#actually autism

asd-n-me: So made a neurodiversity symbol in MC. Sorry it isn’t even, i used a cross stitch pattern


So made a neurodiversity symbol in MC. Sorry it isn’t even, i used a cross stitch pattern to save myself some headache. Happy autism acceptance month!

Reblogging for Autism Pride Day.

Post link


oh you’re neurodivergent? what non-human being did you pretend to be / believe yourself to be in order to cope with the disconnect you felt from your peers during your early childhood?

An alien who somehow was dropped on Earth and raised by human parents who had false memories of me being their biological child

Or a vampire who didn’t didn’t have their full powers yet (like in Young Dracula)

It depended on my mood.

um dragão minimalista feito no paint, elu tem óculos, asas de pássaro e morcego, e um símbolo de infinito na ponta do rabo. elu parece de bom humor, e ri muito no meio enquanto fala
dragão de antes bem animade, e mais alguns, 3 dragões da mesma família, Judite a vó, Terry o pai e Emily a bebê. Depois um dragão barbudo no computador e um de 4 asas lendo um livro com um infinito.
mesmo dragão, agora em pé e quase fazendo uma pose de "t" lembrando o homem vitruviano, depois dois outros dragões, um chamado shaun e outro sam, lembrando personagens autistas de séries
multiplos dragões que aparentam estar com raiva e protestando algo, de aparências variadas, no fim o mesmo dragão de sempre aparece piscando

Hey! Estou lentamente ficando mais livre pra postar coisas e tava mais que na hora de eu postar isso, atrasei eu sei mas se contar eu me vacinei recentemente com meu diagnóstico então finge que estamos celebrando isso!
Mês de aceitação autista foi ótimo, a live foi ótima e junho e julho vai continuar tendo autistagem porque sempre tem que ter hahaha, mais roles divertidos em breve! (Aliás se você é BR e tem interesse em outra chance de ganhar arte no paint ao vivo, me manda mensagem, to planejando algo)

Translation below, transcrição do texto abaixo!


(primeira imagem)

“O último dia chegou! E eu vou estar pegando a pergunta do dia 10 e uma do tiktok: O que faz uma boa representação autista na mídia? Eu penso nessa pergunta bastante tanto como artista quanto como pessoa autista (aurtista…), mas ainda fico meio insegure de responde…eu vou tentar!”

(segunda imagem)

“Que tal assim? A gente começa pelo que eu acho que é o mínimo que tem que ter. Até coisas que eu acho o máximo quando tem e faz falta.”

“1. Ter mais de uma pessoa autista na história, TEA é genético! Não faz sentido só uma pessoa ter, alguém ficou sem diagnóstico! É difícil você acertar na representação com 1 só personagem autista, mesmo que de fundo, tenha mais! 2. Eduque-se não só no que é o TEA, mas no capacitismo. Os dois juntos vão te ajudar entender como são nossas vidas! E também pode te ajuda a evitar a ser capacitista na sua representação, sem infantilizar a gente, sem promover eugenia etc!”

(terceira imagem)

“3. Isso vale pra todo personagem, mas faça ele humano sabe? Imperfeito, com falhas que ele precise resolver e traga conflito. Não faça as falhas serem momentos cômicos autistas, não trate como okay as falhas só por ele ser autista e não torne ser autista uma falha. Trate-o como uma pessoa completa. 4. Não faz um homem cis hetero branco, aliás, não faz personagens branco cis ponto. Se realmente precisar, faça uma variedade de personagens autistas pra ficar clara a nossa diversidade.”

(quarta imagem)

“5. Nos deixe ter raiva! Eu não vejo autista expressando raiva, sentimentos negativos, nada "tabu”. A gente pode ser adulte e temos muito com o que ter raiva, nos deixe ser punk, nos deixe ser ativistas próprios e barulhentos! 6. E o mais importante, nos deixe ser felizes e nós mesmes, isso é o que todo mundo mais precisa ver.“

"Tanto na ficção quanto na realidade, e uma afeta a outra e vice-versa.

"Então vamos fazer nosso melhor nos dois!”


