#mystic messenger jaehee

Please tag me if reposted on Instagram!Holy crap Digi drew more than just Zen???Wanted to do somethi

Please tag me if reposted on Instagram!

Holy crap Digi drew more than just Zen???

Wanted to do something quick to celebrate Mystic Messenger’s 1st Anniverary! ^0^

Three big cheers for Cheritz who made a game that has made me happier than I ever thought it would. Thank you so much for making such a unique otome with such amazing and fun characters~ This game has motivated me to do a lot of things with my art, including starting a zine, and the fandom has been one of the most fun and nicest ones I’ve been in. Thank you Cheritz!

And thank you for Zen <3 and his sweet sweet ass.  

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Day 23Out of the list because i really wanted to draw Jaehee

Day 23

Out of the list because i really wanted to draw Jaehee

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Mystic Messenger Among us:

Seven: Yoosung is sus

Yoosung: What no!

Seven: Thats what an imposter would say~

Yoosung: I’m going to kill you for that

Yoosung: No wait-

Zen: So we vote out Yoosung.



Yoosung: Damn it!


Jumin: Why is my name red?

Jaehee: Mr. Han you’re not supposed to say that-

Seven: *starts laughing*


Yoosung: *just witnessed Seven kill someone* AHA!

Seven: *kills Yoosung*


Seven: Whaaaat noo


*after mere seconds*

Jumin: I died

Jaehee: I see

Yoosung: Gotta be Zen



Jaehee: Who else

Zen: Oh come on!


Jaehee: Everyone saw that kill Yoosung.

Yoosung: It had to be done

V: I’m sorry-


Rika: This is gonna be a task win

Yoosung: The imposter really sucks

*Crew wins. Rika was imposter*


Rika: *sniffs* It’s ok


Saeran: So I can kill you?

Rika: If you’re the imposter yes.


Saeran: Seven do you wanna team up? So I can ki- I mean so we’re both safe?


Zen: Nooo who killed V???

V: It’s ok. You can always stabb me. Because I love you


Zen: *clears throat* Who killed Yoosung?

MysMe video game headcanons:

1. V liked to play Candy Crush in his free time when his eyes were better. Like he would sit somewhere after taking photos and try to beat his highscores.

2. Jaehee is for some reason really good at shooting games. She doesn’t like the violence but wins every time. On some days, when she had a really bad meeting she will play some rounds just beating up people in games.

3. We all know Yoosungs loves LOLOL but when it’s doing updates or has a server issue he will play dating sims or otome games. No matter if it’s with girls and/or guys.

4. Zen loves Just Dance. He rocks it and we all know that. If he doesn’t win he tries again until he wins. For fricks sake, he will study the whole choreo just to win.

5. Seven plays Sims. And simulators. No comment. He just does.

6. Ray likes gardening games or just games that have a cute esthetic. He accidentally downloaded DDLC this way. He thought the cover was cute and didn’t get the warning in the beginning. He nearly smashed his computer when Sayori died. After that he never downloaded a new game again.

7. Rika likes strategy games where you rule over a kingdom and need to destroy other kingdoms.

Jumin: Ugh I only got 8 hours of sleep

Zen: 8? I got only 6!

Yoosung: 6? I got 4!

Seven: 4? I got only 1!

Jaehee: Wait you guys are getting sleep-

RFA and spiders:

Jaehee: Catches it and then releases it

Yoosung: Screams a lot and calls any of the RFA members to catch it, most of the time Zen tho

Zen: Terrified of them but acts cool. Just smashes them with whatever.

Seven: Inhales them while sleeping

Jumin: Doesn’t really notice them because Elizabeth plays with them at first and then eats them.

V: He can’t see the spiders

Rika: Just keeps them as the house spiders that hang in the corner of the ceiling

Ray: Dislikes them but doesn’t want to harm them so he tries to catch and release them

Saeran: No because I can see him rip out their legs and then kill them-

Unknown: Is also unbothered by them but watches where they are. Probably gives them strange names out of boredom

Jumin: Seven.

Seven: Yes?

Jumin: What the hell is the movie you recommend me?


Jumin: Yes

Jaehee: What movie did he recommend?

