#multichapter story


Originally posted by olyan-mint-te


The phone chimes.


“What should I choose?” Clay is nervous, they both move to the floor on each side of the phone.

“Your choice.”


The phone beeps as it counts down.

“Um…” Clay presses on TRUTH.


Bryce looks up at Clay, who’s starring down blankly at the phone.


“I know.”


“You’re running out of time.”

I know!”



The phone starts beeping louder.

“I needed a break because I think I’m falling in love with Bryce and I believe if the secret gets out it will all end and he will leave me. I thought if we just stayed away from each other this whole thing would be over on my terms.” Clay takes a deep breath in and out.

“Clay.” They look at each other.

“Yeah.” Clay feels embarrassed and ready to run out of the room.


The phone chimes, interrupting Bryce.


“What?” Bryce and Clay both say at once.

“That’s not fair!” Clay looks around as if the person is in the room.

“It’s because you choose Truth. The second person gets the leftover.” Bryce is content and just ready to get this done with.

“It’s still not fair.”

“I know. But I’m a big boy, I can handle this.”


“Wow.” Clay chimes in, trying not to smile.

Bryce looks around for a second before reaching under his bed and grabbing an empty beer bottle. Clay chuckles a little.

“Haha.” Bryce stands up and pulls his pants down.

He doesn’t waste any time as he takes a deep breath in and starts sliding the tip of the bottle up his ass.

“Fuck!” Bryce shouts as his asshole burns in pain at the dry friction of the bottle.

He pushes it in deep, biting his lip and squeezing the side of his lip. He keeps trying to breathe deep and long breathes as he pushes it in until it won’t go any farther. He closes his eyes and starts counting. But then he feels a hand touch his. He opens his eyes to see Clay close up. He squeezes his hand.

“Time,” Clay says and Bryce slowly pulls it out.

“You good?”

“Yeah.” Bryce throws the bottle in the trash and pulls his pants up slowly. “Just a little pain.” They both go back to their spots.


The phone loudly beeps over and over for a minute.

“What?” Bryce is pissed.


“No one said that!” Clay shouts, angry as well.


Phone chimes again.


“Choose truth.” Bryce says.

“No! I’m not letting you take another dare.”

“I can handle another dare. I don’t want you to deal with that.”

“I can handle more than you think.”

“I know, but…”

“We do this 50/50 or not at all.” Clay presses DARE.


Laxatives?” Clay looks up to Bryce.

“My mom may have some in her bathroom.” They both stand up, Clay grabbing the phone, before leaving the room.

“This isn’t too bad, right?” Clay asks. “I’ll only be on the toilet all night, then it’s over.”

“Yeah.” Bryce starts looking through drawers. “Here!” Bryce finds a box and starts grabbing some pills. “Here… four doses.” He hands the pills over and a glass of water.

“Thanks. Wish me luck.” He takes the pills down.

The phone chimes.


The take a seat on the floor in the bathroom, knowing they will need it soon.



“Well…” Clay runs his hands through his hair.

“It’s okay.” Clay puts his hand on Bryce’s leg.


“When I was five I was staying with my uncle for a sleepover on his boat. He told me about a game. A game where I had to get naked. He…”

“Bryce…” Clay is worried.


“He made me suck on his penis and let him out it… in me.” The timer stops.

“Oh Bryce…” Clay starts to move forward.

“No.” Bryce stops him and sits back. “Let’s just move on.”


The phone dings again.


“I guess it’s Truth this time.” Clay looks to Bryce, who’s just looking down at the floor.

He presses the TRUTHbutton.


“Okay…” Clay thinks for a second.


“I’ve always had the fantasy of attacking and raping a man.”


“I guess it’s because I want to feel like I’ve got some power.”




The phone starts to beep loudly.


“What? But I’ve never told anyone that before!” Clay is freaking out.

“I guess it’s not what they wanted to hear.” Bryce finally looks up to Clay.



“Time for another dare.” Bryce seems quiet and not exactly there.


“It’s okay. We can get through this.” Clay goes to grab Bryce’s hand, but he pulls it back.


“Fuck!” Bryce shouts.

“Oh shit!” Clay looks up to Bryce and they both begin to laugh.

“This is crazy.” They can’t stop laughing.

“This is going to be a long night… I am full of shit.” That makes Bryce laugh even harder.

“This is truly insane! Nuts! Bananas!”
“Bananas actually make me poop.” They both laugh.

The phone begins to chime again. They both look down at it.


“Well… I guess we wait…” They sit back.


“It’s coming!” Clay breaks the silence and jumps to his feet.

“Okay. Okay. Okay.” Bryce jumps up. “To the shower!” Bryce runs over and they walk into the massive shower. “That way it will be easier to clean.”

“No more talking. It’s coming.” Clay takes his pants off.

Bryce goes to his knees and opens his mouth up wide. Clay leans over and lets Bryce take his weight as he places his hole right on top of Bryce’s mouth.

“Fuck!” Clay shouts as he opens the floodgates and begins to shoot out wet and thick liquidy poop.

Bryce begins to moan, really wanting to back away, but he doesn’t. He stays still and tries to swallow as much as he can as quickly as he can. Clay farts as more poop flies out at full force. Bryce is having trouble breathing and taking it all in, but he keeps reminding himself that if he fails Clay may get a punishment. He doesn’t want that for Clay. He finds himself wanting to vomit. The smell. The Taste. Everything about it makes Bryce’s body twinge and shake.