(first image)

“The last day arrived! And I’ll be taking the 10th day question and another from tiktok: What makes good autistic representation on media? I think about this question a lot both as an artist and as an autistic person (aurtist…), but I’m still insecure to answer it…I’ll try!”

(second image)

“How’s this? We start of with what I think is the minimum to have. Til things I think it’s the great to have and I miss seeing.”

“1. Having more than one autistic person in the story, ASD is genetic! It doesn’t make sense for just one person to have it, someone is undiagnosed! It’s hard to get the representation right with just one autistic character, even if just on the background, have more! 2. Educate yourself not only on what is ASD, but on ableism. Both will help you understand how our lives are! And also help you avoid being ableist in your representation, not infantilizing us and not promoting eugenism etc!”

(third image)

“3. This is valid for all characters, but make them human you know Imperfect, with flaws they need to solve and bring conflict. Don’t make the flaws funny autism moments, don’t treat the flaws as okay just because they’re autistic and don’t make being autistic a flaw. Treat them like a whole person. Don’t make a cis white straight man, actually, don’t make white cis characters at all. If you really need to, make a variety of autistic characters to make our diversity clear.”

(fourth image)

“5. Let us be angry! I don’t see autistic characters expressing anger, negative feelings, nothing "taboo”. We can be adults and have plenty to be mad at, let us be punk, let us be self-activists and loud! 6. And most importantly, let us be happy and ourselves, this is what the world needs to see the most.

“Both in fiction and reality, one affects the other and vice-versa.”

“So let’s do our best in both!”

If you support Sia or plan on watching her movie unfollow me. Sia is an abilist and has done more harm to the autistic community than anything else. #SiaDoesntSpeakForUs

A thing i realise ive never said

Ive fully accepted and understand my adhd now,

so due to this i post more about my autism instead

As my autism is something i am still working on accepting and understanding how it impacts my life.

I still post adhd sometimes but im just not as interested in talking about it anymore

Autism in media: I got bored so I read three science textbooks and completed all these equations and now I’m working on the coding for this app-

Autism in real life: I’m so bored that every bone in my body feels like it’s being turned into one but don’t even talkto me about doing something about it

Me:Maybe I don’t have ADHD… Maybe I’ve been faking it for attention after all.

Also me when I watch anything: Speeding up the playback because I don’t have an attention span, adding subtitles because auditory processing issues, turning the volume up to god Themselves to prevent a Thought from coming, and ending up scrolling through memes the whole time


people think taking things literally is just like

  • not getting jokes and sarcasm

when in my experience it’s more like

  • thinking you have to fulfill 100% of the exact requirements for something, when everyone else apparently knows it’s actually a bit flexible
  • answering rhetorical questions and everyone thinking you’re stupid
  • SAYING something with a literal meaning and others interpreting it figuratively
  • following instructions to a T but not knowing how to modify them if something goes wrong
  • wait that song was talking about WHAT??
  • doing EXACTLY what someone asked of you and them getting mad that it wasn’t what they meant or actually wanted
  • being terrified of people’s empty threats or hyperbole without realizing they didn’t actually mean it
  • memorizing all the connotations of different words so you can use them as precisely as possible, getting frustrated when others are inexact
  • still not getting jokes and sarcasm





things that happen when you make eye contact with an autistic person:

- their lazers activate

- the killer gets you

- the enderman instinct

- they turn into a flock of ravens and disperse

- you catch the autism

- deletes your save files

- enter a pokemon battle

-They no-clip out of the map


i have to be the most autistic person in the room at all times

me sitting alone in my bedroom:



If anybody regonize this reference pls let me know.. i kept saying this line from a tv show which i still love.

Anybody else who gets sensory hell when using body scrub when showering? I do. It starts to hurt and my legs are so itchy afterwards. But i can’t stop using it… my legs feel so soft afterwards. I honestly think i should stop using body scrub bc it’s sensory hell.. but at the same time i really like to touch body scrub.

It feels kinda weird and soapy and sometimes it even smell good.

That moment when you want to do all your special interests at the same time but can’t choose one.. cuz same!

I finally got into one of my special interests again.. i’m currently watching a thai tv show for the second time. The first one i watched the gifted and the gifted: graduation… now i’m watching blacklist. Does anybody have any recommendations for any thai tv shows? I would appreciate it.