Jumin: 50 shades of grey. He said there was a CEO that reminded him of me.


Yoosung: Was it a good movie?

Seven: Would you like to watch it?

Jumin: I don’t recommend. The guy is nothing like me and it has 3 movies.

Seven: You… You watched them all?-

Jumin: I wanted to find the resemblance you talked about

Jaehee: Oh dear heavens-

Seven: I took several painkillers but not a single one helped against my emotional pain

Zen: I’m afraid that’s not how it works buddy-

Jaehee: Omg go to a hospital now-

It snowed here recently so

Mystic messenger and snow:

Yoosung: Ofc the first thing he does is build a snowman

Zen: Goes skiing

Jaehee: Looks out the window all the time, makes hot chocolate and reads a lot

V: Makes a lot photos. Like a lot.

Jumin: Acts like he couldn’t care less but secretly is excited like a little child

Seven: Starts snowball fights with Yoosung

Vanderwood: Yeets a giant snowball at Seven. It’s about the size of a snowman head

Ray: Fascinated af. Wholesome bean

Unknown: Secretly throws snowballs at Believers

Suit!Saeran: Constantly complaining about the snow, probably yeets snow in peoples faces and shoves it in the back of their shirt

Rika: Makes snow angles and motivates everyone to join her

It’s Halloween so here!

Mystic messenger charas getting scared on Halloween:

Yoosung: Screams and jumps into the next persons arms

Zen: Flinches and nearly punches whatever scared him

Jumin: Flinches and jumps back slightly

Jaehee: Roundhouse kicks whatever scared her

V: Screams. Then ‘Omg sorry-’

Seven: The one who scared them all

Mystic Messenger as that one meme with monopoly:

-soothing music-

Yoosung: I HATE YOU!


Jaehee: Yoosung give Seven his 200$ you landed on his property


MC: That’s. Not. How. You. PLAAAYYYYY!

V: Jumin why are they screaming?

Rika: Stfu V you don’t get to talk after stealing my last railroad!


Zen: ME TOO!



Vanderwood: *to Ray who just entered the room* Hi. What you just witnessed is the phenomenon known as RFA game night.

Ray: …. Nope *slowly leaves again*

Mystic Messenger sneeze:

Zen: Pls he’s Zen his sneeze is perfect

Yoosung: Makes more noises before the actual sneeze

Jaehee: Yes. Her sneeze *chef kiss* cute and kawaii

Jumin: Tss. Practically all you hear. A quiet tss

Seven: Full on scream-sneezes. His neighbours probably hear him every time

V: Sneezes 3 times in a row and then apologizes for each of them

Ray: Very cute but basic sneeze

Saeran: AAAAAAAAAAA *smol sneeze*

Unknown: Sneezes. Looks at you 1 2 3. Sneezes again.

Rika: Makes the funniest faces before sneezing. Her sneeze is rather silent tho

Vanderwood: No sneeze. Jk. But he slightly squeezes his eyes together and then sneezes nearly silent while shivering short.


Announcing our circus Stretch Goals! ✨

We’re currently at 36 sales already, so 4 more to unlock our first goal! ^^ Don’t forget to check out our store and that you can buy a bundle with your friends at a discounted rate! ^^

We will show previews of our acts soon so stay tuned! ;)



Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and feast your eyes on a marvelous treat that’ll surely delight your every sense! The Mysme Circus Zine team proudly presents:


Foolproof, the harlequin’s intentions hide behind painted face and dark clothes. We invite you to take a peek behind the mask, but will you be able to handle it~?


Disney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://wwwDisney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!Link : https://www

Disney website in japanese that allows you to create your own Tsum tsum >v<!
Link : https://www.tsumgaomaker.jp/pr
Thus, I have created Mystic messenger TsumTsums~~
Some extra editing was involved~

I had so much fun making this, I hope that you guys finds it adorable too <3

I might make tsum tsums of the “guest” too~

I wish I had made their name of the same colour as the other words….which is similar to the back ground >.<

