#natal moon



_____________ how they feel _____________

the typical moon in capricorn individual sublimates their feelings. their denial of emotions fuels them in their avid quest for wealth and power. this is a person who feels they must always be busy, and the more that they are consumed with constant enterprising activity and the world on the outside, the less they feel on a deeply emotional level.

although they have the capability of depth, this individual tends to live in the shallow end of their emotional pool, taken up with the world at large. if they can get beyond the mad clamor of daily life, they might find they’re capable of compassion, based on their ability to relate to some suffering of their own from their past. however, their emotional thrust usually leads them in the more comfortable direction of some activity. activity in general and activities in particular can take on a ritualistic value in that they lend them a sense of structure, productivity, and emotional escape.

deep underneath their surface lies a vulnerable side protected by a web of psychological and behavioral defenses that may make them seem averse to love. as a matter of fact, they deeply need it. however, somewhere in life they have been burned, and they know that with the possibility of opening themself up to love comes the risk of deep emotional pain.

the moon in capricorn individual has to feel safe, secure, and on steady ground before they will allow themself to form a substantial romantic connection. furthermore, their self-control and sense of discipline will allow them to quickly erect barriers that may become entire roadblocks, should they feel endangered by the relationship at any time. all earth sign moons want everything to be put neatly in its place, even emotions. that is why they can be so frustrating and perhaps boring when it comes to romance, which often requires some spontaneity and whimsy. the feelings of the moon in capricorn individual need to be drawn out slowly so that they don’t feel engulfed with the emotionally ominous threat of the unknown.

like all earth sign moons, this person has a strong sensuous, tactile nature and tends to feel a great deal through their body and their senses. the proper scent can bring them down from their goal-oriented tower and get them in touch with feeling. physical displays of affection are also essential, and a sexual relationship that is deeply sensual can ground them and get them deep inside themself - at least for a while.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in capricorn individual tends to suppress their feelings and not communicate openly. nevertheless, no matter how much they are suppressed, painful feelings can affect them for a very long time. this is an individual who sees themself as a survivor in a potentially dangerous world. they, therefore, do not open up easily. they can even be called distrustful and at times paranoid. they play every move out in their head from the perspective of retaining power or retaining self-preservation versus pain.

the moon in capricorn individual has a serious problem expressing anger, and at times this can cause them to suffer from depression. wanting order and control in all situations, they are thrown in the lurch by emotional situations that they can’t put aside in a tidy little pile and forget. when deeply affected, they can take to brooding, withdrawing and becoming quite dark. this might be seen from the outside as startling emotional coldness. however, this person is usually experiencing deep introversion and is so much at the mercy of their own profound feelings that their connection with the surrounding world seems to disappear.

when it comes to love, this individual may need a bit of drawing out, as well as a lot of emotional reassurance before they are comfortable revealing the deeper parts of themself. even then, only a combination of time, magic, and chemistry will determine how much they will be willing to open up.

who they are emotionally


________ who they are emotionally ________

they are a sociable sort of person with an easygoing manner and a great eye for beauty. the moon in libra individual was made for the good life. they desire beauty, harmony, and a little piece of heaven in all their experiences. hating conflict, which can seriously undermine their sense of stability and comfort, the moon in libra individual may quickly disappear from the scene of an intense dispute. above all, this person seeks balance and a sense of well-being that supports their pleasure-loving attitude toward life.

libra, being an air sign, brings them a focus that is more cerebral than emotional. therefore, they are more reflective and deliberate than compassionate and deeply intuitive. in an attempt to distance themself from intense emotions, they can be downright cold in the middle of some messy emotional display. the moon in libra individual is more comfortable with reason than emotion, and even their caring gestures usually are driven by an idea rather than a deep feeling.

ugliness and disorder disturb them, whether they see them in a person’s personality or the surrounding environment. luxury, creature comforts, and a pleasant place to come home to are high on their list of what they love best. this is a person who must be in an environment that works for them, not against them. the same is true of their choice of a life partner.

being rational and able to see two sides of an issue, this individual can be a clever peacemaker and negotiator. however, they do not want to be forced to live in that role. they need a partner who is positive, easygoing and not given to dramatic or hysterical emotional displays. in the face of such discord, they will disappear, and it might be into the arms of some new dazzling beauty who has caught their eye. the moon in libra individual can resort to both shallow and changeable behavior when seriously challenged. they do not want to be upset by personal behavior or circumstance. life to them must be lived from a perspective of peace, not demanding emotional intensity.

