#neighborhood deco

SO LATE WITH THIS! SORRY!!! I mean… Halloween isn’t over but I did mean to have this done lasSO LATE WITH THIS! SORRY!!! I mean… Halloween isn’t over but I did mean to have this done lasSO LATE WITH THIS! SORRY!!! I mean… Halloween isn’t over but I did mean to have this done lasSO LATE WITH THIS! SORRY!!! I mean… Halloween isn’t over but I did mean to have this done las

SO LATE WITH THIS! SORRY!!! I mean… Halloween isn’t over but I did mean to have this done last weekend. Anyway - on with the show, Part 2 tomorrow….

Part 1 is neighborhood deco. Some of it may exist already but I couldn’t find it. Like the Maxis inflatables? Could’ve sworn someone already did those. Since I couldn’t find what I was looking for I did it myself. :)

You get: the Maxis 4 Dead Guys, Catastrophic and Jack O Lantern inflatables; 4 skeletons; 2 skulls; 2 pumpkin patches and 6 dead tree meshes - 3 groups and 3 single trees.

All can be placed on lots and roads. The trees are all in Flora and the rest is in Misc. No polycounts at the moment BUT everything is lower poly than the original lot use meshes.


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 @blackpandasims asked for these. strangerville desert plants as hood deco>flora. I reduced some

@blackpandasims asked for these. strangerville desert plants as hood deco>flora. I reduced some of the polycounts as much as I could.


Download @ SFS.

Find the garden center version here.

Frankscrank edits.

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criquette-was-here:Basic Linden Trees Redux + Default replacementsIt’s finally here! Completely criquette-was-here:Basic Linden Trees Redux + Default replacementsIt’s finally here! Completely


Basic Linden Trees Redux + Default replacements

It’s finally here! Completely remastered set of linden trees.

There are 2 (two) download links. Choose only one!


  • Better mesh. Trees look less lowpoly and more fluffy keeping polycount at low.
  • Appearance/texture size. This is the main feature of the redux. In the original set, every tree had a 2048x1024 texture making the whole set weight about 23Mb, compressorized. Obviously, it was filling up the game memory quite hard. In this redux, the size of the whole set of six trees is 4,5Mb! And that is uncompressorized. Does it still looks good on closeups or near lots? Yes. The quality is the same. I’ve just used completely different technique making over all the trees, to achieve this result.
  • Sub.. substitutat.. substitutability! Yes, the new trees override the old ones, so you don’t have to replace all the trees manually. Just delete the old files from your ‘Downloads’ folder and put the new ones there.

Default replacements

As you may know, @lowedeus did an amazing job providing a set of DRs for maxis Oak trees, trees row and clumps of trees, replacing them with lindens. This redux comes with all these default replacements option already and it works the same as the old one replacing Maxis’ oaks, row of trees and two clumps of trees. 

How to use

First, backup your neighborhoods. Just in case you accidentally load your game right after removing old trees from ‘Downloads’  folder without putting the new ones in. Because once it happens, all the trees in your neighborhood will be gone forever once the hood is loaded.

Please scroll further down for alternative ‘Default Replacement only’ Install Option.

Remove these old files from your ‘Downloads’ folder:

  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_01a.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_02a.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_03a.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_04a.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_05a.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_06a.package

Put these new files in:

  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_01a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_02a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_03a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_04a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_05a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_basic_linden_tree_06a_RDX.package

There. You’re done!

If you’re using @lowedeus defaults, you have to remove these files from your ‘Downloads’ folder:

  • DEFAULT_lowedeus-CriquetteForest.package
  • DEFAULT_lowedeus-CriquetteRow.package
  • DEFAULT_lowedeus-CriquetteTrees.package

And then put these files in:

  • DEFAULT_MaxisOaks2CrqttLinden.package
  • DEFAULT_MaxisOaks2CrqttLindenForest.package
  • DEFAULT_MaxisOaks2CrqttLindenRow.package


the shadow fix you had to have in your ‘downloads’ folder in order to use Linden Trees DR must be also removed from your ‘Downloads’ folder, you don’t need it now.


Download Linden Trees Redux + Defaults (SFS)


Default Replacement Only alternative install

Please note, that the only difference between this option from the previous one is that it only saves you from having maxis AND custom trees in your ‘Flora hood deco menu at the same time (i.e. same 6 trees twice) in case of using the default replacements. There will be only Maxis’ Oaks replaced by lindens.

First, remove these files from your ‘Downloads’ folder:

  • DEFAULT_lowedeus-CriquetteForest.package
  • DEFAULT_lowedeus-CriquetteRow.package
  • DEFAULT_lowedeus-CriquetteTrees.package

Then, put these files in:

  • crqtt_DROnly_basic_linden_tree_01a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_DROnly_basic_linden_tree_02a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_DROnly_basic_linden_tree_03a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_DROnly_basic_linden_tree_04a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_DROnly_basic_linden_tree_05a_RDX.package
  • crqtt_DROnly_basic_linden_tree_06a_RDX.package
  • DEFAULT_MaxisOaks2CrqttLinden.package
  • DEFAULT_MaxisOaks2CrqttLindenForest.package
  • DEFAULT_MaxisOaks2CrqttLindenRow.package

Download Maxis Oaks to Crqtt Redux Lindens DR Only (SFS)



Signal boost! Look for a new shiny redux version of linden trees from Criquette - stand-alone, and default!
So, my default replacement for maxis oaks has kinda outdated

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This just might be the final flora scheme we go with for Calamity Hills.  (Expect a new building epiThis just might be the final flora scheme we go with for Calamity Hills.  (Expect a new building epiThis just might be the final flora scheme we go with for Calamity Hills.  (Expect a new building epiThis just might be the final flora scheme we go with for Calamity Hills.  (Expect a new building epi

This just might be the final flora scheme we go with for Calamity Hills.  (Expect a new building episode later today – the file is huge so it’s taking forever to upload/process.)

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