

Summary:  Lucifer and you got trapped in some dimension he created long ago. To get out, you two have to make a huge sacrifice.

Pairing: Lucifer x Winchester!reader

Word Count: 1167

Warnings: language, usual SPN stuff, Angst, Fluff

Note: italics is Lucifers POV. This is my entry for lovely @katymacsupernatural​’s #titlegeneratorchallenge

Your name: What is this?

“Go…Go away! Don´t- Don´t touch me!” You´re screaming, flinching away from his touch. Your eyes are wild, your breaths come fast and shallow and your whole body is trembling in fear.

“It’s okay… I’m not going to hurt you,” he says, slowly approaching you and crouching down to one knee in front of you, carefully reaching out his arms to take your hands in his, holding them firmly. Looking up, your eyes meet his piercing blue ones. “I´m here. They won’t get you, kitten. You’re safe and they can’t hurt you again. I won´t let them come near you. You know you can trust me, right?” 

Lucifer watches you, scanning your body for wounds and spreading his arms for you to lean in, just like you always do. Carefully and wincing, you lean close to his chest. He wraps his arms around you and startles when he feels something sticking out of your back and the warm wetness around. 

Your head leans against his shoulders and you feel your limbs getting numb. You struggle to keep your eyes open. 

“Hey, no kitten. Stay with me,” Lucifer mumbles and tries to wake you up, to heal you, but his grace is almost gone. “Don’t you die now kitten…i need you!” He yells and then the darkness surrounds you. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

She’s just hanging limb in my arms, I couldn’t save her. But I know, she’ll wake up again. I know this place… I once created it to torture. The city of nightmares and blood, a place where one lives his nightmares to an extend that will break them. I never visited this place before, I don’t know anything about it… Just that I created this place and it’s guardians. 

(Y/N) ’s moving in my arms. 

“Slow, kitten. It’s alright, I’m here.” She opens her eyes and smiles when she sees me. Please kitten don’t smile like this. 

“Lucifer… You are alright!” Tilting her head upwards to kiss me, she sighs. “Luci… I died again, right?” She asks and I nod. 

“Kitten…I…I don´t know…how often…I will be..be able to see…you die before…I lose my mind..” I am stuttering at the thought of her dying again and fear crawls up in my chest.

“It´s….it´s okay, Lucifer. My…My brothers will find a way to…to get us out of here…” She mumbles and slowly sits up. Hearing some strange noise, I look around, not seeing anything but a writing appearing on the ground. 

“Sacrifice… blood….love…escape…nightmares.” Reading those words out loud, I am confused.

“See…I told you they find a way, Luci.” She says, her eyes growing wide of fear when reading it. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Your heart drops. 

Sacrifice the blood of your love to escape the nightmares. You just KNEW that you´ve read about this place somewhere. 

“It’s simple, Luci….To get out of here…You have to kill me and sacrifice my blood…to this place” You explain, your voice shaky and hoarse. 

He stares at you in shock. “No. I can´t. You…You have to kill me so that you can get out of here, kitten! I won’t kill you…” He mumbles, his voice dying at the end. 

Cupping his cheek, you give him an encouraging smile. “Don´t worry. You have to do it…You’re an archangel…I can’t kill you, Luci.”

Just shaking his head and mumbling “No!” The whole time, he clings to your body. 

“Lucifer…” You sigh, cupping his face again and kissing him softly. “You saw me dying so much down here…I don´t want you to break…I want you to live and help my brothers. And…someday you will see me again up in heaven, okay?” You whisper while pulling out his archangel blade and laying it into his hands. 

Lucifer shakes his head and starts to get up, you in his arms, but immediately drops down on his knees again. “No kitten… I….just can’t lose you..” He mumbles and lets his beautiful, yet bruised and faint wings surround both of you. 

“You have to…” You wrap his hand around the handle of his blade and place it right above your heart. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Shaking my head, I just sit on my heels, clinging to her while she wants me to sacrifice her. 

