#natsu and lucy




Fairy Tail Reverse Big Bang Team 26B and 26A Entry

Hello! Here’s one of the many reasons I’ve been silent lately! My first entry for the @fairytailevents Reverse Big Bang! A Nalu Piece that, was lucky enough to get TWO writers for. The Link to the first story will be posted today, the second will come up later in the month.

The First Story Is Written by the lovely @nalufever.
[Tumblr Post] [Ao3] [FF.net]

5/18: And the Second story is written by the awesome @pencilofawesomeness
[Tumblr Post] [A03]

 ー He became very important in my life.He is an endless mystery and an endless adventure.nalu fluff

ー He became very important in my life.
He is an endless mystery and an endless adventure.

nalu fluff week: «adventure» (12 Sep)
DT: @yaraftwizard
Post link
“I don’t give a crap about what I am.Cuz I got friends… and people who believe in

“I don’t give a crap about what I am.
Cuz I got friends… and people who believe in me!”

Post link

In The END

Summary:  She’s always been there for him, since the very beginning. A small drabble where Natsu tells Lucy just how important she really is. Can be seen as romantic and/or platonic. NALU fluff/hurt/comfort.

For general audiences.

“What do you mean your weak?”

Those words stung him, like a bee with no other choice; was that really what she thought about herself?

Crouching down beside her bed, he gazed over her beaten body. Those wounds would take time to heal, much like her shattered confidence.

He waited, letting it sink in for a moment, annoyed that she’d even contemplate such a thing; did she not know? Could she not see how strong she was?

Sighing heavily, his own injuries niggled across his body, but he didn’t care about them, it was all part of the job, and sometimes they went badly.

His hand was itching to wipe her tears away, hold her hand, and make her smile, the way she always did—he loved that.


“I meant what I said,” she turned her face away, the sunlight burning into her eyes but that didn’t matter; what was one more pain?

With brows furrowed and head tilted, he tried to see how, how could she say that?

“But, your not, you never have been. You’ve always been strong, Luce-”

“No. You’ve always been strong, Natsu. Along with Gray and Erza, even Wendy. I’m so sick of you guys pretending that I’m on the same level as you, because it’s been made quite clear that I’m not.”

He could hear the ire in her voice, see the sorrow on her face, and felt the desperation of her words. This seemed more of a deep seated problem than he first thought, but where had it all come from? For how long had she felt like this?

It made him angry; it made him sad. For the first time, he’d been rendered speechless on a subject he often felt so strongly about—bragged about even. He had to make her see, needed to, in fact.

“I don’t know why you try, you can’t change facts, Natsu. I’m weak and that’s all there is to it,” she sniffled, but quickly wiped her nose with her sleeve, her feelings numb. “I wish I’d never gone on that job, then maybe I wouldn’t feel so useless. Just look at me, for gods sake! No matter how hard I try not to, I always lose. It’s pathetic-”

Silencing her with his hand over her mouth, he couldn’t bare to listen. Unwilling to accept that his best friend, his teammate, could think so poorly of herself.

“Stop now, I’ve heard enough.”

Shaking his hand off of her face, she forced herself to sit, the pain rippling through her broken limbs, “I don’t care if you’ve heard enough, I’ve had enough! I’m sick of it! Tell me why, Natsu, why do I lose so often if I’m supposedly so strong? Why?”

He kept quiet, which only seemed to anger her more, “answer me!” Her tears began to cascade down her reddened cheeks, her eyes puffy and full of distrust.

He puffed out a halo of smoke, feeling an overwhelming need to prove her wrong, but how? Deciding his next words carefully, he spoke softly, “you don’t lose, Luce. You’ve never lost, not once.”

The air, thick and tense between them, only seemed to exacerbate the silence, her eyes wide and bleak, a colour of brown that dulled in comparison to her usual gleaming irises.

“What are you saying? Stop lying to me!”

The corner of his lips quirked upward as he thought back on all the years they’d been together, and not once had she ever let him down, left him behind or put herself first. Because that was her biggest strength—to never give up! “Do you remember when we were on Tenrou island, and we went up against that Kain guy?”

“Yeah, and I was just as useless back then, too.”

“That’s the thing though, Luce, you weren’t. I was,” he said, noticing her eyes shift towards him, but never quite reaching his. “I watched him beat you to a pulp, and no matter how much I tried to get you to run, you refused. You never left me, even though I couldn’t save you. That takes real guts to smile like you did, through pain you were in.”

“But that… that proves nothing. You still ended up saving us in the end,” she huffed, turning her head away again.

“Fine then, if that’s how you wanna do it, I’ve got all night.” Treating it almost like a game, he’d win this one, for sure. “What about future Lucy? She saved all of our asses.”

“But she was from the future, that wasn’t-”

“It was still you, Lucy.” He reached forward and tugged on her hand, anything to get her to look at him. “She’d been through so much, and yet still found the courage to come back and save us, while sacrificing herself in the process. Hell, she even saved you, Luce! She saved you where I couldn’t.”

The blondes head turned around this time, her brown eyes fixed on the man, who’s voice had begun to quiver, “Natsu?”

“If that doesn’t prove it, then what about Tartaros? You sacrificed your own spirit to save us, because you were the only one that could.”

“Natsu, I-I-”

“Don’t even get me started on END and rewriting that book. Gray told me all about it.”

“A-And? You would’ve done the same for me.” Buckling under the intense pressure from his fiery gaze, her eyes shifted, trying to look anywhere else but at him.

“Sure, I’d give it my all, but I’m not you. I don’t have a brain like yours. Only you could come up with an idea like that, and only you would have the smarts to rewrite a book of Zeref.”

Without knowing, he’d moved closer, his face now in hers, unwilling to back down now that his words seemed to be getting a reaction.

Her heart had sped up tenfold, heat reaching the tips of her ears, “u-uh…it was…”

“You gave me my life back that day, and then you went and blew it outta the park by casting Fairy Sphere, a spell only the first master could conjure. You saved the whole of Fiore, and all because of that awesome mind of yours.”

“B-But I had…” Now she was the one who was speechless; he’d really put some thought into this. Feeling a warmth encase her cheek, the girl felt her breath be forced from her lungs, the tingle of a blush tinting her cheeks, “Natsu, I… I don’t know what to say.”

“Then say nothing. Just listen,” he said, finally wiping those few stray tears away, his forehead gently resting on hers, and hot breath fanning across her lips, “Luce, you are the reason that we get to sit here like this today. Without you, we’d have been dead long ago.”

Was that really true? Had she really made such an impact?

“Whether you believe me or not, I had my reasons for picking you as my teammate.” He nuzzled closer, his free hand gripping hold of hers.

“So, it wasn’t because I was a blonde, then?” With smiles on both of their faces, they chuckled together at the memory, and what a fond memory it was.