“Oh…” Clay moans as he feels himself finish. “I’m so sorry.” Clay stands up and turns to Bryce.

Bryce turns to the floors and begins throwing up. He can’t keep any of it in. It all just keeps coming out.

“I’m so sorry.” Clay pats Bryce on the back.

“You still have to…” Bryce wipes his mouth with his arm. “Clean your ass.”

“Oh… yeah…” Clay feels so bad as he turns around and grabs Bryce by the hair.

He quickly begins to wipe his ass with Bryce’s hair. He wipes until he’s completely clean.

“I’m so so sorry.” Clay goes to his knees and next to Bryce. “I’m so sorry.” He can’t stop saying it.

“It’s okay.” Bryce looks up at Clay, his face covered in brown poop.

Bryce then runs his hands through his hair, forgetting what just happened.

“Eww.” Bryce stops and sits down, leaning against the wall.

“Let me turn the water on.” Clay turns around.

“No. There’s no point in cleaning up. You’ll need to poop again every 30 minutes or so for the rest of the night. Just get me a towel.”


“And some water bottles. You should stay hydrated.” Clay smiles and looks back at Bryce.

“You really do care about me, don’t you?”

“Of course. I would do anything for you.” Clay smiles bigger. “For that smile.” Bryce smiles as Clay turns and leaves the room. “I love you,” Bryce whispers to himself, making sure Clay can’t hear him.

“I love you too.” Clay whispers to himself.


Harry has moved back out of Mac’s, thanks to Mac. Mac found a beautiful apartment in the city a week ago, nice and cheap because he saved the owners life once, and was able to get Harry moved in just two days ago. Since then Mac has been out of the country for work and Harry has been on the job hunt.

Harry’s Apartment

As Harry walks into his building he stops by the mailboxes, opening his to find a couple of junk mail and magazines. As he turns around he accidentally bumps into someone, his mail falling to the ground.

“Oh! I’m sorry.”  The man says as he goes down to grab Harry’s mail.

Harry watches as the man leans back up. The man is gorgeous. He is tall, has this soft looking brown hair, deep green eyes and is wearing an expensive looking suit.

“Oh, no, don’t be sorry. It was my fault.”

“Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.” He hands him his mail.

“Yeah. I just moved in a few days ago. Apartment 506.”

“612, nice to meet you.” They shake hands.

“Nice to meet you too. It’s good to finally meet someone here.”

“Well, I’m happy to be your first.”

“Well, you’re my first other than my boyfriend.” Something switches in the man’s eyes, but Harry doesn’t notice.

“Oh, how long have you guys been together?”

“Just a couple weeks, but we met over when I was living in England.”

“Well if you are lonely and your boyfriend is busy I’m happy to show you around the city. I have  friends all over the city so I can get you in anywhere you want.”

“Thanks so much.”

“Actually, if you aren’t doing anything tonight my friend is throwing a party at this new club he’s promoting.”

“Well… I don’t know…” Harry looks down at his mail.

“It’s fine if you can’t. I’m just being a friendly neighbor.”

“Actually… sure.” Harry blurts out, unable to take it back.

“Great! I’ll come to your room to pick you up at nine.”

“Great…” Harry doesn’t know why he feels awkward and nervous.

“My name’s Collin by the way.”

“I’m Harry.”

“Amazing name.” Collin grabs his mail and turns around. “Btw, love that scar.”

Harry is confused as Colling walks away.


A knock on the door makes Harry jump. He, for no reason he can think of, looks into the mirror on the wall and checks his hair before walking to the door. Harry is shook at he sees Collin in the doorway wearing a suit like one he’s only seen on TV before.

“Hey Harry.”

“Hey. Nice suit.”

“Thanks.” Harry lets Collin in. “Is that what you’re wearing?” Harry looks down at his jeans and t-shirt.


“It’s fine. Let me see your closet.”

“In the bedroom, first door to the left.” Collin walks away and walks almost immediately back out of the room.

“Let’s go to my place. I’m sure I can find you something.” Harry smiles and follows Collin up to his room.

“Wow!” Harry almost shouts seeing Collin’s decked out penthouse.

“Sorry about the mess.” Collin walks into his bedroom.

“What mess?” Harry says under his breath.

“Here, try this on.” Collin hands him a light blue dress shirt and dark blue jacket and trousers with a light blue pocket square.

“Thanks by the way,” Harry says from the other side of the bedroom door.

“Oh, no problem. What else are friends for?”

Friends? Harry thinks about that. He hasn’t had a friend since he left his friends over in England. But this felt good, like he was finally going to get to have a normal life while he was over here. Though he had Mac, he was gone a lot for work and he needs someone else to be around.

“How’s this?” Harry steps out of the room with the suit on.

“Wow… just wow….”

“Thanks. Now we should really get going or we’ll be late.” Nolan just laughs at that as he opens the front door.

“The party started at eight. The later we are the better.” Harry is confused but just goes with it as he follows Collin out.


Mac had made it home late from a mission and instead of going back home, he immediately goes to Harry’s. All he wants to do is kiss Harry and cuddle in bed, falling asleep slowly and comfortably. When mac arrives he knocks on the door. He waits and knocks on the door again. He starts to get worried and texts Harry.

MAC: At ur place. You home?


Mac watches as those little does move and move and move until they disappear.

MAC: ???

This time there aren’t even dots. Mac runs his hands through his hair and just turns around to go home.