“I… I Can’t do this… Kitten…I’d rather die than to hurt you…” My voice breaks and I just stare at her with tears in my eyes. She really wants me to sacrifice her, to end her life that I can escape. 

Staring down at the archangel blade, she placed above her heart, I hesitate. My hands are shaking and I have to blink tears away. 

“Do it, Luci.” She whispers and then presses down my hands, piercing her heart while she just smiles and looks into my eyes. 

I can feel the blood flowing out of the wound and let go off the blade, just to cling even more to her body and let out all the tears and sobbing. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

“(Y/N)!” You hear your brother’s voices and open your eyes. 

“Dean… Sam? Am… Am I back?” Sam nods and smiles happily at you. Dean carefully helps you to sit up and you see Lucifer laying next to you, sleeping. 

“He’s still caught in his nightmare…” Sam mumbles and your eyes grow wide. 

He should’ve been back already. He did what the lore said. He sacrificed you to escape. 

“But… He…he sacrificed my blood, the blood of his love… He should be back!” You yell at Sam and he shakes his head. 

“Are you sure, sweetheart?” Dean’s voice sounds sceptical. “He could never have killed you. You know that." 

His words let your eyes grow wide. 

"No…You’re right. I… I pushed the blade in my heart… His hands were wrapped around it… But I pushed it down….” Your voice breaks when you realize it and you crawl over to shake him. 

“Luci… Please wake up now… I’m sorry… I didn’t..mean to…to leave you there…” Trailing off, you lay your head down on his chest and let out the sobs which are shaking your body. 

“… ‘ts okay… Kitten…” His voice pulls you out of your thoughts and he lays a hand on your head. Lifting his head a bit, he kisses the top of your head. 

“How…did you…” Your eyes grow wide, stare at him. 

“I still…had my blade… I just…couldn’t live without you…” He mumbles and wraps both arms around you. 

“Sacrifice your blood for your love to escape the nightmares.” Sam recites the lines. “You had to be ready to sacrifice yourself to get out of there. They want you to give your own life, your own blood, that’s the trial in this city of nightmares and blood.” He explains and looks at both of you.

“I just love you so much, my kitten.” Lucifer whispers and kisses the top of your head. 

“And I love you, Luci.” You mumble and smile into his chest. 


Summary:  You and Sam work with Rowena to give Dean the break he deserves but never would take by himself.

Characters: de-aged!Dean Winchester x twin!reader, Sam Winchester x sister!reader, de-aged Castiel 

Word Count:  2069

Warnings: language, usual SPN stuff, fluff

Note: Needed a break of all those hunts and thought you guys would like it <3

Your name: What is this?

So many cases, so many hunts were chasing each other without giving any of you a break. And even IF there wouldn’t be a case at the moment, you know your twin brother too well and you are sure that he never would take a break. That’s why you and your younger brother Sam made up that plan to work with Rowena. 

“Are you sure it´ll work Sam?” You whisper while preparing dinner. He nods and takes a small flask with a shimmery liquid out of his pocket. 

“Rowena said that he has to drink it. And then he will have the break he deserves, at least that were her words.” Sam eyes the flask and then shrugs, emptying it into Dean’s drink. 

“Hey Dean, hey Cas. Here, we thought you might be hungry and thirsty.” You say while walking into the library, where they sit and discuss your last hunt. Sam follows you put and carries the four pizza boxes. 

“Thank you (Y/N), but you know I don’t eat, right?” Castiel mumbles, but opens the box in front of him. You chuckle as he absently mimics Dean eating his pizza.

“Yeah, I know. What were you talking about boys?” You ask and lean back in your chair, one slice of pizza in you mouth, another one in your left and your drink in your right hand. Sam watches you and Dean, shaking his head about your eating manners. 

After awhile, you excuse yourself to go to bed. In your room, you get changed and snuggle under your blanket.