“You were the one to break me outta that spell, remember? With that fake Salamander.”

She gasped; she’d forgotten about that.

“See, Lucy, you’ve been saving me from the very beginning. It’s only fair that I get to return the favour every one in a while,” his lopsided grin returned, her cheeks quick to mirror. “And I’m glad I did today. That’s what teammates are for, right?”

“Right. Thanks, Natsu, for always being there for me,” she said, leaning further into him, using his warmth to settle her aching body.

“No, thank you, Luce, for never leaving my side.”

The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 19

Summary:  Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that’s never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised.

Lucy heaved a long and heavy sigh. The sound of chatter hummed in the background, in contrast to the loud, obnoxious yells of her newly wed husband, along with his childhood rival, taking precedence above all else.

Here we go again…

“I told you, Flame Brain,” Gray growled, his teeth gritted in annoyance, “that was mine!”

“Oh yeah? Then why weren’t you eating it? It’s not Haru’s fault he got to it first!” Natsu’s fists were clenched tight, knuckles turning white and ready to throw the first punch.

“No, it’s yours for letting him!” Both were standing off against the other, much like they’d done all morning, and it was slowly grinding away at the young blonde who’d been silently stewing from her perch at the bar. “Look, if you buy me a replacement meal, I might be generous enough to let you off this time.”

“Ha! In your dreams, Snowflake!”

Much to Lucy’s dismay, she could feel a dull throb begin to creep across her cranium, her fingers rubbing small circles over her temples in an attempt at easing the tension building. It was a wonder either of those two idiots had become responsible for other, smaller human beings, because they sure as hell weren’t acting like it.

“Are you two done squabbling? You’re making my head hurt!” The urge to take her bulbous self over there and whack them both over the head was becoming more appealing with every insult thrown.

“But, Luce, Haru didn’t do anything wrong!” Natsu pointed an accusatory finger towards the pissed ice mage, his other hand holding the thief in question up on his shoulders, “he’s the one that started it!”

“What?! You’re the one that started it, knucklehead. Haru’s your son!” Fists clenched in his fury, Gray could barely keep from punching the damned moron in the face. “I bet you were both in on it!”

“Why, you-!”

“SHUT UP!” Lucy hollered, much louder than intended but it seemed to do the trick at silencing them, finally. “You two are driving me insane with your constant bickering; is it so much to ask that you go an hour without fighting?!” For something that wouldn’t usually bother her, she was at her wits end. Where was Erza at a time like this? “Why do I even bother?” She huffed before returning to her drink, not in the mood, nor had the patience, to deal with either of those clowns today.

“Someone’s not very happy this morning,” Mira said, popping up from the other side of the bar. “Aren’t you supposed to feel relaxed after coming home from your honeymoon?”

The she-demon made a good point, and Lucy had been perfectly relaxed, until fire met ice for the first time in weeks and all hell had broke loose.

“It’s not that, Mira, our time together was wonderful, more than wonderful…” her mind drifting back, wishing to be bathing by the beach again. “I guess it’s not really their fault—though they are idiots… I’m just super tired right now. Everything hurts and I’m finding it so hard to get comfortable at night… I just want to sleep!”

“I know it’s tough, but your time will come, Lucy. I’m sure it won’t be long before your little one gets here.” Mira-Jane smiled, polishing the glass in her hand, “then you’ll have two babies and Natsu to deal with.”

Was that supposed to make her feel better? “Please don’t remind me!” With an exaggerated huff, her head slumped into her arms atop the bar, wishing her body would just give her a break from its constant nagging—her back the worst offender.

Not minutes had gone by before two very warm, and very welcome, hands applied the subtlest of pressure onto her aching hips. A relieved sigh escaped her as expert fingers kneaded and warmed the tense muscles through, easing the strain within them.

“Hey, Mira, can I get a juice for the little guy, please?” Voice as cheery as ever, Natsu leaned forward to peck Lucy on the cheek before setting Haru down from his shoulders, handing him his drink. “S'up, Luce? Ya still not feeling too good?”

She glanced up, her cheek never leaving the comfort of her arm and shook her head into them, “how’d you guess?”

“Easy! You scared Happy off pretty early this morning, then you yelled at us back there. It’s like you’re channelling your inner Erza or something… and now you’re looking like ya wanna kill someone-”

“Yeah, I wonder who, Natsu… the question was rhetorical,” she mumbled, hiding her face once more.

“Rhetori- what?”

“Forget it.”

Despite his teasing, seeing her so sullen over ailments that couldn’t be controlled was difficult for the young man. As someone who always strived to make his best friend smile, he really didn’t know how to help the situation.

Trying again, he took the simpler approach this time, “d'ya wanna go get an ice cream or something? There’s that place in town that does the frozen yogurt stuff you eat all the time.” Surely the prospect of food might offer some salvation. She was eating for two after all!

Overhearing those magical words fly out of his father’s mouth, the little one looked up from his now empty cup and grinned, “ice cream!”

“Of course you want ice cream,” Lucy chuckled, using her finger to poke the little one’s belly, making him giggle.

“I’m just surprised you don’t,” Natsu sniggered, earning him daggers from the blonde he loved to tease so much.

“And what’s that supposed to mean!?” He’d done it now!

Waving his hands in submission, he back tracked; when would he learn? “Nothing, nothing! I was only kidding…” Dammit! He was supposed to be making her feel better not worse. Usually, he’d just drag her out on another mission to make her forget her sorrows, but that wasn’t a viable option either.

“I know what Lucy would like.” Appearing from nowhere, Erza strutted over to gloomy stellar mage, perching herself on a stool next to her. “Here. Have some strawberry cake. It’s delicious!”

Easing herself back up, the blonde grimaced at the sight of the half eaten slice and was about to politely decline the offer, when a small chubby hand got to it first, smooshing it across the plate.

“Haru!” She gasped, removing the daredevil baby from the crime scene, and handed him to a horrified looking Natsu to clean up. With a sheepish grin, she reluctantly turned back to the red head, hoping she wasn’t about to flip a lid—that was the last thing she needed, “I-I’m so sorry… he just… does that sometimes…”

With a distraught expression, Erza simply stared at her now destroyed dessert, a murky aura descending around her, “n-no… i-it’s okay… he can have it…” she stuttered, hesitantly handing it over.

Hesitant, she took the mushed cake from the disgruntled red head, moving as if she were a ticking time bomb, and gave it to the boy who was quick to dive in and wolf it down. “Geez! Anyone would think we didn’t feed you.”

“He likes his food is all. Nothing wrong with that,” Mira said, refilling his sippy cup, “he’s just like his Daddy!”

“You got that right!” Natsu chirped, a lopsided grin to match.