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requested: by anon

a/n: i feel rusty in terms of writing but I hope its alright lol


- “it’s almost 5 in the morning and I can’t shut off my brain” mod alex


-it doesn’t register with him at first

-he’s unsettled but doesn’t make a big fuss out of it 

-refuses to call you Jumin

-perhaps Han, but that leads into uncomfortable Han Solo jokes from Seven 

-he’d rather just not address you by your name

-honestly is weirded out by it, but will never admit it

-crinkles his nose when he hears someone refer to you by name


-she think’s it’s pretty neat that you have the same name…at first

-a twinge of disappointment that finally there’s a new female member and she has the same name as her

-it honestly triggers some deep rooted abandonment issues for her

-sees herself as replaceable now that there’s someone there with her exact name, someone who is clearly more popular with the boys and is taking up what Rika did

-no longer thinks it’s neat, please give her a hug


-think’s it’s so fun

-not much to say about it, but he gets very giggly when he hears someone call you by his name,, or your name technically

-his head shoots up any time someone says Yoosung, not knowing which one he’s referring to

-out of two people with the same name, he’s definitely the one who’d say “which one?!” first



-goes through all seven stages of grief,, he added a few stages

-at first think’s it’s a prank, then that you’re a secret operative sent to torment him, then finally after doing an extensive check on you realizes that.. no that’s … just your name

-is sort of disappointed that you’re not something cooler, just a dude with the same name as him

-as his name isn’t well known in the chat at first, he’s incredibly uncomfortable suddenly having everyone saying it, and has to remind himself that it’s not him they’re referring to

-once he gets more comfortable with it, he’s definitely one to make many “twin” jokes, including “the second unrelated twin” references 

-will call you everything except for Saeyoung, but as a joke, he resorts to inanimate objects at one point


-uncomfortable with it at first, he hasn’t heard his real name in a while and having to address you as his old name was odd to say the least

-a lot of “how doesn’t it feel to have the best name” jokes

- “sharing is caring, I must care about you a lot to let you have my name

-it doesn’t bother him too much

- “it shows your parents had good taste when naming you” “I wasn’t named after you” “but they had good taste no?”

requested: by my last braincell

a/n: …….lmao I’m back i guess, hope everyone is staying safe

warnings: coronavirus and depression mention

-on the brink of insanity mod alex


-of course he realizes the extent of the issue with the virus, but he’s one of the last employers to give his workers paid leave. 

-even so, he’s prompt to send everyone down the chain of command specific instructions for their departments and strict deadlines that they must adhere to

-this is the only thing keeping him from going insane

-hates it at home, he hates the solitude, hates being trapped, and not even Elizabeth the III is enough to keep him company

-tries to see this from a logical point of view, and uses this time to learn new things, pick up another language, take online enrichment classes… as trivial as they seem to him he still insists on doing something, anything to keep his mind sharp

-reads a lot

-starts to pick up cooking (due to his staff being under quarantine), but his cleaning skills leave something to be desired

-you can slowly start to see him slip up in the rfa groupchat, acting seemingly more relaxed…or maybe it’s closer to insanity


-she’ll never admit it to anyone, but she prefers being at home, even with her same amount of workload, maybe even more, but getting to set her own working hours has her smiling more, letting her take her time in the morning

-home workouts, you can’t convince me otherwise

-also reads a significant amount more! everything from dumb YA novels to nonfiction and classics, she takes full advantage of online library services 

-she doesn’t know what to do with herself after a while

-doesn’t like staying inside, but knows it’s important to do so in order to keep not only her but everyone around her safe

-she’s the one that’ll yell at the other members if they dare to step foot outside

-finally has time to take care of her previously struggling plants, and they start to thrive within a short amount of time

-grows her hair out- she knows she’ll have to cut it again once this is all over but she enjoys waking up and messing with it, feeling not only joy but also pride when her hair gets long enough to tie back into a ponytail


-you’d think this would be a gamers paradise, not having to go outside and being able to focus on LOLOL alone 


-detests online classes, trudging out of bed and into his living room with muttered complaints as he logs into his schools server, ready to video chat with his teachers. Falls asleep the second class is over, most of the time falling limp to the ground in exhaustion

-self isolation… not good for him. not only does it make him more anxious than ever the threat of his parents and sisters safety on the line, but being alone for so long only capitalizes on the fear of abandonment he had felt after Rika’s death, and not getting to see his friends plunges him into a pit of depression

-struggles to do more than aimlessly do his homework and log onto LOLOL, the stress of coronavirus keeping him up and worrying

-h..he….an-he p-hhhh-animal crossing


-while there has technically been no change in his physical lifestyle, there definitely has in his mental health

-how is he supposed to protect the RFA from something he can’t even see?

