

mystictober day 9: theater + hourglass

zen + theater + hourglass

words: 1546 (don’t ask why it ran long…)

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!!

There is an hourglass on your bedside table that you got from the last flea market you went to with your best friend. She was looking for a certain book that her boss sent her to find, and you had poked around and looked at what else they were offering. The owner said that it didn’t work anymore, but you thought it looked cute- especially since the sand was a pinkish red color that seemed to shine gold in the light and its frame had these diamond shapes that made it unique. So despite what the owner said, you still went ahead and bought it.

You figure the owner must have been mistaken, because when you got home that day and placed it in its spot, you saw the sands trickling down to the bottom half of the hourglass- albeit at a rather slow rate than usual. Whether it measured a week or a month or a year, you weren’t exactly sure. But you paid it no mind, simply content to use it as a decoration.

Most days you never spared it a second glance, but over the course of the year, you’d find that a noticeable chunk had gone missing from the top and fallen into the bottom of the hourglass. You weren’t exactly waiting for the sand to run out, but you wondered when it would finally happen.

Hands blindly search around the table, the hourglass shaking a little when you bump into it on your way to shut off the alarm on your phone. Sighing, you sit up and rub your eyes, blinking them open and awake. As your feet pad their way to the kitchen, you try to remember why it is you set an alarm today when you had no work- but your phone ringing all of a sudden again reminds you why.

“Good morning,” the voice on the other end of the line chirps. Your best friend is rarely this cheerful this early, and despite how groggy you feel, you manage to make your voice sound alive.

“Hey, Jae!”

“I wanted to make sure you were awake,” she laughs. “And you are! Will you be ready soon?”

“Mhm! Just let me eat and shower and all that,” you reassure her as you begin to prepare your breakfast.

“Alright, alright…oh! Did you listen to the-” Jaehee begins to ask you excitedly before you cut her off.

“Yes, yes! I’m ready. A hundred percent ready for the show, all thanks to you!”

“Okay,” you can hear the sheepish smile in her voice through the phone. “Sorry, I’m just really excited…”

“You should be! Now, let me finish up and we’ll meet at the theater soon okay?”

You both say your goodbyes and you finish up your business in the kitchen, staring at the sink for a moment after you put away your dishes. With a deep breath, you exhale and shake your head, walking towards your bathroom to prepare for the long day you knew you had ahead of you.

It doesn’t quite sink in that you’re going to have the full experience of this show, stage door and dressing room tours included, all thanks to Jaehee. You didn’t know how to repay her- getting her to accept your share for the tickets was hard enough.

But now you stood beside her underneath the giant marquee, flashing wide grins as Jaehee’s phone snaps a selfie of you two. The fangirl squeals excitedly and quickly uploads it to the messenger accompanied by some of her emojis before she pockets her phone.

Even though Jaehee had showed you the cast recording and you’d watched a few potato-quality videos on MeTube, nothing could have ever prepared you for the live performance that was happening before your eyes. Your friend was right, and you understood exactly why her adoration and support was so strong and unwavering.

Your eyes are glued to Zen the entire time he’s on stage, his voice absolutely captivating you with every note he sings. Each time he moves, it’s a sight so heavenly- the lights and smoke giving you the illusion that he was dancing on a cloud. And he might as well have been, with the way he glided across the floor. By the time the cast took their final bows, you found yourself wiping at a few stray tears that had escaped as you clapped rather loudly, you and Jaehee joining the others who were giving standing ovations as well.

It takes you a minute to collect yourself, sitting and chatting with your best friend as the rest of the people made their way out of the theater. Fortunately for you, Jaehee had already insisted on buying merchandise during the intermission, so there was no need to rush in line. You both made your way to stage door, the fangirl bouncing rather excitedly on her heels beside you. Swallowing, you turn to face her.

“So, Zen…”

“-Was so amazing, right? Did you see how beautiful his hair was? He didn’t even need a wig for this role! It’s actually that nice, and did you notice…”

You chuckle at your friend’s enthusiastic rambling and nod along, blushing a little as you remember all the details about the actor and his performance that Jaehee brings up again. Before you can chime with any of your own comments, though, a smooth, baritone voice interrupts the conversation.

“Aha, I see Jaehee here has already put in a good word,” the actor chuckles as he places a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly. She bashfully stops mid-speech, turning to face Zen.

“I couldn’t help it,” she shrugs, giving the man a look. “You just did so well!”

To this, you nod, endeared at your friend’s display. You also try to drown out the screaming that has suddenly surrounded you.

“I did my best,” he says humbly before turning to face you. “Now, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Zen.”

He flashes his signature smile and reaches his hand out. You go to shake it, but he gently maneuvers his palm underneath to catch yours. Raising your hand, he presses a gentle kiss to your knuckles.