Chuckling at the fire mages expression, Lucy hardly noticed the take over mage slide a rather beaten looking envelope across the bar, clearing her throat as she did so, “I almost forgot, this came for you both while you were away. It arrived a few days ago.”

Odd, Lucy thought, picking it up. It wasn’t very often they received random letters from people, especially not addressed to the guild. The paper felt rough under her fingertips, the ink smudged and messy. It looked weathered, like it’d been sat on or crumpled before being sent to them.

“Is this how it arrived? Smells kinda weird…” Natsu couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was sure he recognised that scent.

“Could it be from the council, maybe?” Lucy couldn’t be sure, although the envelope itself had no official stamps on it. If anything, it looked more like a child had scribbled it, someone that didn’t know too much about letter etiquette, or spelling, for that matter.

Snapping the wax sealed opening, Lucy pulled the similarly creased letter out and flattened it out, feeling the intense gazes of not only Natsu watching her every move, but of her guild mates, too.

“Maybe we should read this in private?” She murmured, trying to keep her voice low and out of ear shot of everyone but Natsu.

“You know they’ll only ask about it after, right? Besides, if it’s not official then it can’t be that bad,” he hoped.

Anxiety flushed through her as she remembered the last letter they’d received out of the blue, and how anxious it’d made her feel, however, that one had been official, finalising Haru’s future with them. A happy ending.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes took to paper, scanning no more than the first line before she gasped and dropped it onto the counter—it couldn’t be!

Eyes widening, Natsu felt his own heart skip a beat, knowing that kind of reaction could only spell trouble. “What? What is it, Luce?”

Feeling his hand on her shoulder, she gripped it tightly with her own, unable to control the shaking within it, “it's… i-it’s him!”

The muscles in his jaws tightened, and his hands turned to fists like he was readying for a fight. “Lemme see that!” Snatching it off of the bar top, he eyed the squiggly signature carefully, confirming his suspicions of who this ‘him’ might be.

Haru’s birth father.

Instinctively, Lucy found herself reaching for the little boy, wanting to hold him close to her body, as if he were about to disappear before her very eyes. “W-What does it say, exactly?”

“Wait!” Gray exclaimed, snatching the letter from the fire mages hold before he’d time to read it, “you really think it’s wise to read anything that guy’s sent you?”

“Give it back, Stripper, before I torch your hand off!” Natsu’s warning tone did nothing to deter the ice mage, more than use to the types of threats slung between them.

“Not a chance, Hothead! What if it’s a letter trying to taunt you or something? You just gonna rise to it?”

“Hey! I’m not playing around, dammit!” But before he could do anything, the paper was whipped from his rivals grip, scarlet hair freezing them both in place, lips sealed shut.

Choosing to ignore their little spat, her brown eyes moved quickly between the lines on the paper, determining the messy handwriting, “so this is the one that’s caused so much trouble.”

“I-Is it bad, Erza?” Lucy asked, eyes filled with worry, wishing someone would just tell her already.

“It seems he wishes to meet with you both by the train station. Tonight.”

“Tonight!?” Natsu exclaimed, claiming the letter that merely disintegrated in his hands. “The hell does that guy think he is!? He can’t just show up after all this time and demand to meet us like that. He’s got some nerve!”

He was livid, and Lucy could understand why, although she wished she’d been able to read the letter first before it’d been so kindly destroyed in temper, “that probably wasn’t a very good idea, Natsu. Now we have no reference to go by.”

“Stupid flame-o never thinks with his head first. Sometimes I wonder if there’s just hot air between those ears of yours.”

“Shut it, Popsicle! I’m not in the mood for your stupid comments!” Natsu scowled, crossing his arms over his chest, “I say we go there just to teach him a lesson, one he’ll never forget!”

“We can’t do that! What if he were to tell on us? We could get into serious trouble… or worse!” Honestly, Lucy didn’t know what to think. The only thing she wanted right now was Haru safe and sound in her arms where no one else could get to him.

“Lucy’s right, Natsu. If word were to get out that you’d done something, you could risk losing Haru altogether. We have to be smart about this,” Erza said, hand to her chin in deep thought.

“Over my dead body! Ain’t no way that bastard’s getting his hands on my son. He had his chance!” Just the thought of it was enough to make him sick to his stomach, bile already churning.

“Then we must think rationally about this and not run head first into enemy territory.” She spoke as if they were about to go into battle, when the reality was only one man; one man that posed a serious threat to the small boy cuddled into his mothers bosom. “It’s decided. Gray and I shall accompany you on this quest and be your back up should you need it. We will remain in the background, but our presence will act as a deterrent should he be planning to do anything.”

“Don’t I get a choice in the matter?” Gray grumbled, earning him a swift, metal thwack to the back of the head, and a glare that promised certain death should he continue to speak.

As a quick, on the spot plan, Lucy kind of liked it. At least it wouldn’t be just her and Natsu this time, especially now that she was out of commission. However, none of that took away from the fact that this guy, the one they’d had the misfortune of meeting on more than one occasion, had actively sought them out and been so bold as to want to meet with them in person. What was he after? It was troubling, especially where Haru was concerned.

“But I still don’t understand why he would want to meet with us? And at night too…”

“It all seems fishy to me,” Natsu interrupted the blonde, smoke erupting from his mouth, “if he even puts a foot outta line, I'mma do more than just punch him in the face this time.”

“Settle down, man, you don’t even know the reason yet. Save your energy for when we get there.” The ice mage also understood, a father now himself, he could only imagine the anger they must’ve felt towards someone like that.

Erza nodded in agreement, “then it’s settled. We shall leave at nightfall.”

With another deep and mournful sigh, Lucy looked down to the little boy, worry creasing her brows. His bright blue eyes joined with hers in a tender moment between mother and son, a smile gracing his lips as he stared in wonder at the woman he loved so very much.

“So…about that ice cream,” Natsu beamed, shocking Lucy out of her stupor as a grin spread his cheeks once more.

“…want ice cream!” Haru cheered, raising his arms up above his head in celebration.

“I thought you’d say that,” he chuckled, taking the boy from his mothers hold and chucking him up in the air, the sounds of his cute giggle dissipating the tense atmosphere.

Lucy, however, didn’t look so convinced, her eyes filled with uncertainty, “are you sure that’s a good idea? What about—mmph!” Silenced by a pair of warm lips, she could hardly find it within herself to fight back no matter how much she wanted to. The gentle caress was enough to draw her in, even if it was one of his oldest tricks at keeping her quiet.

Pulling back, Natsu smiled at his beautiful wife, her potent blush never failing to amuse him, “I think Haru wants his ice cream.”