The next morning, you lay awake in your bed, your eyes closed. You hear your door opening and something that sounds like barefoot scuttling over the floor.

“Pssst, not loud Cassie! We mustn’t wake (Y/N)!” Someone whispers and your bed dips down on both sides of your head. 

“But Dean…we must wake (Y/N)!” Another whispering voice next to your left ear. “You’re hungry and we can’t cook!” 

“Noo! Let’s wake Sammy, (Y/N) is scary when we wake her,” the first voice, apparently Dean, whispers on your right side. A tiny hand lays down on your forehead and you turn your head to the left, eyes still closed. 

“CASSIE! You´ll wake her!” The voice on your right gets louder and someone reaches over your head to take away the tiny hand, but you grab around his - way too thin - wrist. “Noo, let go (Y/N)!” The voice begs and you open your eyes with a sigh. 

“What the hell…” You mumble as you see the two naked boys, children, on your pillow. You sit up and look at them, your eyes growing wide. “Dean?” The blonde boy raises his hand and smiles brightly. “Castiel?” The other one, black hair and blue eyes and black and blue wings sprouting from his back, lift his hand a bit and looks down. 

“Sorry, to wake you (Y/N). We are hungry, can you make breakfast?” the little Cas whispers, looking down at his hand on his belly. 

“Okay… okay okay. What the… How?….” You stutter, grabbing your blanket and wrapping it around both boys. “SAM WINCHESTER!” Dean and Cas flinch as you yell your younger brother´s name. “Hey it’s okay, don’t worry.” 

“What’s wrong (Y/N), are you-” Sam freezes in your door, his gun pointing at your bed, his eyes wide open. “What the hell?” He gasps and puts away his gun.

“Sam, may I introduce to you: Dean and Castiel!” You point at them and they wave at Sam when their names are said.

“Dean and Cas? But-” He sighs and both of you know exactly who did this. “Rowena,” Sam groans and you nod. 

“Okay, Sam you call her and I will try to find something for them to wear and get them something to eat.” You say and he hurries to the library. Looking at your twin and his angel, you chuckle. “Well, boys, how old are you again?” They smile and proudly present you their hands, four fingers raised. “You are four already? Wow, that’s …wow.” 

You get out of bed and reach out your hands for them, which they make and follow you to Dean´s room. 

“Ohh, this must be the room of a bad guy! So much weapons!” Dean says, eyeing everything, his jaw dropped. You look at them, wondering how much of their memories they kept and then you let them sit down on Dean´s bed. 

“Don’t move and don’t touch anything in here. The bad guy will find out and be mad at you Dean.” You say while you get to his dresser, getting out two pair of boxers and two shirts. 

“We don’t have clothes for you yet, so you need to wear this until Sam got something for you, okay?” Smiling you help them get dressed, trying to make everything fitting and then you take their hands to go to the kitchen. 

Dean and Cas are sitting at the table, drinking their cups of milk and eating some toasts when Sam comes in, his brows furrowed. 

“We have a problem, (Y/N),” he says and you raise your eyebrow. “Well, you don´t say! My twin brother and his boyfriend are barely reaching up to your knees and don´t know about hunting and stuff. They’re fucking four years old Sam. Of course we have a problem!” You groan, running your hand through your hair.

“(Y/N) said fucking!” Castiel gasps and clasps his tiny hands over his mouth and Dean looks up from his breakfast, makeing a angry face. 

“You mustn’t say something like that (Y/N)!” His comment lets Sam and you exchange a confused look. Getting scolded by someone who perfectioned the swearing feels kinda strange. 

“Sorry boys, I won’t say that f-word again, I promise!” You apologize and glare at Sam. “Explain our problem please!” 

“Rowena said, that this potion de-aged Dean and let him forget all the negative things about hunting and everything. For him, and Cas, we are just a family who lives here. No memories about bad things. She wasn’t sure WHY Cas de-aged too, but she said something about connected souls. There´s only one downside to this potion,” he mumbles and scratches his head. ”What?” You snap at him and he sighs. “It wears off in around two weeks. Rowena said: ‘You asked for a break for Dean and now you have two weeks.’”

