#naruto uzumaki x reader


Happy (Naruto x Reader)

Request: “I was thinking of something that Naruto and Reader have been best friends for a long time, and one day she gets hurt on a mission, and he cries, but in the end everything ends well.”

A/N: request for @writing-x-reader sorry it took so long, end of the semester has been very difficult. Also my first naruto fic. We will see how it goes. Hope I did your request justice! Not proof read at all, sorry about that.

Word count: 3000


Jeez, how was it that someone like her managed to meet someone as perfect as him? It felt surreal.

She wanted to kiss him. She felt herself leaning forward just slightly, feeling her heart rate beat swiftly in her chest at the sight of his tired eyes laying beside her. He blew out steady breaths through his lips, and she thought they looked more kissable than ever before. He was such a sweet guy, so handsome and kind and brave, and everything in between. She wanted  him to be completely hers, but that wasn’t happening.

So she laid back down beside him on the plush grass and sighed. 

Could they ever be anything more than friends?  It seemed impossible. He had that long time crush on Sakura, for one. But he was also so dumb when it came to love and all those things. He couldn’t get her hints, and she was too shy to just tell him outright. It just seemed like a hopeless dream to think they would ever date. 



“You got a piece of something stuck in your hair.” Her hands ran to touch the strands that hung around her head, and he just laughed with a shake of his head. “Let me get it,” he told her softly, reaching out to take a piece of leaf from her hair. She felt her cheeks begin to heat up at his touch, and his kindness, and the way he was looking at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered.


“You know, you should wear your hair down more often. It looks really nice on you. I like it,” the blond commented, his head propped up in his hand, hair falling into his face and shading over his eyes. He had that kind smile across his face, whiskers and all just adding to the look she adored.

Her cheeks grew warmer at his words and she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Her nerves had silenced her. Instead, she simply shook her head and lowered her eyes, too bashful to maintain the eye contact.

“You- You’re beautiful, you know? You really shouldn’t be so shy.”

Her heart raced at his words, and Y/N felt herself falling into a state of confusion and frustration. How could he say those things so casually, when to her it felt like he was playing with her entire heart in his hands? He was just so nice, and he always knew the right thing to say to make her like him even more, even deeper than she realized.


He laughed, leaning back against the grass and kicking one leg over the other. “What? Just being honest. Thought girls liked compliments?”

“No, no, I do. Thank you. I really should build confidence but it’s not as easy as you think.”

It was quiet for a moment, and she took that as her chance to get away, to clear her head and sort through all these conflicting thoughts.

Quickly, she gathered herself up and stood from the grass. She couldn’t be here anymore. She felt too many conflicting emotions running through her mind. She just wanted to be with him, but that was impossible. It made her stomach turn at the thought, and she just needed to get away, run as far as she could so she could be alone with her embarrassing crush on the hero of the leaf.

“I’ve got to go, Naruto.”

“Aw, really? It was so much fun just chilling here with you.”

He was having a good time? Of course he was, they were best friends. They wouldn’t be friends if he didn’t have a fun time when she was around. She shook her head softly to drown out her loud thoughts. “I’ll see you on our mission tomorrow, yeah?”

“Yep. See you.”


She walked off with heat in her cheeks and heart resting upon her sleeve. She was just so stupid. Crushing on someone so unattainable. The next opportunity she got to confess to him, she would. Just get it done instead of obsessively thinking about it all the time. It was driving her insane, and she needed to fix the situation. Whatever happened, she just hoped they remained friends afterwards. 

He was a sweet guy, he would most likely stay her friend and just forget about everything, right? 

Just stop thinking about it all, she scolded herself. It wqould only make her more nervous, or even avoid confessing at all. What had to be done, would be done. Whether they stayed the same afterwards or not would be a different story, and she could only hope for the best.


The blade came down upon Y/N with enough strength to pierce her skin and run all the way down her chest, tearing through the skin and some muscle as it did so. She cried out, so  surprised by the attack that her eyes widened and she had to do a double take. That man was behind her just a second ago, how did he get so close so fast? She didn’t know. All she knew was that blood was soaking deep into her tunic. 

If she had the strength left in her lungs, she would call out for her teammate, for Ino, to come and help her. She was a medical nin, right? But her chest ached, and the most she could get from her lips was a mere whisper. 

Everything hurt. Her body burned like fire had touched it, and her skin was hot and sticky to the touch.

She laid back on the ground, without any hope. Someone would get to her when they finished whatever they were doing, she just had to wait. It couldn’t be long.

And it wasn’t.

Naruto stood above her in an instant, and he was quick to fall to his knees at her side. His hands anxiously hovered over the long cut from the knife, and if she were seeing correct, they were shaking fiercely. The strong and brave Naruto brought to a quivering state? She couldn’t believe it. Maybe if he had found Sakura lying here instead, she could understand, but not her. She wasn’t anything special. 

“Y/N? Y/N? Are you alright?” he asked, leaning in closer to her face. 

“I’ll be okay,” she whispered, reaching her hand out to latch onto one of his. He grabbed up her hand the second he saw her struggle, and cradled it within his own, squeezing maybe a little too hard for comfort, but she could definitely manage. She could feel the heart radiating from his warm hands into her dripping cold ones. A small smile crossed her lips at the feeling, holding his hands. It was nice.

“Y/N, please. Ino- I don’t know where Ino went. Just keep trying for a little longer,” he pleaded,and at this point, she noticed the tears that were brimming his eyes, sliding down his cheeks so silently, she probably wouldn’t notice them any other time if she weren’t so entranced by his features through the hazy lens. “Please, don’t die.”

“I-I don’t know, Naruto.”

“Yes, you do know! Don’t just give up , please! Don’t give up for me, okay?” he exclaimed, and she winced at the height of his voice. Quickly, the boy hushed down, collapsing down at her side from all the sadness seeping into his body. “You just can’t die. I need you,” he whimpered, wiping away at his tears with his shoulder.