“Mac?” Harry yawns as he slowly begins opening his eyes to the bright light coming through the blinds.

He sits up in the bed, pulling the sheets up and over his chest, feeling slightly chilly. He looks around the room, no one is there but it seems to have been cleaned up a little. He notices his suitcase is missing and gets out of bed. On the dresser by the bed, he sees his clothes folded on top with a piece of paper sitting on them.


His first thought is not about his wand, but about the drawer. At first, it feels romantic, but then it starts to stress him out. The idea of moving in or even temporarily staying with Mac both scares him and makes him want to jump up and down like a gitty schoolboy. He gets dressed and walks out of the room. He walks over to the kitchen and opens the fridge to find a plate with an omelet and fruit with a note with his name on it. He sits down, eats his food, and thinks.

8 Hours Later…

Mac arrives back home with Bozer and he heads straight to his room. Mac goes in, ready to have some fun and just wants to cuddle with Harry. But Mac instantly notices something is off. First off, Harry isn’t there. Second, his suitcase is gone. And third, the note on the bed. Mac opens it to the address on a building about a mile away.

Mac nearly runs out of the house, Bozer worried as Mac doesn’t respond to him. He nearly gets in a car accident as he drives to the address. He walks into the front of the building, pushing past some people, and into the stairwell. He goes up to the third floor and starts looking for room 3012. He finds it and begins knocking frantically.

“Hey,” Harry says as he opens the door. “Why are you so sweaty and out of breath?”

“I…I… I thought you… what are you doing here?” Mac changes the subject.

“I woke up to a realization.” Harry lets Mac into his very dark and gross room. “I realized that, while I do love you… I can’t let my life revolve around just you.”

“Oh… yeah, of course.” Mac takes a seat on the small couch, the immediately stands up after feeling how crunchy it is.

“I truly do love you. I never want you to forget that. But I need to have my own place.” Harry grabs Mac face and brings it close to his. “This is all I can afford right now, but I’m going to get a job.” Harry kisses Mac.

“I understand.” Mac runs one hand through the side of Harry’s hair. “But I can’t let you live here.”


“No.” Mac interrupts Harry. “Let me at least get you into someplace a little nicer. I can pay for the first couple of months until you get a job and save up some money.”

“Fine… but at least let me give you something else in return.” Harry begins unzipping Mac pants.

“No. You helped last night. It’s my turn.” Mac moves down to his knees and pulls Harry’s pants and underwear down.

“Wait. Let’s try something different.” Harry pulls Mac back up.

“Like what?” Harry moves forward and whispers into Mac’s ear. “Wow… sure!”

Mac takes rest of his clothes off and jumps onto the bed, a bit of dust flying into the air. Harry runs into the bathroom then back out with a couple of towels.

“You sure about this?” Harry asks once more while he walks to the side of the bed.

“Oh yeah.” Mac runs his hands through his hair before giving one hand to Harry.

Harry grabs one towel and ties Mac’s wrist to one of the bedposts. He goes around the bed, tying the rest of Mac’s arms and legs to the bed. Harry can’t stop smiling as he throws the rest of his clothes off and jumps on top of Mac.

“You are the most handsome man I’ve ever known!” Harry says before moving down and beginning to kiss him. “And your lips. God your lips! They’re so soft and plump… and god!” Harry sits on Mac’s chest, sliding his fingers into Mac’s soft hair. “And your hair… just wow… it’s absolutely magical.”

“Rea…” Before Mac can finish responding, Harry shoves a towel into his mouth.

“No speaking.” Harry moves down and places his hands on both of Mac’s thighs, pushing them open and immediately shoving his penis into Mac’s tight ass. “Fuck!” Harry is thrilled with this.

He grabs an extra towel he grabbed and whips Mac in the chest with it. He begins thrusting himself in and out of Mac. As minutes pass Harry is getting sweaty. His hair is getting wet and sweat is flopping around the room each time his hair flies up and down.

Mac is starring up at Harry in complete aww. Though he’s always felt older than Harry and more mature, he’s seeing Harry in a new light. Something about watching Harry grow into his own really makes him proud and more in love than before. Seeing Harry take charge of the moment really turns him on and he can’t stop imaging the things he wants to do.

“YESSS!” Harry shouts five minutes later as he explodes into Mac’s ass.

Harry slows down before sliding out of Mac. Mac is so ready to be untied and to attack Harry like never before, but Harry has different plans. Harry Moves up and on top of Mac, looking straight down at his face. Harry reaches over to the nightstand and grabs the candle lit. He slides down Mac’s body and starts tilting the candle, wax slipping off and down onto Mac’s chest.

Mac begins to groan loudly as the wax slide onto his skin and begins slipping down his body. Harry watches Mac’s face as he drops more hot wax onto his abs, slowly moving it down. He moves down even more and lets the little bit of wax left drop onto the shaft of Mac’s penis. Mac screams through the towel in his mouth. He screams louder and louder until suddenly he likes it and begins moaning.

“Good boy.” Harry puts the candle back on the table and pulls the towel out of his mouth.

“Oh wow.” Mac groans as he takes deep breathes.

“You like it?” Harry unties one of Mac’s wrists.

“Of course!” Mac unties his other wrist while Harry gets the ankles.

“Next time we’ll have to do something you’ve always wanted to do.” Mac just smiles.

“Definitely… but only once you’ve moved into someplace new that doesn’t make me feel like I just got a couple of bacterial diseases up my ass.”

