#mtf pride


Happy New Year’s Eve I hope everyone has a safe and festive evening member if you go to jail tonight you won’t see a judge until Monday

Clubbing with friends in Houston

I’m on the right

I’m tired of standing in line to clubs i never get in it’s the bottom of the ninth I’m never going win this life hasn’t turned out quite the way I want it to be

Out and about waiting for the rain to hit

Out and about waiting for the rain to hit

Why is it when I post nudes it goes against community standards but all I see is nudes , am I that ugly?

Friday night look before we went clubbing

One more from the pool party the short one is the host

A couple pics from the pool party yesterday!


I can’t tell you how accurate this is. I’m so glad things have changed and are moving in the right direction but oh….how I wish I could go back and start transitioning when I was much younger

Being in isolation is so fricking draining mentally, hope everyone is staying safe ♡
