#multifandom imagines


billy hargrove | heaven-sent | one-shot

masterlist|series masterlist |request|ko-fi

billy x hopper! oc

words: 2.9k

warnings: kidnapping, trauma! at hawkins lab, violence w/ guns (but no shooting), angst, comfort, strong language,superhuman oc,bad plot probably,set between seasons two and three

prompt: Hi I was wondering if you could write a Billy Hargrove x reader. She has powers like 11 and know each other. One day he sees her handcuffed and led by some men to a van and she has some bruises on her arm so he goes after her.

– I adjusted this because it fit too well with my heaven-sent series to not turn into a fran x billy heaven-sent one-shot.hope that’s okay!

Billy changed the route of his daily morning jog around the same time that he and Fran became…whatever it is they are. Whatever that aching knot in the very pits of his belly means. The first day, he pretended as though he hadn’t gone out of his way to run by the trailer on the edge of the lake. The second, she caught him and offered him coffee. Now, it’s pancakes or cereal or whatever she has on offer that day, and he can never say no. Not to her. 

But something’s wrong today. In front of the trailer sit three white vans. Not her father’s, the chief’s. Just…plain, ominous white vans. He slows and yanks off his headphones, sweat dripping down his neck. And then the trailer door swings open, and his heart sinks into his stomach. Fran is being pulled along by a group of neatly dressed men, and her eyes…golden. Round. Filled with fear that can’t mean anything good. 

“Hey!” he shouts, but when they spot him, the men only urge her toward the vans quicker. Fran stumbles and strains to get a look at him, and only then does he realise she’s handcuffed. “Fran. What the hell’s going on?”

One of the men holds him back like she’s some sort of celebrity. Or prisoner. 

And a part of him already knows, then, or at least can guess what these people would want with Fran. With his Fran. She’s shuddering just like she always does when an episode happens, a speck of blood beneath her nostrils. They know about her powers. They’re trying to take her away. 

“Call my dad, Billy,” she begs. 

“I’m afraid Hawkins’ chief of police won’t be able to do much this time,” the man yanking her forward drawls. As though he’s enjoying it. It makes Billy sick. 

“No. No way. You’re not taking her.” He shoves the human barrier aside and runs for the car, but his arms are pulled back and there are more of them restraining him now. 

And then a cold piece of metal presses against his head. A gun. He stops writhing, his blood going cold. 

“Let her go.” All he can do is beg, fear a shivering fist around his gut. “You’ve got it wrong. You can’t take her.”

“Just call my dad, Billy,” Fran pleads again, and then her head is lowered and she’s pushed into the back of the van. The last thing he sees before the doors close is that terror contorting her features, and those gold eyes, and the pain he knows she feels when it happens. 

A lump forms in Billy’s throat, hatred curling his upper lip, but he doesn’t dare move. What good would he be to her if his brains are splattered across her driveway? She’s right. He needs to get Hopper. “Let her go,” he grounds out anyway. “There’s a mistake here.”

“You won’t tell anybody about this.” The gunman clicks the safety off just to give his message loud and clear. If Billy talks, he dies. “Billy Hargrove, isn’t it? How’s your sister, Maxine?”

That, he hadn’t expected. They know who he is. Know about Max. Probably know where he lives. Jesus. How long have they been watching Fran? To what fucking end?

He can’t even think about that. If he gets angry, he’ll do something stupid like get them both killed, and he can’t let that happen. She needs him strong, steady, something Billy Hargrove has never felt before and certainly doesn’t feel now.

But he’ll do his damn best for her. 

“I won’t tell anybody,” he whispers. 

“Not even the chief.” The gunman’s finger hovers over the trigger.

Billy shakes his head, defeated. “Not even the chief.”

“Good.” He slaps Billy’s back, the group dispersing back towards the vans. “Glad we could clear that up. You forget about all of this and you won’t have to worry.”

He climbs into the van and slams the door, cool gaze still fixed on Billy. They drive off, leaving Billy in the dust. He watches the van with Fran inside, his lower lip trembling. What the fuck does he do now?


He shakes. For the rest of the day, he shakes like a fucking leaf. He goes to school because he knows he’s being watched. Pretends everything is normal; like Fran isn’t gone. He tries not to think about what they might do to her. She’s not normal, maybe not even human, and he realises somewhere along the line that he was wrong. He has seen those vans before, the night that Fran and him found Hopper underground. Those vine things alive, curled around him. 