Somewhere in your darkened apartment, the final sands in the hourglass trickle down to the bottom of the timekeeper as you manage to tell him your name.

“I’d love to get to know you more and catch up with Jaehee, but I have some things to sign,” he gestures to all the people waiting. Zen speaks again before you can even begin to feel bad about holding up the line.

“Will you guys wait for me over here? I promise I’ll be quick!”

“Of course! It’s no trouble at all, right?” Jaehee answers before you can as she turns to you, waiting for your input.

“No, it’s not! We’ll wait,” you smile, linking your arm with hers.

“Perfect!” is the last thing Zen says, then he uncaps his marker and quickly makes his way down the line.

It looks like he’s shining. You’re not sure whether it’s just the sun hitting his alabaster skin, or stage makeup he hadn’t properly taken off yet, or the way he flashed his pearly whites- but he looked almost golden in his element. Jaehee catches you staring, but who was she to say anything if she was doing the same?

Once he’s out of good earshot, your friend speaks up.

“I think he likes you,” she says as nonchalantly as she could, pretending not to observe your reaction.


Zen chooses this perfect moment to spare you a glance, to spare you a smile. Of course Jaehee catches this, too.

“He kissed your hand,” she tells you knowingly. There’s a look on her face you can’t quite read.

“He was probably just being a gentleman,” you quickly jump to his defense, swallowing slowly before smiling back at him.

“He doesn’t really do that to begin with,” she quickly responds. Mentally, Jaehee goes over all the times she’s seen Zen kiss a girl’s hand. Sure, the man was a flirt, but if she didn’t count all the times he did it to a stranger for the sake of formality, well… there was nothing else to count.

Before you can say anything else, Zen jogs back up to you, several gifts in hand. How can he carry all that in one hand?

“Alright, I gotta put these away before continuing. You guys can wait in my dressing room instead, I’d hate for you guys to get cold out here.”

Jaehee is surprisingly silent. She nudges you.

“Ah, that’s alright! Yeah, we can wait there,” you reply, shooting Jaehee a look after he takes the lead.

“After you,” he says, holding the door open.

“Thanks,” you mumble with a blush.

As you pass him by, his scent tickles your nostrils and you think another whiff will make you absolutely intoxicated. Your shoulders brush, and for a moment, you lock eyes- both of your faces falling into soft smiles.

You don’t know what it is, at all. You just met this man. Sure, he was devastatingly beautiful, but there was something else that was there.

The hourglass would never tell its secrets, but you had a feeling you were going to find out anyway.

mystictober day 10: seven x mc + space station

seven x mc + space station

words: 690

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!

!! this i dedicate to jay, @galaxytastes, my one and only starboy. THANK YOU for bringing dear sev into my life.

You’re on the moon.

This, you know because of the view of Earth before you- an image you had only ever seen on screen was right before your very eyes. Below you were craters of moondust, and you stand to look outside the glass pane that separates you from the moon’s atmosphere.


There are fifteen little redhead children running around in circles, leaving clouds in their wake. They don’t seem to be wearing any spacesuits, nor you for that matter- a quick glance at your reflection confirming what you had already suspected. You were in your normal clothes.

“Honey?” a familiar voice calls out, reverberating against the steel walls of the vessel you stand in. Whipping your head around to face him, you greet your husband with a smile, beckoning him to join you. And here he was: the king of the redheads himself, wrapping an arm around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

“You should stop letting them have that stuff,” you hear yourself say matter-of-factly. “I know that’s what you just did.”

“What? Nonsense, angel! It’s important that they know what the superior soda is before anyone else can change their wee little minds! Even if they have to share one can,” he chuckles proudly, puffing his chest out.

Sev,” your voice carries that tone reserved for situations like this. “We’re the only ones here. No one can tell them that anything’s better than PhD Pepper… except maybe me,” you giggle, and he shakes his head before wrapping his arms around your waist, carrying you to the other end of your moon-house.

“Oh yes, you…

Your cries and protests are only met with tickles before he finally sets you down in front of a giant telescope.

“I wanna show you something,” Saeyoung whispers with a wicked grin, eyebrows wiggling in excitement.

“What did you do this time, huh?”

“Look into the telescope, my star.”

And so, you do, but not without giving him a look of suspicion.

You’re met with the sight of your name. Beside his, and now your, surname.

Toggling with the lenses, you zoom the telescope out a little bit to see what your married name had been on: a mountain. On Earth.

Your mouth falls into a gasp. Blindly, you reach over to smack his arm. “No, no you didn’t-”

He adjusts his glasses with a smirk that you can’t see.

