#fanfiction writing


Society: Girls should be femanine, and have long flowing hair, ruby red lips, fake tans, and cutesie giggles

Me: ….. Naaaaaa

Ok, so I’m very late to the whole Juliantina party, but…..OMG MACARENA’s EYES!! Be still my gay gay heart!

And the most pointless job in the world goes to……

Never has wasting away precious minutes on social media ever been so appealing, than when I actually have a spare morning to write!


I know that several of the Avengers are likely to die in Avengers End Game, but I swear to all things glittery, if they kill off Captain Marvel, I’m rioting!!!

This is something I fully believe in. If i had a daughter, believe me when I say she would be taught that never…EVER…should she accept anyone telling her that shes not good enough. Or that shes “just a girl, in a mans world”, or that she cant do something because “thats a mans job, not a woman’s!”

To all the young women out there, if you put in the hard work, if you believe in something passionately enough, and more importantly, if you believe in yourself…there is nothing that you can’t do!

Hell, thanks to the shewee, we can even pee standing up these days!

Happy International Womans Day ya’ll ‍‍‍✈️‍‍‍⚖️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍‍♀️‍‍

…and now, i take a full on picnic hamper!!! Screw you popcorn that costs £595 a tub! (Disclaimer…I may have added a few ££’s to that figure )

Ive come to realise that time spent as a writer is mostly 90% daydreaming/thinking about what you want your characters to say/do…5% finding time to jot those thoughts down…4% cursing because you cant remember those awesome ideas you had and totally didnt jot down….and 1% actually writing your story.

So like…thinking about your story totally counts as time spent being productive on that story yeah? Yeah???


Wayhaught slow burn fanfic recommendations wanted

Can anyone recommend a well written slow burn wayhaught fanfic to read on AO3? I’ve read “From Afar” and “Lone Wolf”, both of which are excellent, but after something new now

There was a part of the panel at Earpapalooza, where Kat says she and Dom now know what each others “comfortable” boundries are when doing intimate scenes.

So like….i wonder at what point one of them was like “whoaaaa ok, thats a bit too gay for me thanks!”

And what had the other done to make them say it?!?

Is it just me who thinks Nicole looks seriously hot when shocked?? Think I have a Haught addiction!

Having just watched Dom and Kat interact for over an hour on Tea & Biscuits, its fairly easy to see that both are VERY straight! Sorry shippers, but they are just really good actreses!

Wynonna Earp Season 3 - a fans review

‪*Warning* - some no doubt unpopular opinions ahead. Here is a thread of some of my thoughts on this season of my fav show Wynonna Earp‬

1. Post-Pregnancy Wynonna: Love love love the emotional range that MelanieScrofano has been showcasing this season. Our girl on top can act!!! You go girl!!

‪2. Domestic Wayhaught: I won’t lie, I’ve been left a little disheartened by my fav two gay characters interactions this season. Not because of the fact there’s been less heat, or that there’s been less intimate sexy time shown. I actually think that is a good depiction of how a relationship develops over time. I personally have been with my wife 7 yrs now, and confirm the lust and heat of new relationship sex does eventually calm down into a more relaxed and loving state. Its nice. And its normal! No, the thing thats bugged me this season is that there seems to be a general feeling of “distance” between Wayhaught, for which I am going to place blame on Waverly for. She’s appeared to be more aloof, less thoughtful, and less considerate towards Nicole in general. Whether this is intentional by the writers or not, I don’t know. But if it is intentional, I hope the reasoning behind it comes to light eventually.‬

3. ‍♂️ Doc: Another aspect of this season i have LOVED! The character development that has been invested into Doc has been phenominal & provided some of the best moments this season in‪ my humble opinion. That scene between Tim Rozon & MelanieScrofano when she first discovered he’d become a vampire, was pure tv gold, and both the writers and the actors deserve emmy’s for the gravity and emotion portrayed so beautifully in that moment ‬

‪4. Jeremy & Robin: Yes! Yes yes yes! Finally, a cute & adorable male gay couple on tv. Varun Saranga & Justin Kelly have played this fledgling romance perfectly, & kudos to the show writers 4 telling this particular story with such diversity & warmth. We, the gays, thank you!‬

