#natasha romanov


Escapement - 1 (Jason Todd/Marvel)

Jason knows it’s naive, but it was all too easy. He wants revenge against Bruce, against the Joker…. But the Joker doesn’t even exist here. He’s as far from that monster as he’ll ever be able to be.

And there’s no one here that knows him. He has a chance to get away from Talia and the League.

He knows Talia is keeping him away because Ra’s will kill him if given the opportunity.

But here?

Here, he’s free from Batman, from the League, from anyone who wants to try and control him.

A bullet ricochets off the building next to him.

Well.. free as soon as he gets these German octo-idiots off his tail.

They’re morons. But by god, they’re well-connected morons. Somehow they’ve managed to chase him across three borders, from bum-fuck-nowheresville, Russia to mediocre-as-fuck City, Turkey.

You’d think they’d be less attached to him after spending barely a week with him before he burned down their base and killed all their men.

And right after he killed his first German asshole too.

Egon and HYDRA are two different types of scumbags. But they’re still scumbags.

Jason hops another fence, scrambling to the top of the dumpster and then up the first level of the fire escape.

He pauses as he hears shouts around the corner. Well, it’s as a good a time as any.

They corral themselves into the alley way, fully dressed in their tactical gear, blaring red Nazi-armbands and all.

The first guy is the biggest, Jason takes him down fast, the second… he gets a little sloppy but honestly, he doesn’t care when the spare asshole impales himself on Jason’s knife. Gonna be a bitch to clean though.

The third guy takes a bit more of a tussle and right when Jason gets in his face to start asking questions, the jerk smiles.

“Hydra will get what it wants from you child. Cut off one head, and three shall take its place.” There’s a suspicious crack before the man’s mouth fills with foam as his eyes roll back.

Jason drops the body in disgust. A waste of information. He glances at the first guy, it’ll be a pain to lug to an abandoned floor but… probably worth it to find out why they’re chasing him.

Jason walks over and yanks open the guy’s mouth. Now where….? Ah ha!

It takes a bit of prying with his blade but moments later, Jason holds a bloody cyanide capsule in his fingers.

It crushes uselessly beneath his feet.

After getting leverage under the guy, Jason is able to haul the limp man up the two flights of stairs to his current empty safe-house.

Okay, yes, safe-house is a bit of a stretch. As it is neither safe anymore, nor been a livable house in a long time.

It’s because of this that Jason doesn’t even bother putting a tarp down before tying the man to a chair.

“Wakey wakey, assface.” Jason says.

There’s no response except a mild groan.

Then screaming as Jason plunges his still-dirty knife into the man’s collarbone.

He smirks. Time to ask Nazi Number 1 some questions.


When Coulson gets the assignment to Northern Turkey for the bodies of two dead Hydra agents, he’s almost expecting it to be boring.

Of course, the moment he lands he finds out they’ve found the third body. Any hope for boring goes out the window as he looks at the multilated corpse of what used to be a Hydra agent.

This was torture. Expert torture. Combined with the skill of the two dead in the alley below and the chase his ground agents have been able to track.. they’re dealing with a professional here. And not a new one.

But somehow, they have nothing on the assassin. That makes him dangerous.

Coulson steps into the hallway of the abandoned building to make a call.

One ring.. two… three..-



The tone changes over the phone, “Coulson? What’s wrong?”

“Care for a search and remove mission in Akyaka, Turkey? We have an unknown assassin that’s popped up with three dead Hydra already under their belt. Could use a good pair of eyes.”

Coulson could hear the smile on the other end of the line, “You know I’m always up for some sightseeing.”

“I’ll send for transport.”

The call ends and Phil glances back through the open doorway at the body. Whoever did this… they were looking for something. He thinks they must have found it.

Clint shows up on a private red-eye the next afternoon; and with barely a greeting, the two launch into the search.

Between the two of them and the bevy of SHIELD agents at their beck and call, it should be a straightforward mission.

It’s not.

The killer is always a town or a city ahead of them. There’s no aliases to track or face to ID, with the red sweatshirt he wears constantly, hood up, head down. They barely have a height or body type estimate by the time two weeks roll past.