“Well,” you again run your hand through your hair. “We need to get them some clothes and we have to hide all weapons and-” “Hold on (Y/N)! I´ll get them some clothes and you will stay and watch over them, okay?” Sam interrupts you and grabs your shoulders. “Just stay calm. We can handle them.”

You nod and he leaves to get some outfits for both boys while you watch over them. 

“(Y/N), what is this?” Dean´s voice sounds from the library and when you enter, your heart drops to your feet. He’s standing in front of the same sword he cut himself with on the first day we moved in here, pointing at it. 

“This is a sword and you have to be extraspecial careful! It is very sharp and you can hurt yourself with it.” You crouch down to his height and smile while you explain it to him. A loud clash, followed by a whining from the war room lets you jump and rush into the room. 

Little Cas is sitting there, surrounded by different instruments and glass shards, his little wings sprawled on the floor behind him and sniffling. 

“Hey, Cas. I´m here, it´s okay. please don´t cry sweetie!” You say and kneel down next to him, pulling him into a hug. He gets a hiccup and your shirt gets wet on your shoulder. “Shhh, it’s okay. Are you hurt Cas?” 

“Don´t know, but your glass thingy dropped.” He mumbles and leans back to look in your face, looking sad and guilty. 

“Don´t worry about it, it wasn’t important. Now, try to focus little bee. Did you hurt yourself? Are your wings okay?” when you mention his wings, his eyes grow wide and he turns around his head, looking at his wings. You instead look at his arms and legs, if he maybe cut himself at the glass or something, but you can’t see any wounds, just a little bruise on his knee.

“My wings…Why you see them (Y/N)?” He mumbles and looks at you. You shrug and get up to get him away from the glass shards. 

“I see you wings too Cassie!” Dean giggles and rushes towards you, confusing Cas even more. 

When Sam comes home to the bunker, you two get Dean and Cas dressed and look at each other. Somehow you will survive these two weeks. And actually you did pretty good. Bobby helped you to not get involved in any cases, so you could have some family time, as you called it. 

Visits at the zoo, in the park or just sitting outside the bunker, having a picnic. Cas loves to draw pictures for you and Dean, you were extremely surprised, loved to braid flower wreaths for you and Sam to wear. 

The two weeks were gone faster than you wished for, and at the end of the weeks, you had a surprise for both boys. 

“What about going to this fun festival that´s in town this weekend?” Sam asks you three at breakfast and both children get big eyes and look pleading at you. You nod and everyone grins.

“Sure, we just need to get dressed and then we can go to the festival! And after that we can have your favorite food for dinner and watch some movies.” You say and then you remember something. On exact this day some years ago, you asked Castiel when it’s his birthday. He explained to you that angels don’t have birthdays, at least not trackable ones. That was until you decided to declare this day to be his birthday. 

“Would you like this on your birthday Cas? This day will be our present to you, okay?” You say and he beams at you. His big blue eyes are sparkling and Dean and Sam are smiling brightly. 

After breakfast, the two boys jump off their chairs and run to the bedroom you prepared for them to stay in, because Dean was too afraid to sleep in his own room. You even had to lock up his usual room.

Rushing after them, you gave Sam an apologetical glance and he made the dishes. You help them to dress up and after around an hour of trying to get a shirt over Castiel’s wings, until he just hid them, all of you were ready to go. 

During the walk to the place where the festival takes place, Dean walks nicely next to Sam, holding his hand, but Cas tries to follow bees around until you grab the back of his jacket to keep him close. 

The day went by so fast and the four of you are sitting on the huge bed in your room, watching some movies on the big TV you have. Dean snuggled close to you, Cas leaning on Sam’s arm, you smile. You really enjoyed those two weeks and you feel a bit sad that the spell wears off soon, but you are also glad that you will have back your grown up twin.