“Why yes, yes I did, with the help of my trusty laser. Now everyone will know that I married you at the space station,” his voice goes from pride to fondness, pulling you away from the telescope and into his arms.

“Earth knows I love you. Mars is next,” a hushed whisper from your husband as he leans down to capture your lips with his in a chaste kiss. You feel yourself sigh against him as he pulls away, squeezing both of your hands.

“Naming all those stars was enough, you know?” you mumble, blushing.

“No way! I told ya, all the planets in the galaxyshould know!” he chuckles and rubs your arms, kissing your forehead.

He feels warmer this time. You feel this forehead kiss even more than the one earlier and-

Your eyes fly open, met with the sight of your boyfriend pulling himself away from your face. He jumps back, glasses askew with a hand clutching at his chest.

You blink at your surroundings, at Saeyoung’s monitors glowing behind him, at the walls of the bunker- the chip crumbs on his side of the bed.

“Woah there angel, you scared me!” he laughs, coming back to cuddle you again.

“I dreamt of you,” you say, your voice a faraway thing while you try to sink back into reality.

“Ofme?”he says overdramatically, his hand returning to its position on his chest. “What did this lucky alien boy do to make it in your dreams, huh?”

Seven ruffles your hair gently and presses a kiss to your shoulder before hooking his chin over it, awaiting your response.

“There were fifteen baby tomatoes, the moon, and a laser.”

“Tell me everything.

mystictober day 8: jaehee x mc / vacation

jaehee x mc + vacation

words: 1,076

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment

It may have been a passing comment, but it was one that had stuck to you ever since you attended your first RFA party.

“I must ask Sherlocking to retrieve my lost vacation days,” Jaehee says with a little laugh after welcoming the detective and checking the his name on the guest list. It was said lightly, but you felt the truth in her words, especially after the soft sigh that escapes her before you both move on to the next guest.

So naturally, you burst through the doors of C&R one day, fully clad in a detective outfit- complete with a briefcase and a magnifying glass. The borrowed coat you had on was way too big on you, but it only made you look all the more endearing.

“I found them, I found them!!” You exclaim as you enter Jaehee’s office, and she makes a very confused face at you, before looking back and forth between you and Jumin’s door, motioning for you to lower your voice.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Han is currently on a conference call with our associates from Japan,” she says apologetically, using a finger to lift her glasses back to the bridge of her nose. The assistant motions you to come closer. “What was- what was it that you found?”

Her eyebrows furrow as she blinks twice, taking in your appearance. What were all these stuff you were bringing? What in the world was your reason for this attire?

You erupt in laughter for a moment before you remember yourself, eyes widening while your hand comes up to stifle the laughs. As much as Jaehee adored the sight, the sound- she couldn’t tell you not to be quiet.

“Ifoundthem,” you say in a hush now, as if you’ve unearthed the biggest secret in the world, as if you held the very key to life in your hands. The briefcase is lifted onto Jaehee’s desk by your hands, an air of importance surrounding you. She tries sitting up straighter, higher to get a peek at what’s inside as you open it, but it’s obscured from her view.

You pull out a folder that held travel documents inside, an all expenses paid week-long trip to paradise as handpicked by you and Zen, and financed by none other than mister director, Jumin Han.

The briefcase is shut as you lay the folder on her table and slide it across in an official manner, like in a movie you’ve watched with her just to see Zen’s cameo in it.

“What is all this… ?” she asks quietly, a puzzled expression on her face.

As she opens the folder, you lean in and grin widely.

“Your lost vacation days!”

You can’t help but giggle again, excited for the overworked assistant. With eyes scanning through the details written down, she slowly begins to smile, but then her mouth falls back into a hard line.

“This cannot be possible. Is this one of Seven’s pranks, are you in on it this time?” She asks in disbelief, once again surveying your outfit.

“No no no, I swear-” you try to explain before Jumin himself walks out of his office, steady beats of his Oxfords slowing to a stop as he reaches the two of you.

“Assistant Kang, this is perfectly serious. We discussed this beforehand, everything has been worked out. Is that any way to show your gratitude?”

“Mr. Han- I didn’t- and,” Jaehee begins to fumble, caught off guard.

“It’s alright,” you swoop in and save her, laughing it off and waving your hand in reassurance. “I see why it would seem too good to be true. But it istrue, I asked this guy right here,” you smile as you jut your thumb outwards towards the man in question.

Jumin only nods.

“I- How did you manage this? I’ve been trying to ask for so long…” she responds, still in shock, going through the files in the folder.

“Easy. I have seven cat-sitting days Jumin can redeem whenever he needs them,” you smile proudly, shoulders straightening out as you tug on the collar of your trenchcoat.

The director shares one of his rare smiles too, and gently lays a hand on your shoulder, nodding in approval. He turns to Jaehee and gives her a curt nod as well, before walking towards the elevator without another word.

