#needle phobia


No. 27 - I’M FINE. I PROM…



passingout | vertigo | collapse

part 1// part 2

Fred was too drunk to drive, and Finn wasn’t allowed his licence, so they had to call a taxi while Fao travelled with the ambulance. Finn had quickly packed a bag, just some clean clothes and snacks, out of habit more than anything. He grabbed his Lion and Fao’s eeyore as a just in case.

They met Fao and Sheila at the hospital, She looking a lot worse for wear. Fao had his arm around her, letting her lean into him as she complained quietly. It was slightly amusing to him, after the many hours they’d spent with the roles reversed.

Fao looked up at the two of them as they appeared. “Hey. All okay?”

Finn rolled his eyes as he sat next to Fao. “Dad’s pissed, what do you think?”

“Bet that was a fun taxi ride. The ambulance wasn’t much better.”

“You didn’t have to have a history lesson.” He grumbled. “How long is the wait?”

“Long enough.”

Fred leaned over. “It’s a shame we’re not in Germany.”

“I dunno, my German is shocking.” Fao muttered. “Probably best we’re in London.”

“Maybe, but we could have had beer in Germany. Do you know what beer is in German? Bier.

“Think we’ve had enough beer, Dad.”

“That’s what got you into this mess.” Finn added.

“I’m not drinking again.” Sheila groaned. “So definitely no beer.”

“Mum’s got the right idea.” Fao pointed out. “Hopefully we’re not waiting too much longer, you’re probably going to need a head CT.”

“I didn’t even pass out.”

“Maybe so, but you took a decent whack to the head and the alcohol makes it hard to see what’s drunk you and what’s head injury you.”

“But I was drunk before I hit my head.”

“I know. But it makes it difficult to tell if anything new comes up.”

She sighed, reaching a hand to touch the bandage again. “Is it still bleeding?”

“Looks it. Try not to touch.” Fao said, taking her hand.

“But I can’t see it otherwise.”

“You don’t need to see it.”

“I do.”

“No, you don’t, mum.”

“Just leave it be.” Fao said gently.

Soon enough they called her through, leaving Fao and Finn to coral both drunk parents. It wasn’t exactly easy, and it was safe to say Fao understood quite how they’d met, now. Drunk Fred would definitely throw up in a plant and end up marrying the person the plant belonged to.

Sheila’s scans were clear, and they were satisfied it was just a simple head injury. They’d left the family waiting in a cubicle while they checked over the scans, and so the nurse returned with an apology.

“Sheila Daniels? I’m just going to do a quick set of observations and then we’ll get started on stitching you back up.”

“Does it really need stitches?” Fred asked from the corner, feeling rather worse for wear and just wanting to be anywhere but hospital. “Can’t you just glue it? Get it done.”

The nurse smiled. “Stitches are better for this one, I’m afraid. Won’t take long.”

“Quickly, then.” Fred said to the floor.

“We’ll get you all home soon. It’s late, isn’t it?”

“We were all ready for bed, I think.” Fao said, rubbing Sheila’s arm.

“I’m definitely ready for bed.” Sheila agreed.

“Just a few stitches, and we’ll be sorted.” Fao told her.

The nurse was quick with the obs, and then set out her stuff to stitch. “Alright Sheila, just a sharp scratch, okay?”

She nodded. “Sorry. Meant to be still, aren’t I? I’m ready.”

“That’s alright, it’s instinct to nod, isn’t it?” She reassured, and once she was still and settled, she set about giving the local. “That’s it, well done.”

Fred had only been growing more pale with the discussion of stitches, but as soon as she started injecting the local, it was too much. His legs gave out and he dropped to the floor, Finn desperately trying to keep him from smacking his head.


Fao looked up just to see Fred hit the floor, Finn doing his best to stop him. “Oh, shit.” He muttered, rushing over. “Nothing’s ever simple with this family.”

More doctors quickly swarmed the room, checking Fred over. He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but a quick glance at Sheila made things clear. The sight of the needle made his stomach flip and he passed out again.

Fao gave a hand where he couldn’t, murmuring that he was a registrar up in Birmingham. There wasn’t a lot they could do, but he urged the nurse to get Sheila sorted quickly.

“I’ll stay with dad.” Finn promised as they were separated, shooting his mum a small smile. “Won’t be long.”

“It’ll be alright.” Fao reassured.

Fred came to with a sore head and Finn staring down at him rather disapprovingly. “Is there something you want to say?”

“I’m not the biggest fan of needles.” He admitted quietly.