“(Y/N), can I tell you a secret?” Dean whispers into your ear and glances over at Sam and Cas. You nod your head and lean closer to him. “I kissed Cas, like grown ups do.” 

Your eyes grow wide and you stare at him. “When?” 

“On my birthday. When he slept in my room,” he mumbles and smiles. You pull him closer and kiss the top of his head. 

“I promise not to tell anyone.” you say and the both of you turn your attention back to the TV. 

After a while, both boys fell asleep, snuggled close to each other. Sam and you look at them and chuckle. 

“I’ll sleep in Dean’s room Sammy. Just leave them here. Goodnight!” You whisper to your little brother and after kissing the boys goodnight, you leave to go to bed. 

Cuddled up in Dean´s bed, you think about the last two weeks and with a smile on your face, you fall asleep.



Summary:  Lily moved in with Richard and they managed to live a normal life, well, as normal as Richards life could be. Lily gets a role in the show. Richard is plagued with doubts about himself…how can Lily love an old man like him?

Pairing: Misha x Reader, Lily x Richard

Note for the character Lily: Lily is the readers best friend. Read the Prequel to find out more about how they met and how their friendship happened.

Word Count:  2586

Warnings: language (swearwords and stuff), mentioned abusive relationship, violence, fluff, SMUT!


  • NORMAL text = Third Person View on Reader
  • BOLD text = Misha´s POV
  • ITALIC text = Richard´s POV

This one is just a little gift for my spn-bestie @mishacollinswife. 

In this series, Richard and Misha are singles at the beginning.So none of them both is cheating or anything. 

If you don’t like it, just don´t read it. If you DO like it, then I would appreciate if you leave feedback <3

Your name: What is this?

“Don’t ‘dude’ me Rob! It’s not that I got hard on purpose!” I say, a bit louder than I wanted to. “So you get hard seeing me with her, but you can’t get hard for her? …Wow!” “But I want her. I want her BAD! But… I just can’t because.. because I´m scared… “

“Scared?” His raised eyebrow doesn’t make it better. “Yeah… scared.” “Scared of what? You know how it’s done! Your dick won’t fall off from having sex, you know?”

“I don’t know why I am talking to you! I … I am scared that I could hurt her. Like her ex did… I mean, I don´t know everything he did to her, she still doesn’t want to talk about it. But what if I do something that hurts her?… You know..I like-” “GOD, spare me the details!” He yells and lifts his hand in front of my face, the palm facing to me. 

“Rich?” Raspberries! “Hey Lily, uhm.. You were awesome!” She looks at me with an odd expression on her face. “Thanks. Uh should we go? The others are waiting at the restaurant.” She says, reaching out to take my hand in hers. Is she still mad at me? 

At the dinner table, we sit next to each other. Sitting at her other side is Alex and they are joking. Pushing my food around on my plate, I try to ignore their touches and hugs. Lily seems to be in a good mood. I sigh and put my fork away, reaching into my pocket, my hand wrapping around the small velvet box, only to let it go again and getting up. “Gotta head to the restrooms…” I mumble to no one specific. 

“Don’t be stupid Rich.. She won´t say yes…” Looking into the mirror I see every wrinkle on my skin. My beard probably could use a shave too… Why would she want an old man like me… Lily seems to have fun with Alex. Running my fingers through my hair, I sigh again and leave the restrooms. I step into the dining room and see Lily´s head resting on Alex’ shoulder, his arms around her back. 

Clenching my fists I head back to the table and sit down, looking over at Lily and Alex, only to see that Lily has fallen asleep and he seems kinda… uncomfortable? He gives me an apologetic glance and carefully lifts her from his shoulder to lean Lily against mine. 

“Richie…love you,” she mumbles and a smile spreads over her face. Looking at Jensen, who is sitting opposite to us, I mouth that we leave. He nods and I pick her up, careful not to wake her. Rob follows us to bring our jackets to my car. Lily’s head still resting against my shoulder tilts up a bit and she looks at me. 