The assistant finds the tickets and holds them up, staring at her own name printed on them. Like it’s a mirage that’ll disappear. Like it’s a hallucination she’ll snap out of soon.

But she feels the paper in her hands and- oh, why is it so thick?

Her thumb slides forward as her index slides backwards in an attempt, and to her surprise, the second ticket comes into view. Curiously, she places her ticket behind and gasps at what she reads on the second one.

Your name.

“You’re coming with me?” she asks, eyes still glued to the ticket.

“Of course I am!” you say, blushing sheepishly. “What good is a vacation if you spend it alone, am I right?”

Jaehee actually grins this time, finally setting down the documents and looking into your eyes once more. She looks so happy, you think you could almost melt right here, in your entire ensemble and everything. Magnifying glass included.

Nervously, you ramble on.

“I don’t know if you saw it yet but we’ll have time to go to some spots where Zen filmed for his latest movie!! He gave us all of the directions, he even helped me fix our whole trip! And there’s lots of cute coffee shops near where we’re staying, they do all the latte art and-”

You don’t notice that Jaehee’s made her way around her desk already to wrap her arms around you tightly, the way they are now. But you do notice the smile on her face and the way she has her eyes closed, the way she holds you tightly and oh my god, she smells so good-

You’re blushing, but she is too. Sighing happily, you tenderly hold the side of her head close to you as you relish in the warmth of your embrace.

Thank you,” she murmurs most gratefully against your hair, and you’re so dizzy that you can’t tell if its the ghost of her lips that you feel brushing against your temple or the breeze on this office floor.

You secretly hope it isn’t the latter.

mystictober day 7: favorite cg / matching

saeyoung + favorite cg + matching

words: 525

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment

!! reader is wearing a dress, but nothing other than that is specified.

also, this isn’t my favorite cg cause i cannot pick one, but it’s definitely one of them <3

You feel yourself go still as his hands wrap around you, as his chin hooks over your shoulder. He has you surrounded you now, and you know well enough that there’s no getting out of this. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide- not in this bunker, not when you’re in the hands of God Seven himself.

The heat of his breath tickles your skin and coaxes bumps to come to its surface. You swallow thickly, and you can hear it in your ears when you do- in fact, you can hear almost everything in your ears, including the hammering of your heartbeat. His hands are large enough to splay over your back as he slowly pulls down the zipper of your dress- and this, this you can hear too, every little click that each pair of teeth from the zipper makes resounds in your ears. It’s this very sound that seals your fate.

You can feel the fabric slipping down your shoulders almost torturously, grazing against your elbows as it falls down your arms.

Maybe it should scare you, the fact that you’re standing almost fully bare in your boyfriend’s arms, but you don’t feel an ounce of fear at all. With hands on his shoulders, thumbs hooked under the collar of his jacket, you rest your head against his as you push his jacket down until it falls to the floor, joining your dress.

As much as Saeyoung wanted to rid himself of the rest of his clothes, this was a game. He had to be patient, had to take a deep breath as he felt the pads of your fingers brush against his muscled abs before you lifted his hoodie off. He cups your cheek and presses his lips against your skin languidly, trailing down until they linger in the crook of your neck.

So that’s how you want to play?

You act as an exact mirror of him, both hands coming up behind his neck to cradle his head, lips leaning in to start kissing right below his jaw, getting lower and lower until you make it to the very same spot he chose to focus on.

Exhaling slowly, the feeling of your warmth makes his little hairs stand on their ends, their own special greeting for you. You can hear it, the way you breathe, the way he breathes, each gentle brush of skin on skin and every little kiss you give each other.

It’s a game.

With an upwards drag of your tongue flat against his neck, his free hand clutches at your shoulder, jaw falling slack to let his teeth graze against your pulse point.

Maybe it’s something beyond your comprehension, something more powerful than the both of you that connects you both together. Maybe it’s all the time you’ve spent together, or maybe it’s simply because you’re the 606 to his 707-

But when you bite down, he does too, teeth sinking into skin, lips latching, sucking; tongues laving down at each other’s fresh bruises, at the matching marks you’ve made for the world to see.

He chuckles darkly against your skin.

This is only the beginning.

mystictober day 5: jumin’s birthday / cat

jumin’s birthday + cat

words: 2917

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!

! the main idea for this piece was given to me by my very epic friend, @galaxytastes! there is an amazing jumin birthday fic my friend also wrote so please check it out

Jumin had been making weird faces at you all morning.

It’s taken almost everything in you to suppress the urge to laugh.

Admittedly, your fiancé was right- you had been acting suspicious. But hey, who could blame you for being excited?