Seven more Hydra agents show up dead in that time, and it’s becoming the most dependable way to track him.

When they realize the man is making towards the airport in Erzurum, Clint calls in Natasha.

It takes them another week stillto find where the man will be staying for a few days before moving on.

When they find it though, Coulson has the place locked down within the hour, entirely discreet.

He and Natasha are acting as the front, hopefully this will go diplomatically. If not.. that’s where Clint comes in.

The man walks through the darkness of the apartment, heavily dropping groceries on the counter.

Just as they’re about to wonder if perhaps they were wrong about this person or their skills, the man pulls two guns directly at them.

“Who the hell are you and what the hell do want from me?”

“Mr. Smith. I’m glad to see you are the person we’ve been looking for. However, it would be best if would lower your weapon and cooperate with your arrest.”

“Phil, wait-“

“I’m not cooperating with shit, baldy.” The man cocked his guns, completely ignoring Natasha.

She quickly flicked on a light switch, illuminating the shadows of the man’s face.

But that was the problem. It wasn’t a man, it was a kid.

“How old are you?”

The kid hesitated, already a bad sign, then he snarled, “What does it matter, lady?”

“It matters because this changes things. Coulson,” She looked at him, “He’s just like us. We can’t just let him be.”

Coulson’s face was serious and understanding, “Listen, kid, we can help you. Now that we know-“

“Now that you know? Know what? You know nothing,”

“We can help you, please just come with us, SHIELD can-“

There’s a spark of recognition, “You’re Shield.” He raised his guns back up from where they’d gone slack, “Which makes you Black Widow. Greatest living product of the Red Room.”

A flash of surprise passed through her eyes, “How do you-“

“I read a lot about you. And let me tell you this. Both of you. I just got free from one shadow organization, I’m not about to join another. I’ve been both soldier and weapon, now I’m neither. I plan to stay that way. Even if it means killing you and every black ops agent in this building.” The kid growled, finger pulling on the trigger.

An arrow pierces through his forearm, forcing him to roll backwards into his kitchen. Natasha leapt towards him, halting when he raised a gun back at her face.

He wavered between pointing it at Coulson or Natasha, breathing heavily through the pain.

“Tell your buddies thanks but I’m good. Freedom suits me just fine.” Without a moment’s hesitation, he leapt for the window over the sink, crashing through the glass and into the air outside.

Natasha didn’t even have time to stop him before the kid was gone. No sign of him on the street below save for a blood trail that tapered off quickly.


Hours later, Natasha’s eyes flicker open from sleep in the darkness of their safe house.

Why was she awake?

A small creak sounded from outside the room.

An intruder.

Slowly, Natasha wrapped her hands around her gun and slunk out the door, tapping Clint on her way.

There was a groan and slight clatter in the kitchen.

She motioned for Clint to go around.

As she came to the kitchen, she flipped on a light, immediately aiming her gun at the figure.

It was- the kid?

“Hey,” he groaned, leaning on the counter, blood on his face and clothes, “you said SHIELD could protect me?”

Natasha nodded, not lowering her gun.

He pulled his hand away to show the blood oozing from a large wound on his stomach and looked up at her pleadingly, “That offer still available?”

Escapement - 2 (Jason Todd/Marvel)

Jason slowly crawled his way back to consciousness, fully aware of the screeching pain in his side and arm.

He wanted to grimace but held back when he registered the presence of other people in the room. Three.

Two were at least 10 feet away, the other was…

Jason grabbed the wrist of the person leaning over him, twisting it backwards as he sprung awake and upwards.

A syringe dropped to the floor next to them as Jason slammed him to the ground.

“Clint, wait!” The man below him stopped struggling. Jason looked down at him.

“Clint Barton. Hawkeye.” The night came flooding back to him, “What was in the syringe?”

The man grunted uncomfortably from the awkward position, “Morphine, you brat.”

Jason scowled and let him up with a tight smile and a wince, “I don’t do morphine. Or any pain meds.”

“Yeah, well you can just suffer through that torn stitch all on your own then.”

“Considering you’re probably the one that shot me with an arrow, I think I’ll manage.”