‪5. Now for the probable unpopular opinion - Bulshar just does not cut it as a “big bad” for me. Well, not so far anyway. I have yet to feel any gravity of presence from this supposed “baddest demon of them all”. I feel like Bobo has more severity and magnitude of doom about him ‬‪than Bulshar has so far created. It may be due to the lack of screen time that this seasons big evil has so far been give, or the ambiguity of his intentions and ultimate goal. I understand that his goal has been purposly been left up in the air so far, with the characters ‬themselves struggling to ascertain what Bulshar intends to actually do when he gains access to the garden of eden. But I still feel a little more interaction and screen time for this seasons big bad could have been called for, just to instill a greater sense of impending doom in ‪the fans of the show. I hope that the final two episodes really help to slot the wicked and malevolent intentions of #Bulshar into place, as I really do think he has the potential to be the shows most fearsome character to date.‬

‪And lastly…6. Dani Kind…. Yes!!! Oh hell yes!! Mercedes is such a great female character and I love that Emily and the writers decided to being her back into our Earper lives. DANI FUCKING KIND…you absolute legend! ‬


(and include the fandom!)

Let’s all shamelessly self-promote ourselves!

My own fanfic piece, based on the tv show “The Originals” - The Evil Within, part one of the The Demons That Hide Within Us trilogy.

First off, I’d like to apologize for my lack of writing lately. I’ve gotten several emails, messages, and reviews via AO3 and Ff.net regarding my absence lately, and I want to offer an explanation in the hopes that it can lay a few things to rest, as well as offer a glimpse into the reasonings behind my hiatus.

If you know me personally, or follow my main blog, you’ll know that the last year has been rough.

My mental health has not been the best; I’ve had an anxiety disorder most of my life, but I’ve been battling depression since late July, early August. My fic idea generation did not wean; I have at least a dozen stockpiled in convoluted snippets and scraps in the notes app on my phone, but as for sitting down and writing, I have had no motivation to do so. I have been seeing a therapist regularly for about a month now; with her help, I’m slowly beginning to find my way back to some semblance of normalcy. (She encourages me to write my way through the blocks. I’m taking her advice).

My maternal grandmother, whom I was not close to but still loved, passed away in September after a lengthy battle with several medical conditions, including multiple strokes, lung failure, and dementia. And while losing her has been hard in its own right, her death has sparked the reemergence of the grief surrounding the death of my paternal grandmother, whom I was extremely close to and died nine years ago. Grief commingling with preexisting anxiety and depression makes one helluva potent cocktail, let me tell you. Due to my grandmother’s ill health, my mother was forced to temporarily (meaning nearly four and a half months) relocate to Arkansas to care for her. This has put a strain on our finances, as well as the relationship between my parents, and their relative relationships to me. I still love at home, so it’s been a very lonely, and very stressful situation.

My physical health has been shitty as well. In November, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I begin meeting with a rheumatologist next week, and will begin treatment shortly thereafter. Treatment for RA can be taxing, in every way, shape, and form, and while I am filled with apprehension at not knowing what lies ahead of me in this regard, I am so ready to begin treatment and be well again. Some days the pain makes it hard for me to get out of bed, and function in what would otherwise be menial tasks, which does nothing to help with my depression. It’s super rough some days, and easier others.

On top of all of this, I also work two jobs, and go to school full time. I am currently finishing up my undergraduate degree in psychology and human sexuality at Eastern Michigan University, and two of my classes last semester were writing intensive; I was writing upwards of three papers, sometimes four, a week, as well as studying for exams every two to three weeks, sometimes two in a single week, on top of the papers. This left me with very little time to myself, and any free time I did find was usually spent sleeping, eating, and trying to find time to spend with my boyfriend. It was rough, but in the end, I actually made the Dean’s List with a 3.8 GPA.

So while I apologize for the lull in writing, and updates, I ask that you please continue to grant me patience. I know some of you reading this are doing so because you are literally wondering where the hell I am, and why I haven’t been updating as I have so fervently promised over the past year. I apologize, and ask for just a bit more patience and time. I am learning that I am at my best when I am well, and I have been anything but well lately.

But to be honest, my writing has always been a part of my wellness. So, I am writing once more to help me find my way back, somehow, to a stasis that is familiar, and comfortable, and holds some semblance of stability. It will be a hard won battle, but I have found that I have a lot of fight in my little body.

Thank you all so much for your support, whether it be via messages, reviews, comments, or emails. You have no idea how much it means to me.

Stay gold. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I will return!

readers of my current wip: how is the writing coming along

me:  it’s on track

the track:

Prompt list

The fandoms I write for :

  • TSC
  • Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus
  • Narina
  • Harry Potter (normal or Marauders era)
  • Grishaverse
  • The Inheritance Games
  • An Ember in the Ashes
  • Anything by V. E. Schwab (except Addie LaRue)
  • The Lunar Chronicles


Prompts by @writeordie-4

Please be patient with me. I have school and my own projects and therefore will probably be very slow but your requests would mean the world.