Nodding against him, she took the opportunity for one more sweet kiss before finally standing from her seat, the biggest grin she could muster plastered across her face, “well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

Standing there, with little more than a few street lamps to light their path, had the expectant mother recoiling with every new train that approached the station. She wasn’t often afraid of the dark, or what lurked within its depths, but for tonight, she’d make an exception. She cradled Haru close to her body, chin tucked into his mop of black hair as she swayed from side to side— a small distraction from her troubled thoughts.

“It’s gonna be alright, Luce,” she heard Natsu whisper into her ear as he came up from behind, comforted by the warmth of his hand on the small of her back, his breath fanning against her neck, “nothing bad is going to happen. I won’t let it.”

“I know. I-It’s just… I never thought I’d have to see him again, that’s all. We’d left it behind us, or at least, so I thought.” So much had happened since then that she’d happily put it all to the back of her mind.

“And we still can! Haru’s ours now, and there’s nothing this guy, or anyone else, can do about it.” He smiled, stroking the soft cheek of the little boy snuggled deeply into his blanket, snoring quietly. “He’s a part of us, Lucy, and always will be, I promise.”

With foreheads touching, and the wind whistling through their hair, they shared a slow, spine tingling kiss, only separating to glance down at the child wedged between them, stirring slightly in his sleep.

However, as another train rumbled away from the platform, the dragon slayer suddenly perked up, pulling his attention away. With senses on high alert, he began to sniff at the air, his ears locking on to the faint tapping of footsteps slowly approaching in the distance, “he’s here.”

The moment had come, and Lucy’d dreaded every agonising second she’d had to wait, but knew, without a doubt, Natsu would keep his promise—he always did.

“You came,” a rather quiet voice shocked the team from behind, all of them turning together to glance in the direction it’d come from. A cloaked figure stood before them, his face shaded by the long hood that sat atop his head, making it hard to see any of his features, “with others, I see.”

With that same ominous presence he felt the last time they’d met, Natsu ushered Lucy and Haru behind him to keep them from view, using his body as a barrier. “And you finally decided to show.”

“Well, for Fiore’s top guild, Magnolia’s quite the distance from the other main cities,” he explained, his tone tepid and monotonous, making it hard for the group to read him or his intentions. “And it’s not everyday you get to meet three of the most destructive mages in the country… I was a little nervous, I guess.”

His eyes shifted from the dragon slayer to the two stood behind and recognised them immediately, “you must be the infamous, Erza Scarlet, yes? I’ve read a lot about your magic type, it’s rather unique but most impressive.” Smirking, his head moved quickly, setting sights on the raven haired man to the left, “and you must be… Gray Fullbuster? Ice mage; demon slayer; newly made father to a son… what was his name again?”

The young man flinched at his child being spoke about so casually, as if tainted by mere voice alone, “like I’d tell the likes of you—”

“I see you’ve done your research,” Erza intervened, stopping the ice mage before he could take it any further, “however, knowing who we are isn’t going to help should you decide to act foolishly tonight.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he snorted, the small gesture enough to make Lucy’s skin crawl as she observed from behind her husbands frame. “Unlike you, where magic courses through your very veins, I have no such power. Ethernano appears to have forsaken me, also.”

“Forsaken? What kinda crap are you spouting now?” Natsu’s jaw tensed with gritted teeth, the hum of his magic sizzling below the surface as he fought the urge to unleash it.

A low chuckle escaped the man’s mouth, yet it sounded void of all humour as he looked down at the floor. Without saying a word, he slowly lifted the elongated hood from his head, revealing what lay beneath.

Hearing a small gasp from the stellar mage behind him, Natsu could only stare in horror. Now exposed and vulnerable, they could clearly see the deep scars and burns that littered the right side of the guy’s face, travelling up beyond his hair line, forming small bald spots that stretched passed his ear and down his neck.

“Fuck! I thought you said you only punched him in the face, Natsu? Not gone full beast mode on him!” Sure the hot head had a temper, but Gray could scarcely believe he’d go that far.

“Seriously, Brain freeze, you think I’d do that!?” Contemplating it for a moment, the slayer didn’t remember setting him on fire… “at least, I don’t think I did.”

“I very much doubt it, Natsu. He wouldn’t be so forthcoming in showing us if you had,” Erza said, her eyes never leaving the terrible marks upon the man’s skin as she considered the reasons behind him wanting to show them.

“You’re almost right. On our last encounter, you did, indeed, set me on fire, but luckily this was not the result of that,” he explained, amused by the sheepish, but ultimately relieved look on the dragon slayers face. “This was the result of my own actions… I have only myself to blame, really.”

“Quit your gloating and tell us, then. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” Lucy finally spoke, startling the others as she made her presence known.

“Ah, so you are here? I’d say I’m far from gloating, Lucy Heartfilia… Or is it Dragneel, now?” He mused, his eyes flitting from side to side, searching for the blonde hair he remembered so vividly. “Why don’t you show yourself? I won’t bite.”

“But I will, so I suggest you start talking!” She spat, her tongue quicker than her brain could stop her.

Smirking, Natsu could almost laugh as he discretely reached behind to clutch at her trembling hand, caressing it softly against her belly. He knew how much she dreaded running into this man, and what it meant to be in his presence again. He remembered how low she’d been in herself after the incident that first brought Haru and them together, and those long nights she’d struggled to sleep following the mission at the mansion.

It had taken her a long time to learn how to cope with the worries she’d faced, of not only becoming a mother to an abandoned newborn, but the trauma of knowing what’d happened to the little boy she now called her son in the first few days of his life.

Natsu, above all, was the only other person who truly shared in her pain, her anguish, and her fear of loving a child that wasn’t theirs, and what it would do to them should they lose him altogether.

The man, ignorant of all this, chuckled at her impatience, and replaced the hood to cover his scarred face. “Let’s just say being incarcerated isn’t all what it’s cracked up to be.”

“You mean other prisoners did this to you? But why!?”

“Why, indeed,” he murmured, finally catching a glimpse of someone peeking out from behind the dragon slayer and pointed in their direction, “found you!”

But before any of the other three mages could react, blonde hair whizzed passed them all at an alarming rate, none quick enough to track her movements until a resounding smack echoed across the station.

Shock evident on the man’s face, the sheer force of the blow was enough to make him lose his footing. He felt nothing but the total agony ripple through his cheek as a blaring red hand print carved itself into his skin, a few choice curses slipping from his mouth on impact.

Their eyes connected for the first time that night, and Lucy, although shivering with adrenaline, could barely contain herself, “don’t you dare play games with me!” Her hand throbbed from the clout she’d dealt him, but refused to show any signs of weakness in his presence. He’d caused too much suffering to be allowed to toy around with them so casually. “You have no idea of the hurt you’ve caused me and my family.”