“I know you’re my best friend, and I know you don’t see me this way, but I love you, Y/N. I’ve felt that way for the longest time,” he confessed, and she felt her heart pick up in her chest, skipping a beat at the sudden confession. He loved her. Naruto Uzumaki, the boy of her dreams, was in love with her. She was high on the endorphins running through her body, and  a soft smile lifted on her face. He only clutched at her hands harder, tears continuing to drip heavily down his cheeks. “You are just so perfect. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

She knew she didn’t have much time left. She was slipping across the line of consciousness, and she just wanted to get in one more thought before drifting to sleep for a while. 

“I-I love you, too, Naruto.”

“Okay, so live! You have to now. We have to go on dates and everything! Come on, Y/N, please!” he cried, more hysterical now than ever. She sighed, knowing that there was nothing she could do to mend away those painful tears. She was dying right here in front of him and there was nothing anyone could do. They just had to wait until Ino found them and hopefully heal her enough that she could live. It was worth a shot.

And if she died? So be it. She was content. In her last moments, she felt Naruto’s love completely fill her heart and mind. That was the most she could hope for in a situation like this, being surrounded by someone who cares about you so immensely it hurts. She squeezed his hands gently, as she felt her eyes closing. He pleaded with her once again, but to no avail, she was out like a light. 

He kept on crying, harder now that she was gone and he couldn’t even see her eyes anymore, or hear another word leave her mouth. He felt like everything was coming crashing down on him at once. His poor friend was lying in front of his dying, and he couldn’t do anything to help her besides leaving the body alone to look for Ino, or just wait. He wasn’t too found of the thought of abandoning her body out here in the woods like that.

He clutched at her cold hand in his shaky ones, trying to feel some comfort in the skin to skin touch. Anything to bring her back to him and make him feel like things were okay again.

Ino rushed out of the forest as fast as she could after hearing Naruto call her name a couple times out in the open. Her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Y/N looked dead. Her body was so covered in blood she couldn’t make out an inch of her shirt that wasn’t soaked in it.

“What happened to Y/N?”

“I don’t even know. One second she was fine and the next she looked like this!” Naruto cried as Ino crouched one the other side of her body. Immediately, she set to work healing, and thankfully, there was enough chakra flowing through the girl’s body to signal a swift recovery. Ino wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen Naruto a blubbering mess the way he was right now. He was crying and sobbing, and shaking like a poor little leaf. The blond rightfully felt terrible for not being there sooner.

“Naruto, what’s wrong? Y/N is going to be fine, I promise.”

“I couldn’t even protect her. I love her so much, and I let this happen to her. What sort of friend does that make me?” he cried, trying desperately to wipe the tears from his eyes so Ino couldn’t see anymore. Guess it doesn’t matter though,  does it?

“You love her?”


“Well, she definitely loves you, too,” Ino sighed, continuing her work. She could feel Y/N getting better with every second that passed by, and she hoped there wouldn’t be any permanent damage. There was no way to tell right now, so she would just wait.

Naruto’s brows perked, and he asked, “What? How do you know?”

“She’s told me. Like, a bunch of times.”

Naruto sat back, falling flat on his butt in surprise. Y/N loved him? For a while? She liked him enough to divulge in her crush to friends? How did he never notice? They were best friends, he was around her almost all the time. How could she keep something like that a secret? He thought he’d made it more than obvious that he had a crush on her, but he guessed she never noticed that either. 

He was confused, rightfully so. Finding out your friend has a crush on is weird enough, but it being requited is a completely different thing. What would happen after this? Would they date? Was that even an option? Would she even want to? Maybe when she said I love you, she meant it as a friend. That could be it. 

He really just couldn’t make up his mind.

He would just have to wait until they got home, when she was awake and sound of mind, before they could figure out what was going on between them. The waiting would kill him, he was sure of it. But it had to be done.


When they arrived back at the village, Y/N was taken to the infirmary immediately. She was hooked up to machines and laid down in a white, sterile room away from Naruto’s prying eyes. Rightfully so, he was anxious to see her. They had just confessed their love to each other, what else could be more pressing than that?

The boy walked around in spiraling circles through the waiting room awaiting the doctor to peek her head in and inform him of her condition. And she did, after a couple hours. She walked into the room and told him it was time to go and visit her, she would be waking up any time now.

She lay still in the bed, only soft breaths bringing her chest to rise and fall. He collapsed into the seat beside her bed and reached out, taking a hold of her hand and squeezing it. Maybe if he continued to squeeze her hand, she would wake up sooner, he thought. He needed to see her, to hear her voice, anything. Just seeing her laying in this bed was driving him insane. There was too much to talk about.

And when her eyes started to open, he found himself practically jumping up from his chair to be closer to her. She groaned, lifting her other hand to rub at her tired eyes. 


“Naruto?” she asked in her sleepy state, confused as to why he would be there of all people. She turned her head to see the ball of sunshine sitting beside her, holding her hand even, and staring her right in the eyes. She felt heat begin to fill her cheeks. Was he that excited to make sure she was okay?

“I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried about you.”

“I-I’m sorry for making you worry so much,” she found herself mumbling the first thought that came to her mind, no matter how silly it may have been.

 He clutched at her hand, shaking his head furiously at what she had just said. “Stop! Don’t say sorry! It’s my fault for not protecting a teammate out there.” It wasn’t his responsibility to make sure she was okay the entire time, he had other priorities of course. She sighed, shaking her head, but not arguing with him.

“You’re right. But you did help me out when I was down and I appreciate that.”

“Of course! It’s what a good guy does,” he chirped, but his mind was obviously on something else that they had avoided so far in their conversation. His eyes trailed to the table beside her, not wanting to look her in the eyes as he brought it up. “About what we said back there.”

“Yeah, the confessions…”

He asked, doubt just now creeping up in the back of his mind, “You meant it, right?” She was in distress. It could have been a love confession out of desperation. He was definitely over thinking things, something he rarely did. He was so straightforward. Just calm down, he told himself.

“I meant what I said. I hope you meant everything you said too,” she told him, still feeling that heat creeping up her neck and ears now. So embarrassing. 

“You bet I did! I’m so happy you like me back! I’ve liked you for so long, Y/N.”