“Definitely.” They kiss as Mac is untied.

“How ‘bout we start looking at some apartments back at my place?”

“That sounds like a good plan. Especially since I think I just saw something move in the bathroom.” The two laugh as they quickly get out of bed and get dressed, grabbing Harry’s bag and running out of the room.

It’s the next day.

Bryce is feeling good about life. He had a real family-style dinner last night with the guy he likes. He laughed, he smiles, and he genuinely had a great time. And then he had to go home. His parents weren’t home and didn’t text or even care that he wasn’t home until almost midnight on a school night. But part of him didn’t care anymore. He knew that when he went to school the next day that he would get to see Clay again. And that after school they would go back to his place and he would have dinner with his family once again. That made him happy.

Clay, while happy, is a bit scared as well. He’s never been with a guy before, especially not someone so popular and charming. It also didn’t help that he is scared to hell that they will be caught. The memory of his mom opening his door and almost catching them kissing makes Clay’s heart race. He knows that it’s ridiculous to be scared of. He knows his parents would be completely accepting of him. But something in him is terrified about the possibility of his parents or anyone else learning about him.

“Hey.” Clay is snapped out of his daze when he hears Bryce.

“Oh. Hey.” Bryce sits down at the computer next to him.

“What you doing in the library during lunch?”

“Nothing.” Clay is nervous and stares straight at his computer, trying hard to look like he’s not talking to Bryce.

“There’s a barn behind the school that no one knows about. Wanna join me there?”

“I can’t. I’ve got homework to work on.” Clay doesn’t look away from the computer.

“What’s up? Did I do something wrong?” Bryce puts his hand on Clay’s leg.

“Stop.” Clay whispers as he pushes Bryce’s hand away.

“Oh…” Bryce feels hurt and stands up.

“Wait.” Clay immediately feels bad about that and stands up. “Where’s this shed?”

Clay arrives at the shed a couple of minutes after Bryce.

“Wow! What is this place?” Clay is surprised at the couches, tables, and TV in this hidden shed.

“I found it last year. I was going to bring my friends here, but I thought it would be better for the two of us.”

“I’m cool with that.” Clay goes to sit next to Bryce.

“Good.” They lean forward and begin kissing.

Clay runs his hands into Bryce’s hair. Bryce slides a hand onto Clay’s leg. He squeezes the leg. They continue kissing, their tongues slipping into each other. As this continues Clay can feel himself loosen up. His troubles quickly go away. He moves his hands down Bryce’s muscular body. He moves down further until his one hand starts sliding down the back of Bryce’s jeans. He slips his fingers onto Bryce’s crack.

“Oh…” Bryce moans as Clay slowly slides two of his fingers into his hole. “Wow.” Clay starts moving down and kissing Bryce’s neck.

Clay slips another finger in and starts going deeper. Bryce bites his lower lip and looks up to the ceiling. Clay starts sucking on Bryce’s neck like it’s the tastiest lollipop.

“Oh god!” Bryce loses it as Clay shoves another finger in and pushes as deep as he possibly can. “Oh my fuckin’ god!” Bryce is in major pain but is loving every second of it.

“Shh.” Clay whispers to him as he begins his to move his fingers in and of Bryce.

“Fuck!” Bryce begins to shout, but then Clay shoves his hand on top of his mouth, silencing him.

Clay begins to get more aggressive, shoving his fingers in with force and rotating his fingers around.

This continues for a while, almost 20 minutes, until both Clay and Bryce and tired and sweating hard. Clay slides his finger out of Bryce and collapses against the couch.

“Damn!” Bryce shouts as Clay removes his hand off his mouth.

“Yeah…” Clay is a little freaked as he looks at his fingers covered in a little bit of blood and tons of crap.

“Oh…” Bryce begins to laugh.

“Just grab something to clean it off with!” Bryce continues laughing as he stands up.

“Ooooh.” Bryce is a bit sore as he gets up. “Here.” He grabs a towel from his gym bag and throws it to Clay.

“Thanks.” He chuckles.

“So… do you wanna tell me what happened to you in the library earlier?” Bryce sits on the couch across from Clay.

“Wow… no segway into that?”


“Ok… Ok… Well…” Clay goes silent.

“It’s because of your mom walking in, isn’t it?”

“Whoa! How’d you know?” Clay leans forward.

“Because that freaked me out. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

“Past tense?”

“Yeah. I was freaking out until I saw you in the library. Just then I realized I shouldn’t be afraid. That I shouldn’t worry about it until it happens.”

“So… just have fun until this all falls apart?”

“No, until we’re ready. We stay hidden. We stay together. We continue without fearing what may happen. We focus on doing what makes us happy until we figure out our next step”

“Okay.” Clay stands up, Bryce right behind him. “I think I can manage that.”

Right then both Clay and Bryce’s phone’s ding. They both grab their phones and look at them. In that instant, both of their hearts stop. Their bodies freeze as they both watch a video of them kissing, and Clay’s fingers up Bryce’s ass. The video seems to have been taken from one of the shed’s dirty windows. The number it comes from looks to be fake.

“So… what’s our next step?” Clay looks to Bryce.

Harry sits behind the bed, waiting and trying to listen to Mac talk to Bozer. He can’t hear much, but he hears something about a bomb and something about someone named Riley. Next he knows Mac opens the bedroom door barges in, closing the door behind him.

“What’s wrong?” Harry can see Mac looks scared and upset.

