#new horizons patterns


Some more New Horizons patterns I’ve been sitting on for a while. Kind of a random grab bag of stuff from New Leaf or new, self-serving patterns.


Animal Crossing: Dinosaur Digs

I was not at all expecting my last post to blow up so much, but I guess Tumblr just has a big AC presence like Pinterest does. Thanks for all the likes/reblogs and I will continue to share more ACNH designs every now and then!

On that note, here’s a dinosaur dig design I made for my town in New Leaf and tweaked to fit New Horizons. Size-wise I’m not sure what it “should” be, but it’s based off different Ornithomimus fossil specimens. Enjoy!

New Horizons Paleo Patterns

I made some dino-media shirts and such on NH. Hope you enjoy! I may have some more designs to share at a later date.