Oh god, please delete the extra spaces between paragraphs in your fics on AO3. Please. I know it takes ages and it’s really annoying to do, but it is an immediate backspace away from your story if I’m on mobile because I get one sentence per page and acres of white space.

I can help! There is an easy way to do this if you have a word processor! Instructions with screencaps follow:

1. Before you paste your text into the Ao3 text box, make sure “Rich Text” is clicked.


2. Paste your story into the Ao3 text box (like you usually do)


3. Instead of hitting post, go back and click “HTML.” Your story will suddenly show the HTML markup, including all those pesky extra spaces:


4. Open a new, blank document in your word processor. Copy all the text from the Ao3 window and paste it there.


5. Do a find / replace for all the lines that say “<p>&nbsp;</p>”, replacing them with nothing.


6. Now you have a document with HTML markup and no extra carriage returns.


7. Copy this and open up your Ao3 window again. MAKE SURE “HTML” IS CLICKED. Paste your nice new text into this window.


8. When you click “Rich Text” again, your story will look beautiful and have no extra spaces!!!!!!


9. Now you can post your story!

10. Congratulate yourself on your amazingness, win $100,000,000,000,000, become best friends with Idris Elba, roll around with a pile of happy puppies

Oh man I’ve just been going and deleting them individually

BLESS YOU!!! I am so grateful I cannot even properly express the magnitude of my gratitude. I am so grateful that I’m rhyming, apparently. 

Do y’all know how incredibly annoying it is to delete every goddamned space in a 10k+ word oneshot?

Reblog to save a life. Seriously. 

also you can just format your original doc before hand to put spaces between the paragraph, so when you copy/paste the whole thing into ao3, there aren’t any spaces

I don’t mind this, but for interested writers, this is worth noting. 

Why-in-the-hell am I attempting to write three stories at one time? I need to finish one first! I can’t keep doing this to myself, but I have so many viable ideas in my brain!!



Through Ink and Quill | A Classics Collab

To celebrate this blog reaching 10k followers and for getting me through some tough times over the last…wow, year and half, I thought it would be fun to hop on the collab trend so we can all write together!

The theme is all things classic literature, art, and film! 

This can be way back classics, like the Illiad, or maybe something more modern like The Handmaid’s Tale, or whatever you consider a classic in your life. Could be Van Gogh paintings, Greek Mythology, even Twilight. Whatever inspires you! [Catch me writing a Jane Eyre AU and about Dragon Age, probably e;rgbe]

So the answer is yes, if you consider it classic literature, art, film, video game, whatever it is, createit!

This collab is open to All Fandoms!

Send me an ask or a dm— off anon, I need to know who to tag—with your character choice [let me know the fandom too just in case I am unfamiliar with them!]

And pleases tag me in your submissions so I can find them—or send me a link, just make sure I get you on the list!

This collab will remain open until the due date, so anyone can be added up until then!

Thedue date is Friday, July 23rd! [late submissions are fine, but I would love to have as many as possible to post and circulate on the due date!]


♡ Youmust be 18+ to enter, with your age visible on your blog. I will be checking each and every person who asks to join, and I will decline anyone who doesn’t verify their age. 

♡ All characters must be adults, age them up appropriately if need be, no exceptions. 

♡ You are allowed up to twoentries, with any character you so choose. Multiple people can write for the same character!

♡ NSFW Content is allowed and expected, but feel free to create SFW content, too!

♡ Dark content of any kind is welcome! Please give appropriate trigger warnings on your post.

♡ While character x reader is what I write, shipfics are also welcome! Kacchako, Hannigram, Eruri, create whatever makes you happiest.

♡ There is no required word count or format. Headcanons, drabbles, long fics, multi-chaptered fics, digital art, hand drawn, it’s all good! If you’ll have multiple parts, just let me know so I can formulate the masterlist accordingly.

♡ Art and media of any kind is welcome as well!

♡ Please let me know if you need to drop / if you want to switch to a new character, I do not mind at all!

♡ Write whatever inspires you and makes you happy—I know the theme is Classics, but I’ll probably let just about anything fly, because it’s about the joy of writing and creativity!

♡ If you have any questions, send me an ask or a dm! I’ll try to respond as quickly as possible.

Please tag me and link the masterlist in your post!

Also a thank you to @chiwhorei for help with these banners!


Keep reading


Through Ink and Quill | A Classics Collab

To celebrate this blog reaching 10k followers and for getting me through some tough times over the last…wow, year and half, I thought it would be fun to hop on the collab trend so we can all write together!