“Oh. Nothing.” He’s obviously lying. “I need to go though. Work stuff.”

“Yeah, of course.” Mac looks worried as he grabs his jacket and his phone.

“I’ll be back later. Just relax and make yourself at home.”

“Thanks. I will.” Harry is about to kiss Mac when he walks away and out of the room.

For the next couple of hours, Harry sits around the house. He watches some TV, plays some games on his phone, and evens snoops a little through Mac’s room. But other than that, Harry just sits there worried. He worries a lot about whether or not this was the right move. Did he really just give up Hogwarts, his friends, and his future for a guy he’s only met once? Or was this the chance of a lifetime? Could Mac be the one? If he didn’t come would he have missed out on the true love of his life? Just the idea of loving someone this much was intoxicating to him, he’s never had a feeling like this before.

“Harry.” Harry hears his name being called and begins opening his eyes.

The room is dark and quiet and right above him is Mac. He’s covered in dirt and has a gash on his forehead.

“Oh my god! Are you okay?”

“Shh.” Harry sits up next to Mac. “Bozer is in his room.”

“What happened?” Harry whispers. “I tried staying up but I was too tired.”

“It’s fine. It was just an accident at work.” Mac runs a hand through Harry’s hair. “I’m sorry about before.”


“When you tried to kiss me I had just received some bad news and I just wasn’t thinking about you for a moment. I’m truly sorry. I realized what I did after I had already left and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I"m just so nervous about messing this up. You came all the way here for me and I feel like if this messes up it’s all my fault.” Before Mac can continue ranting, Harry moves forward and begins kissing him.

“Stop it.” He kisses Mac again, running his fingers through his hair. “I love you. You love me. That’s all that matters right now. We have plenty of time to get to know each other. We will have some problems. We will fight. We will forget to kiss each other. But as long as we love each other, this will work out.”

“You’re amazing.” It’s all Mac can say.

“I know.” Harry helps Mac take his jacket off. “Now let me help clean you up then we can go to bed.”

“Thanks. Thanks for everything.”

“Tell me that after the shower.” Harry smiles before walking in the bathroom, the sound of the shower exciting Mac. “You coming?” Harry says as he walks to the bathroom door completely naked.

Mac begins taking his clothes off as he walks to the bathroom. He enters the bathroom naked, watching Harry enter the shower and the water spray onto his body. Mac follows in after him, pushing Harry deeper into the shower and his head under the water. Harry grabs Mac by the waist and pulls him in under the water with him. Mac’s hair, once wet, begins falling in front of his face. Mac runs his hair through his own hair, slicking it back.

They move in to begin kissing each other, Harry running his hands through Mac’s hair and Mac putting his hands on Harry’s butt. They continue kissing until Harry stops it a few minutes later. Harry moves his hands down Mac’s back, lightly kissing his neck. Then he moves down more, placing his hands on Mac’s firm butt cheeks as he kisses Mac’s pecs, then down and kisses his abs. He moves down to Mac’s penis and doesn’t even take a second to take his penis into his mouth.

“Oh…” Mac moans as Harry begins sucking on his penis. “Wow…” He moans even louder when Harry takes his balls into his mouth, licking them.

Harry begins moving his head back and forth, letting Mac’s penis in and out of his mouth, each time letting the tip smack the back of his throat. Mac wants it faster and grabs Harry’s head, gripping onto his hair. He starts moving Harry back and forth faster and faster. Though Harry almost chokes once or twice at first, Mac doesn’t stop and Harry doesn’t ask him to.

“Sooorrrryyy… almost therrreee… I haven’t…” Just then Mac explodes into Harry’s mouth. “Oh god!!!!” Mac pushes himself harder than ever before to not scream at the top of his lungs.

As Harry drinks all of the cum exploding from Mac’s penis, he can’t stop thinking about what exactly Mac was about to say before he climaxed. But at the same time, Harry can’t believe he’s gone without tasting Mac for so long.

“Thanks,” Mac says as Harry slides out and up to his feet.

“What… what was it you were about to say before…”

“I was going to say that I haven’t had sex or anything else since we were together. No one else was even close to measuring up to you.” Mac grabs Harry’s head and kisses him.

“God I’ve missed you.”

“Ditto.” Harry grabs the bar of soap and starts rubbing it against Mac’s shoulder.


It’s been a week since Bryce and Clay last spoke. Bryce constantly looked at his phone, impatiently waiting for a text. But there never was one.

As Monday morning hits, Bryce has decided it’s time to cut the loss and move on. He’ll get back to normal and forget everything Clay Jensen. He walks into school with a confident demeanor and multiple friends surrounding him, laughing, and smiling like everything is perfect. That is until his eyes catch Clay standing at his locker, with cast and crutches.

“Hey. Gotta handle some project stuff. See ya in class.” He says to his friends.

“Boo! Nerd!” Monty shouts as they continue walking and Bryce stops at Clay.

“Hey.” Bryce feels his confidence shatter, nervous to say anything.

“Hey. Sorry I didn’t text.”

“Oh! No. It’s fine. I didn’t even realize.”

“Oh ok. I was just going to say that my parents took my phone from me ‘cause they wanted me to focus on ‘healing and not on the internet’, as they said. But I guess you don’t care.” Clay closes his locker and starts turning the other direction.

“Hey.” Clay turns back. “I’m sorry.” It physically hurts Bryce to say that. “I was being stupid.” That hurt even more. “I just thought you didn’t want to talk to me.”