The others stood confounded, not expecting Lucy, out of all of them, to have acted so impulsively. The fire mage, suddenly noticing Haru was no longer with her, whipped his head back to where she’d been standing, only to find him cradled into Gray’s shirtless body and breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he’d been too busy dreaming to wake from all of the commotion.

“Fuck me! That’s one hell of a slap you’ve got on you!” The man lamented, moving his jaw about to make sure it hadn’t dislocated, “and I thought he was strong…” gesturing to the dragon slayer behind her.

“Lucy is, by far, the most powerful celestial mage in all of Ishgar. You’d be wise to remember that.” Erza, although surprised by the blonde’s actions, fully commended her bravery.

“Well? Start talking, or I won’t hesitate to do worse next time.” Seething, the stellar mage had to try and compose herself.

Grumbling inwardly, he finally let go of his throbbing cheek, head drooping forward as doleful sigh escaped his lips, “it’s ironic, really, that I should be stood here in front of you all after everything that’s happened between us…after everything I’ve done.”

“What do you mean?” Lucy asked, trying to piece it all together.

“I’m sure you’re aware of the magazine’s that follow all of the top guild’s throughout Fiore. Fairy Tail features quite regularly, in fact.”

“Tch… sure we do, the bunch of liars!” Unimpressed by the mere mention of them, Natsu made no attempt at hiding his destain, “they’re the one’s that always lie and say we destroy everything!”

“We? You mean, you. And they’re not wrong, idiot! You’re always the one causing chaos!” Gray huffed, like he had no part to play in it.

“Enough! Now is not the time!” Erza was quick to diffuse the riled up pair before any brawl broke out (again), and turned back to the man in question, “what does that have to do with you, though? Elaborate.”

“A lot, actually. Fairy Tail has quite the fan base…you two in particular, in light of recent events,” he said, glancing between the dragon slayer and the blonde. “Let’s just say, I quickly became a target of those wishing to seek revenge for the child I’d so badly wronged. The adopted child of Fairy Tails Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Hearfilia.”

“You mean it’s been… but that’s not possible, we never told anyone about Haru. How could they—”

“It matters not,” his eyes bore deeply and sorrowfully into large brown ones that seemed to shine so brightly, even if they were a little shaken. “The story is out and spreading like a wildfire. I’ve been brandished a monster, scars and all. It’s something I’ll have to live with, not that I see much point in it any more.”

“So, you’re just gonna give up and let them do this to you!?” Natsu could feel his anger rising once again, he couldn’t believe his ears. This guy was seriously just going to accept that?

Shocked and confused, he simply stared, brows knitted in the middle as if the dragon slayer were speaking a foreign tongue.

“Look, I don’t give a crap what you do, but your not allowed to stand there moping like some ass, acting like your doing us a favour.” Pointing his finger at the man, the fire mage refused to let it go.

Not knowing what to say, the guy’s eyes darted from one mage to the next, all of them seeming to be in similar agreement, yet he could make no sense of it. “But I-I’m…”

“You’re what? Righting your wrongs; accepting fate; or some shit like that?” So that’s why he’d asked to meet them? It was always the same old thing Natsu had heard a million times before, and so had the rest of the team for that matter. “As far as I’m concerned, you did your time.”

Snapping his head to attention, the guy was stunned; they were just going to let him off like that? To be free of the burdens he carried? Of the sins he’d committed? Who were these people? This didn’t sound like the chaotic Team Natsu they’d portrayed in those magazine articles he’d read. “You’ve surprised me… I’d have thought you two above everyone would see me in such a way.”

“We’ve all seen monsters; fought them even; defeated most. For the longest time, I wanted to believe you were one, too. It made your motives easier to understand, that you were just a bad person, and should be regarded as such.” Breathing slowly and steadily, Lucy realised this was the closure she’d sought after all this time. “Labelling you, however, never took away from what you’d done. It was never as simple as that.”

“Then, what? What am I? Please, just tell me!”

“You were desperate… and in grief, wanting so badly to hold on to any slither of normality, you couldn’t stop your life from falling apart. You were alone,” her voice stayed quiet as she felt the dragon slayer come up from behind.

His presence warmed the air around them, a lopsided smile adorning his face as he spoke, “it doesn’t always have to be that way, though. Maybe one day, you’ll find happiness again, just like Haru did.”

Unable to hold back any longer, teardrops filled the man’s eyes as he gazed over the small family, his gaze drawn to the baby resting so contently in his father’s arms. It frightened him to think how he’d once resented him so coldly, and sharply inhaled at the sight of him stirring in his sleep. His face looked peaceful and ever so delicate, the curly black locks and milky white skin a harsh reminder of what he’d lost; the very image of his dear late wife.

“If things had gone differently, this could’ve been me.”

“It still could be. Only you are in charge of that,” Lucy said, her voice now calm and controlled, finally at peace.

“And something must’ve changed your mind. Whatever it was, I’d say live for that reason,” Erza said, her and Gray coming to stand with the others.

Rubbing his eyes with his sleeve, he nodded, and reached into his trouser pocket, “actually, there was one thing.” Pulling the object out, he glanced at it and smiled, his mind filling with distant but fond memories, “this was returned to me after reconstruction started on my old village. I was going to keep it, but figured he should have it instead.”

“A necklace?” Lucy wondered, taking the object into her hands.

“Of sorts. It’s meant to bring protection and good will,” he explained. “My wife; Haru’s birth mother; she had a protection spell cast on it, believing it would help bring him safely into the world… I imagine that’s what saved him in the end, keeping him from burning in that fire.”

“Huh… So that’s how it happened,” Natsu shrugged, not giving it any further thought, “what do you want us to do with it?”

“It’s a keepsake, a reminder of where he came from… As someone who failed him so terribly, I understand if you decline, but it’s more for her sake, not mine.” His voice became desperate almost, like he couldn’t quite stress enough how important it was. “Unlike me, she was never selfish or cruel, her heart was big and so full of love. A baby of her own was all she’d ever wanted, and she loved him more than anything else.” The collected tears began to stream down his face, a pained expression as those dreaded memories flooded back to him. “All I ask is that he carries just a small piece of her with him, to keep her alive in his heart.”

Lucy could hear her own heart thump loudly in her ears, the sting of tears beginning to water, as she, too, glanced between the necklace and the baby. Natsu, though struggling himself to hold it together, could clearly see how important this was, clutching at his own keepsake that took pride of place around his neck.

“Of course, we understand,” Lucy murmured, her heart aching for a man so broken, and for a family that was never meant to be. “Thank you.”

“No… thank you…for everything. Haru couldn’t have found a better family to be a part of, and for that, I will always be grateful,” the man said, his eyes firmly fixed on the infant, his thoughts never clearer than in that moment. “Just promise me one thing,” his chest tightened; his breathing shaky, “promise me, that when the time comes you’ll tell him about her and what she did to protect him. Tell him that he did come from a place of love and happiness, and that she wanted him more than anything else in the world.” He paused for a moment, a genuine heartbroken smile spreading his lips, “no matter where life takes him, she’ll always be there, because she always has been.”