“So that means we can go on dates like you said? Ramen dates, maybe?”

“Ooohh, Ichiraku dates. Sounds so good.”

He was happier than he ever felt before, high off life and love and just so much emotion it was bubbling out. He smiled at his new found girlfriend, just watching as she went on about cute date ideas they could go on, her eyes lighting up and her lips curled up in a sweet smile he loved.

Times were good. So freaking good.

[Naruto Uzumaki X Reader] The Dumpling

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 2: Dating|Day 13: Naruto is certain that he is going to share his first kiss with you.

Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x gn!Reader

Note: Day 13 is here with blonde Naruto! This was really fun to write!

“Y/N, this way.” Naruto energetically waved his hand, standing beneath an oak tree. He helped you up the large branches and the both of you settled on a wide, stable one. “Careful, don’t knock yourself over!”

“You made all of this?” You ogled at the sight of the grand dinner Naruto prepared for the two of you. You remembered you once arbitrarily told him that it would be lovely to be dining up here while sighting Konoha and enjoying each other’s company. It never occurred to you that the blonde would take it by heart and actually turned your imagination into reality.

“How is it? Surprised?” He patted the space next to him for you to move closer. “It’s my first time eating up here, well, with someone.”

You sat dangling your legs from the branch, assessing the food Naruto laid out on a gingham picnic blanket. “Not bad.”

“That’s it?”

Teasingly, you crossed your arms and lifted your chin. “Yeah, could have been better.”

“You won’t get any of this, then.” He fumed and started eating, completely ignoring your laughter on the sidelines. When you lifted your chopsticks in an attempt to get a taste of his over-fried dumplings, Naruto swung your chopsticks away with his. “You’re not getting any of myfood.”

“I was just joking!” You whined, desperate at the exaggerated expression he made when swallowing a mouthful of ramen. “I really want to try your cooking. I’m sorry.”

“No way, you hurt my dignity.” He shook his head, picked up a piece of dumpling, and dipped it in the thick, rich sauce, waving it in the air to rouse both your appetite andanger.

“I’m sorry, Naruto—”

Then, he suddenly leaned in and kissed you on the lips, cutting you off your words. “Apology accepted.”

You froze on the spot, still paralyzed after he pulled away. “Y-You—”

And just like that, he plopped the piece of dumpling into your hanging mouth, turning around to hide his flushing cheeks. You almost choked on the dumpling following the series of events that all happened within a split second.

Your hands came up to feel your lips on their own, stammering once you swallowed the dumpling, “Naruto, did you just—”

“How was it?” He cleared his throat. “The dumpling.”




*lacuna: a blank space; a missing piece
or,“you’re my missing piece”.

word count: 2,471

a/n: im honestly kind of… ehhhhhhon this chapter. i like it but dont lol. nonetheless, i hope its at least enjoyable to you guys :)

tag list:@sup-zfam-@shirukitsune-@canibea-whore-yet-@aki-ham - @mutandis-extremis993 - @thatlazybrunettte - @spencerrxids
let me know if you’d like to be tagged.

You’ve known Kakashi your whole life.

Since you were both four.

Keep reading

Let me know what you think?

*lacuna: a blank space; a missing piece
or,“you’re my missing piece”.

word count: 2,471

a/n: im honestly kind of… ehhhhhhon this chapter. i like it but dont lol. nonetheless, i hope its at least enjoyable to you guys :)

tag list:@sup-zfam-@shirukitsune-@canibea-whore-yet-@aki-ham - @mutandis-extremis993 - @thatlazybrunettte - @spencerrxids
let me know if you’d like to be tagged.

You’ve known Kakashi your whole life.

Since you were both four.

You were in the same academy class, and you graduated just shortly after him; not quite as skilled as him, but skilled enough to skip a few years. He’s been a constant in your life that you’ve always seen, that’s always been there.

Though, you spoken no more than probably… ten words to him.

You hadn’t liked him as a child–he’d seemed incredibly full of himself, and at that point in your life, you hadn’t been interested in making friends with really anyone. You’d mainly kept to yourself back then, the pain still fresh, and had elected to really just watch in the background.

He’d caught you a few times, nodded at you, and that had been the extent of your relationship.

You’d been assigned your team, he’d been his. Shortly around then was when Kushina had found you, hidden away in a corner of an alley, crying and sobbing whilst shaking violently. She’d taken you in after that, offered you a roof when you needed it, or a shoulder to cry on when you couldn’t bottle it up anymore. She was the only person you’d ever opened up to, and you owed your life to her.

Thus, of course, you’d known Kakashi had been assigned under her husband, Minato’s, watch and care with the rest of his team. You weren’t, also, cold enough to have not noticed the way he’d lost one teammate, Obito Uchiha, and then shortly there after, his other teammate, Rin Nohara had followed. You had keen eyes, noticed things other never did; and of course, you’d noticed how much the death of his teammates had effected him.

But still, you never reached out. Never offered any words of sympathy. Honestly, you hadn’t said anything, and he went on acting like he didn’t notice your persistent watching.

Minato kept an eye on him, and sometimes, because of chance, the two of you were forced to communicate one way or another. It was really nothing ever more than a greeting, maybe a check in but it was always abundantly clear the both of you were never completelyhonest with how either of you were really doing.

And it continued on like that.

Then, years passed. Minato became Hokage, Kakashi joined the ANBU, you continued on missions as a Jounin and helped Kushina while she was pregnant. You spent most of your days off with her, while Minato was stuck in the Hokage’s tower; kept her company, doted on her like she had doted on you for years. You remember the exact moment she told you her baby’s name for the first time, and the way the name had felt so right.


And then, the Nine-Tailed beast attack happened, and because of it Minato and Kushina died the day Naruto had been born.

You took in Naruto, and everything after that followed.

So, yes, you’ve known Kakashi your entire life. But the two of you have never been close, never been friends–not even really acquaintances really. You knew him, he knew you, but the was really the extent of it.

It’s why you’re shocked, above all, when the Third Hokage informs you just who’sbeen assigned as Naruto’s sensei.