Jason snapped back and then paused to take stock of the room he was in.

Small. Living room. Old couch, half-filled bookcase by the front door.

One window with a fire escape. Adjacent bedroom and 2 kitchen entrances. Likely with windows.

The other two people - Black Widow and ‘Coulson’- stood by the bookshelf, both armed.

“I know I should regret shooting a kid, but considering your attitude, I’m finding it a little hard.”

Jason huffed a laugh then winced and clutched his side when pain flashed through it.

“Ha. Karma.” Hawkeye chuckled as he rubbed his wrist.

“Barton. Behave.” ‘Coulson’ stepped forward, shooting a sharp look at the other and holding up a placating hand, “You’re going to want to be careful about that side, reopening a would like that so fast would not be good.”

“I’ll be fine.” Jason snapped, then quieter, “Been through worse.”

“Be that as it may…” the balding man came closer, stopping when Jason glared at him, “I think we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Agent Coulson, this is Agents Barton and Romanoff. Or as you seem to know them, Black Widow and Hawkeye.”

“Don’t sweat the first impressions. Breaking in and threatening me is generally how I meet new people, so it’s not like you’re anything special. How long was I out?”

“Just under three hours. We expected you to be out for a while longer. Care to explain why it is you’re awake? Or how you came to such a state in the last 6 hours since we saw you?”

“Not particularly and the usual assholes being sent on missions way out of their league. One got a lucky hit in, that’s it.”

The man in front of him hummed and raised an eyebrow, “So you came to us for protection from ‘the usual assholes’ then?”

Jason tensed.

“Or protection from the ones sending them?”

Jason gritted his teeth, “The ones sending them. Listen, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have to be, but things have… changed for me recently and I’ve found myself in dire need of new allies.”

Widow stepped forward, “So enlighten us. Who are you running from?”

“I can’t tell you and I’m not running. I just… I was given a chance to get out, more than that, get away. I want to take it. I can’t do that with Nazi assholes and Ninjas bearing down on me like I’ll change my fucking mind.”


Jason sighed and rolled his shoulder to test it, “Yep.”

“That’s a powerful enemy to make, kid,” Hawkeye piped in.

Jason smiled cynically, “Yeah, well, I’m a worse one. If they want to keep sending their guys at me to get put down I have no problem with it. And I’m not a kid.”

“Ehhhh, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I’m gonna say you’re what, 13?”

Jason growled at the archer, “Old enough and skilled enough to skin you with your own bowstring, asshole.”

Widow stepped between them, “You said Ninjas as well?”

Jason clamped his mouth shut.

“If you want SHIELD’s protection, we need to know who we’re protecting you from.”

Jason clenched his jaw, “I can’t tell you their name. And nothing about them can show up anywhere. If it does, they’ll know who it came from and where I am. Then you’d be useless.”

“How about you then?” Widow said.

Jason paused, stunned, “What?”

“Tell us about you. We don’t even know your real name, because ‘John Smith’ is definitely not it.”

“John works. ‘J’ works better.”

“Alright, Jay. Age?”

Jason looked away, “Somewhere over 14.”

“The hell does that mean? ‘Over 14’ Like months or years over?” Hawkeye said with a bewildered face.

“If I knew I would tell you. But unfortunately, I don’t, so the best I can tell you is somewhere over 14.” Jason snarled.

Coulson and Widow gave each other a look, one that he was sure Hawkeye picked up on without even looking.

“Alright, easy goes it kid. Birthday?”


“Wow, that is frustratingly vague. Any chance you’ve got a year to tack on that?”

Jason thought for a second, “Nope.”

Black Widow took over again, “Skill set?”

“Most of it.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Most of what?”

Jason gave a mean smirk, “Everything.”

Romanoff glanced back at her partners, Barton just shrugged and Coulson answered, “We’ll have to test you on that for more specifics.”

“Go ahead. As long as you know it’s the only kind of test I’m gonna let you do.”

Even though his face stayed empty, something flickered in Coulson’s eyes, “Of course. Any parents we should be thinking of?”