although they can be something of a flirt who flits from one person to another, they will eventually choose to share their life with a partner. romantic and generous, they can be fun to be with, always preferring to focus on the bright and the beautiful and never forgetting to be grateful for all their good times.

how they feel and show their emotions


________ who they are emotionally ________

the key word for the moon in virgo individual is discriminating. they are practical rather than emotional and reasonable rather than deeply feeling. conventional and somewhat constrictive, they are disciplined, duty-bound and highly security-oriented.

work tends to come before pleasure with this individual who must attend to business details often to the detriment of emotional matters. a great moon for a lawyer, surgeon, accountant, or president, it can pose problems in the initial stages of a romance, providing that they allow the romance to reach the initial stages.

this individual is critical and not in touch with their deeper feelings. furthermore, they highly validate their own way of thinking and want the world to change according to their belief system. this might be the most difficult moon sign when it comes to the subject of love and compassion. the emotional range here is rather narrow, and anyone who gets close to the moon in virgo individual will soon feel their limits.

this individual can be calculating, controlled, and a worrywart over petty matters. because they feel they always have to be busy and cannot kick back and smell the flowers, they are a hard individual to relate to in any relaxed way. they can be a highly obsessive-compulsive person who doesn’t know how to calm down. this can put a big damper on their ability to create a deeper connection with a partner, and it often does.

on the positive side, they can be caring and conscientious. the moon in virgo individual can also be helpful in practical ways. their nature is serious, industrious, and persevering. honest and sincere, they are someone to be counted on. their big problem is that they cannot let go of minor preoccupations long enough to discover, explore, and share the best of themself.

more comfortable on the work scene than having dinner by candlelight, this person is driven by the need to accomplish for accomplishment’s sake. their goal may not even be a major accomplishment and often isn’t. however, it still fulfills their sense of purpose and deep work ethic. often assigning small details the importance of major life issues, this person finds a way to always be preoccupied. living life in this manner, they can have a hard time when it comes time to open up and love someone.

how they feel and show their emotions


________ who they are emotionally ________

the moon in scorpio individual is often an enigma unto themself. since scorpio is the sign of sex, death, and regeneration, this is the most complex moon placement in the zodiac. therefore, at various times, in response to various people, the moon in scorpio individual exhibits a wide variety of emotional responses. they can be cold, controlling, emotionally intense, but also very private, critical, moody, mysterious, indifferent, passionate, driven, compulsive, obsessive, compassionate, and completely distant. this is a very difficult moon sign to live with - for both them and their partner.

control is key to the moon in scorpio individual’s personality, and they will not only carefully control their own emotional response, they will control and manipulate their partner as well. control makes them feel safe. it also makes them cut off from anything that deeply disturbs them - whether it is their own complicated emotions rising to the surface or a lover who has made them extremely angry. to be completely out of control is this individual’s nightmare, since their emotions can be so intense and engulfing that they can completely overwhelm them, leaving them feeling powerless. at their most emotionally chaotic moment, they are capable of intense passion, jealousy, violence, excruciating moodiness, and black depression. even if they don’t know their limits well, they have some idea of what they are capable of on the negative side, and it frightens them. they also know that their survival is dependent on their ability to keep their feelings in check despite what they may feel like on the inside. therefore, this moon sign encourages suppression and the sort of stiff-upper-lip attitude that appears to the world as cool, inscrutable, and invulnerable. this is an individual who appears indifferent to their own pain and who thrives on performing under duress and coming out on top, even under the worst conditions. many moon in scorpio individuals are workaholics who throw themselves into their career or business with a compulsion that leaves little or no room for them to comfortably experience their own emotions.