“But-But… he’s an arrogant prick!”

The words slip past your lips before you can stop them, and almost instantly, you recognize your mistake when the Hokage raises a simply brow at you. You don’t even really mean them, if you’re being honest, and you’re not sure why you’re so bothered at the thought of himbeing Naruto’s sensei.

He’s never actively done anything to rub you the wrong way–and if you’re being honest, you know he’s suffered, and that most importantly, at the end of the day, he isn’t a cruel man.

“I mean,” you huff, swallowing thickly as you feel your cheeks warm slightly in embarrassment. “He’s… He’s well–”

“I assure you, Y/N, he is perfectly capable of leading a genin team.”

Biting your lip, you shake your head. “I never meant to insinuate he wasn’t. It’s just… hasn’t he yet to pass a single Genin team yet? Despite how many he’s been assigned?”

The Third Hokage smiles, actuallysmiles, clasping his hands before him. “That is true, yes.”

Your eyes bulge, nearly popping out of their sockets. “Then, Naruto will–!”

“Such little faith in Naruto, Y/N,” Hiruzen teases lightly, the smile never fading as you falter, grumbling slightly to yourself. The Hokage simply shakes his head, knowing his words were anything but true–if anyone hadfaith in Naruto, it was you. “Besides,” he continues after a moment, straightening up as he sends another smile, this one softer, more genuine, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I have a feeling this time it’ll be different.”

Casting one more look at the Hokage, you sigh, shoulders falling.

You can only hope he’s right.


It seems the Third Hokage had been, in fact, right.

Because when you go to pick Naruto up that evening, he’s practically smiling from ear to ear, bounding up to you with exasperated breath and a pep in his step.

You noticed out of the corner of your eye that one of his teammates, the pink-haired girl, Sakura Haruno, is still there, listening intently to, nevertheless, Kakashi.

“Nee-chan! Nee-chan!”

You don’t get the chance to dwell long at the sight of Kakashi, a man you feel has hardly changed at all since you last saw him, whilst at the same time seeming like a completely different man. Naruto’s desperately calling for your attention, and you have half the mind to realize you shouldn’t ignore him–not when he’s so clearly excited.

Bending down to meet his eyes properly, you grin.

“How did the first day as a real ninja go?”

His eyes are practically shining with glee, and the words come pouring from his lips before he can stop himself. “It was amazing! And guess what, nee-chan, Kakashi-sensei’s not going to send us back to the academy, believe it! Even though, for a moment there, I really thought he was going to…”

Your brows furrow; “send you back to the academy?”

Naruto nods. “Yeah, we had to pass his test.” He gestures behind himself, towards the man, and just as your eyes flicker up to glance at him, his eyes are already on you. He seems mildly surprised at the sight of you, his mind blanking for a moment on why you’re so familiar–until he remembers.

“Y/L/N?” He calls, Sakura rushing off from him as he turns towards you, making his way over to you. “What’re you doing here?”

It’s probably the most either of you have said to one another, and you’ve yet to say anything.

Straightening up, you set a hand on top of Naruto’s head, smiling gently. “Here to pick Naruto up.”

He seems mildly surprised at you speaking, which causes pause, before his brows furrow; glancing from Naruto, back up to you.

Noticing the confusion in his gaze, you let out a light laugh; “I’m his caretaker. I have been for twelve years.”

Kakashi’s eyes widen, surprise flooding them.

Huh, it was odd. Most of the village knew about your position as Naruto’s caretaker, especially since it was considered taboo amongst almost everyone given who Naruto was.

“Ne, ne, Y/N-nee-chan,” Naruto calls, pulling your attention back on him before Kakashi can respond. When you glance down at him, he’s looking up at you curiously, head tilted slightly. “You know Kakashi-sensei?”

Meeting Kakashi’s eyes once more, you nod slowly; “yeah, we were in the same class together.”

Kakashi laughs lightly; “seems so long ago, now.”

“It was,” you smile, words soft as you shrug.

Silence echoes, just briefly, and the two of you just look at each other. You can’t explain the feeling, can’t explain why the words seem lost on you–you and Kakashi had never been close, never had any sort of relationship worth mentioning. But, for some reason, in this moment, it feels like two friends rekindling for the first time in years.

“You two graduated together?!”

Blinking, your lips part at the sound of Naruto’s voice.

Leave it to him to interrupt the silence.

Ruffling his hair lightly, you shake your head; “not exactly. Kakashi-san graduated early.”

“If I remember,” Kakashi speaks up, raising a single finger, “you weren’t that far behind me.”

Shrugging, you let out a light laugh; “no, I guess I wasn’t.”

A minute of silence beats, before Kakashi speaks up; “I never would’ve thought you’d taken in Naruto.”

“Yes, well, I never would’ve pegged you as a teacher.”

The two of you let out a short laugh, and you nearly lose yourself in the moment, before a tug on your shirt pulls you back to reality.

“Ne, nee-chan, can we get Ichiraku for dinner tonight?” Meeting Naruto’s eyes, your lips part to argue, before he adds; “as a celebration?”

And, that, paired with the puppy-dog look in his eyes has you agreeing quite easily.

“Well, it was nice seeing you Kakashi-san,” you offer a small wave at the man, smiling. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around, then.”

He blinks, snapping out of whatever revere he’d been in, shuffling on his feet before returning your wave.

“Yes, I assume we will.”


Kakashi had always noticed you.

He noticed you because he always thought you were like him. In more ways then one.

When he’d walked into class that first day, you’d been the first one he saw. Sat way up in a corner all by yourself, head turned towards the window whilst it rested in your palm, and starkly quiet compared to the chattering young kids around you that laughed and joked. You didn’t even bat them a single look, completely enthralled in the outside world, away from everyone else.

It was like that every day from then on.

Sometimes you looked outside, sometimes you would be looking at fellow classmates. He’d caught you staring at him a few times, but had never, oddly, felt bothered by it.

He didn’t really know how it made him feel–all he knew is if he happened to catch you, he’d nod, attempt at a smile which never really reached you thanks to his own awkwardness, and not to mention the mask on his face. You either didn’t like him or never noticed it, because you would simply turn away and say or do nothing in response.