He needs Hopper, and much as he hates it, he does the only thing he can think of. Gets the police’s attention.

If those damn freaks knew anything about him, they’d know he’s had a few run-ins with the law. So he skips fifth period and speeds around town until those damn lights follow him. Callahan takes him into the station as predicted with a smarmy, “No girlfriend to bail you out this time?”

Billy grits his teeth, remembering the first time Fran bailed him out for drunk driving. They take care of each other. It’s what they do. And it kills him that, this time, he doesn’t know how. 

“Chief around?” he mumbles after he’s been questioned and left with a strike in his license. 

“On his lunch break,” Callahan replies. 

Great. Fuck knows how long that could last. He leans back in his seat, knee bouncing as he tips his head and blows out a long, ragged breath. 

“Don’t think he’ll be too impressed to find you here again. You wanna date the chief’s daughter, you better stop being a delinquent.” 

He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I need to talk to him. Can you call him in?”

“No need. You’re all done here, as long as you pay the fine in the next two weeks. Another strike on your license, and it’s gone. You hear me?”

Thankfully, the station door opens and a heavy-footed Hopper struts in, a box of donuts in his hand and a bear claw in his mouth. Both are left on Flo’s desk when he catches sight of Billy. “Are you kidding me?”

“I need to talk to you in your office.”

“Oh, you’re gonna.” He glares and yanks Billy up by the collar, causing him to scowl. “Jesus Christ, what the hell does Fran see in you? What are you in for now?”

“Speeding,” Callahan supplies.

Another grumble as Hopper shoves him into his office. Billy waits until the door is closed, and then all his pent-up worry finally pours out of him. “Fran’s gone. She’s gone, chief, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to fucking d —”

“Woah, woah. Slow down. Fran’s gone where?” 

“They took her.” His voice rises with panic, no matter how badly he tries to keep quiet. “Those guys in the white vans. The ones who were there that night…they took her. Said if I told anyone, I’d be dead and made it pretty damn clear the rest of my family would be, too. I wanted to go after her, but there were too many. There were too goddamn many.”

Hopper’s features turn grave in an instant. “When was this?”

“This morning. Around eight.”

His knuckles whiten, hands curling into fists. “You should have come to me sooner.”

“They’re watching me. What the hell was I supposed to do? They threatened my goddamn sister.”

Hopper pinches the bridge of his nose. “Alright. You’re right. We have to be careful about this.”

“But we can get her back, right? You know where they’d take her?”

“I have an idea, yeah.”

Billy blows out a breath of relief, still trembling all over. “So let’s go. Now.”

“We can’t just waltz in. We need a plan. I need…Jesus, I need to call Joyce. She can get us in, I’m sure.”

He knows nothing about Joyce’s place in all this, but any plan is better than playing sitting ducks. He runs a hand over his mouth, exhausted and desperate to get Fran back. “Do you think…would they hurt her?”

Hopper purses his lips as though he can’t bear to answer. Finally, his brows lower and he heads to the telephone on the desk. “No. They won’t hurt her. We won’t let them.”

Billy wants so badly to believe it.


An hour later, they’re at the gate of Hawkins Lab, Joyce and Hopper in the front seats. After a lengthy argument about Billy’s role in it all, he’s hiding on the floor of the back seat while they attempt to convince the guard that it’s urgent. Something about Will. A flashlight flits around the car and then the gates buzz. They’re in.

“You stay in the car,” Hopper rattles for the tenth time. “If they see you, they’ll know what’s going on.”

“Right, and they wouldn’t suspect you,” Billy retorts.

“They think they can control me. I let them think that. But you’re a livewire and you have no idea what we’re walking into here.”

“Because nobody tells me a damn thing.”

“Thank your lucky stars for it, kid. You don’t want to know. Trust me.”

“Just like Fran didn’t want to know?” It’s a low blow, especially now, but Billy is pissed off and he knows how badly it hurt Fran when she found out she was adopted. She’d come from the lab and hadn’t known it. Hadn’t known she was gifted at all until recently. She deserved better than that. She deserved the truth. 

“I’m not arguing with you, Hargrove.” Hopper pops a cigarette in his mouth before ordering, “Just stay in the damn car.”