Sooo i went to my drivers test today. And umm.. i failed it. I started crying afterwards. I also had a drivers lesson before my drivers test. We also had to answer 1-3 questions which i failed two of them. I feel terrible about myself. I guess next time im going for a drivers test i’m not going to take a lesson before my actual test. I’m unable to drive for too long at a time. I can usually drive up to 30 minutes before getting really tired… I also didn’t tell the person whom i was driving with that i’m autistic. Should i tell him that next time?

Have anybody else here failed their drivers test and how did u cope with it? I feel really bad about it and i can’t get it out of my mind.

Well.. i’m to the final step in taking my drivers lisence on thursday. Bc on thursday i have my driving test. I’m really worried that i won’t pass.. bc i get overwhelmed really quickly. Any tips and tricks to be less nervous during the test that i can do? I have worked for it since may and now it’s November.. already half a year has passed.

I have a huge fear of failing…. I’m usually very hard on myself when it comes to failure.

Who else has something regarding fairies, mermaids, witches etc. as their special interest? I’m pretty obsessed with winx club rn. Is there anyone else who has winx as their special interest?

Feeling depressed over changes

Who else feels depressed whenever there comes changes in your life? I’m finishing high school very soon and i just feel so depressed and it happens every time. Does anybody know how to cope with changes in your life? Because these few weeks i have felt so depressed due to the big changes that are happening soon.

Working while being a student

Sooooo this summer i think i will start looking for a job. I have never had a job before,, but i have always wanted to have one. I hope to find a job nearby that’s somewhat “autism friendly”.

Sorry i haven’t uploaded in so long,, i’m currently writing a huge assignment on 10-15 pages. Plus i’m finishing my HF/highschool (højere forberedelses) this summer and i have quite a bit of exams to study to as well. Happy autism awarness month between!

My cat is gone….


I have a cat.. but he has been gone for around 4 days now. He has not been home, eating his food etc. Fyi my cat is an outdoor cat, so we don’t have a litter box. We have been posting about it on Facebook (My town has a facebook page w about 6.6 k memebers in it) and asking neighbours if they have seen him. I have also been going for long walks and calling for him.. have done it for the past 2-3 days now but no sign of my cat. I have also been trying shaking a bag of cat food and calling out for him. In the front of our garden there is a huuge field (i live on the countryside ish) which is sourrended by other fields and forests (i have been looking there too)

I have mostly been walking around where i know he is a lot. But it’s summer and it’s a black & white cat… so idk if he is out hunting and his hunt is going well, if he has found a nice cool place to rest, found a new home (please please not this one) or anything else.

Do you have any cat stories where your cat has dissapeared but came back after a long while? Or just a few days? I’m really curious.. and how did you deal with it? I’m feeling really sad right now.. i just want my cat to get back home safely.


Fellow autistic peeps,

When it comes to emergency vehicle sirens, do you

A) cover your ears and try to tune out the offending sound

B) excitedly echo the siren “wee woo wee woo”

A) for me. Sometimes it’s just too loud. Then i cover my ears or make weird face expressions until it’s over.

Good news

Soooo i have good news. I finally got my drivers license! It took me a little over a year to get it due to covid. But i’m happy. I feel as if a burden has been lifted off of my shoulders. I started 13st of may last year with driving lessons.

I’m sorry i haven’t uploaded much for the past months. I have been feeling down and i didn’t know what to post. My final driving test has been postponed many times due to covid. But now i’m finally retaking the final driving test again. The last time i was up was on the 26.11.20 last year. I really hope i’ll pass this time bc this whole driving thingy has really taken a toll on my mental health,, i feel more and more tired bc of it and i just want to to get over with.

my dad just learnt about how autistic people can’t filter out sensory input and can therefore often hear things like electricity.

anyway. he’s now using this knowledge for evil by telling me off every time I don’t hear something.

so PSA that sensory processing works weirdly and is not something a person can control. sometimes they’ll be able to hear lights buzz, sometimes they can’t hear someone talking directly to them. same goes for all other senses.

someone is not lying about their sensory processing just because it doesn’t make sense to you