He honestly thought you were stuck-up for a long while after that.

Until he caught a conversation he was positive he was never supposed to hear. 

It had to do with your past, where you came from, and what had happened to you. Kakashi understood after that why you were the way you were–why you didn’t talk to anyone, why you preferred to keep to yourself. 

He’d always meant to talk to you. Always meant to say something. But it wasn’t in his nature as much as it wasn’t in yours, and instead, he graduated, and then got put on a team with Obito and Rin and he saw less and less of you. 

You, quite honestly, drifted from his mind.

Then, he saw you with Kushina one day and was reminded of it all.

He’d been surprised, shocked still at the sight of you standing there, laughing and chatting openly with Kushina. You were like a completely different person, an alternate of yourself; Kakashi’s never seen you smile so brightly… actually, he’s almost positive he’s never even seenyou smile at all. And your eyes were shining with warm and adoration, and he almost feels like he’s never actually heard you speak until that moment.

Like this was his first time ever hearing your voice, ever hearing you say words. If he thought hard enough, he’s positive that it actually was.

And… your voice was so soft; so… reassuring.

Kakashi thinks then maybe you’ve changed. Maybe you’ve opened up. because this was so incredibly different from the person he’d known back in the academy.

But the second Kushina leaves and you’re left alone with him, you return to your normal self. Quiet, distant, eyes simply watching, mouth refusing to speak.

It doesn’t take long for him to reason you’re only like that around Kushina.

So, life continues on almost parallel to how it had in the academy. He means to talk to you, but never does, and slowly he finds his own world crumbling beneath his feet that he barely has the mind to notice you when he feels himself being swallowed whole by the pain that courses through his body daily.

And, then, when Kushina and Minato die, he doesn’t see you at all.

He doesn’t know what happened to you, and he doesn’t care to look.

Kakashi fell into a dark hole, one where he became a person he’d never thought possible–you, once again, disappear from his mind completely and he forgets about you.

Kakashi would’ve never expected to see you that day, with Naruto, smiling and chatting exactly like you had back with Kushina. It was like that day all those years ago, your eyes were twinkling with warmth and you were smiling so brightly, and he was almost scared to approach you in fear that it was disappear like it had last time.

Except, while the smile fades slightly, the warmth in your eyes doesn’t and you actually hold a conversation with him.

It’s clear to him that Naruto’s changed you. Filled you with a warmth only someone as innocent as a child could. Or, more specifically, a child like Narutocould. He figures it’s because of who Naruto’s mother is and how similar the two are that he’s able to have that much of an impact on you as a person. To change who you are so much that you don’t shy away from conversation, and you’re not afraid to be openly affectionate with him.

Naruto has done just as much good for you as you have him.

You’re like a completely changed person and the sight is so surprising but so… niceto see that the way it makes him feel is enough to confuse Kakashi even of his ownemotions.

He relishes in the words the two of you share, and when you leave, he has to bite his tongue from calling out to you; from trying to get you to stay.

He’s reminded of this pull you’ve always had on him.

This connection he feels with you that Kakashi’s almost positive you have noidea of.

It’s completely one sided, but the fact that you were even able to smile at him is enough for Kakashi. And when you leave, your back slowly disappearing from his gaze, Kakashi can’t help but think that maybe, this was it.

This was finally his chance.



*lacuna:a blank space; a missing piece
or, “you’re my missing piece”.

word count: 4,026

a/n:here it is! (like four days late) my new series :)
it will eventually be a kakashi hatake x reader, but im starting off things slow. i honestly have no idea how long this’ll be, we are just kind of going with the flow currently. nonetheless, i hope you guys enjoy this first chapter!

“Lord Third—!”

“We’ve set him up with an apartment, I’ve taken care of how his monthly expenses will work once he’s old enough. Y/N, honestly, there is no need for worry. The boy will be taken care of.”

“By who?”

Keep reading

Let me know what you thought?


*lacuna:a blank space; a missing piece
or, “you’re my missing piece”.

word count: 4,026

a/n:here it is! (like four days late) my new series :)
it will eventually be a kakashi hatake x reader, but im starting off things slow. i honestly have no idea how long this’ll be, we are just kind of going with the flow currently. nonetheless, i hope you guys enjoy this first chapter!

“Lord Third—!”

“We’ve set him up with an apartment, I’ve taken care of how his monthly expenses will work once he’s old enough. Y/N, honestly, there is no need for worry. The boy will be taken care of.”

“By who?”

The Hokage frowns, and you can tell by his lack of response that there isn’t specifically anyone.

Huffing, your shoulders fall. Your throat feels raw and the pure desperation flooding through your veins is making you lose sight of coherent thought. All you can think about is getting your point across, about trying to make the Hokage see reason—he had to see reason.

He had to understand.

“He’sjusta child,” you cry out; forgetting yourself, forgetting who you’re stood before. “He shouldn’t grow up alone.”

“Y/N,youare a child yourself.”

Faltering, you shake your head, apprehension coursing through you as his words sink in. He was right, of course he was—you were just a child, no older than fourteen and by all rights, you were probably, realisticallythe least most qualified person to take care of a child. Of a babyno less. But he had nobody else. Not anymore, and certainly not when everyone who heard his name shrank away in pure terror. 

No one wanted to take care of him, a mere baby, because of what was inside him. It hardly mattered either way to you—Kushina had had the same ‘monster’ in her, and she’d been like a mother to you. A guiding figure in your life. Never once had she scared you, hurt you and rather, she’d comforted you, cared for you and loved you when no one else had.

You weren’t afraid of this monster and you certainly weren’t afraid of this baby.

What did it even matter that you were a child? You’d been taking care of yourself for as long as you could remember and had done just fine.

Besides, anything was better than growing up alone. 

You knew that better than anyone.