Tears began to fall thick and fast down the young mother’s face, her eyes were red with grief and her heart bled as though it’d been sliced right open. Never had she felt such heartbreak, and yet, the air seemed so tranquil, like a leaded weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Unable to find the right words to say, Lucy nodded, Natsu following, and watched as the man took one last look at the boy still snoring away, oblivious to the world around him, “I hope that one day you’ll find it within your heart to forgive me, but for now, it seems this is good bye, Haru. Until our paths meet again.” Bidding his farewell, he turned to walk away, silhouette slowly fading as he murmured his final parting words to the wind, “have a good life…son.”

It’d been faint, not meant for human ears, but Natsu had caught it, every single word, and it made him smile, a genuine, happy smile, releasing the tension that’d been building within his body. A calmness flooded his system, the faint, soft breaths of the baby in his arms seeped into his ears, along with the gentle thrumming of his heart against his chest.

It took a few moments before Lucy finally let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, her hand coming up to rest on her bump, before slowly exhaling, “it’s over.”

Hearing a chuckle erupt from her husbands chest, she glanced up, unable to stop her cheeks from mirroring his, “told ya nothing was gonna happen.”

“I’m glad. Everything is finally as it should be.”

“I dunno, still think he coulda done with a fist full of fire…”


“What? I ain’t lyin’!”

“Honestly, you were just as choked up as I was.”

“And you say you’re not the idiot that blows stuff up?” Gray rolled his eyes, hip cocked to the side with his hand resting on top.

“Hey! No one asked for your opinion, Frosty!”

“I think we should all be proud of Natsu’s level of decorum, I can’t imagine it was easy. Lucy, however…” Erza’s voice rang through her ears, dread filling her as all three of her teammates glanced in her direction.

“Me? But I didn’t do—!” Suddenly moving on its own, the blonde’s body was pulled into cold, hard metal, red hair tickling her face, “E-Erza?!”

“I think you handled that splendidly, Lucy,” she said, holding the poor girl in a tight hug—a little too tight perhaps. “Although, as your loyal friend and teammate, I must advice against such physicality in the future. It isn’t good for the baby, and their safety is your top priority.”

“Yeah, you kinda had me worried back there. I thought the baby was just gonna pop right out, you moved so fast.” Gray said, relieved.

Chuckling, Lucy wiped a stray tear from her eye, “thanks, guys.”

“I honestly thought you were gonna pound him into the ground, Luce. I’ve never seen you look that angry before,” Natsu drooled, having always had a bit of a kink for Lucy being a total badass. “Have you been holding out on me this entire time!?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Natsu, it was the adrenaline, nothing more.”

“Seriously, man, do you ever think before you speak?”

“Well, duh! How else would I be able to make words?” The slayer rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disappointment.

Dead panning, the ice mage glared at his rival, feeling the annoyance from before dwelling in the pit of his stomach, “goddammit! Why’re you such an idiot!?”

“What did you say!?”

Here we go again…again…

The girls stood there gawping and for once, neither moved to intervene, in favour of watching the moronic pair throw insults at each other whilst making every effort not to wake the sleeping baby.

“Do you think they’ll ever grow up?” Lucy asked, tilting her head in consideration.

“It’s unlikely. After all these years, I believe it’s now just second nature for them.” Erza said, deliberating her next course of action—To stop them; or not to stop them? “I suppose I better put an end to this before it gets out of hand.”

Then it was just Lucy, watching the idiotic duo beg for mercy as their sister figure, sword in hand, made her way over to them. Maybe sending her wasn’t the best idea? Although Haru had yet to wake, the mother still didn’t want to risk it.

Taking one step forward, her body seemed to seize up on its own, eyes drawn to the strange warm sensation trickling down her leg. “What in the-” she gasped, the wet patch on her skirt, although small, was clearly visible.

Had she actually just wet herself? No, surely not.

And then it swept over her, like a fire setting her ablaze from the inside, and damn did it hurt! A strangled groan escaped her lips as she tried to call out to someone, anyone to come and help. With sweat beading on her forehead, she felt dizzy, the shock and intensity quickly spreading across her body, enough for her legs to turn to jelly.

She reached out blindly, to grab hold of anything strong enough to steady her until the pain passed, clutching hold of it until her hands hurt as she tried to calm her sporadic breathing. Could it be? Was this really going to happen now?


That familiar warmth came over her in an instant, the smoky scent filling her nostrils and lulling her into a sense of calm. He was there, holding her to him, she was safe.

“I’m here, Luce. I’ve got you.”

Thanks for reading!

Anyone who’s interested in reading the whole story, or any of my other stories, you can go to FF.net, or AO3. The story has the same name and so does my username. 


The 1st oneshot request done!

Someone Worthy

“What are your thoughts about marriage Lucy?” Erza asked her blonde teammate who was busy running her hand through Natsu’s hair to soothe his pain.

“I think it’s a beautiful commitment!” She answered with a gleam in her brown eyes, “and I wait for the day when a very handsome pri-” Lucy was cut off by an inaudible groan from Natsu, though, the stellar mage almost felt like the dragon slayer had interrupted her on purpose.

“Tch that bastard never fails to irritate someone,” the ice mage rolled his eyes while his shirt followed his jacket on the floor of their compartment.

Lucy sighed, “it’s fine Gray. He’s in pain too you know…”

“Unfortunately he can’t do anything about his sickness. So let him be.” Erza turned to her other side and gently patted the blunette’s shoulder, “Wendy, are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah…Erza-san…I’m just a…bit dizzy..” Wendy barely managed to look at the redhead and smiled or at least she tried to. The requip mage comfortingly laid the young dragon slayer on her lap, unlike most of the times how she almost crushed people’s head on her armor clad chest and the bluenette groaned again.

“I wish there was a way to help these two,” she said in a concerned voice, “especially Wendy…” Lucy fondly smiled at the mother-like attitude of Titania and reassured her, “don’t worry. Wendy has gotten strong and she can handle it just fine. So can Natsu.”

“By the way Lucy,” Gray spoke up, “you once told us that your father had fixed your marriage with someone. Who was that guy?” Lucy could practically see the devil slayer’s curiosity sparkling in his eyes, the blonde key mage sighed.