Green tinted anger coursed through Jason’s body so fast the chair he was gripping creaked under his hand, “None that are worth it.” He growled through clenched teeth.

“Anything else we should be aware of? Favorite color? Hobbies? Hopes and dreams?” Hawkeye quipped lazily.

Jason ground his teeth together, “Currently? Stabbing you through the neck with same arrow you shot me with sounds nice. But seeing as I snapped it in half and dumped it in an alley, I’ll settle for breaking your kneecaps.”

Barton looked unfazed, “Is that categorized under hobbies? Or hopes and dreams?”

Jason stood with a snarl, hand twitching for a weapon, “I’m always up for finding out.”

“Ha! Try knitting next time,” Clint laughed and looked past him, “Geez, ‘Tasha, he’s worse than you were.”

Natasha’s lips settled into a grim line as Coulson pulled Barton back with a hand on his shoulder.

“Kid-, Jay, we need your cooperation on this. We can’t stop whoever’s coming after you if you don’t work with us-“

Jason scoffed, “I don’t expect you to be able to stop them. You couldn’t if you tried. I’m just hoping you’ll delay them enough for me to run like a bat outta hell.” He said with a smirk at the inside joke.

Hawkeye rolled his eyes, “And isn’t that a comforting thought.”

Just as Jason turned to snap at the man again, something beeped on Coulson’s watch. He held it and read the small screen.

“Our ride’s here. We need to blend in to get out,” Coulson looked at Jason, “Any chance you know Turkish?”

“I dabble.” He answered in Turkish, then changed, “My Russian or Romanian is better.”

Everyone in the room raised an eyebrow, even Widow’s twitched.

Coulson nodded, “Hopefully we won’t need to talk, but just in case.” He turned to Barton to, “Barton, get him some new clothes without blood on them. We leave in 20. Can we trust you not to kill us and run or do we need to remove more of your weapons?”

Jason scowled- not pouted- “You got my favorites so we’re good provided Katniss over there doesn’t get on my nerves enough to put him down.”

“I resent that remark!” Hawkeye said as he dug through the bag they’d confiscated from Jason’s safe house. He chucked the new clothes at Jason with a smile.

Jason caught them with a grunt and winced as sharp pain struck up his leg and his side. He stomped past them to the bathroom as best he could without a limp. Pausing briefly to grab the first aid kit from the wall.

“For the popped stitch.” He said blandly and then shut and locked the door behind him.

Hawkeye sighed, shoulders dropping, “Damn, that kid is messed up.”

“I hope the people chasing him dare to try and come for him.” Natasha said darkly, face cold and hard as stone.

“If they do, I hope I get to put an arrow through a least a few of them.”

Coulson cleared his throat, “Let’s focus on getting him out of here before we start planning the next step.”

“Come on, Phil, you can’t tell me that just guessing at what that kid’s gone through doesn’t make you want to punch someone.”

“I never said anything about that, just that it’s not our first priority.”

Clint gave a grin, “But it is a priority?”

Coulson’s face was grim, “Absolutely.”

I’ve absolutely fallen in love with the What If… Peggy/Natasha ship

See on Ao3. Watch my fun little process video on TikTok . For @justapinchzine

2021 Round Up

I participated in a 27 or so events this year plus 8 bingos, with 26ish collabs. I tried new ships and characters this year. I found a love for crack treated seriously. I wrote some words. I worked with so many amazing writers and artists. It was a great year and Im lucky to be in this fandom with all of you

Below are links to my work from the past year:

WinterWidowHawk Fest
Liho, Alpine & Lucky-@winterwidowhawkfest

Hell Yeah Bottom Bucky Valentine’s Day Exchange
You Light Up My Life for thetiredowl
Holding Handsfor@crescendohno-@hellyeahbottombucky

Hell Yeah Bottom Bucky Valentine’s Birthday Celebration
Happy Birthday Bucky!-@hellyeahbottombucky

MCU Kink Bang
Lose Control (NSFW) with @ao3-elle1991
Laundry Day (NSFW) with @nachodiablo
Clint Barton Absolutely Has A Daddy Kinkwith@gotlostonmywayhome
Do You Wanna Touch? (NSFW) with @thelostweasley77-@mcukinkbang