“Kushina and Minato took care of me when no one else would,” you whisper, the Hokage’s eyes widening at the mention of theirnames, a deep frown curling onto his lips. “Kushina was like the mother I never had and I know she would hate if her baby, her songrew up alone. With no one to love him. To hold him, carefor him…

“I know I am just a child myself, Lord Third. But please,” steeling your gaze, you meet his own firmly, squaring your shoulders. “I don’t want Naruto to grow up not knowing what love feels like.”

His lips part, but words hesitate to leave.

“Like I did.”

Letting out a sigh, the Hokage’s head falls in defeat. It takes him a moment, a pause in thought, before his head is lifting and he’s pushing himself to his feet. You watch him closely as he rounds his table, before stopping before you, a gentle hand falling on your shoulder and a soft smile curling onto his lips.

“I will help with expenses and we will figure out how to work out missions for you.”

Your eyes gleam with hope, promise shining in them.

“But, Y/N, are you absolutely sure?”

And without hesitation, without even a thoughtof doubt, you nod.

“Of course I am.”

Before you know it, he’s in your arms. A bundle of giggles and blonde hair, wrapped up tightly in a blue blanket with small, chubby hands reaching out for you. You see Minato in him, the tufts of blonde hair and striking blue eyes, but it’s the expression in his eyes–just a baby, no more than a few weeks old–that you see Kushina staring back at you.

The tears well in your eyes before you can stop them, blurring your vision as he continues to babble on up at you.

Reaching out a finger, you poke at the whiskers marking his cheeks ever-so-gently, a smile curling onto your lips when he giggles at the touch. The sound is infectious and it warms your heart, love blooming in your chest as you sniffle.

“My names Y/N, Naruto,” you whisper, “and I’m going to take care of you for your mama and papa.”


His head is bowed so all you can see is his wild blonde hair staring back at you, hands folded in his lap as he brings his knees closer to his chest. You know it’s an attempt to hide himself from you; definitely, at the very least, hiding his face from your eyes. But you’ve been nearly out of your mind in worry for him, searching high and low through the village, that you don’t have the mind to care.

Falling to your knees before him, you let out a huff. “I’ve been worried sick about you, Naruto! You know you’re not supposed to–”

But your words fall silent as he slowly tips his head up, just enough to see his face and the scuffs marks across his forehead and his clothes, dirtying the freshly washed shirt you’d given him earlier that morning. However, that hardly bothers you and rather, it’s the large bruise across his cheek that catches your attention, eyes widening in panic as you instantly reach out for him, fingers softly brushing against the darkening mark as he winces.

“Naruto… What happened?”

Your voice is soft, a mere whisper; not a single trace of anger or frustration left in your voice as you frown deeply, chest tightening with panic.

Who could’ve done this to him? A little boy, no older than four–

Thenit sinks.

“Naruto,” you call gently, a hand falling to his chin where you gently tip it upwards, meeting his eyes properly. “Did the villagers do this to you?”

His eyes instantly water, bottom lip wobbling as you feel your heart practically shatter. It’s not only the sight–a little boy, reduced to tears by cruel adults who sneer at him, say horrible, cruel things to him, and throw things at him hard enough to leave bruises. But the realization that no matter how hard you try, no matter how many times you’ve yelled and pleaded–falling to your knees, begging, in front of people–just for them to stop.

Stop terrorizing him.

None of it matters.

Their fear is too strong that they hardly care to see reason.

“I-I don’t understand,” Naruto babbles—words slurred and fumbled as tears stream down his cheeks and a sob wretches past his lips. You hastily wipe at his tears, the frown on your lips deepening as his tiny fingers grip onto the hem of his shirt, knuckles white. “I didn’t do anything!”

And he’s right of course. He hasn’t. Naruto, four years old, hasn’t done other than maybe break a plate or throw a tantrum for a silly reason. He’s a perfectly innocent child, maybe a little mischievous but nothing more than that.

But this monster, this thing inside of him—that was hardly in his control—had. More than just had; it’s killed people. Innocents. Terrorized the village. Killed Naruto’s own parents. And it’s just because it’s inside Naruto that he’s feared.

It’s hardly fair but you can’t do anything about it.

Mustering a smile to your lips, you hope it’s convincing enough as you lean back, pulling Naruto gently up to his feet. He lets you lead him, the tears having faded but still a frown on his lips as you dust off the dirt on his clothes, tidying him up.

“Come on, Naruto.” You call gently, brushing a hand over his bruise. “Let’s get you home, get you in some new clothes and how about I take you out for ramen tonight?”

Almost instantly, his face brightens. His eyes shine at the thought of his favourite food, especially from Ichiraku and not cup-style, and the pain is far from his gaze as he eagerly takes your extended hand, threading his fingers through your own firmly. His hand feels warm in yours, and like a perfect fit as you squeeze back, chuckling to yourself as he bounds ahead of you, skipping and pulling you along.

“You didn’t have to walk me…”

“It’s your first day, Naruto! Of course I had to.”

Blushing profusely, Naruto huffs, turning his head away from you as you merely sigh, shaking your head.

“Lot’s of other kids have their parents walking them.” You call out, hoping that he’s not actually that mad at you for your insistence to walk him—you knew it was slightly embarrassing, but you couldn’t help yourself! You remember your first day at the academy and how nervous you’d been. You didn’t want Naruto to have to go alone. 

Even though the young boy was the complete opposite of you and was the furthest thing from nervous.

Crouching down next to Naruto, you point ahead of yourself. “Look, there’s a pretty pink-haired girl walking with her dad. See?”

Naruto peeks slightly, behind his hand which he’s used to cover his reddening cheeks, and when seeing what you have, his shoulders slowly fall and his hand returns to his side. The red in his cheeks fade slightly and he takes a good look around, noticing that, yes, in fact, lot’s of kids were being walked to school by their parents.

“…Thank you, Y/N-nee-chan.”

Smiling softly, you ruffle the top of Naruto’s head, laughing as he quickly swats at your hands.

“Your hairs already a mess, Naruto. I’m helping.”

“No, I styled it this morning!”

“With what?”


Rolling your eyes, you snort—but still, you pull your hand away.

“Okay,” you inhale sharply, “you’ll be good, right?”