scorpio is the sign of power - power over others as well as power from within. usually, individuals of this moon sign opt for power over others and themselves. these individuals feel a great deal of pride in their own sense of power and often don’t grow emotionally until they are trapped in some life-changing situation that makes them feel completely powerless. there can be so much rigidity in this moon sign that often this individual’s emotional vessel has to completely crack open before they are able to face their strong feelings. as is most often the case, these individuals take great pleasure in their own willpower and invulnerability and will drive themselves hard in their chosen direction. they do this because they are frightened of the demons lurking in their inner landscape. those individuals who are able to rise to the challenge of becoming more human, the individuals who are strong enough to face their own demons and not project them on their lovers, have the most extraordinary potential for wisdom, depth, emotional brilliance, and profound emotional healing. however, this option is only open to those individuals who have done deep psychological work. these are the individuals who drive themselves to be more than mere control mongers, having the laudable strength to face themselves and the complex forces that drive them.

how they feel and show their emotions


________ who they are emotionally ________

the moon in leo individual is a positive, expansive person with a great joie de vivre and a strong confidence in their own abilities. pleasure-loving, prideful, generous, magnanimous, and usually ambitious, they want the world to shine and to send them only the best that life has to offer.

there are basically two types of leo moon individuals. one is ruled by their heart. the other exists at the mercy of their ego. sometimes, of course, both collide.

the ego-oriented individual wants to advertise an enviable face to the world and get the kind of feedback that makes them feel larger than life. given to bragging and spurred on by the need to show off, they are highly status-conscious and controlled by their overwhelming need to look superior at all times and in all situations. this moon in leo individual doesn’t have the courage or maturity to look deeper into themself. their values are shallow as they live on the surface of life.

the more evolved moon in leo individual lives life through their heart, not their ego. warm, affectionate, a great friend, and deeply loving, they can be kind, giving, spiritually motivated, and a true seeker of higher truths and the meaning their life has in the greater scheme of things.

however, both types have a zest for life and all its big and little pleasures. for all leo moon types, love is a big priority. the leo moon individual needs to love and feel loved, even if their pride won’t allow them to show it. ambitious, often power-oriented, and usually highly personable, they are at a loss without love, even in a sea of worldly treasures.

being passionately in love is this individual’s favorite activity, although it can also drive them to lose their mind. the moon in leo individual in love is very emotional. they lend themself fully to the experience, often with a dramatic intensity. they are grand, are drawn to luxury, and will lavish beauty and imagination upon their love along with a lot of energy. usually creative, they can be both indulgent and inventive with their attentions.

idealistic and dramatic, they will dream up glamorous, romantic scenarios that they will play out in larger-than-life ways. the moon in leo individual loves fine wines, champagne, upscale restaurants, beautiful things, and settings worthy of royalty. if they find the right partner, they will treat them like royalty. however, in return, they expect them to prove themself worthy, impress them, and make them look good.

how they feel and show their emotions

astrology and past lives…



sun in aries… the individual’s relationships may be hindered by an inability to identify with the feelings of other people. this is not to say that such people do not love with all the intensity inherent in the moon-leo-aquarius pattern. however, basically they are conscious only of their own emotions and attitudes, and if someone else thinks or feels differently, they are totally bewildered because they do not have the capacity to see the other person’s point of view. this lack of understanding may pose problems in all relationships, especially in love relationships which be nature are based on feelings. this pattern has appeared before in other incarnations. these individuals would benefit from using the altruism of aquarius to try not only to see but to identify with the thoughts and feelings of others. only in this way will their relationships be successful.

sun in taurus… these people are lavish with expressions of love and enjoy giving their lovers gifts. they do the best they can to provide loved ones with as many material advantages as possible, and thoroughly enjoy the act of giving. very sensual and natural about sex, they give generously of themselves in this way, too. they are loyal and devoted - and very possessive. there is a dangerous tendency for them to try to buy love, which can lead eventually to a reluctance on the part of their lovers to accept gifts. confusion and concern can result since these individuals identify with material gifts and see the rejection of these as a rejection of themselves.

in prior lives, such individuals either have been deprived of material expressions of love or have been quite successful at “buying love,” but in the current life they do not attract those who are easily bought. such people need to learn that generosity can be grand so long as it is done for the pleasure of giving and not to create obligations. conversely, they should not give so generously and get nothing in return for too long a period of time, for they then leave themselves open to being used. the best way to handle the tendencies of these patterns is to work toward a fairly equitable balance between giving and receiving, and to avoid the idea that a gift or favor creates an obligation. in short, they need to learn to give and let go.

