#natal moon in virgo



_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in virgo individual doesn’t tend to feel emotions deeply. logical, practical, and realistic, they think and feel along utilitarian lines. both critical and discriminating, they are always seeing the imperfections in a situation or person and spends a lot of time trying to sort them out or eradicate them altogether.

with what is often a narrow, judgmental outlook and a value system that puts an emphasis on efficiency and productivity, they are not at home with the feelings of other people. likewise, they are not in touch with their own.

the moon in virgo individual’s feelings are deeply buried. they are out of touch with old childhood wounds and painful moments that evoked in them deep embarrassment or vulnerability. consequently, as an adult, they have little compassion for the feeling realm. they put their emphasis on trying to make small things perfect, on being efficient and turning out a product without a single flaw.

their sensitivity to “flaws,” both material and physical, often makes the moon in virgo person someone difficult to be with. also health and diet-conscious, they will notice those five extra pounds and won’t be shy about constructive criticism.

they are without sympathy for a person who persists on a path not focused on the goal of perfection. essentially intolerant of other ways of thinking and feeling, they will criticize and act as if they have the power to make everything that is too fat, flawed, excessive, or emotional go away.

the moon in virgo individual likes things to be clean, tidy, cut-and-dried. heavy emotional displays disturb them. emotional demands provoke in them the need for distance. seeing the world from a singular dimension, they don’t understand the complexities of other people. therefore, they are often out of touch with the words or behavior that a person might need most.

nevertheless, this individual is conscientious in their own way and wants to be of help in most situations. they can be counted on in a crisis, and even if their responses may seem completely emotionally inappropriate, they do mean well. the moon in virgo individual simply thinks that the entire world should live as they would, and seeing the world from a small place that seems very secure and controllable, they are hard put to have a more profound emotional response. the moon in virgo person’s ignorance is their bliss, and their personal opinions they see as their present to the world.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in virgo individual doesn’t really show their feelings. they live on the surface in a comfort zone of controlled and controlling activity, details, deadlines, disciplined regimes, and perhaps exercise.

although they can occasionally be high-strung, when angry this person usually tends to be passive-aggressive, preferring to communicate through omission.

when in love, the moon in virgo individual is more comfortable giving a practical little gift than talking about their feelings. they can be physically affectionate but shies away from deep emotional displays. often articulate, they can be witty, clever, and constantly offering their constructive advice. as annoying as their comments may seem, they are sincere about trying to improve a situation, person, or predicament.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

the typical moon in capricorn individual sublimates their feelings. their denial of emotions fuels them in their avid quest for wealth and power. this is a person who feels they must always be busy, and the more that they are consumed with constant enterprising activity and the world on the outside, the less they feel on a deeply emotional level.

although they have the capability of depth, this individual tends to live in the shallow end of their emotional pool, taken up with the world at large. if they can get beyond the mad clamor of daily life, they might find they’re capable of compassion, based on their ability to relate to some suffering of their own from their past. however, their emotional thrust usually leads them in the more comfortable direction of some activity. activity in general and activities in particular can take on a ritualistic value in that they lend them a sense of structure, productivity, and emotional escape.

deep underneath their surface lies a vulnerable side protected by a web of psychological and behavioral defenses that may make them seem averse to love. as a matter of fact, they deeply need it. however, somewhere in life they have been burned, and they know that with the possibility of opening themself up to love comes the risk of deep emotional pain.

the moon in capricorn individual has to feel safe, secure, and on steady ground before they will allow themself to form a substantial romantic connection. furthermore, their self-control and sense of discipline will allow them to quickly erect barriers that may become entire roadblocks, should they feel endangered by the relationship at any time. all earth sign moons want everything to be put neatly in its place, even emotions. that is why they can be so frustrating and perhaps boring when it comes to romance, which often requires some spontaneity and whimsy. the feelings of the moon in capricorn individual need to be drawn out slowly so that they don’t feel engulfed with the emotionally ominous threat of the unknown.

like all earth sign moons, this person has a strong sensuous, tactile nature and tends to feel a great deal through their body and their senses. the proper scent can bring them down from their goal-oriented tower and get them in touch with feeling. physical displays of affection are also essential, and a sexual relationship that is deeply sensual can ground them and get them deep inside themself - at least for a while.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in capricorn individual tends to suppress their feelings and not communicate openly. nevertheless, no matter how much they are suppressed, painful feelings can affect them for a very long time. this is an individual who sees themself as a survivor in a potentially dangerous world. they, therefore, do not open up easily. they can even be called distrustful and at times paranoid. they play every move out in their head from the perspective of retaining power or retaining self-preservation versus pain.

the moon in capricorn individual has a serious problem expressing anger, and at times this can cause them to suffer from depression. wanting order and control in all situations, they are thrown in the lurch by emotional situations that they can’t put aside in a tidy little pile and forget. when deeply affected, they can take to brooding, withdrawing and becoming quite dark. this might be seen from the outside as startling emotional coldness. however, this person is usually experiencing deep introversion and is so much at the mercy of their own profound feelings that their connection with the surrounding world seems to disappear.

when it comes to love, this individual may need a bit of drawing out, as well as a lot of emotional reassurance before they are comfortable revealing the deeper parts of themself. even then, only a combination of time, magic, and chemistry will determine how much they will be willing to open up.

who they are emotionally


________ who they are emotionally ________

the key word for the moon in virgo individual is discriminating. they are practical rather than emotional and reasonable rather than deeply feeling. conventional and somewhat constrictive, they are disciplined, duty-bound and highly security-oriented.

work tends to come before pleasure with this individual who must attend to business details often to the detriment of emotional matters. a great moon for a lawyer, surgeon, accountant, or president, it can pose problems in the initial stages of a romance, providing that they allow the romance to reach the initial stages.

this individual is critical and not in touch with their deeper feelings. furthermore, they highly validate their own way of thinking and want the world to change according to their belief system. this might be the most difficult moon sign when it comes to the subject of love and compassion. the emotional range here is rather narrow, and anyone who gets close to the moon in virgo individual will soon feel their limits.

this individual can be calculating, controlled, and a worrywart over petty matters. because they feel they always have to be busy and cannot kick back and smell the flowers, they are a hard individual to relate to in any relaxed way. they can be a highly obsessive-compulsive person who doesn’t know how to calm down. this can put a big damper on their ability to create a deeper connection with a partner, and it often does.

on the positive side, they can be caring and conscientious. the moon in virgo individual can also be helpful in practical ways. their nature is serious, industrious, and persevering. honest and sincere, they are someone to be counted on. their big problem is that they cannot let go of minor preoccupations long enough to discover, explore, and share the best of themself.

more comfortable on the work scene than having dinner by candlelight, this person is driven by the need to accomplish for accomplishment’s sake. their goal may not even be a major accomplishment and often isn’t. however, it still fulfills their sense of purpose and deep work ethic. often assigning small details the importance of major life issues, this person finds a way to always be preoccupied. living life in this manner, they can have a hard time when it comes time to open up and love someone.

how they feel and show their emotions