Jumin knew it was his birthday today. That was for sure. If the chatroom flooded with edits of him and Elizabeth along with greetings from the rest of the RFA weren’t enough to remind him, the tender kisses you had woken him up with did the trick. Ever since he had mentioned in passing that he had forgotten his birthday twice, you’ve silently made it your mission to prevent it from ever happening again.

Starting with today.

To be fair, it wasn’t Jumin’s fault that he was always so busy. Busy is good, he remembers his father telling him. What else is a business, if not busy?

Flash forward to several years later, where the CEO-in-line who had been hiding sleep deprivation and fatigue under the guise of good grooming was ambushed by the entire C&R conglomerate standing in his office. The moment he walked in, his body had flinched against his will in response to the chorused greeting of Happy Birthday, Director Han!

Needless to say, Jaehee Kang was promptly given an explicit order never to let anyone in his office, unless it was his father or V.

Today, he stands in the kitchen, watching you make breakfast. The fact that he’s here past 8 in the morning on a Tuesday is a gift in itself- literally. Once you had told Jaehee about your plan, she took it upon herself to clear his schedule for you.

“Think of it as a gift,” she smiles shyly, shrugging a little. “I’ve never known what to give him, nor have I actually wanted to. Not until now.”

That’s what you had told Jumin as he was waking up- that Jaehee had cleared the day for him. Your routine pleas for him to stay were met with indulgence this morning, the two of you wrapped up in each other’s arms for as long as you wanted. The rest of Seoul could go on without you.

“Jumin, dear, is there something wrong with the food?” You ask from across the breakfast table, tilting your head a little to sell the act.

“The food is… perfect,” he says slowly, cautiously, as if it were a prelude to something he wasn’t sure of how to say.

“But what do you have in mind for the rest of the day… ?” Jumin asks, neatly setting his utensils down. You smile at him and reach over, offering your hand which he gently takes in his.

“Have you planned anything? I’ve never had much days off, I’m not exactly sure what one should do…” he admits, staring at your joined hands. It’s not just him wanting to know if you had something up your sleeve, no- he didn’t actually know what it is that he wanted to do today. Jumin had planned on going to work today as usual, but all of a sudden he was freed from that obligation. Touched by his small act of vulnerability, your thumb brushes against his knuckles in reassurance.

“You’re lucky you have me then, right?” The corner of your mouth lifts fondly. To that, a little smile of his comes through- the one you’ve fallen in love with. He finally meets your eyes.

“I’ve always been lucky with you, my love,” he says with a little squeeze of your hand. You feel the squeeze in your heart, too.

His knuckles meet your lips one by one as you lean over to kiss his hand. He always took you by surprise, this beautiful man of yours. You never knew how to react to it.

You put the dishes away and return to sit in his lap, wrapping an arm around his neck.

“So what’s gonna happen now is, you and I will get ready, because Driver Kim will be taking us somewhere in an hour.” You explain, absentmindedly fiddling with the hairs on the back of his neck.

He kisses your cheek and sighs. He hated surprises, and he made sure you were well aware of this. Your behavior almost perfectly lined up with the nature of the texts in the chatroom from everyone today.

“Darling, you wouldn’t happen to be taking me to some big party, would you?”

You only giggle and shake your head, hopping out of his lap and making your way towards the bathroom.

“You’ve gotta trust me on this one, okay?” You call out over your shoulder, hand leaning against the doorframe.

“Now, are you going to shower with me or not?”

After the events of the shower, you now find yourself dressed in comfy clothing, Jumin in the same. It was always unusual to see him in anything but a suit, but never unwelcome. Clad in a dark blue sweater and khaki slacks, the sight of him so cozy brings a warmth to your heart. You can’t help it when you lean up and kiss his cheek before holding out his white tennis shoes.

“Sneakers?” he asks, accepting them and sitting on the edge of the bed to put them on.

“I’m sure you can give up your Oxfords for one day, Jumin,” you chuckle, pulling on your own shoes. They looked exactly like his.

With laced fingers, the two of you walk towards the elevator. As you make it inside, your phone pings with a text from Driver Kim, signalling that he was waiting out front.

“Happy Birthday, Mr. Han,” the driver says in greeting, reaching out with both hands to shake Jumin’s. This makes the celebrant laugh softly, his hand happily being squeezed by Driver Kim, his very favorite employee.

“Thank you, Driver Kim,” he says sincerely at the man, who now holds the car door open. Jumin nods once more before climbing into the vehicle after you, a very thoughtful smile on his face. If there was one thing he always appreciated, it was authenticity.

As Driver Kim starts the car and leads you into the city, Jumin speaks to him.

“Where are we headed?” he tries to ask as nonchalantly as he could, disliking the fact that he was clueless at the moment. But all Driver Kim does is shrug helplessly and flash an apologetic smile at his boss through the rearview mirror.