“Rich? Uhm…what?” I kiss her forehead and smile. “We’re going home, you fell asleep.” She nods and falls asleep again. Rob helps me to get her into the car without accidentally hurting her. “Talk to her!” Rob says when I get into the car and start driving home. 

Half an hour later we arrive at home, she woke up on the road, and I help Lily to get upstairs to our bedroom. 

“I´ll take a shower, do you need me here sugar?” She shakes her head no and I get into the bathroom. After I got undressed, I stand there, looking at me in the small mirror over the sink. 

In this light, my wrinkles are even more visible. I still can’t think of any reason why she would want me! I’m old… at least twenty years older than her. Suddenly, there are arms wrapped around me. I didn’t hear her enter. Hastily, I try to grab a towel to cover me, but she just hugs me from behind, her head resting against my back. 

“Richie? Keep breathing…” She mumbles against my shoulder blades and I realize that I hold my breath. Slowly I start breathing again. “Uh… sugar? You..you re…realize that I…I´m naked?” I stutter and my heart pounds against my ribs. “Hmm.” Lily hums and I feel her smile on my shoulder. “So..uhm… I mean… “ Taking a deep breath, I let my arms hang down my side, closing and opening my fists to calm down. “But..But why are you.. I mean.. I´m just..” “Gorgeous.” She whispers completely relaxed. “What?” Looking up, I see my deep red face in the mirror, mouth agape and surprise written all over. She turns me around and I realize that she’s…she’s naked too.

“Su…sugar, I… uhm… why..are you..” “Naked?” Unable to form words, I nod. “To shower with you. I heard couples do that from time to time, you know?” She kisses my chest and a shiver runs through my body.

Slowly, I brush my fingers up her arms and take her face in my hands. My gaze wanders over her parted lips and locks with her eyes. Then her lips crash on mine resulting in a heated kiss. 

Her fingers run through my hair, pulling my head down a bit. Grabbing her shoulders, I break the kiss. “Lily, what…” She looks into my eyes. “Richard. I love you, I want this.” She says, trailing my neckline, brushing over my collarbone with her fingers. “But.. Lily, I… “ “Stop talking already… “ She whispers and stops me from talking with another wild kiss. Her hands resting on my chest, she tries to push me back a few steps, but I don’t move. My hands slowly leave her shoulders, trailing down her chest and cupping her beautiful breasts. It’s like a switch turned off and I press my body against her, slowly pushing her back against the wall. “Rich…” She mumbles between the kisses and her hands wander down. “Stop it Lil… “ A deep growl escapes my chest and I grab both of her wrists, bringing them up above her head. “Rich… please…” She moans and I kiss down her neck, leaving small hickeys on my way down to her breasts. Playing around her temples with my tongue lets her shiver. 

I take her wrists in one hand and bring the other down her body, brushing softly over her dripping wet core. She whimpers and moans my name. Leaving her breasts, I kiss her again. 

“What do you want?” I ask her, my eyes and voice darkened of lust. “Want you…Rich…” She groans when I press my thumb against her clit. 

“Don’t move.” I growl and go down on my knees, softly biting her thighs and slowly circling around her sweet spot. Her moaning drives me crazy, her whole body reacts to my touch. Working my fingers into her wet cunt to make her tremble. “So.. close…” 

One hand fingering her tight pussy, I slowly kiss my way up, just to start sucking her clit. Looking up, I see her mouth forming a silent O and her head tilting backwards. 

“Let’s see what you can take, sugar.” I growl against her pussy and push in more fingers, scissoring inside her, my tongue playing with her dripping folds as I suck heavier.

“Oh fuck Rich!… Soo… good…” Her breath comes jagged and her legs are trembling heavily, her back sliding down a bit against the wall. 