“I still haven’t decided yet.”

“Oh… okay… okay.”

“Maybe… just maybe you can drive me home after school today. We do still need to work on our project.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” Bryce is getting excited, but quickly calms down and tries to act cool. “I guess that’s fine.”

“You’re weird,” Clay says before turning the other direction. “I’ll meet you out front after school. Don’t make me wait.” Clay walks away with adrenaline rushing through his veins, he feels so confident and cool.

Bryce quickly snaps out of his daze and heads to class.


The second Clay steps out of the school doors he sees Bryce in his car waiting. He tries hard not to smile too much, doesn’t want to let Bryce know how happy he is to see him. He gets in the car without either of them saying a word. They drive off. They continue in silence for a while.

“Wanna stop and get some food? Something to drink?” Bryce breaks the silence.

“No. We should just finish the project.”

“Okay. Sounds like a plan.” Bryce has never felt this awkward and uncomfortable, and has no idea why.

They arrive at Clay’s house. Bryce grabs his and Clay’s backpack.

“You don’t need to carry my bag.” Clay remarks as he gets out of the car.

“I know.” They walk into the house.

“Is that you Clay?” Clay’s mom yells from the other room.

“Yeah!” She walks in.

“Oh… hi!”

“Hey.” Bryce is weirdly nervous. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jensen. I’m Bryce”

“Nice to meet you as well Bryce.”

“We have a project we need to work on.” Clay jumps in. “And it’s going to take a while… so we should get started.” Clay heads to the stairs.

“Oh. Yeah. Let me know if you guys need anything.”

“Thank you,” Bryce says as he follows Clay up the stairs.

“That was weird,” Clay comments as they both enter his room and close the door. “What’s wrong with you?” Clay laughs.

“Honestly… I have no idea.” They both laugh together. “I swear. Ever since I saw you this morning I’ve felt so weird.”

“Some people call that being nervous.”

“I don’t get nervous about anything.” Bryce takes a seat on Clay’s bed.

“Really?” Clay sits down next to Bryce on the bed, very close.

“I’m… I’m…” Bryce stammers.

“You’re what?” Clay puts his hand on Bryce’s leg.

“That’s not funny.” Bryce licks his lips.

“It is.” Clay laughs and stands up, moving over to his desk chair.

“Let’s get to work.” Bryce chimes in, opening his backpack.

For the next two hours Bryce and Clay work on their project. They work on it in sync, with only a few times stopping to make intense eye contact.

“You’re smarter than you let on, you know,” Clay says randomly.

“Um… thanks…”

“I mean it in a good way. You always just act like a privileged jock who doesn’t need to be smart. But you are.”

“I feel like I was just complimented and insulted at the same time.”

“You are smart.” They both laugh.

“You’re not as awkward and weird as you let on either.”

“Really?” Clay is intrigued.

“Yeah. You’re actually pretty confident once you open up. And you’re kinda cool.”

“That’s high praise coming from the Bryce Walker.”

“ The Bryce Walker?”

“You know what I mean. You’re the it kid at school. You basically run it.”

“I guess… but it’s not exactly what people think it is.”

“How do you mean?” Clay drops his pencil, getting intrigued.

“Everyone’s always looking at me. They always expect me to be one way. They expect me to do certain things and say certain things. They expect me to be the exact same every day. And some days… some days I want to be different. I want to be someone other than the Bryce Walker.”

“Wow. That’s deep.” They both laugh a little. “But seriously. You can be whoever you want. You shouldn’t care what everyone at school thinks.”

“It’s not just the kids at school. It’s my parents.”

“Screw them.”

“Jensen!” Bryce is shocked by Clay.

“I just mean that…” Clay stops, thinking of what to say. “Think about it this way… When you turn 18 you are officially an adult and can do whatever you want. You’re on your own for the rest of your life. They’re only in charge of you for 18 years of your entire life. And you’ve got a long life to live. Why care about what they think about you? Do you think they care what you think about them?”

“Wow. Very wise Clay Jensen.”

“I try.” They laugh and then right then Bryce moves over and kisses Clay.

They continue kissing for a minute, their lips connecting like puzzle pieces, meant to be connected. Everything in this moment is perfect. Both of them are happy. Both of them are comfortable. Both of them want this to last forever. Then Clay’s bedroom door opens and the two separate as quickly as they possibly can.

“How’s the project going?” Clay’s mom appears.

“Great!” Clay smiles a ridiculously large smile.

“Great.” His mom looks a little confused. “Did you want to stay for dinner Bryce? I’m making lasagna.”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

“Great. Good luck you guys.” She closes the door, leaving.

“Did she see anything?” Clay whispers after hearing his mom walk down the stairs.

“I don’t know.”

“Oh my god!” Clay slams his head down to the desk.

“What happened to not caring what your parents think of you?” Clay looks up at Bryce and they both begin to laugh.

“Don’t make me slap you.” Clay sits up.

“Please do,” Bryce smirks and they both begin to laugh.

It’s been two months. After Mac asked Harry to come back to the states, the rest of the night was pretty awkward. Harry told Mac he would have to think about it, but Mac knew what that meant.

Mac eventually had to go back home. It was a sad goodbye for both of them. They kissed. They had sex one, or five, more times. Then he left. Mac went home. Harry went back to spending all day every day with the Dursley’s. But as Harry sat in his bed under the stairs he couldn’t help but think about Mac. He thought about everything he wanted to do to Mac. He even thought about just sitting in bed and talking to Mac. He constantly thought about what it would be like to no longer live with the Dursley’s and to move to the states. To live in California and feel the warm sun.