Meeting your eyes, Naruto huffs. “Of course.”

Quirking a brow, you raise a finger, starting to list of the rules you’d gone through with him before. “No pranks, no yelling or interrupting the teacher, stay in your seat until the end of class–”

“Yes,yes, Y/N-nee-chan! I get it!”

Huffing, you nod, a smile gracing your lips as you reluctantly stop. A quick glance to your right and you see Iruka-sensei calling forth the new students and know it’s time to say goodbye.

Ignoring the tightening of your chest and the worry, you turn back to Naruto, setting your hands over his arms.

“I’ll pick you up after school, okay?”


“Right here.”

“Yes! I’m gonna be late.”

Knowing Naruto’s right, you nod, letting go of him with a nervous smile.

But, just before he runs off, Iruka’s voice growing louder, Naruto leans forward, pressing a firm but gentle kiss to your cheek. It’s quick and when he pulls back, he’s red in the face, but there’s also a bright, radiating grin on his face and you feel your heart bloom at the sight of him so happy.

“Bye Y/N-nee-chan!”

Waving back at him, you watch him run in to the building past Iruka, pushing yourself up as you press a hand to your cheek.

What a sweet boy.

“I can’t believe she would take in such a child.”

“She must be as much of a monster herself.”

Rolling your eyes at the passing comments, you clutch the bag of groceries tighter. At this point, it was easy enough to ignore the gossip that travelled amongst the village. People could hardly keep their opinions to themselves, and outside of your fellow coworkers, quite a lot of the citizens seemed to be puzzled by your decision to take in Naruto.

As if he wasn’t just a child.

Nonetheless, you weren’t as childish yourself to retaliate. Truly they could say what they want about you, it hardly—

“How does she know he won’t murder her like he murdered the Fourth Hokage and his wife?”

Stilling in your step, your body freezes.

Head turning over your shoulder, you glance around, looking for the woman who’d spoken. She’s easy enough to find; tucked into an corner next to a fruit stand, whispering with her friend like two school girls.

Eyes sharpening, you turn towards her, marching right her way.

The two woman’s eyes widen when they see you’re approaching figure, shuffling back slightly in uncertainty as you bound towards them. You’re practically huffing in frustration, anger and disbelief coursing through your veins at their complete lack of respect and decency.

“I’d appreciate if you kept your mouths shut on matters that don’t concern you.”

The woman who’d spoken, scoffs; “excuse me?”

“You know what I’m talking about,” you hiss, leaning further towards her. “You can say all you want about me, but he’s just a boy. I won’t tolerate you spitting such ridiculous lies—“


Pausing at the sound Naruto’s soft voice, your eyes widen at the sight of him stood slightly behind you, glancing at you with furrowed brows and a frown.


You hear a gasp and you just barely manage to catch sight of the two woman gasping in fright at the sight of Naruto before quickly turning around, running the other direction.

Scoffing, you roll your eyes. Pathetic.


Turning back to Naruto, you smile down at him softly, extending your hand out towards him.

“Come on, Naruto. Let’s get you home. It’s almost dinner time.”

“Oh! Oh! Can we have ramen for dinner?”

Laughing lightly you shake your head, “we had ramen last night, Naruto. You need a better diet for a growing boy.”

“Would you like me to help with shuriken practice today?”

The continuous sound of Naruto’s slurping suddenly stops, and with a quirked brow, you turn your head over your shoulder, brows furrowing at the expression on his face.

Frowning, you shake your head.

“We don’t have to–”

“You’dreallyhelp me, nee-chan?”

Frowning, you set the plate you’d been drying down, making your way over to the table and taking a seat in front of Naruto.

“Of course,” you say with ease, nodding. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Naruto shrugs. “Everybody in my class is always talking about their fathers and brothers training them… There’s this one boy, Sasuke-teme. He thinks he’s so much better than me and he always beats me at everything! And I saw him with his brother today after school talking about how excited he was for shuriken training, and I don’t think it’s fair that he has someone to train him.”

Lips parting, your chest tightens as you feel guilt flood you.

You hadn’t realized Naruto wanted someone to train him that badly. Sometimes you’re so wrapped up in missions and trying to make sure Naruto has everything he needs that you sometimes forget how he must be feeling sometimes. Or about the basic, day-to-day bonding he’d be craving as a young boy. You’re not his mother, and you made sure Naruto knew that—the Hokage doesn’t want him to know who is parents are, a fact you’ve fought tooth and nail for with the no avail. 

But you didn’t want Naruto thinking you were his mother—not when he had two parents who loved him deeply. And always would, even in death.

And even if you’re not his mother, you’re certainly (obviously) not his father—and you couldn’t give him that guidance that a young boy needs from one. You could hardly speak from experience, having no father yourself.

“I’m sorry, Naruto,” you sigh, shoulders slumping as you shake your head. “I didn’t realize how you must be feeling.”

Lips parting, Naruto moves to speak—but you don’t realize, and continue on before he can.

“I know I can’t be a strong father or a cool brother to you, and never can be, but I’d love to help you with your training. Whenever you need, okay?”


Blinking at Naruto’s oddly stern voice, you meet his gaze.

“I don’t care if I don’t have a father or brother,” he whispers, “I just want youto train me.”

Body easing, a warmth floods your chest at his words, a bright smile curling onto your lips.

“Finish your supper and then we’ll go out to train, okay?”


“Good luck today, okay, Naruto?”

With a bright, shining grin, Naruto hardly falters just like he always does. Today was the day, the test that would confirm if he would be a ninja or not. He’s, unfortunately, failed two times previous today and the two have you have been relentlessly to help him sharpen his skills.

He was pretty good at most things… mostlygood. But he seemed to struggle at producing a shadow clone, one of the basics that a child needed to know in order to graduate from the ninja academy. You’ve been working hard to try and help him at least create one semi successful shadow clone, but have yet to be able to.

Nonetheless, despite you spending the entire night worrying—Naruto had woken up with a bright smile, never wavering and not an ounce of doubt in his mind.

If there’s one thing Naruto had, it was confidence 

“Of course, nee-chan. I’m gonna pass the test today, for sure.”