“I ordered you to not move.” I growl and move my fingers even more, faster and deeper. Her whole body shakes and her first orgasm hits her hard. “Cumming…cummingcummincumm…” She can´t hold herself up on those trembling legs and slides down the tiles. 

I crouch down and tilt her head back a bit by pulling her hair slightly. “Didn’t I tell you not to move?” She looks startled, but then the corners of her mouth tilt upwards to show me a cocky smile. “You…you did. But I didn-” “Next time you obey!” I growl and she nods shyly blushing. Seeing her like this makes me even harder. I bring my mouth next to her ear. “If any of this is something you don’t want, tell me and I stop, sugar.” I whisper and pull her against my chest. She nods again and then I feel her hand caressing my legs, up my thighs and then she wraps it around my thick cock. 

“Richard…please…” She moans into my ear and I swallow hard. I help her to stand up, her back pressed against the wall and my hand between her legs. Sliding in my fingers again, I kiss her neck and she moans my name. Licking my lips, I pick up one of her legs, teasing her pussy with my thick cock and then sliding into her tight fuckhole. 

“God Lily… Yo…. You’re tight!” I growl and keep rubbing her clit with my fingers to help her relax even more. “Feels… So… good!" 

I wait a bit before I slowly start moving my hips, thrusting into her, my shaft filling her up entirely. Her fingernails dig into my back and she bites in my neck to muffle her loud moans. 

Her walls clench around me, and I thrust deeper into her dripping pussy. I lift up her other leg and she wraps them around my waist, taking me in completely. 

My face buried in her neck, I growl her name. "Rich.. Ahhh… so… deep! Gonna… cum..” She’s a shaking mess. The second orgasm hits her and her walls are squeezing my cock and I pull out to turn her around. One hand squeezing her tits and the other still rubbing her sensitive clit with my fingers, I push in again, going even deeper than before. 

The sound of skin slapping against skin, mixed with our panting and moaning fills the room.

“Lily… ’m gonna cum…” I growl against her shoulders and my pace quickens and with every thrust into her tight pussy, my cock throbs even more. 

“Cum…with me, sugar….” Softly biting her skin, I muffle my groans while Lily rears up, trembling and screaming my name. 

Unloading all of my cum into her, we sink down to the floor, huffing and shaking. I wrap my arms around her and brush her hair aside to kiss her neck, but she flinches at the touch. 

“I´m sorry, Lily, I didn’t wan-” “You didn’t, Rich…. it’s just…” My head rests against her shoulder and my fingers intertwine with hers in front of her chest. “It’s alright. We agreed that you don’t have to tell anything.”

Taking a deep breath she just starts telling. “A.. Andy did… He never was…soft and nice after we had… He… He always hit me…saying that I wasn’t good enough that night… Or…  or that he should’ve just bought a.. A girl… They could make him feel better than I could.” Her voice is still a bit shaky but firm. 

Her head turns around a bit and I can sense a smile on her face.

“I was surprised to be treated like a loved person after having sex and not… well…" 

I pull her closer, causing her body to shift and she squeezes my dick with her pussy. 

"Hm-hm, I love you Lily, that’s why I treat you as my most beloved treasure in the world. Let’s shower and then head to bed, sugar.” I whisper into her hair and she nods weakly. “Are you alright?” Furrowing my brows, I look at the back of her head.

“Babe, you just made me cum hard three times… I’m a bit exhausted…” 

A soft moan elicits her when I get hard again, still inside her tight pussy and stretching her. 

“God Lily… ’m sorry,” I mumble. As an answer to me, she starts rocking her hips slowly. Groaning, I free one of my hands to slide it down her stomach until my fingers find her soaking wet cunt. Playing around her sensitive nub I also start moving my hips. 

I place some more hickeys on her neck until I can’t hold back and position myself leaning against the wall and turning her around to face me. She slides down my cock again and her back arches when a sudden orgasm hit her as I suck and bite on her nipple. Her walls are clenching around my shaft and I slower my movement, to last a bit longer. 