The theme is all things classic literature, art, and film! 

This can be way back classics, like the Illiad, or maybe something more modern like The Handmaid’s Tale, or whatever you consider a classic in your life. Could be Van Gogh paintings, Greek Mythology, even Twilight. Whatever inspires you! [Catch me writing a Jane Eyre AU and about Dragon Age, probably e;rgbe]

So the answer is yes, if you consider it classic literature, art, film, video game, whatever it is, createit!

This collab is open to All Fandoms!

Send me an ask or a dm— off anon, I need to know who to tag—with your character choice [let me know the fandom too just in case I am unfamiliar with them!]

And pleases tag me in your submissions so I can find them—or send me a link, just make sure I get you on the list!

This collab will remain open until the due date, so anyone can be added up until then!

Thedue date is Friday, July 23rd! [late submissions are fine, but I would love to have as many as possible to post and circulate on the due date!]


♡ Youmust be 18+ to enter, with your age visible on your blog. I will be checking each and every person who asks to join, and I will decline anyone who doesn’t verify their age. 

♡ All characters must be adults, age them up appropriately if need be, no exceptions. 

♡ You are allowed up to twoentries, with any character you so choose. Multiple people can write for the same character!

♡ NSFW Content is allowed and expected, but feel free to create SFW content, too!

♡ Dark content of any kind is welcome! Please give appropriate trigger warnings on your post.

♡ While character x reader is what I write, shipfics are also welcome! Kacchako, Hannigram, Eruri, create whatever makes you happiest.

♡ There is no required word count or format. Headcanons, drabbles, long fics, multi-chaptered fics, digital art, hand drawn, it’s all good! If you’ll have multiple parts, just let me know so I can formulate the masterlist accordingly.

♡ Art and media of any kind is welcome as well!

♡ Please let me know if you need to drop / if you want to switch to a new character, I do not mind at all!

♡ Write whatever inspires you and makes you happy—I know the theme is Classics, but I’ll probably let just about anything fly, because it’s about the joy of writing and creativity!

♡ If you have any questions, send me an ask or a dm! I’ll try to respond as quickly as possible.

Please tag me and link the masterlist in your post!

Also a thank you to @chiwhorei for help with these banners!


Keep reading


Through Ink and Quill | A Classics Collab

To celebrate this blog reaching 10k followers and for getting me through some tough times over the last…wow, year and half, I thought it would be fun to hop on the collab trend so we can all write together!

The theme is all things classic literature, art, and film! 

Going Live Friday, July 23rd!

Please tag me and link the masterlist in your post!

@brenforelsket|Erwin Smith

@erweiner | Erwin Smith

@whats-her-quirk | Jean Kirstein

@forcefully-awoken|Hange Zoe

@ghost-party|Kenny Ackerman

@divine-delight | Levi Ackerman

@starstruckkittensweets|Levi Ackerman

@lazyezstudy | Levi Ackerman

@boston-bakedbeans | Porco Galliard

@onyxoverride | Zeke Yeager

@titan-fodder | Miche Zacharius

@ovejaninja|Porco Galliard x Pieck Finger

@byproducts-of-my-imagination|Reiner Braun

@seychellse|Armin Arlert

@some-kindofgnome | Bakugou Katsuki

@dawn-writes7|Bakugou Katsuki

@nasti-bnha | Tenya Iida

@xshinigamikittenx| Touya Todoroki

Keep reading


Through Ink and Quill | A Classics Collab

To celebrate this blog reaching 10k followers and for getting me through some tough times over the last…wow, year and half, I thought it would be fun to hop on the collab trend so we can all write together!

The theme is all things classic literature, art, and film! 

Going Live Friday, July 23rd!

Please tag me and link the masterlist in your post!

@brenforelsket | Erwin Smith

@erweiner | Erwin Smith

@whats-her-quirk | Jean Kirstein

@forcefully-awoken | Hange Zoe

@ghost-party|Kenny Ackerman

@divine-delight | Levi Ackerman

@starstruckkittensweets|Levi Ackerman

@lazyezstudy | Levi Ackerman

@boston-bakedbeans | Porco Galliard

@onyxoverride | Zeke Yeager

@titan-fodder | Miche Zacharius

@ovejaninja | Porco Galliard x Pieck Finger

@byproducts-of-my-imagination | Reiner Braun

@seychellse | Armin Arlert

@some-kindofgnome | Bakugou Katsuki

@dawn-writes7 | Bakugou Katsuki

@nasti-bnha | Tenya Iida

@xshinigamikittenx | Touya Todoroki

@sapphirelycoris | Enji Todoroki

@hopeless-ro-simptic | Shinsou Hitoshi

@ixwrites | Tōru Oikawa

@ixwrites | Keiji Akaashi

@nobayanii | Atsumu Miya

@kechiwrites | Atsumu Miya

@haikyutiehoe | Issei Matsukawa

@mindninjax | Alistair Theirin [Dragon Age]