“I’m sorry, sir, I’m afraid your fianceé has given me instructions not to reveal our destination.“

He sighs at this, and you only giggle, squeezing his hand.

“Don’t worry, love. We’re almost there,” you offer him a reassuring smile. Before he can make another face, you lean up to kiss his jaw. So Jumin resigns, and instead, settles on combing his fingers through your hair. You secretly wonder if this was a habit he had carried over from showing affection to his cat, but you weren’t complaining. Not at all.

And true enough to your words, within a few minutes, the car slows to a stop somewhere in the Yongsan district. Jumin is visibly confused, unable to guess where exactly you’ve taken him.

“We’ve arrived,” Driver Kim nods curtly at both of you. He goes to escort you out of the vehicle, but you stop him- and you stop Jumin, too, letting yourself out. You smile through the opened door and make a gesture with your hand, giggling.

Jumin feels his eyes grow fond as he looks at you, climbing out of the car. You were so happy. Perhaps… perhaps this was going to be a good surprise.

He doesn’t want to risk ruining your mood by asking if you were at the right place, so he doesn’t. Taking your hand, he chooses to stay silent and follow your lead instead. The exterior of the building didn’t give him any clues as to what was inside, but he spots a few furry felines in one of the windows above, and his suspicion is confirmed the moment you both walk through the doors of the establishment.

Nabiya Cat Shelter, the sign inside reads. He turns to you with a puzzled expression on his face.

“I don’t understand…” he says with furrowed brows. “We already have a cat?”

You only shake your head and approach the employee on duty.

“Hi! Mr. and Mrs. Han, we’re here to view the…” You trail off, not wanting to ruin the surprise but hoping that they understood what you meant. Earlier, you were able to sneak a phone call while Jumin was fixing his hair, so everything should have been in order.

“Ah, yes! Right this way,” they say, leading you and Jumin through the corridors. You smile at him and squeeze his hand in encouragement, gently tugging him along as you walk. Mentally, the man was still stuck replaying the words you said.

“Mr. and Mrs. Han?” his voice is hushed, just for you to hear. You haven’t reached the room yet, but he was already fighting a smile.

“It was easier to explain to them,” you smile sheepishly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before you confess. “I like saying it, too.”

His thumb gently brushes against the back of your hand. He couldn’t wait to make you his.

“Here we are!” the employee chirps, bursting the little bubble you were in. “Everything we discussed has been put in place. We hope you find it satisfactory. On behalf of Nabiya, thank you, again.” They say, heartfelt. You smile and shake the employee’s hand, before Jumin does the same- albeit a little unsurely. It isn’t felt in his handshake, no, but you can see it in his face.

When the employee leaves, you turn with your back against the door, obscuring the label from Jumin.

“Okay, so I was figuring out what to give you for your birthday. But then came the question, what do you give a man who can buy anything?” you laugh, and he interrupts your little speech.

“I told you, you didn’t-”

“Ah ah ah!” you tut, holding your palm up in a motion that tells him to stop. “I already did this. I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to,” you say softly, lovestruck eyes gazing into his.

This is the moment you move away from the door, revealing a sign that says ELIZABETH on it in fancy cursive lettering, a little paw print beside it. To anyone else, it might have looked like any regular paw, but this was Jumin Han- and Jumin Han knew his cat better than anyone else did.

“For your birthday, I made a little donation to this cat shelter in your name…” you begin to explain. The donation was not little by any means, not to this shelter, but you knew that if Jumin himself had made it, he would’ve given way more.

“…and they used the money to build this room and fix it. As you can see, they’ve named the room after our dear Elizabeth the Third,” you gesture to the writing before blindly opening the door behind you, stepping backwards and letting you two inside.

Immediately, Jumin is met with an abundance of cats; a few of them lounging on a cat tree, some sleeping on cat beds in the corner. One lifts its paw and begins to lick it, grooming itself, as if knowing that it should be presentable to the people who just walked into the room.

His previously scrunched brows are now raised in surprised and delight, and now, the smile he’d been fighting had finally made it to his face. The grin only grew wider as he took in his surroundings.

“These are all rescue cats, and here, they get cared for until someone fosters or adopts them!” You say excitedly, closely observing your fiancé’s face.

One of the cats that had been on top of the cat tree jumped down, grabbing your attention. In true catlike fashion, it sauntered over to Jumin curiously, surveying the man with its glowing green eyes. It turns up its nose and blinks at him, as if waiting expectantly. Ever the master of cat language, Jumin crouches down and offers his closed fist, which the black kitten sniffs and rubs its nose against, before proceeding to lick at his knuckles.