sun in gemini… these individuals’ intellectual and logical way of facing the world masks their passionate, affectionate natures. many people who recognize only their intelligence are surprised when they learn how very intense they can be. these individuals are chiefly attracted to people like themselves, who combine intelligence with passion and sensuality, and when they find such a partner, they seize upon them with leonine intensity.

in prior incarnations, they were busy people, sometimes professionals, sometimes laborers, who had little time for relationships. in some lives they were married and paid little or no attention to their spouses; in others, their only experience of true love was unrequited. in their current lifetimes, they again are busy, devoting themselves mainly to studies and intellectual matters, sometimes working long hours on a number of different projects. they again have little time to devote to developing relationships, and many of their peers believe them to be merely “thinking machines.” yet this is far from the truth. still, their masks are so successful that only their partners are aware of the depth of their passion. like all people with this pattern, they are loyal and devoted to their lovers, in contrast to the typical fickle geminian. so long as they achieve a balance between intellect and sensuality, these individuals make excellent partners.

sun in cancer… these individuals evaluate every lover in terms of wife or husband potential. the home is important to these people and they work hard to give their families comfortable homes which can be havens for them. their passionate love includes their children as well as their romantic partners. the children of both men and women with the sun in cancer and a moon-leo-aquarius pattern in their charts always can count on that parent for help, even after the child has become an adult. parents with this pattern enjoy the company of their children, and go out of their way to go places and do things with them. however, these parents can become demanding, especially as they grow older and find themselves more housebound. parents with this pattern in their charts need to take care to let their children go and not become too possessive. being too demanding or possessive of adult children can have the effect of pushing them away rather than making them friends for life. these individuals need to adopt as their personal mantra the phrase: “I love you - I set you free.”

sun in leo… the taurian with this placement is the giver, the leonine is the taker. generous and giving by nature, leos expect their lovers to be the same way. although as lovers leos have much to recommend them, they can be very domineering, convinced that their viewpoints are the only viewpoints, and they try to impose their ideas upon their lovers. if the partner is by nature a passive person, there may be little backlash; however, if the lover has a mind of their own, severe problems may result in the relationship. excellent allies, these people are willing to protect their lovers with their own lives and to give them an abundance of attention and support. however, they expect to be idolized.

in prior lives, these individuals were kings, queens, or other royal personages, and are accustomed to adulation. sometimes they demand luxurious gifts from their partners. it is not uncommon for them to run up debts to support regal lifestyles which are beyond their means. their partners may put up with this for a while, but eventually may feel unfairly treated and try to escape the relationship. the leo-sun person with this configuration is no less loving and passionate than others with the moon-leo-aquarius pattern, and can be devastated when a love relationship is terminated. therefore, individuals with this pattern reflected in their charts need to take care to exercise the generous and loving side of their natures rather than the domineering side.

sun in virgo… these people are very good at keeping secrets. they hide their intensity and passion under a cloak of apparent chastity, and are able to convince others that they are quiet, retiring, and virtuous. like most leos, these individuals are actors by nature. in true virgoan fashion, they are meticulous and pay attention to every detail necessary to keep up their front. some of them seem to adhere strongly to traditional values of virtue and chastity, and therefore surprise their lovers when they reveal their true sexual nature.

in prior lives, they were reared by families who taught them that sex was sinful and chastity virtuous. often in the past, as in the present, they fought their own sexual natures and were plagued by guilt. in their current lifetimes, they make sex a game, a way of enticement and of creating intrigue, which is fine so long as the intent is not to deceive - their partners or themselves. such individuals need to remove their masks and be truthful.

sun in libra… when these individuals fall in love, their first thought is of marriage. even if their one great love affair does not work out, they still want to marry and will do so for friendship, social status, or money. these people are the reincarnations of medieval courtly lovers who believed in chaste love from afar, sex with trollops to satisfy lust, and marriage for practical reasons.

in their current lifetimes, they wish to experience passionate, physical love with a partner and if the relationship works out, they can be tender and loving spouses. however, if the bond is broken, the old pattern of pure, unrequited love from afar may reoccur and they may decide that they can never replace the lost love. they will marry then for practical reasons. this could be viewed as love for profit. these people seek mainly to benefit emotionally through marriage, but if this is not possible, they will try to profit in some other way. this is a caution not only for the libran, but for those who consider marriage to one: beware of marrying a libran with the moon in a leo-aquarius pattern if they have confided in you about the one great love that got away.

