
-Sha-Beast of Set Painting-Homage to you Set, Lord of the Northern Sky, who resides beyond the Imper

-Sha-Beast of Set Painting-

Homage to you Set, Lord of the Northern Sky, who resides beyond the Imperishable Stars. O Powerful-of-Forefoot, may you stretch forth your arm to let Ap/ep fall! Advance, O far striding Master of the Seven Stars. May your powerful face be gracious to me. May you establish a crown upon my head like the Disk upon the head of Ra, and give to me all life, and strength, and health.

(Modified from) Eternal Egypt - Richard Riedy


Set has always been a name that comes to me when change is required. Not easy change usually. It can be in difficult times, in growth or in destruction. He doesn’t open doors for me, he takes the door down and removes it from this reality. 

I started this piece because I had an urge to try my hand at painting on a wood board. Painting and drawing like this have been hobbies that I left behind many years ago, so it’s an old friend to rediscover them. And funny enough, the moment that I finished, a door was removed from a problem I’d been facing and opened up solutions that are honestly a huge relief for us financially and mentally. 

It’s still not easy, but the way is there. As is His way always. 


Dua Set!



Daughter of Amun-raandSet

Beloved of Hethert-SekhmetandHeru-Wer

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