#my mug


Tagged by @tacosaysroar to show y’all my mug, so here you go.

Finished up work-related tasks yesterday, so I’m already in long weekend mode. Have a preschool graduation ceremony to go to for my nephew this evening, which will be followed by a pizza party. The world is a fucking shitstorm, but there’re still little pockets of joy. That’s what I’m looking for.

I’ll tag anyone else who’d like to grace our dashes with their beautiful faces.

A little late but here is some of my Halloween YYH Merch . I have a video for you to see the transformation mug as well as solo pics . I hope you had a happy Halloween


Felt cute, you know the rest.

I’m reblogging this selfie because it feels nice to finally like, start to feel good about how I look. I wanna invest more in tattoos and piercings and my wardrobe, but I’m getting somewhere.

Do I look good? Highly subjective. My friends will say yes, and I love that about them, a lot of people would feel differently. But I still feel good about how I look.

I don’t think it would be entirely honest to say that I don’t care what others think. Because how I dress and express myself obviously shows I very much do on some level care what people think. I adhere to some clear aesthetic touchstones of a specific spectrum of subcultures that have a lot of built-in assumptions, the heavy eyeshadow and funky haircut and eyebrow piercing are all affectations that I knowingly adopt along with the stereotypes and social shorthand they represent in other people’s immediate reaction to the sight of me.

Obviously I care what you think of me, because my appearance is my way of telling you what I want you to think of me at first glance.

If you hate the things you infer about me from my appearance, if it repels you, it’s working.

And it’s liberating. I like how I look. If you don’t, if you dislike my appearance and the person that you assume I am based on it, I am delighted to tell you that you were never my target demographic to begin with and you can move right along, but if you see me and think “look at that, a kindred, someone I might share common interests with” the way I often do when I see Adult Goths in the wild, then it is also working.

Felt cute, you know the rest.

Happy New Years! Keep being good to one another and dress for the year you want today ♥️