-this thought sends him into a panic, and his helplessness is only furthered by his lack of knowledge in general medicine. he wasn’t trained for this. 

-starts to isolate himself from the group, and bury himself in more work than ever before

-however, less people on the streets, less human activity… less clients… less victims

-for the first time in what seemed his whole life he finished everything he had for work, and this realization brought him to a crashing halt. with nothing to occupy his mind he found himself more alone than ever before, old memories and feelings from his childhood returning, flashbacks seemingly around every corner. 

-however, like Jumin, he knows he needs to keep his mind sharp and working, and finds himself talking to the man more and more as quarantine goes on, an unlikely friendship blossoming where nothing seemed to exist. 

-slowly he starts to integrate himself back into the RFA, and comes out the other end with a stronger bond with everyone. 

-occupies his newfound time with finally getting to work on his cars, even starting to build a few from scratch

-his only other serious pastime is his challenge to himself to watch the Bee Movie every day for as long as the quarantine lasts. (that and watch every sci-fi film on Netflix) 

-starts to learn how to cook… without honey buddha chips and doctor pepper

-he’s shit at it but at least he tries


-instagram live

-he feels guilty, everyone that had bought tickets to his upcoming show had to get their money refunded, the show being cancelled until further notice. 

-just out of curiosity, he tries his hand at writing down ideas for a play, a mashup of two things he’d done in the past

-what started off as a curiosity to see what would happen if he let his own imagination run with an idea instead of letting the idea run his imagination, became a hobby, writing short skits here are there, nothing more than 

-he…he - djhfks- hhhheee he tiktok he… he tiktok

-does mostly original content, using it as an outlet for his creativity, and finds it simpler than youtube (he’s not much into the production side of filming as much as he is with the creativity side of it)

-he really likes the dances though! he finds them fairly laggy and too simple in their movements, but they give him an excuse to work out and awe the lads and ladies all in one

-is forced to order a treadmill, his lack of exercise getting to him. it doesn’t make up for the fresh air he misses so dearly, but it’s something

-it takes all his strength to stop drinking, fear for his shape and physical condition stopping him from becoming a borderline alcoholic

-as much as he hates to admit it, quarantine is isolating… as it should be of course, but to him being cut off from the rest of the world was something he could barely handle

-skyping jaehee and doing home exercises together


It snowed here recently so

Mystic messenger and snow:

Yoosung: Ofc the first thing he does is build a snowman

Zen: Goes skiing

Jaehee: Looks out the window all the time, makes hot chocolate and reads a lot

V: Makes a lot photos. Like a lot.

Jumin: Acts like he couldn’t care less but secretly is excited like a little child

Seven: Starts snowball fights with Yoosung

Vanderwood: Yeets a giant snowball at Seven. It’s about the size of a snowman head

Ray: Fascinated af. Wholesome bean

Unknown: Secretly throws snowballs at Believers

Suit!Saeran: Constantly complaining about the snow, probably yeets snow in peoples faces and shoves it in the back of their shirt

Rika: Makes snow angles and motivates everyone to join her

The mobile game that is taking otome players by the storm <3Inktober #18I’m FINALLY on 707′s rout

The mobile game that is taking otome players by the storm <3

Inktober #18

I’m FINALLY on 707′s route, so please no spoilers~! <3

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RFA on Instagram  ♥ I had a lot of fun making these, do message me (askbox?) if you have any other fRFA on Instagram  ♥ I had a lot of fun making these, do message me (askbox?) if you have any other f

RFA on Instagram  ♥
I had a lot of fun making these, do message me (askbox?) if you have any other fun ideas regarding on their possible instagram post, including the comment sections BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WRITE STUFF T__T

♥ follow my art instagram account @iriszeible

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Under the spotlights.

Zen and Jaehee. Just because they are so cute. And I love Jaehee’s expression ^^