“Yeah it was the famous businessman Duke Sawarr,” she swore she could almost puke at the mere thought of that lecherous man. Maybe she shouldn’t have answered the question…

“The one who later bought the whole Heartfilia estate?” Erza asked, Lucy nodded and the raven haired ice mage gaped. “Then you can just marry him and become the owner of the mansion again,” he suggested and glanced at the sick dragon slayer on Lucy’s lap with a devious grin, “I’m sure he still wants to marry you…”

The blonde mage glared at her team mate from across her seat and yelled, “as if! Do you even know what kinda man that guy is?!” She had yet again ignored how the pinkette’s hand had slightly pressed on her thigh, maybe she was imagining things… or maybe not.

Gray cackled up, “chill Lucy. I was just kidding!” He then looked at the fire mage again and smirked, “you know I love to pester people…” Lucy knew that certainly there was something going on in his mind but she was clueless as to what it had to do with Natsu. But she dismissed her thoughts for the time being, deciding she would think about it after reaching the destination of the job.

- - -

They reached the town after an hour. Wendy jumped in joy as she finally got down from her worst nightmare. But Lucy observed the other dragon slayer closely, he seemed distant somehow unlike every other time he would blabber about never using any transportation again after their train journey ended and it concerned the blonde. What was wrong with him?

She walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, “Natsu are you alright? You’re acting strange…”

“Nah it’s nothing…” the fire mage pretty much awkwardly answered, scratching the back of his head. Just as Lucy was about to question Natsu further, he himself spoke up, “So the Duke Sawarr guy…you know the one you were talking about…”

Suddenly realisation hit Lucy and her face heated up. So she hadn’t imagined things after all! And was the mighty and great Salamander of Fairy Tail jealous? Was Natsu Dragneel jealous? Oh my!

“Yeah what about him?” Lucy asked as if she didn’t get the implications.

“Luce don’t you even dare think about marrying him!” He burst out and then quickly added, “we can get the mansion back in other ways.”

“I know and I absolutely won’t marry him you dummy,” she laughed and then shyly crossed her arms behind her back.

“Right…you deserve better Luce,” Natsu reasoned making Lucy blush further. It had been years since they had started dancing around the lines of friendship and love and the key mage didn’t want to stay like that anymore.

“Like who?” She eyed his conflicting emotions and it felt like he was unsure of something. Almost as if he didn’t know whether he should say something or not.

“Someone who can protect you, make you feel safe and happy, someone who’ll love you to the sun and then moon ans then back. Lastly someone who won’t ever leave you alone….” he sadly trailed off at the last part and Lucy’s heart clenched painfully at the bitter memory.

- - -

Lucy looked at her pinkette partner, he was being goofy again while watching the tv of their hotel room. But she could feel he was tensed somehow and of course it had to do with their earlier conversation since they hadn’t gotten the chance to finish talking due to Erza interrupting them.

“Luce,” Lucy snapped back to reality and she realised she had been lost in her own world while staring at Natsu. “What’s wrong weirdo?” He asked.

“Uhmm…it’s nothing. I guess I spaced out,” she awkwardly laughed, a lame try to lighten the mood. “I think I’ll just take a quick shower!” Lucy almost ran to the bathroom with whatever clothes she managed to grab from her luggage and Natsu watched her warily. But before she could shut the door behind her, she heard Natsu’s voice.

“I’ll try harder, not to repeat my mistakes and to become someone worthy,” he said. Lucy held her breath, waiting for what he would say next. “I will, that I promise Luce.” The celestial mage felt the sheer sincerity in his voice and smiled, though, not turning his way for once.

“I trust you Natsu,” she stated slowly closing the door and the last words Natsu heard before a large grin took pver his face were, “I always have. Ever since I joined the guild.”

Taglist : @nalu4emily@nashadragneel@fictionispreferred@aashi-heartfilia@millennial-star-gazer@saintartemis@naludragonslayer24@lushiie@mossygreensdoodles@fyrefalcon@naluneedstobecanon@aortic-soul@neko-chat-tea-time@reniiimusiclove@xfangheartx@stopbeingrude@fbflame94@hahaalaine@slowburning-dumpsterfire@foreverfairytailfan@pickythepidgeot


This child is extremely precious and needs to be protected at all costs-

Can we appreciate that after a years training, Natsu, without even trying, was able to melt a stone stadium?

Like the power behind that is immense!

If we want to get all science-y about it, then stones melting point is around 1500 degrees Celsius, or about 2750 degrees Fahrenheit (depending, obviously, on the composition of the stone).

Let’s put that into perspective; the hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, with temperatures reaching about 475 degrees Celsius (900 degrees Fahrenheit) and that is hot enough to melt lead, a human body would simply evaporate in such conditions.

The temperature of a lava flow is usually around 700 degrees to 1250 degrees Celsius (2000 degrees Fahrenheit).

The fact that he can reach temperatures far beyond this is insane, and the ability to control such incredible heat, even more so.

No wonder Lucy panicked and evacuated the entire stadium, that’s around a 5th of the sun’s surface temperature.


Unsettling Fire

“L-Lucy get away from him!” Came Natsu’s high-pitched scream as the boy helplessly struggled to get on his feet. But his legs gave out everytime not ever listening to him. The fire dragon slayer’s whole body was covered with litter and many many bruises, it was actually a wonder he didn’t die yet. But Natsu was sure to die if something happened to the blonde stellar mage standing between him and his dragon brother.

Lucy firmly stood in her position, her arms wide open and ready to embrace any fatal attack before it reached Natsu. The blonde knew she was of no use against a dragon god. But she couldn’t possibly let Ignia kill Natsu in front of her eyes. Why would she? She loved him for God’s sake! And she would rather die than live a life without Natsu.

“Lucy please!” Natsu writhed on the ground again, completely out of magic power as well as physical strength. Lucy wasn’t going to listen to him and run away. Hadn’t she already told him during their fight with Kain that no matter how bad things turned into, she would never run away alone? Had he forgotten that? Lucy definitely hadn’t.

Ignia was both amused and surprised seeing the blonde’s determination to protect Natsu. None of the three were delusional enough to think she could do anything to stop him, a dragon god. But it didn’t stop the girl from jumping in between a dangerous fight, not caring a bit that he could easily kill her in an instant. She was extremely intriguing… And her smell, it was familiar. Lucy was her name right?

It was her bravery and not her beauty that attracted him the most, not that her curves weren’t a turn on for Ignia but the unwavering look of her eyes caught his attention. He remembered a woman just as dauntless as the girl standing in front of him.

“Don’t you fear your death?” Despite knowing that a question like this would likely never affect the blonde, Ignia’s curiosity was getting the better of him. Maybe he could play with his little brother later and enjoy talking to her instead. “I can kill you if I want,” he lit his palms with fire.

“Do..n’t tou..ch her!” Natsu’s voice cracked in pain.

“I’d rather die than stand in the back and watch you kill Natsu,” Lucy gritted her teeth as she spoke, “yes I may be thousand times weaker than you but I’ll keep fighting until I die!” Tears began to gather in the corner of her eyes out of anger as she thought about how she was so weak compared to others. Why the hell couldn’t she be strong enough to protect the ones she loved?!

