#new member


New Members Spotlight - March 2022

The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a link to a work they’ve posted!

@chaoticcockles -

They’re new to Tumblr, and don’t have a masterlist or any fics posted, yet, but have expressed interest in becoming a beta reader!! Head over to their blog and make them feel welcome!


They don’t have a masterlist or any fics posted, but they are signing up to be a beta reader! [Insert “WE GOT ONE” gif here] Head over to their blog and make them feel welcome!


Theirmasterlist already has a several stories for you to dig into if you’re a Dean girl! For some domestic Dean fluff, go read Spin Cycle!


No SPN masterlist or fics found in her recent posts, so head over, say hi, and give her some inspiration!

That’s all for this month, folks! (If we’re missing anyone, let us know and we’ll add them to next month’s list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and let them know you enjoy their stories!

This is Momo, he joined our family last night. He’s a tough little guy that loves to cuddle and go on adventures. 12 weeks old and half Main Coone

We planned to adopt him before Elmo passed away but the similairities are quite scary. We actually were hesitant to go through with the adoption because we lost Elmo so suddenly but we are in no way replacing Elmo. And now the adoption is complete and our family is one cutie richer ❤️❤️

#渡邉美穂 #けやき坂46#渡邉美穂 #けやき坂46#渡邉美穂 #けやき坂46#渡邉美穂 #けやき坂46

#渡邉美穂 #けやき坂46

Post link
tokyo-akb48: 金村 美玖 河田 陽菜 小坂 菜緒富田 鈴花 丹生 明里 濱岸 ひより松田 好花 宮田 愛萌 渡邉 美穂 #けやき坂46


金村 美玖 河田 陽菜 小坂 菜緒

富田 鈴花 丹生 明里 濱岸 ひより

松田 好花 宮田 愛萌 渡邉 美穂


Post link