

Do you guys remember Brianna? The person who sent thinly veiled threats to @storiesofsass​, and admitted that she was complicit in helping Aurora stalk and doxx four people? The same one who ran to defend Rosa and Mandy when they were rightfully called out?

Remember when their Facebook group’s mod chat was leaked, and how Rosa and Mandy both talked about her behind her back?  

About how she was lacking a certain charm, was too sensitive, and how she was intentionally making their characters weaker to make herself look better? Or when Mandy called her portrayal of them offensively bad?

How about when Rosa talked about putting POC characters at the forefront of her stories as heroes and tried to use Brianna’s OC Isabel as an example? Someone who is at best featured in a single story that Rosa co-authored. Not to mention that she brought this up immediately after her and her friend Mandy banned and harassed someone for expressing his concern about fetishization in their server.

Trashing someone in private, and then trying to use the fact that she wrote her OC and roleplays with her for clout.  

Imagine doing all that to defend friends like this.
