#my stim


Good Stim of the Day is: squishing some hexie flower pincushions I’ve made from fabric scraps between my hands!

Good Stim of the Day is: bouncing all around after DMing my first ever DnD session!!! It made me so nervous but it went so well and was so much fun we forgot the time!!! I’m proud of myself!

Good Stim of the Day is: loving and playing with my fluffy tummy!

Good Stim of the Day is: making lists and headcanoning pronouns and sexualities for Babylon 5 characters (I’m only part way through series 3 so no spoilers thank you)

Good Stim of the Day is: the hiss of the steamer at the charity shop and making the clothes all smooth!

Good Stim of the Day is: rubbing my necklace along my top lip while saying vvvurrrr

Good Stim of the Day is: standing on tip toes and splaying out my fingers as I walk with a plushie friend on my head!

Good Stim of the Day is: crunching ice cubes!! I love the squeak and then the sudden scronch!

Good Stim of the Day is: tapping wood with my first two fingers, it sounds super nice!

Good Stim of the Day is: squodging around the stuffing in my shark!!

Good Stim of the Day is: dancing with my arms to Supertramp

Good Stim of the Day is: snuggling my IKEA shark Filbert!

Good Stim of the Day is: peeps!!!!!! The sugar is so crunchy and good!!!!

Good Stim of the Day is: hitting the top of a vase with the flat of my hand so it makes a weird noise

Good Stim of the Day is: the schblop noise as you pick things in stardew valley, it sounds really nice and makes me wiggle
