#mystic messenger unknown

I know it’s not Christmas yet but I rarely ever draw Unknown in his Christmas DLC suit and that’s a

I know it’s not Christmas yet but I rarely ever draw Unknown in his Christmas DLC suit and that’s aCRIME.

This ending is pretty much the whole reason why I fell in love with this edgy and admittedly, very mentally broken boy.

I also want to say that this looked way better when I did the sketch but then I started lining it and it kind of went downhill from there, RIP. He’s supposed to be sitting with his one leg over the other and she’s sitting like on his upper leg/lap but it kind of ended up looking weird and bleh. Why does anatomy/posing have to be so haaard. > <

I’ll do better next time guys, i promise.

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Tw: Implied death, guns, description of blood

Includes heavy Secret End 01 spoilers!

A loud gun sound echoed through the halls.

He didn’t mean to shoot, but he was just so confused. So conflicted about who said the truth and who lied.

While breathing heavily he looked down at V, who was laying on the ground now bleeding much. Saeran still held the gun with shaking hands. He couldn’t believe he actually shot someone.

Even though the room was quiet for a moment, in his head it was so loud. In his head he heard Ray crying and Unknown just shouted ,,Why did you pull the trigger?“. Everything at once and his own thoughts were loud enough already.

In this moment he didn’t even noticed anymore what was happening around him. Just his thoughts and other people in his head. The surroundings just seemed like a dream. ,,This isn’t happening. I didn’t do this,” Saeran kept thinking to himself.

The loud sound of the gun was still in his ears.

He would never forget this sound again


It snowed here recently so

Mystic messenger and snow:

Yoosung: Ofc the first thing he does is build a snowman

Zen: Goes skiing

Jaehee: Looks out the window all the time, makes hot chocolate and reads a lot

V: Makes a lot photos. Like a lot.

Jumin: Acts like he couldn’t care less but secretly is excited like a little child

Seven: Starts snowball fights with Yoosung

Vanderwood: Yeets a giant snowball at Seven. It’s about the size of a snowman head

Ray: Fascinated af. Wholesome bean

Unknown: Secretly throws snowballs at Believers

Suit!Saeran: Constantly complaining about the snow, probably yeets snow in peoples faces and shoves it in the back of their shirt

Rika: Makes snow angles and motivates everyone to join her

I missed MysMe so I drew them. This is my CMC Hyemi, her design kept changing so I couldn’t draw her often :/

Also, trying a new style again.

Mystictober2021 day 3:candy

I had fun working on this one and I really like how it turned out hehe

I’ll probably digitalize it someday because it would look cool fully colored

I’ll be streaming on https://picarto.tv/MariStoryArt this Saturday (April 14, 2018) at 1pm (pacific

I’ll be streaming on https://picarto.tv/MariStoryArt this Saturday (April 14, 2018) at 1pm (pacific standard time) and again at 7pm (pacific standard time) with another artist! My first duo stream! XD 

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Preview of MM 2020 calendar project


and Finally, full ver.