Two months have passed since Mac came home and it just hasn’t been the same. He feels like he’s missing a part of himself. He has gone to work, done his job, hung out with friends, and put on a smile. Then he comes home and into his room, sitting in silence and thinking about Harry. He has constantly thought about Harry’s accent. His soft hair. His pillowy lips. And just how much he liked talking to him.


Mac has had quite a boring day at work. Though his friends are going to hang out at a bar, Mac has decided to go home and relax. As Mac drives up to the house he notices someone is sitting by the front door with a suitcase. Something in Mac knows exactly who it is. He speeds to his parking spot and runs out of the car without the keys. He runs to the front door and sitting there is Harry, looking up and smiling at him.

“Hey, Mac.” Harry’s voice warms Mac’s heart.

“I love you.” Mac blurts out. “I… I meant to say that before I left.” Mac takes a deep breath in.

“I know.” Harry moves up and begins kissing him.

As they kiss, Mac reaches for the front door and opens it with a card from his pants pocket. They rush in through the door.

“Wait. My bag.” Harry starts reaching for his suitcase.

“Later.” Mac slams the door shut and continues to push Harry back and into his room.

“Take it all off,” Mac says before pushing Harry onto his bed.

“Keep yours on,” Harry says to Mac, surprising him.

As Harry flings his clothes off, Mac keeps his on and walks over to his closet, grabbing a box of condoms. He walks up to the bed and empties the entire box of condoms on Harry’s naked body.

“That’s all?” They both laugh before Mac jumps on top of him and they begin kissing again.

They continue kissing for a while… a long while. It’s as if they haven’t had a drink since they last saw each other and are hydrating from each other’s mouths. But after a while they stop, Mac lying on top of Harry’s naked body.

“Ever since you left I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with you… to you…” Harry whispers.

“Really?” Mac licks his lips. “Like what?” Right then Harry grabs Mac by the waist and overpowers him, flipping him onto his back, getting on top of him.

“This.” Harry doesn’t waste a second before sliding up and shoving his penis into Mac’s mouth.

He pushes his penis straight down into Mac’s mouth and to the back of his throat. Mac gags for a second, but adjusts and begins to like it. As Harry begins moving up and down, in and out, he slides both his hands through the sides of Mac’s soft hair.

“Oh god, I’ve missed that head of hair of yours,” Harry mumbles out as he feels himself pre-cum.

Mac’s lips are suctioned onto Harry’s shaft, his tongue slipping out to tickle his balls every once and a while. Harry is sweating the longer this goes on. He doesn’t last much longer before exploding into Mac’s mouth. He feels his penis explode like never before. After just a second in Mac’s mouth, Harry takes it out and cum begins to shoot all over Mac’s face. Mac closes his eyes as cum shoots over his eyes. Harry pulls Mac’s head up and close to him, letting his cum shoot into Mac’s hair. As Harry’s penis begins to finish he sits up, letting Mac’s head down. The little bit of cum left in Harry flies onto Mac’s leather jacket.

“I love you. I love you. I love you.” Mac begins to shout uncontrollably.

“Wait. I’m not done yet.” Harry slides his penis onto Mac’s cheek, sliding his wet tip across his face.

Harry slides down, face to face with Mac. He begins kissing Mac’s cheek, slowly licking up the cum her sprayed on him. He moves across all of Mac’s face, cleaning up the cum he sprayed on him. Harry slides his fingers into Mac’s hair, Mac doing the same.

“Mac?” Mac hears Bozer’s voice and the front door close.

“Shit!” Mac pushes Harry off his body and onto the floor. “Oh! Sorry.” Mac grabs Harry’s shirt from the floor and begins wiping himself up.

“Mac?” He can hear Bozer is almost at his room.

“Yeah?” Mac runs out of his bedroom, closing his door and leaving Harry lying on the floor, confused and scared.


“When did you lose your virginity?”

“First blowjob when I was 8. First time actual sex was 12.” Bryce is trying not to smirk while he says that.

“Wow… with who?”

“Blowjob was from Monty. Sex was with Amber Henderson.”

“Amber Henderson? That girl who was sent to boarding school a couple years ago?”

“That’s the one.” They both laugh.

“What do you masturbate to?”

“Either gay porn or pictures of certain people.”

“Like who?”

“Honestly, Tony Padilla. His hair is amazing!” It is silent for a second before they both begin laughing. “And more recently I’ve been looking at pictures of… you…”


“You’re blushing a little.” Clay is holding back a smile.

“Well, next question. Have you ever been in love?”


“Have you ever really liked someone before?”


“Not including me?”


“Who was she?”

“He. And his name was Michael.”

“Tell me about him.”

“We were very close friends throughout elementary and middle school. It was always Justin, Michael and I. We were always hanging out together. We did everything together. But Michael and I were closer in ways Justin and I weren’t. We talked, a lot. And we talked about some very deep things. We told each other secrets we had never shared with anyone. We never had any secrets… that is besides my big crush on him. I thought the world of him. I knew I trusted him more than anyone else. I knew I could spend the rest of my life talking to him.” Bryce gets silent.

“Then what happened? Where is he now?”

“I believe he lives in Virginia now.”