the libran needs to realize that there is always more than one love for everybody, and that in this life the former pattern of unrequited love does not have to be repeated. passion can be channeled into their marriages. it is also important for these individuals to remember that if they cannot forget their former loves, they should at least refrain from talking about them to current partners. human understanding only stretches so far!

sun in scorpio… these individuals are perhaps the most passionate of all. there is a tendency to idealize the loved one, to want to sacrifice all for them, and to build a strong and lasting relationship. however, if the relationship does not work out, these individuals can be vindictive, wanting and seeking revenge. they may be content with fantasizing about revenge or may actually take some action against a faithless lover.

in past incarnations these individuals have been accustomed to getting what they wanted. they were kings, generals, political leaders, or wives and children of same, and could have their pick of partners. though rarely rejected, they were also rarely loved. now, they love intensely, beyond anything they have ever experienced. if the relationship succeeds, it can be a fine marriage for both members. yet, subconsciously, the scorpio-sun people with a moon-leo-aquarius pattern remember when everything they wanted came too easily. therefore, if a lover leaves, it is a new experience - and not a pleasant one for either party.

sun in sagittarius… these individuals’ innate idealism causes them to search for years for the perfect lover. they desire an intense, romantic relationship yet hold out for the ideal partner, and therefore may deny themselves the very relationship for which they yearn. they often fix their sights on people who are out of their reach and therefore set themselves up for the disillusionment and disappointment to which all sagittarians are vulnerable.

in prior lives, they have been denied passion, either by their own natures or by outside circumstances. like most others with the moon in a leo-aquarius karmic configuration, such intense passion is a new experience for them. yet they continue to search. for many, it may be that establishing a loving relationship is less important than the search itself. these individuals need to re-evaluate their ideals and formulate them in such a way that human beings can live up to them. by doing so, they can give themselves a chance for happiness in love that is real instead of merely fantasized.

sun in capricorn… the love affairs of these individuals are deeply affected by their strong belief in and attachment to traditional values. in some cases, the respect for traditional values enhances the relationship; in others, it obstructs it. these people are capable of overcoming any difficulties posed, but often this requires extraordinary effort. they may waver between strong, passionate desire for union with the loved one and total rebellion against the limitations such union would place on their freedom. in some instances, there can be a sudden, painful separation or loss of the loved one.

individuals with this pattern should evaluate their priorities with regard to relationships. both men and women with this configuration may need to examine their attitudes toward traditional male-female roles and find ways to satisfy desires for a stable homelife as well as stimulation in the social/career world. if they are willing to make an effort to work out conflicts, they may be able to have both marriage and the traditions to which they have become so attached in both present and prior lives.

sun in aquarius… the relationships which these individuals attract are of a very unusual nature. there may be differences in age, race, ethnic or social background, or educational level. yet this person’s love is no less intense or passionate than that of the other signs. in addition, there is a determination to make the relationship work in spite of its unusual nature. there are strong karmic ties between the individuals involved, and even though the two are undergoing different life experiences they are still drawn to each other. sometimes, in spite of all the strikes against it, the relationship works; however, most of the time the differences are too great to overcome. the aquarian-sun person then moves on - to still another unusual relationship. these people need to consider their relationships carefully before they enter into them to avoid the frustration and confusion inherent in loving someone whose background is vastly different from one’s own.

sun in pisces… these people form what are perhaps the most inspiring and romantic attachments. they are devoted partners, sensitive, tender, and loving, and express no less than complete commitment to their lovers. in cases where the individual loves one person but marries another, the outside world notices no difference in the way they treat the spouse.

in the past, these individuals have experienced, through a master or guru, the complete and unconditional love of god and have seized upon the master’s love as an ideal to live up to. as they go through life, they fasten their love energy on various partners, at least one of whom is a “grand passion.” this is a beautiful position for a true and faithful lover; the danger lies in focusing too much devotion on a human personality and not enough on god or the god within that person. there is also a possibility of being too self-sacrificing. such self-sacrifice, though inspirational, may create resentment in a partner who is incapable of the same degree of devotion.

astrology and past lives…


principle… break the bonds or die.

transformation… there are no true limitations.