@chiwhorei | Jiraiya [Naruto]

@kaitshimaeijiro|Kento Nanami [Jujutsu Kaisen]

@onyxoverride | Choso [Jujutsu Kaisen]

@tink2kagome | Kominato Haruichi [Diamond no Ace]

@liaslight | Gojo Satoru [Jujutsu Kaisen]

@alleycatbookstore|Sukuna [Jujutsu Kaisen]

@inkygojo|Sukuna [Jujustu Kaisen]


Through Ink and Quill | A Classics Collab

To celebrate this blog reaching 10k followers and for getting me through some tough times over the last…wow, year and half, I thought it would be fun to hop on the collab trend so we can all write together!

The theme is all things classic literature, art, and film! 

This can be way back classics, like the Illiad, or maybe something more modern like The Handmaid’s Tale, or whatever you consider a classic in your life. Could be Van Gogh paintings, Greek Mythology, even Twilight. Whatever inspires you! [Catch me writing a Jane Eyre AU and about Dragon Age, probably e;rgbe]

So the answer is yes, if you consider it classic literature, art, film, video game, whatever it is, createit!

This collab is open to All Fandoms!

Send me an ask or a dm— off anon, I need to know who to tag—with your character choice [let me know the fandom too just in case I am unfamiliar with them!]

And pleases tag me in your submissions so I can find them—or send me a link, just make sure I get you on the list!

This collab will remain open until the due date, so anyone can be added up until then!

Thedue date is Friday, July 23rd! [late submissions are fine, but I would love to have as many as possible to post and circulate on the due date!]


♡ Youmust be 18+ to enter, with your age visible on your blog. I will be checking each and every person who asks to join, and I will decline anyone who doesn’t verify their age. 

♡ All characters must be adults, age them up appropriately if need be, no exceptions. 

♡ You are allowed up to twoentries, with any character you so choose. Multiple people can write for the same character!

♡ NSFW Content is allowed and expected, but feel free to create SFW content, too!

♡ Dark content of any kind is welcome! Please give appropriate trigger warnings on your post.

♡ While character x reader is what I write, shipfics are also welcome! Kacchako, Hannigram, Eruri, create whatever makes you happiest.

♡ There is no required word count or format. Headcanons, drabbles, long fics, multi-chaptered fics, digital art, hand drawn, it’s all good! If you’ll have multiple parts, just let me know so I can formulate the masterlist accordingly.

♡ Art and media of any kind is welcome as well!

♡ Please let me know if you need to drop / if you want to switch to a new character, I do not mind at all!

♡ Write whatever inspires you and makes you happy—I know the theme is Classics, but I’ll probably let just about anything fly, because it’s about the joy of writing and creativity!

♡ If you have any questions, send me an ask or a dm! I’ll try to respond as quickly as possible.

Please tag me and link the masterlist in your post!

Also a thank you to @chiwhorei for help with these banners!


Keep reading

So, speaking as someone who writes (and has written for years), let’s be honest:

sure yes you can write whatever you want; however, you should not be getting mad at a reader/commenter who asked you to tag your surprise (as an example) incest or similar topics instead of leading the reader blind into your story without them realizing what is about to go down – especially when you waste nearly a whole chapter later to rant (not address, rant) with cringy fancy words to make yourself sound “sophisticated”, I suppose, when it’s on par with “um its fiktion incest sweaty :)” instead of just moving on and perhaps tagging it just in case. Tagging isn’t hard, we should practice it instead of blaming everything on the readers.



Here. Have kudos on that fanfic you wrote in your head while you were in the shower and never typed it out. When I recover from the brilliance of it, I’ll come back to leave a review.

Because even un-executed creativity is still creativity.


Do regular commenters know just how valued they are? I mean, obviously ALL commenters are valued, but as a fic writer when you’ve got a group of familiar usernames and profile pics who pop up again and again like old friends to share their thoughts and appreciation on one of your fics, that’s so special. I hope my regular commenters know that I remember them, and I recognise them each time they come back, and I am so incredibly grateful for them not only leaving comments, but leaving them time and time again. I hope they know they’re making someone, somewhere, smile.
