with his body is… mighty impressive

-piranha’s VOCALS like DANG!

-the strange conga line snake and shark started

-the code being 1 2 3 4 5 LMFAO

Shark: I guess I’m just too tough to cry.

Tarantula: Just today you were crying over Snake.

Shark: He doesn’t have any arms!