The dragon god felt a weird change in atmosphere around them and it was not because of him nor Natsu, who could barely move. It was her, Lucy. Her magic power? She definitely couldn’t be some ordinary celestial wizard, different but extremely similar to the woman he knew once. Anna Heartfilia. Just how could it be? Ignia’s eyes grew wide once realising why her scent felt familiar.

She wasn’t just a girl named Lucy. She was a Heartfilia, the descendant of the strongest celestial wizard Anna Heartfilia. The one who owned ten gold zodiac keys of the thirteen and who could call forth the celestial spitit king himself. Perhaps Lucy Heartfilia didn’t know how much of a great asset she was and the fire dragon god was more than just willing to let her know.

“Guess I’ll be kind for the day and let my brother live. But,” his red eyes bore into Lucy’s chocolate ones, “I’ll be back Lucy Heartfilia,” Ignia watched in sheer amusement as her lips quivered at his announcement. “I love interesting things and,” he eyed her entire being and then continued, “you interest me.”

Should I continue this?


I know it’s not good, it’s just an unedited version of an idea lol.

Natsu hugged the love of his life from behind and buried his head into her soft blonde hair, “did you miss your dragon?” Lucy grinned leaning her head back on his shoulder. He was such a goofball.

“You were gone for just ten minutes dummy!” She sighed peacefully as one of his calloused hand gently grabbed her waist, the other one holding a box of chocolate bars. “So did you get it?”

“Of course Luce,” he placed a kiss on the sensitive pot behind her ear, Natsu knew how weak it made her. Lucy slowly moved his hand from her waist to her exposed belly, “baby dragon’s hungry and he needs to eat!” Lucy playfully pouted.

Natsu handed his wife what she wanted and watched her eyes sparkling like that of a child’s. The pinkette smiled and rubbed circles on Lucy’s belly while she opened the box, a fluttering feeling taking place in her heart and also her stomach as she giggled.


uhh just uploaded the first chapter to an angst fairy tail (nalu ;)) fic so check it out and i’ll give you a hug and a kiss <3

Would highly recommend giving it a go if you like a bit of nalu angst.


18042022 - Fairy Tail


“Nope,” Lucy grits her teeth and growls.

Levy wipes her forehead gently with a cool, wet cloth, and it brings her the briefest measure of comfort. (Lucy wishes it would take the damn pain away, too, or speed up the process already, but of course she cannot have nice things.) 

“Lu-chan, really.” Levy’s voice is soft, reassuring. “I know it hurts right now, but Natsu being here won’t make it all that much better.” 

And Lucy knows that, she does. But as yet another contraction hits, she tightens her hold on Natsu’s hand, and ignores his pained hiss. Serves him right for getting her into this mess. “No,” she says stubbornly, hating that it comes out a bit whiny. She pulls his hand closer, makes sure her grip won’t slip. “No. This is just as much his fault, he’s stayinghere. You’re staying here.” The last part she says directly to Natsu, and she opens her eyes to stare him down in case he tries to protest.

Natsu only nods, though, with a look on his face that is a weird (and endearing) combination between terrified, excited and battle ready. He squeezes her hand, and uses his free one to brush stray hairs away from her face. “‘M not going anywhere.”  

Andugh, Lucy would kiss him if she weren’t in so much damn pain.

I can’t see the boy wanting to be anywhere else.

What to write?

I need a prompt list or something…writers block is such a pain!

Can’t finish my stories, nor come up with new ones…

Do you know what would really help?

Official art of my babies! Maybe a cute nalu drawing will take my fancy?



“Dammit Natsu, just stop worrying about me already!” She rubbed her temples, to calm herself. Nowadays going on a job with Natsu only meant, Lucy got to stand in the back while the dragon slayer would fight the enemies all by himself. Which was infuriating at times, since Lucy too, could fight.

But Natsu had his own rules, he would always say that the blonde didn’t need to ‘risk’ her life for small jobs like the one they had taken today. That she could get hurt and blah blah…

Lucy tolerated his stupid reasonings everytime, convincing herself that he was only worried about her and it was sweet of him to do so. But her patience had been running thin for a while now, only resulting in the current outburst.

It had been weeks since Lucy hadn’t gotten the chance to do any work and she had enough!

“I can’t just stop worrying about you!” The pinkette yelled, giving her a bewildered look.

“I can protect myself, you know!” She shot back and glared at the boy.

“And I know you can,” he admitted, “You can take out guys all by herself… you can do without my help.” The look on his face soon turned into something else, he was… sad? Lucy almost felt guilty about questioning him.

“You lived all by yourself without anyone, for a year… you could and maybe, you can, in future.” The blonde’s chest tightened at the memory but she didn’t dare speak a word.

“It’s me, who can’t live without.. you. I was content, thinking you had people to take care of you. But now when I think of being away… from you, for even a mere second… it’s impossible.. I’m-” The dragon slayer took a deep breath and continued, “I don’t think you’re any weak… never, but I wanna make up for the time we were apart. I wanna take care of you, protect you… I’m sorry….” Natsu trailed off.

“Natsu,” Lucy pulled him to her as she touched his forehead with hers. “It’s okay, I’m sorry, I reacted that way…” she whispered as they breathed in each other’s air.

“It’s not your fault, I just… I can’t stop worrying about you, I can’t even stop thinking of you anymore Lucy…” He confessed, making his partner blush.

Then she moved closer, their lips almost brushing. “Then shut up and kiss me.”


NSFW [Nothing hardcore]

“I love you,” he said, pushing into her deeply and she moaned. Both lost in pure ecstasy as their lips crashed again, tongues sensually rubbing.

“I..love you..too!” She said back, falling over the edge. He soon followed her, rolling over and pulled the girl to his chest. She curled up against him as they both panted to catch their breath.

“I’m hungry,” he whined after sometime and earned a light smack. “Well then mister, make us something!” She shrugged playfully.

“Do you want me to burn down the lovely kitchen, hmm…?” The boy poked at her cheek and grinned when she glared at him. “Don’t you dare!”

“Then let’s make something together, baby,” he suggested and the girl smiled as always. It was more fun when they were together. “I love you, Natsu.”

“I love you even more, Lucy.” He responded with a loving look as he slowly carried her out of the bed and marched towards the kitchen.

“We’re naked!” Lucy giggled.

“As if anyone cares.” He winked at his not-so-embarassed wife.

Such a cute little family! ❤️

Now kiss!

(And not you, Happy!)


Just kiss!

A little peck even…

On the cheek, or the nose (preferably lips), but I’m not picky.

Then have lots of sex and babies

What’s one little kiss? ‍♀️