Marvel Trumps Hate
Heel (NSFW) for SlasherFiend
Easy Like Sunday Morningfor@allegedlyann-@marveltrumpshate

Marvelously Knotty Bang
The Kind Of Love I’ve Been Dreaming Ofwith@mariknickerbocker-@knotbang

Marvel Art Party Februfairy

Marvel Art Party MerMay
Clint Barton

Marvel Art Party Telephone Game
Sam x Bucky
Tony x Loki-@marvelartparty

Sam Bucky Gift Exchange
Morning Workout for @nightoftheland
Sweetheartfor @commiebuckybarnes

Coloring for a MARVELous Cause
Okoye, Spiderman, Tsums


ShrunkyClunks Bang
Sour as Vinegar, Sweet as Honey with@thiccbuckybarnesfic-@shrunkyclunksbang

Summer Trash Splash
WW2 Hydra Activities(NSFW) with @thefilthiestpiglet-@summertrashsplash

ShrinkyClinks Fest
Shot Across the Bowwith@becassine-@shrinkyclinksfest

The Marvel Disability Celebration
WinterWidowHawk Performers-@marveldisabilitycelebration

Marvel Reverse Big Bang
Buns(NSFW) with @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy

Bucky Gala

Star Spangled Big Bang
Falcon + Antman Promo
In Case You Don’t Live Forever-@oh-stars

Loki Rare Pair
FrostShield with @mcu-supersoldiers - @lokirarepairbigbang

Stucky Big Bang
Bite Me-@thiccbuckybarnesfic

Pinup Book
Promo here

Stank Fest
Steve Rogers / Hank Pym

SCB Secret Santa
Bucky Predicament Bondage(NSFW)-@kickflaw

Marvel Art Part Unofficial Winter Exchange
Liho, Lucky, & Alpine -@nivellesart

Marvel Art Party Holiday Stocking Surprise
Kate Bishop

HHTP Gift Exchange


Steve Rogers Bingo, Bucky Barnes Bingo, Stucky Bingo, WinterHawk Bingo, MCU Kink Bingo, Marvel Pet Bingo, Marvelous Rare Pair Bingo

Who The Hell Is Honey Ryder?-@jro616
Hanahaki Bucky
Knockin Boots With Sugar-@buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
&Back and Forth With Sugar(NSFW)
Volunteers Wanted
Creamy, Thick, and Frothy
Prince Bucky/Knight Steve-@allegedlyann
Silver and Gold(NSFW)
Train Kisswith@bleedxblack-art
Zombie Stucky
Winterhawk Greek Gods
Bucky & Alpine
Bookstore AUwith@rufferto9
Mermaid!Bucky Single Dad!Steve
Tentacle Welcome(NSFW)
Dildo Revengewith@arrowsshootyouforwards
Say Cheese!
Secondary Functions(NSFW)
Steve Cosplay
Stucky Bodyswap
Steve Xmas Bondage(NSFW)
Vampire Stucky (NSFW) - @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
Steve almost gets tranq’d
WinterHawk Riffle Tripod
Sam/Bucky BJ(NSFW)
Stucky Fisting(NSFW)
Nat/Bucky Arm Wrestle

Just for fun
tucky Extreme Yoga Challenge (NSWF ish)- @ao3-elle1991
Dancer Bucky - @trekchik
Steve x Black Reader - @sapphirescrolls
TVA Hate Sex: Steve x Loki (NSFW)
Steve Birthday Pride (NSFW)
Namor Birthday - @heyboydraws
Thor + Croki
Sam Steve - @nachodiablo
Cap Quartet Halloween

Darker themes collage:

Part 2 of a 3 Part comic. Follow along on Ao3 for when I get to parts 1 and 3.

Some thumbnail crops for @coloring-for-a-marvelous-cause, which is a Marvel-based digital coloring/activity book for charity in its second round. I beeeelieve sign-ups are open ‘til June first, if anyone’s interested in joining up. I’m still in the “deciding what to draw stage” myself but I’m having fun with it, haha.

More info here!