Joyce and Hopper get out, and Billy waits all of five minutes before impatience gets the better of him. He peers out of the window on all sides before sneaking out, weaving between the parked cars and behind the back of the building. Hopper is taking the long route, but Billy just needs Fran back. Now. He can’t sit by and wait and hope a small-town police chief and Joyce Byers can take on the group he saw this morning. No fucking way.

That’s why, when a guy dressed in a lab coat comes out of the back entrance by the dumpster, Billy wastes no time in knocking him out. Neil might be a piece of shit, but he’s taught him how to throw a decent punch. The scientist goes straight down, and Billy catches the door with his foot before it closes, bending over to yank off the coat. He finds a key card in the pocket and slips the coat on, licking his palm and slicking back his curls in the hopes it might make him look less like a Brat Pack teenager and more like a kidnapping, experimenting piece of shit. 

The lab is bigger on the inside. He takes the stairwell in the corner of the building where he’s less likely to be spotted, finding a list signposted on each floor. He has no idea where Fran might be, until he’s breathless and finds the word subjects listed under the sixth level. He can’t even think about what it might mean, only that it’s the closest he’s come to feeling Fran since she was taken. So he smooths down his shirt, takes a deep breath, and steps into the corridor. 

It’s grey-walled, with sad excuses for rainbows painted along every edge of it as though this could be anything but hell. He peers through each door and finds empty rooms — until the end one. There Fran is, curled on her side with her back to him. His heart leaps into his throat and he uses the key card to get in. 


She’s trembling, and he isn’t sure she’s even heard him at first. Not until she murmurs, “Go away. Go away. Go away.”

“Fran, angel.” He walks cautiously towards her, crouching but not daring to touch her yet. “It’s me. It’s Billy. Look at me.”

She stiffens finally and turns around, sitting up. She’s pale, bandaids on her elbows as though she’s had blood tests or IV drips inserted into her. Anger swirls in him. If they’ve used her as some damn lab-rat…

There are bruises, too. From the way they manhandled her, maybe. He hopes that’s all it’s from. If someone hurt her, he isn’t sure what he’ll do. 

“Billy,” she whispers, her eyes becoming glossy as she wraps her arms around him. “Oh my god. Billy.”

“I’m here.” He tucks a curl behind her ear gently. “What did they do to you? What did they do, Fran? I swear to god, if they hurt you —”

“Tests. They did tests.” Her voice wobbles, so far removed from her usual cockiness and wit. It breaks his heart right down the middle. “I’ve been here before. I remember…”

“Let’s get you home, okay? You can tell me everything when I get you home.”

She nods, her chin wobbling. “I’m scared, Billy.”

“You don’t need to be scared. I’m here.”

She places a hand on his chest as though she can’t quite believe it, and his fingers curl around her elbows to help her up. Her legs are wobbly, eyes glazed. 

And then the alarms go off. 

“We need to go. They know we’re here.” He pulls her into him and they set off into a staggering run back down the blaring corridor. She’s barefoot, unsteady, but she’s in his arms and that’s all he can focus on. Footfalls echo behind him and he knows they’re close. Breathless sobs leave her as they skip down the stairs two at a time, back the way they came. He realises at the last minute that it isn’t a good idea and pulls her into the next corridor to take another flight of stairs. Somebody will have found the guy he knocked out by now and he can’t afford to run into whoever it was. 

The lab gets busier the further down they get — but then Hopper and Joyce are there on the ground floor, relief written across their faces. 

Go!” Billy yells, urging them all out. They do, Hopper sprinting to the car ahead of them so he can unlock it. People are running onto the parking lot now — scientists, guards, people in suits like the ones from this morning, but they don’t know where the threat is, still bewildered, and it gives them the chance to get out. 

Only the gates are closing. Billy pulls Fran into the backseat and Joyce collapse into the passenger. They don’t have time to fasten their seatbelts before they’re speeding away, and just in time before the gates close. 

Billy chokes on his relief and focuses on Fran. Still pale, still shaking, still not her. “We’re going home now. We’re getting you home, okay? You’re safe.”

She shakes her head at the same time Hopper replies, “‘Fraid not. We need to get out of Hawkins. Are you okay sweetheart?”

“Yeah.” It’s an uncertain whisper. 

“I left you on your own too damn much,” he mumbles. “Should’ve been there.”

“Yeah,” she repeats. She’s clutching Billy’s hand so tightly his skin is turning white, but he doesn’t care. He’s needed this all day. He can’t put into words just how much he’s needed it. He’s alone in the world without her, floating in an abyss, and he needs her. He needs her so damn much he aches. 

