#natal capricorn moon



_____________ how they feel _____________

the typical moon in capricorn individual sublimates their feelings. their denial of emotions fuels them in their avid quest for wealth and power. this is a person who feels they must always be busy, and the more that they are consumed with constant enterprising activity and the world on the outside, the less they feel on a deeply emotional level.

although they have the capability of depth, this individual tends to live in the shallow end of their emotional pool, taken up with the world at large. if they can get beyond the mad clamor of daily life, they might find they’re capable of compassion, based on their ability to relate to some suffering of their own from their past. however, their emotional thrust usually leads them in the more comfortable direction of some activity. activity in general and activities in particular can take on a ritualistic value in that they lend them a sense of structure, productivity, and emotional escape.

deep underneath their surface lies a vulnerable side protected by a web of psychological and behavioral defenses that may make them seem averse to love. as a matter of fact, they deeply need it. however, somewhere in life they have been burned, and they know that with the possibility of opening themself up to love comes the risk of deep emotional pain.

the moon in capricorn individual has to feel safe, secure, and on steady ground before they will allow themself to form a substantial romantic connection. furthermore, their self-control and sense of discipline will allow them to quickly erect barriers that may become entire roadblocks, should they feel endangered by the relationship at any time. all earth sign moons want everything to be put neatly in its place, even emotions. that is why they can be so frustrating and perhaps boring when it comes to romance, which often requires some spontaneity and whimsy. the feelings of the moon in capricorn individual need to be drawn out slowly so that they don’t feel engulfed with the emotionally ominous threat of the unknown.

like all earth sign moons, this person has a strong sensuous, tactile nature and tends to feel a great deal through their body and their senses. the proper scent can bring them down from their goal-oriented tower and get them in touch with feeling. physical displays of affection are also essential, and a sexual relationship that is deeply sensual can ground them and get them deep inside themself - at least for a while.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in capricorn individual tends to suppress their feelings and not communicate openly. nevertheless, no matter how much they are suppressed, painful feelings can affect them for a very long time. this is an individual who sees themself as a survivor in a potentially dangerous world. they, therefore, do not open up easily. they can even be called distrustful and at times paranoid. they play every move out in their head from the perspective of retaining power or retaining self-preservation versus pain.

the moon in capricorn individual has a serious problem expressing anger, and at times this can cause them to suffer from depression. wanting order and control in all situations, they are thrown in the lurch by emotional situations that they can’t put aside in a tidy little pile and forget. when deeply affected, they can take to brooding, withdrawing and becoming quite dark. this might be seen from the outside as startling emotional coldness. however, this person is usually experiencing deep introversion and is so much at the mercy of their own profound feelings that their connection with the surrounding world seems to disappear.

when it comes to love, this individual may need a bit of drawing out, as well as a lot of emotional reassurance before they are comfortable revealing the deeper parts of themself. even then, only a combination of time, magic, and chemistry will determine how much they will be willing to open up.

who they are emotionally


________ who they are emotionally ________

there are basically two types of moon in capricorn individuals - those who are defined merely by their ambitious drives and those who have evolved to value more than the material world. the moon is in detriment in this sign, which means that this individual has a problem expressing their deeper feelings. most moon in capricorn individuals need to grow into themselves emotionally, and some never do because the drive for success and power is so overwhelming that it stifles their connections with their souls. the need for material security can also stunt this individual’s ability to express love.

certainly, this scenario is most common in young individuals of this moon sign where the goal-oriented, enterprising nature gives rise to a never-ending list of more goals and more mountains to be climbed. feelings take a backseat position to the burden of responsibilities that pave this individual’s road to financial security and, ideally, affluence. the moon in capricorn individual is ambition personified. this drivenness can cut them completely off from their feelings, as can be seen if we look to the lust for personal, political, and financial power displayed in many moon in capricornindividuals.

however, as a general rule, money is extremely important to this moon sign and is a strong motivating factor influencing the behavior of those born under it. essentially, money represents security, both psychological and financial, and the typical moon in capricorn individual is very insecure. they won’t show it, of course. as a matter of fact, they might go to extreme lengths to deny it. however, way down under their cool, controlled facade lie a vulnerability and fragility that they are always running from.

they will run from them with all their might and, with steely determination and extraordinary discipline, drive themself up all the mountains they want to conquer until they own each one. many moon in capricorn individuals believe above all in ambition and success. loving is something that they think will only slow them down, and they often don’t allot quality time for it until the last half of their life - if then. in many ways, this individual can seem old at a very early age, often born striving, and becoming a businessperson. the moon in capricorn individual has a natural, shrewd business acumen. they also have a need to be financially independent and is prepared to do whatever it takes to accomplish this, including making huge personal and romantic sacrifices.

to this end they will sacrifice personal time. they will also sacrifice love. that is not to say that they won’t marry or form a relationship. however, the connection they sustain will sit on the back burner of their bigger goals, and their partner may easily become a widow to the duties and responsibilities of their truly pressing desire: financial freedom and/or power in the world at large.

the moon in capricorn individual tends to be pragmatic. they can also be ruthless and cold and marry only for the sake of a prominent social or political connection. however, they do not always have to stay in this shallow place and there are those born under this moon sign who do move beyond it. those who do, begin to question life’s larger meaning and sense a void within themselves that financial investments, political office, or workaholism can’t fill.

unfortunately, many individuals with this sign hide behind their self-created castles of achievement or work-related responsibilities. this is a highly self-protective moon sign. it is also one that is very private, especially about such deep-seated anxiety-producing thoughts as fear of failure or rejection. there is great pride to be gained by this individual in being able to be beyond it all, beyond human vulnerability and fear. therefore, the moon in capricorn individual will often submerge their emotions and assume a stiff upper lip or extremely positive attitude to save themself from their own fear. over time, they will often become very good at putting a lid on the feelings that might betray them. in this respect, they can be their own worst enemy, although they might never see this. what they would choose to see is their own control and how successfully they wield it.

while some individuals need control over others, the moon in capricorn individual needs control over themself and the hidden demons within them that might deny them a fragile moment. they are so facile at the game of control that they often also end up in a position where they have control over other people. because our society usually hugely rewards this kind of behavior, this individual usually does not attempt to go to deeper dimensions within themself. however, they are there, should they ever choose to explore them.

the moon in capricorn individual is capable of much more emotional depth than they usually allow themself to consider or discover. they are not a shallow individual. however, they do tend to live as a mirror of society’s material values. when and if they begin to transform and become aware of the need to find their own personal, emotional, and perhaps spiritual values, there is no end to their ability to love and care for others in the deepest way. it must be said, however, that their own depths scare them. somewhere along the road of life they probably have really been hurt, and they have not taken it lightly. it is likely that with all their will, they will try to close the opening to that pain that they know deep down they could still experience. however, if they are really lucky and not merely materially successful, maybe sometime in their life something or someone will come along and open it up again.

how they feel and show their emotions