“… I think this one likes you,” you sigh happily, bending down with your hands on your knees. He’s still silent, but you don’t mind. This place probably seemed like heaven to him, after all.

Which it was- but not just for the reasons you assumed. To see all these cats in a safe place, knowing it was your doing, your gift, your tribute not only to him but to Elizabeth as well-

He feels like he’s about to burst of love.

Jumin turns to you with a look in his eyes, and with his free hand, he cups your face and carefully pulls you in for a kiss.

“This is absolutely wonderful,” he whispers against your lips before kissing them again. “My love… thank you.”

With his forehead against yours, you take a deep breath, eyes closed as you take it all in.

“Wasn’t just me, you know?” you say knowingly.

“And… Miss Kang?”

“Not just Jaehee either.”

“Tell me,” Jumin sits down and you follow suit, watching him as he lets the cat jump into his lap, his hand now making the same motions that it had been doing to your hair earlier in the car. You chuckle.

“Saeyoung suggested the whole cat thing… but Yoosung helped me find this place, he told me that his friend volunteered here during the weekends. Zen took me here to check up on the progress every now and then while you were out with Driver Kim,” you bite your lip, knowing how he wasn’t partial to the idea of you riding on a motorcycle, but you carry on. “And Jaehee made sure you wouldn’t find out, plus, she’s the reason you’re actually here today.”

There is a strange feeling in Jumin’s chest, one that doesn’t appear very often, but he was familiar enough with it to identify its source. He leans against the wall and looks at you.

“How about… V?”

This is when you reach for his hand, interlocking your fingers with his.

“He helped me with the donation. We split it in two,” you explain before remembering to pull up your phone and look for your conversation with the mint-haired man. Standing up, you follow the instructions in his text message, approaching a curtain and wrapping your hands around the neck of an expensive bottle which you hand to Jumin.

Pour this one out with me tonight?

It reads on the note attached above the label, signed by V himself. Jumin feels warm without having consumed the wine yet, but the message on the bottle makes him look to you for a little help.

You scratch the back of your neck.

“Do you want to come over to V’s house later tonight? Everyone will be there… Only if you want to go though! But I probably should have asked you earlier because Saeran and Vanderwood were already getting all the stuff…” you ramble on worriedly, a little disappointed in yourself that you ended up asking later in fear of ruining the surprise.

He didn’t actually think you’d pay this much attention to how he wanted to spend his birthday. He was aware that you knew he would be content, alone with you, but here you were- giving him the most thoughtful gift he’s ever received, going through all the trouble of organizing him a party, but still giving him the choice whether or not he would attend. The donation alone was special enough, but the fact that you had somehow roped everyone into playing a part…

Jumin’s hand on your thigh cuts you out of your spiraling.

“We can go,” he smiles softly, leaning in yet again to kiss you. The cat in his lap purrs, now asleep. It seems to have grown attached to him already.

And so, later tonight,the bottle of wine that Jumin received from V will be emptied to its very last drop, and everyone will get to see how much of a lightweight Yoosung really is. But right now, he’s surrounded by cats in a room that was built in his honor, sitting right next to the person he loves the most- you.

He’s frozen in his place, watching as you beckon the other cats closer to scratch their chins one by one. When you laugh, he almost swears he sees the light glow around you. Like the brightest, rarest white aura was radiating from you.

“I love you,” he breathes, soft and sure and true. Like it’s the one thing in the world that made sense no matter what.

You grin from ear to ear, blushing.

“I love you too, my Jumin. Happy Birthday,” you say solemnly, content as you lay your head on his shoulder.

“Huh, a happy birthday…” he muses, mumbling into your hair as he presses a tender kiss to the top of your head. He wraps an arm around you and holds you tight, realizing that he was actually happy this year- and there was no doubt about it.

The sound of your giggle makes his stomach erupt with butterflies all over again. You nod against him.

“Mhm. A happy, happy birthday to you, my one and only love.”


NOTE: Nabiya Cat Shelter is an actual shelter in Seoul, you can find their Linktree for PayPal donations and adoptions/applications here, and their Instagram is here. If any of you are feeling the Jumin Han spirit and have a few change to spare, consider donating to them!!

mystictober day 3: candy

saeyoung + favourite chat / candy

words: 889

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!


Your boyfriend sings as he selects his assortment from the shelves, holding the bags of sweets in his arms and dropping them into the cart you were pushing along.

Saeyoung smirks, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, positioning his lips right at your ear.

“She’s sweet like candy in my veins~”

No one else was in the aisle, and so, no one else was there to see it when he swayed you as he sang- when he kissed your cheek and let it linger. You can’t help the grin that breaks out on your face, blushing and reaching out to pinch his cheek.