He smooths down one of her knotted curls, his finger trailing down her cheek, her jaw. She gulps and closes her eyes, nestling into his chest. 

“The two of you need to stay out of sight until we’re out of town,” Hopper says. “Get down.”

They do, cuddling up on the cab floor together. Billy can’t bring himself to let go. “Scared me so damn much, angel. Jesus.” He can still feel it pressing into him, that fear.

“I’m never going to be normal,” she replies, her voice cracking. “I’m never going to be me again.”

“You’re always gonna be you.” He squeezes her hand. He wants to rip the hospital gown off. It’s too harsh a reminder of what she’s faced. What he couldn’t save her from. “And I’m always gonna be here to make sure you remember it.”

Her eyes fall shut finally, and he’s never seen her look this small, this young. He wishes he could help her. Wishes there was a quick fix. But Fran will never need fixing. She just needs to be set free, and the world won’t let her. 

“My fuckin’ angel, huh?” he murmurs, dragging his knuckle against her cheek again. “Always my angel.”

And he’d happily be her devil if she let him. He’d be anything for her. The fucking halo on her head. He doesn’t care as long as he’s hers. 

“You shouldn’t be mixed up in this,” she says.

“Too bad,” he replies without missing a beat. “‘Cos I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. It’s you and me.”

She cups his jaw finally, resting her forehead against his chin. “Thank you for getting me out.”

“I was never gonna leave you, Fran. Never.” He kisses her forehead and then cradles her head against his shoulder, snuggling in this cramped, unknown space while the engine whirs beneath them. And he’s still terrified, but he’s not floating untethered anymore. She’s here, and it has to be enough until they figure out what comes next. 

“Never,” he repeats, just to be sure she knows it.


Hello there! I tried to do a short summary as short as I could!

Y/N complaining about her back aching then Leon gives her a massage that will lead to a hot sexual intercourse Y/N is not very fond of massages and she knows that if he starts doing something to her, it will not finish with a simple “thank you honey”. Leon is quite talkative and cheeky during their love-making (praising, teasing, sweet nothings etc..) and sometimes, Y/N tries to shut him off with a kiss or something else even if she loves hearing his voice ofc. When changing position, he would be careful to not hurt her back even more -even if it was a little complaint but everything is a good excuse to make love-, holding her so tight, not wanting to let her go… with 93, 51, 97, 36 and 66* is that okay? *Non x-rated prompt list/X rated prompt list

His muscular body, those blue eyes and blonde hair… I’m not the one who usually crush on the blond and blue eyed type but fuck, he’s so fine and cool! I do imagine it with a Boyfriend!RE4 Leon.. sorry I forgot how to breathe for 2 second lmao… Thank you so much for your kindness and I love you!!

36-  That’s it, grab my hair. Yank it, pull me back into your pussy

51-Shit your so wet, did I do that to you?

66*- Look at me when I fuck you…

93-  Calm down, I’m just giving you a massage.

97- How many times can I make you blush today, I’m curious to know





“Owww~” you groaned, rubbing your shoulders. “For fuck’s sake-” You wandered into the kitchen, trying to make some sort of relief for the pain you felt shooting up your arm.


“In here!” you called out. You used your good arm to open the freezer door and grabbed an ice cube. 

“Y/N??? What are you doin?” Leon, who had looked very disheveled stalked into the kitchen. He looked as if he had just gotten out of the shower. A towel hung low on his waist and he had another one that he was using to dry his hair.

“My back is killing me.” you whined. “I’m not that old, why is my back that of an old man?!?” you groaned in pain. 

“Aww baby~” he cooed. “Come here.”

“No I’ll be okay, I just need to rest or-”

“If you let it sit like that it could get worse.” he put a gentle hand on your good shoulder. “Come with me.” he led you out of the kitchen into your living room where he led you to the sofa. 

“Leon, I swear I’m okay.” you sighed. “It’s no big deal. Put of your clothes.”

“Shush, you get no choice.” he chuckled as he sat you down. “Turn your back towards me.” 

You obediently did a he said, feeling his fingertips run up your spine. “No tricks, got it?.”

“Oh alright.” the man laughed as he gently pushed his thumbs into your skins, massaging in circles. “You’re so tense.”

“Leon…” you warned.

Calm down, I’m just giving you a massage. “ he giggled. “I’m trying to help you relax.”