Biting your lip, you swallow thickly. You smile lightly, meeting his eyes with a nervous laugh. “I’m sure you will. But… even if you don’t, I won’t be any less proud of you, okay?” Naruto’s face falters and he frowns down at you, not understanding your words.

“I just mean… there are lots of other things besides being a ninja, right? You don’t have—”

“Of course I have to!” Naruto sharply interrupts you, stunning you as you blink at him. His face has hardened and he looks suddenly ten times more determined than he had seconds prior. “I already told you. I’m going to be Hokage one day, nee-chan, and will make the world recognize me. Believe it!”

Shoulders easing, you smile slightly. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry, Naruto. I know you will.”

Grinning, Naruto sends you a thumbs up. “Today’s the day! I know it! I’ll be one step closer to being Hokage, and being able to protect you, nee-chan.”

Cheeks warming, your smile brightens at his innocent, warming words.

Reaching forward, you lightly ruffle his hair. “I know, Naruto. You’re gonna pass today, believe it!”

He shrugs your hands away, but grins at your words, his thumbs up never wavering as he shuffles back. 

“When I see you later today, nee-chan, I’m gonna have a headband, believe it!”

“Please, Lord Third, you have to understand! I’m sure he didn’t mean it. He’s a good boy, a really good boy. I know he plays pranks a lot and can cause trouble for the village but Naruto means well. If I could just speak to him, I knowhe didn’t do this—!”

The Hokage raises his hand and you still have half the mind to understand what that means and what your position is as a ninja. Wisely shutting your mouth, you ignore the tightening of your chest and the way you desperately want to plead and beg until you’re positive Naruto is okay.

Instead, you keep your mouth shut, waiting patiently.

You know the Hokage is not a cruel man and you pray he’ll have sympathy for Naruto.

“You misunderstand me, Y/N.”

Brows furrowing, you glance up to meet his eyes.

“I have no intention of bringing any harm to Naruto. I merely want to find him and the scroll.”

Eyes widening, your lips part; “I—!”

“Surely you understand why I cannot send you after the boy, Y/N. ButI promise you, I’ve sent teams to find him already and I’ll bring him safe back to you.”

Shoulders easing, you bite back the argument about finding Naruto yourself. It’d be wise not to push the Hokage more—because at the end of the day, you know what Naruto has done is terribly wrong. Stealing The Scroll of Sealing… You can’t believe the boy would have the nerve to do so.

You honestly thought you raised him better than to do something so childish and stupid. An act like that would normally be considered an act of treason, and you have all the Gods to thank, and the Hokage stood before you that Naruto’s actions haven’t.

You don’t know what you’d do if they had.

Setting a hand on your shoulder, much like he had on that day twelve years ago, the Hokage squeezes it; as if already knowing the thoughts that swarm your mind relentlessly.

“Just wait here.”

And so you do. You do, and it feels like eternity has passed when really it’s only been an hour. You’ve dug welts into your palms from clenching your fists so hard, and you’re sure you’ve dug a whole in your own lip from biting it so hard. And you’re just about to disregard the Hokage ordering you to stay put and find Naruto yourself, when the door opens.

When you turn, eyes wide with hope and anticipation; the first person you see is Iruka. And for a second, just a split second, your heart plummets and you fear the worst, but then you see a peak of blonde hair and relief floods your entire body, easing the muscles that had been tensed since you’d heard about what Naruto had done.

With a gasp, you call out; “Iruka!”

He smiles at you, and distantly you notice the wounds marking his face. But you can barely think of asking him if he’s okay when he turns, letting Naruto slip past him and your eyes finally fall on the boy that’s sent you into a near panic attack with absolute worry and fear, your feet moving before you can stop them.

Naruto walks in slowly, head bowed, fearing how mad you’ll be. Especially when he wouldn’t expect anything else, knowing how severe of a mistake he’s made. However, he’s shocked when instead of hearing yelling or receiving lecture, he feels your arms wrapping around him tightly, pulling you flush against your chest as you press a hand to the back of his head. 

He’s frozen still with surprise for a moment. But then, as Naruto listens, his lips frown and his guilt-ridden gaze turns to one of concern when he hears how shaky your breathing is. He also, in that moment, notices how despite how tightly you’re squeezing him, he can feel you shaking against him and hear your heart pounding erratically against his ear that’s pressed against your chest.

“I was so worried,” you breathe, voice a gentle whisper.

Iruka slips out of the room then, but neither of you notice.

“Don’tever do that to me again.”

Slowly easing in your grasp, Naruto shakes his head in your grip, pulling away enough to meet your gaze. “You’re not mad?”

“I was,” you admit, nodding at him with a deep frown. Naruto falters, guilt flooding his gaze once again, avoiding your gaze, but you just shake your head, letting your hands fall on his arms. “But I’m just happy you’re okay and safe and—“

Pausing, your eyes catch a glint of silver and your lips part.

“Is that—?”

“Oh,” blushing, Naruto chuckles faintly, bashful. “Iruka-sensei gave it to me. He told me I’d proved myself as a ninja.”

Eyes widening, it’s take you a second to process Naruto’s words before a full fledge smile curls onto your lips. You have no idea what had happened tonight, but you know Naruto and his infectious ability to help everything and everyone around him. You’re sure he’s barely aware of it himself, but him simply just being apart of your life has healed you in ways you’d never thought possible. 

You figure that he’d done that tonight, and proved he was ready to be the ninja you’d always knew he’d be.

A squeal of excitement leaves your lips, stunning Naruto, before he finds himself wrapped tightly in your waiting embrace once more.

“Nee-chan!” He sputters, startled.

“I’m so proud of you, Naruto! So, soproud!”

And after a moment, seeing the genuine pride shining in your eyes and the bright, radiating smile on your face, Naruto returns your embrace, smaller arms moving to wrap around your waist as he presses his head into the crook of your neck.

He relishes in the moment, eyes falling shut.

“I’m gonna be Hokage one day, nee-chan, and I swear to you, I’ll protect you for the rest of my life, believe it!”