the cancer-capricorn axis is related to traditional values, to home and career, and so one logically would assume that people with the moon in a cancer-capricorn karmic configuration would have a strong attachment to traditional values and social customs. however, our research reveals a surprising phenomenon regarding these individuals. in nearly all of our cases, we found that these people were raised to believe they were bound by tradition and family values. dominated by their families in all aspects of their lives, they were forced to conform. at some point, however, the basic underlying drive to be themselves burst forth, and these individuals broke with traditional values, sometimes for everyone’s benefit, sometimes to their own disadvantage.

the cancer-capricorn axis is related to parenting. the presence of the moon in one of these signs - especially cancer - seems to indicate a need to serve, a desire to be the nurturing parent. usually, the “parenting” is unconventional in some way.

in almost every instance, we find that the individual with a moon-cancer-capricorn karmic configuration possesses an inner rebelliousness and a need to serve in their own way - whether or not it coincides with traditional ideas. these people are dominated by their families, who force them (either directly or subtly) to conform to their standards until such time as a progression, mostly of the progressed ascendant or midheaven, triggered by a transit or lunation, causes them to rebel and follow their need to serve. sometimes these indivuals become estranged from their families’ because of this rebellion. always they fall in their families estimation, at least until they have time to prove themselves again.

perhaps these conditions make it difficult for such people to advance on their own terms. at many junctures in their lives they find themselves estranged from their mates or mothers. however, they appear to have a great deal of determination and self-control, which enables them to persist in their chosen courses of action even though it may cause emotional pain or separation from those they love.

the karmic reasons for this situation appear to be twofold; the need to break with tradition and the need to serve. upon studying the past-life histories of these individuals, we find that they have spent lifetime after lifetime slavishly obeying the dictates of society, sometimes devoutly believing in those standards, sometimes resenting but still bowing to them, other times eventually rejecting them entirely and becoming outlaws. in the latter cases, there appears to be an excessive amount of guilt remaining in the subconscious from lives in which they hurt their loved ones by failing to do what was expected of them.

in choosing to be born at a time when the moon was involved in a cancer-capricorn karmic configuration, it appears these entities have decided that the time has come to complete the cycle of bowing to authority and move on. using their cancerian traits, they nurture and serve others for whom they are responsible in the best way they can - be they a king’s subjects, a doctor’s patients, or customers at a way station.

ifsaturn is involved in the configuration, there is a sense of fatefulness about the situation. the karma between these individuals and those who oppress them is so strong that the break is much harder to make. there are intense bonds between them and their oppressors; they have been connected in many, many lives and sometimes the bonds involve powerful affection. therefore, when the separation comes, it hurts these individuals even more than those from whom they are separating, yet there appears to be no choice: the break must be made. in some of our past-life cases, such people have been backed into a corner and forced to kill loved ones (or have them killed) in order to make the break and serve in the manner of their karmic obligation. saturn’s presence in a moon-cancer-capricorn configuration represents perhaps the most agonizing of such situations. but it is still possible to use the sensitivity of the moon and determination of saturn to accomplish one’s goal and to better the world as a result. when uranus is involved in the configuration, rebelliousness is already characteristic of the individual so when the break with tradition comes, it is no real surprise to family or friends. however, the break with the family is never a complete one. these people manage to maintain enough of their family ties or social traditions that they always have a haven they can return to if necessary. in the past, it seems that these individuals have broken with tradition many times and found themselves alone, with no one to turn to. the current life pattern shows that the need to make the change still exists, but this time the individual is not willing to risk suffering as in prior lifetimes. if neptune is involved in the pattern, the person lives in a world of fantasy and illusion, and may find after making the break that life is less appealing than expected. these individuals retreat further, into alcohol or drugs, artistic pursuits, or psychic and spiritual studies. they rarely return to their former lifestyles, however, for they are devoted to whatever ideals or fantasies caused them to make the separation. their fantasies can be channeled into constructive pursuits, such as writing or music, yoga or meditation; and the practicality of capricorn can be used to combine imagination with a realistic view of life in the world. if pluto is involved, the “break” is more likely an inner transformation than an outward, physical separation. the need to revolt is there, but these individuals find ways to change themselves and their practices so that they can incorporate their need to serve into the traditions with which they were raised. like those with uranus in the configuration, these people have suffered in past lives because of a stubborn need to reject all society’s standards. although they still feel the need for social change, they realize that the only part of society they can change for certain is themselves.