“When we got to middle school I was ready to finally lose my virginity. I couldn’t wait anymore. But I didn’t want it to happen with Monty. I wanted it to be meaningful. So one night, Michael was staying over at my house.”


“Yeah…” Bryce runs his hands through his hair. “We were sitting in my bed watching a movie when I leaned over and kissed him. I thought he would respond differently than he did. He pushed me back, jumped out of the bed and immediately left. I tried texting and calling him, but he had already blocked my number. By monday when I arrived at school, Justin told me that Michael and his family had moved to Texas.”

“What? How’d that happen?”

“His dad had apparently gotten a job offer weeks before, but Michael had begged his parents to not move, so they pushed it back. And I guess… I guess that night Michael went home and said he was ready to move. ‘Cause they did. When I went to his house after school that day it was cleaned out.”

“Wow…” Clay doesn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.” It’s the only thing he could think of.

“It’s fine. I moved on. I’m better for it.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Pretend like it doesn’t matter? Like things don’t hurt you?”

“I don’t…”

“Remember, you told me you would tell me the complete truth.”

“Fine. It hurt. It hurt a lot. I really liked Michael and I thought he did to. When he left like that I told myself I would never feel that way again. So I had sex with Amber Henderson. It was meaningless and actually quite boring. Is that what you wanted to hear? Did you really want to hear about my dysfunctional life?”

“Yes. Yes I did.” Clay reaches over and grabs Bryce’s hand. “How about we continue this another time?”

“It’s fine. If you don’t want to talk to me again just tell me straight up.” Bryce stands up, moving his hand away.

“No. I mean that maybe we should meet up once I’m out of the hospital, and talk some more. Maybe someplace more private.”

“Oh…” Bryce feels embarrassed.

“Yeah Bryce Walker, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily.” They both laugh. “Now head out, visiting hour ends soon.”

“Fine.” Bryce grabs a napkin off the table and pulls a pen from his pocket, then writes his number down. “But text me if you get bored.”


“Oh god…” Mac moans as he stops kissing Harry for just a second, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his room key.

“Damn I love your hair,” Harry says as Mac opens the door.

The two look at each other, smiling.

“I want you to ride me,” Harry says as they walk into the room and close the door.

“My pleasure.” Mac pushes Harry onto the bed, Harry quickly throwing his shirt off and getting to his belt.

Mac throws his leather jacket to the floor before running his hands through his hair and looking down at Harry while licking his lips. Their eyes meet as the two slides their pants down and off. The two take a second to look down at each other, both smiling. Mac runs and jumps onto the bed, both of them laughing and excited about this.

“This is gonna be one long night,” Mac says before reaching for a condom in his pants and ripping it open with his teeth.

Mac reaches down to Harry’s penis and grabs it. He begins rubbing it softly as it hardens. Once hard, Mac slides the condom onto Harry’s penis quickly, rushing to get to this already. Mac goes on top of Harry, his butt directly above Harry’s penis. Mac quickly drops down, biting his lip to overcome the pain he initially feels. That doesn’t slow him down because seconds later Mac grabs the bed polls and begins pulling himself up and dropping back down.

“Shit!” Harry shouts.

‘What’s wrong?“ Mac freaks out.

"I’m close.” Harry is embarrassed.

“That’s fine. Just enjoy it.” Mac kinda wants to laugh but holds himself back.

Mac continues, this time faster. Mac is surprised as five minutes pass and Harry hasn’t exploded yet. He can see in Harry’s face that he is forcing himself to keep it in. But at this point, Mac would be happy for Harry to finish as his arms are getting sore and tired. Mac is sweating harder than he ever has before, his long blonde locks wet and falling in front of his entire face.

“OH!” Harry shouts as he explodes.

Mac can feel as the condom breaks and warm cum shoots into him. Mac has no words for the feeling, slowing down just a little. Mac let’s go of one pole to run a hand through his hair, sweat flying through the air.

“Wow. Just wow.” Harry says, running a hand through his hair and looking at Mac’s sweaty abs.

Mac slides off of Harry and plops down next to him, taking deep breaths in. Mac places a hand on Harry’s arms, rubbing it. Harry looks over to Mac, just thinking about how lucky he is right now. He sits up, looking over to Mac and placing his hands on his chest.

“I… you have given me the best day of my life.” Harry holds himself back from saying what he wants to say.

“I’m happy I could do that.”

“Yeah… I truly love… your hair.” Harry runs a hand through Mac’s hair.

“Just say it.”

“Say what?” Harry sweats just a little.

“What you really want to say.”

“I love you. I know we just met, but you’re just so perfect and amazing and… spectacular!” Harry can’t believe he just said that.

“I think I could love you too.” Mac looks away, not wanting to show his feelings.

“Well let me see if this helps you get all the way there.” Harry reaches over to Mac’s penis and grabs it, quickly starting to rub it.

“Oh…” Mac lets out a small smile as Harry starts giving him a handjob.

Harry leans down and begins kissing Mac’s abs, slowly moving around. Each kiss he gives, he lightly sucks on Mac’s skin. As minutes pass Mac gets close to exploding and Harry has moved up to Mac’s pecs, lightly starting to suck on them. One of Mac’s hands run through Harry’s soft hair while the other on his back. Harry begins moving up a bit more and Mac reaches to Harry’s face and pushes his glasses up a bit, their eyes meeting.

“Will you come back with me? Back to the states?.” Just then Mac explodes, cum shooting into the air like fireworks.

“Oh…” Harry is surprised by the cum and the statement.