“You’re going to eat all this candy alone?” you giggle, shaking your head at the copious amounts of sweets he had chosen. It’s not like the bunker would be part of trick or treat. There was certainly no giving out of candy to children.

Well, except for the overgrown child who was paying for them in the first place.

“Wouldn’t you like to know, angel?” He winks with a ruffle of your hair. Still behind you, he grabs hold of the handles and pushes the cart to the counter with you between his arms, his chin resting on your head. The sleeves of his jacket had draped over your shoulders, surrounding you with his warmth and the distinct smell of a certain soda. Of course he spilled PhD Pepper on his jacket.

When you get to the register, he one-handedly unloads all his treats onto the conveyor, internally laughing at the way people behind you in line were staring at what you were buying. You were used to this, having witnessed strangers survey the contents of your own shopping cart all the time, but the grocery store wasn’t Saeyoung’s natural habitat. And in true Saeyoung nature, he finds a way to make it entertaining.

“Honey, do you think this is enough for the kids?“ he asks, rubbing the side of your arm and holding you close.

In a snap, you’ve gotten on the same page with him, smiling brightly and cooing at the man fondly.

“Of course, dear. There’s enough for seconds and thirds and any more or their teeth fall off!“

The redhead smirks, looking down at you with that proud twinkle in his eyes. All he does in response is kiss the top of your head, reaching over and handing the cashier some money to pay. Everyone’s eyes widen at the thought of children consuming that much candy, and so, the mission is accomplished… but when has your boyfriend ever stopped at the bare minimum?

“Oh! The dance recital, isn’t that today?“ Saeyoung looks at you with faux worry, mirroring the expression of a forgetful dad as he carries the bags for you.

“Yes, darling, it isn’t for another few hours. We have some time to kill before then,“ you purr suggestively, leaning up to run the bridge of your nose along his jaw in front of the entire supermarket. Make him proud and beat him at his own game. That’s the plan.

He chuckles wordlessly and squeezes your side as you walk out. You don’t see the darkened look in his eyes as you head towards his shiny red sports car that looked way out of place in this parking lot. Oblivious, you smile to yourself, climbing into the passenger seat while he swings the bag onto the center armrest. And then he swings himself into the car, too. In the time it takes to push the key into the ignition and turn the car on, you’ve somehow managed to snag some sour tape from his purchases.

The candy is hanging from your mouth when he turns to face you, and he bursts out in laughter at the sight. With a smirk he leans over and bites onto the other end of the tape, wiggling his eyebrows and throwing a flirtatious wink at you.

“C'mon, ya know ya wanna taste some of this sugar too~“ he says, but it’s muffled by the candy in your mouth. You giggle, and together, you create your own version of the Spaghetti Kiss from Lady and the Tramp, your faces getting closer and closer with each bite. The heat rising in your cheeks doesn’t bother you- it’s something you’ve gotten used to when you were around him.

The silence is thick, weighing down on you like a blanket; but it doesn’t suffocate you. His eyes never leave yours, something playful dancing in those golden pools of honey that you know you will be meeting very soon. But time seems to slow, and it’s as if you can’t nibble on the sour tape fast enough. You can feel the warmth of his breath on your skin now, the telltale sensation that lets you know what’s coming next.

When the very last bit of candy disappears, Saeyoung hooks his fingers under your chin and pulls you in, a little mmmf pressed from your mouth to his as he kisses you deeply, tongue running over the remnants of sugar that coats your lips. You’re not exactly sure what he’s intent on devouring- the candy, or you, but as he pulls away, you don’t miss the glint that shines in his eyes.

He definitely breaks a few speed laws getting back to the bunker.

Mystictober 2021 | Day 31: Halloween / Free

Happy Halloween, what do you mean it’s November 26th?

Sorry this is so late, I caught a terrible cold for nearly the entirety of the first half of this month and couldn’t function and then the approaching exam week got my ass but both of those are in the past now so I finally got the time to finish this

Mystictober day 1 : Favorite Character

I’ll switch between MCtober (Obey Me) and Mystictober time to time

Mystictober2021 day 5:cat

I have the power to dress my favorite characters as cat maids and nobody can stop me

Taking the picture was so hard for some reason,, I still don’t like it a lot

Mystictober2021 day 3:candy

I had fun working on this one and I really like how it turned out hehe

I’ll probably digitalize it someday because it would look cool fully colored

Mystictober2021 day 1: favorite character

Aaa mystictober is finally here!! I missed it last year and I’ve been waiting to participate

It’s all gonna be traditional because I’m slower at digital art and because I want to keep the inktober tradition lol but maybe I’ll digitalize some drawings in the future if I like them enough (day 3 I’m looking at u)

I only have 2 drawings done so I hope I can finish in time all the ideas I have aaaa