You sighed lowly, trying your best to relax your limbs. “Fuck.” you winced.

“Sorry, you’re just very tense.” he giggled. “You know,  How many times can I make you blush today, I’m curious to know.” he kissed up your back.

“You piece of-”

“How long has it been since we got to spend time together?” He asked, gently wrapping his arms around your body. “With all this bullshit going on, I missed you.” he moved your hair aside to gently lay little kisses on your ear. “Indulge me will ya?”

He was right, it had been a long while. When you weren’t running around behind the law, dealing with riots and worrying about the cop who was currently teasing you to hell, that didn’t leave much alone time.

He still dug his fingertips into your muscles as he trailed his soft lips down your neck and shoulders. “Look, you’re relaxing a little…good job.”

“You’re such a-”

“You love it.” he cut you off with his sooth silky voice. “Is there anywhere else, bothering you?”

“My legs have been a little achy too.” you said innocently. You tried your best to hide the smile on your face.

“You legs or-” he paused to bring his lips to your ear. “What’s between them?” he whispered. “On your back, be careful though.”

Leon helped you turn to face him and gave you a short and chaste kiss. He guided you onto your back, laughing through each kiss he placed on your lips.

“You’re wearing way too many clothes right now, bae.” he giggled. “Ima need you to take those off.”

He watched you, eyes meeting eyes as you fumbled with your jeans. “If you start feeling any pain, tell me.”

“I can do that.” you nodded shyly as he helped you pull them the rest of the way down. Leon pressed his lips against your thighs, leaving little pecks along your skin. It was amazing his towel hadn’t fallen. You watched him ghost his lips over your clothes sex. “Is that a wet spot I see?” he giggled, digging his fingers into the waistband on your panties, and yanked them down. “ Shit your so wet, did I do that to you? “ he asked innocently. “Hmmm” he gently delved his tongue between your folds, swiping up. 

“Leon~” you gasped. The way his hair fell in his face and tickled your legs with each minor movement of his head. The way his lashed his tongue against your steaming hot flesh. You couldn’t hep but run your hands through his hair. You shook under his touch. His sloppy licks and feverish tongue sent you off the wall. His stubble tickled your inner thigh the more your legs moved.

That’s it, grab my hair. Yank it, pull me back into your pussy.” he groaned. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Uh huh!” you shuddered. You almost forgot about your strained muscles as you arched your back, rolling your hips into his mouth. His low moans sent vibrations up your spine.

“Shit, Y/N…with those sounds you’re making. I need to fuck you, now!” he looked up at you, jaw slightly slack. He yanked off his towel, throwing it off somewhere. He kissed up your body again, slowly wrapping his arms around you. He gently held you in his embrace, ever so gently lifting your body off the bed. You felt his cockhead pierce your entrance.

“You’re soaking wet for me, beautiful.” his jaw went agape as he slide between your folds. “You’re so fucking cute.” he shuddered. “Y/N…fuck.” He slowly thrust into your tightness. He tightened his arms around you, both your bodies flush against one another. “Am I hurting you?”

“I’m okay, please keep moving.”

Leon’s piercing blue eyes never left yours as he lowered himself deeper into your depths. You’re noses were touching, and his breath was shallow, hitting your face. There was an echo of moans, rubbing, and flesh against flesh throughout the otherwise empty living room.

Careful not to hurt you, Leon pulled you into him, thrusting slowly against your dripping sex. 

“Bet this is better than any old massage, huh?” he just had to laugh. “I thought it would only be a massage.” he pouted, crashing his mouth over yours. He captured you in a messy kiss that was all tongue. “Naughty girl.”

“Leon, you knew this would h-happen.” you groaned. “You always take it this f-far.” you whimpered.

“You know it.” he chuckled. “Come on baby.  Look at me when I fuck you… “ he cooed. “I want you to look at me when you cum, baby.” he mumbled against your lips.

Leon trailed his hands up your back, seemingly digging his knuckles into your muscles. “God it’s been so long, Y/N.” he sighed. 

“L-leon I’m gonna-” your body shook under him. “It feels so-..ungh~ Hahhhh-” you whimpered.

“Shit, what’s the rush.” he suddenly slowed down his thrusts, rolling his hips against your core. “We got forever beautiful.” he laughed over the sound of your protests.

“C-come on!” you nearly choked on your moans. “

“Like I said cutie, I’m trying to give you a massage. Didn’t say how long it’d take.”
