

Nanashi from Sword of the Stranger, when he finally breaks the seal on his sword

6.5 x 9.5" watercolor, gouache, red ink, goldleaf


Nanashi, Tobimaru, and Kotaro sometime later. Nanashi’s decided to stop dyeing his hair and just let it be, and they’ve adopted Feng-Wu’s hawk along with Itadori’s horse

12 x 9" watercolor, inks, salt

Nanashi, Tobimaru, and Kotaro sometime later. Nanashi’s decided to stop dyeing his hair and just let it be, and they’ve adopted Feng-Wu’s hawk along with Itadori’s horse

12 x 9" watercolor, inks, salt


Something that doesn’t have a name or identity.





What’s the origin of your character’s name? (In universe and/or out of universe)

Reblog with your answer, or send an ask here!

Fun question!

Bumi- His father lost a bet as a young boy, and, even a hundred and fourteen years later, was sure to honour it.

Tulok - Named in honour of his father’s grandfather. Also a connection to his father’s home, the Southern Water Tribe, while he grows up in the Foggy Swamp.

Jianyu-Definitely named so because I’d been watching The Good Place.

Asha- Named for a girl neither of her parents ever met.

Sesi&Kesuk- I picked their names because of the prominent ’s’-sounds. They’re Sokka and Suki’s kids, and so I wanted them to match a little.

Tenzin- Stole it from LOK (as I did Bumi, honestly) because I liked the connection to Gyatso.

This just made me realize I cosmically suck at naming OCs

Lin II- Mako and Opal named her after their hero.

Mao Bei Fong- it just sounded like Lao.

Aang and Lao II- Huan and Ikki naming their twins after family names, of course.

Zu Ten- Iroh II’s son, i realized too late naming him Lu Ten would be *ridiculous* and changed L for Zuko’s Z.

Oh boy. I have… so many. I’ll pick just a few though.

Kirin - First son of Fire Lord Sozin, named after a mythical, dragon-like creature

Anzu - Kirin’s younger sister, named by her brother after the last apricot in the fruit bowl after her birth (plus I just thought her name was pretty)

Mana - Sozin’s first wife and Kirin’s mother, she was originally named Hana before my friend Ray misread it when I sent her a family tree.

Emiko - Sozin’s second wife and Anzu’s mother, her name includes the -ko which both ties her to Zuko a bit (despite not being related to him) and which means child, hinting to how she’s more youthful and energetic than a lot of other characters, but also how she’s viewed by the FN court.

Akiyo - Sozin’s sixth and final wife, Azulon’s mother. I use the characters meaning “dawn” and “world” (or “generation” depending on my mood) to write her name. It’s during his marriage to her that Sozin’s comet occurs, which she actually dies during as she gives birth to Azulon, ushering in a new world order with her death.

Deming - Lu Ten’s Dai Li… friend in my series “the dragon king”. His name means virtue and bright, which helps tie him to Lu Ten (bright feels like it would be very common in Fire Nation names) and helps hint at his more sympathetic role.

I think I’ve just got the one:

Nanashi: I looked up the word ‘nameless’ in Google Translate Japanese and got this.