“Ohh yes Rich!” She moans and a smirk appears on my lips. I really am the luckiest man right now. Lily bounces up and down on me while I devour her breasts. I can feel the next orgasm building up in her and add some fingers to my cock inside her. 

“Yes daddy fill me up please!” Those words send me over the edge. I can’t hold back and thrust deep inside her again, releasing hot and creamy cum. 

“Holy fuck… Lily. That…that was.. amazing… I love you!” Both of us are breathing heavily and Lily’s forehead is resting against my chest. Thank god we are sitting next to the bathtub, so I can let in the hot water. I feel her smiling against my skin and raise an eyebrow.

“What are you thinking sugar?” She looks up and I can’t but smile too. She’s just fucking adorable and beautiful…especially with this blush on her cheeks. “I think about the fact that I love you…unconditionally! And that it´s …well the first time we…see each other naked.” I chuckle. Not the best idea to do when you’re still inside her, Rich! She moans quietly and I shift a bit to slide out of her. 

I lean my head back against the wall and she starts drawing on my chest with her fingers. “Lily? This here… I mean US… is this really what you want?” “Yes Richard. Or else I wouldn’t be here, with you! Do you want me here?” Glancing down at her face, our eyes meet. “Of course I want you to be here with me sugar! Why do you think that I wouldn’t want you?” “Well… You were kinda…defensive and withdrawn… I thought you wouldn't…” I cup her face with my hands, kissing her and then looking into her wonderful eyes. “I wanted you since I saw you Lily. I just… I am old, at least twenty years older than you… I just were insecure… “

“Rich…I don’t care if there is an age gap. I love you for who you are! I love you for your smile, for your humor, for your whole personality and I love you because you said you love me even tho you know what I´ve been through or how messed up I am.” She kisses my lips softly. “And I love you because you make me feel like a human being.”

I pull her close to my chest, not only because I just want to hold her, but to hide that my eyes are tearing up. My wonderful and brave little flower…I can’t imagine all the terrible things she’s been through, what he did to her, to make her not feel human… 

“I love you so much.” Staying like this for a minute to calm down a bit, I look over to the bathtub and clear my throat. “You can take a bath now, sugar. Let me..” I steady her body while we get up. Wow…her legs are still shaky. Since when am I….nevermind. 

I help her to get in the tub and then get in myself, settling down behind her, scrubbing and massaging her shoulders.


Summary:  Some months later, Richard and Lily haven’t written lately and he tries to figure out what happened, just to learn that she went back to her ex. Can he get her back? How are Misha and the reader involved? What is it about the rings?

Pairing: Misha x Reader, Lily x Richard

Note for the character Lily: Lily is the readers best friend. Read the Prequel to find out more about how they met and how their friendship happened.

Word Count:  3616

Warnings: language (swearwords and stuff), mentioned abusive relationship, violence, fluff


  • NORMAL text = Third Person View on Reader
  • BOLD text = Misha´s POV
  • ITALIC text = Richard´s POV

This one is just a little gift for my spn-bestie @mishacollinswife. 

In this series, Richard and Misha are singles at the beginning.So none of them both is cheating or anything. 

If you don’t like it, just don´t read it. If you DO like it, then I would appreciate if you leave feedback <3

Your name: What is this?

Five months later…

She’s not picking up… I wonder if she’s busy. Looking down on my phone, I sigh. I’ve called her the twentieth time, something is not right. I think for a moment and then I type in another number. It rings two times.

“Richard? What’s wrong?” “Hey (Y/N).” I say, unsure what to say. “Uhm… Do you know if Lily is at work today or something?” Taking a deep breath and holding it, I wait. 

“I haven’t talked to her in like… a week or so, sorry Rich. Did you try to call her?” “Hm-Hm, twenty times, only today… Could you do me a favor and check on her? Last time we talked she sounded… different,” I say and she agrees. “Thanks. Just call me or something, okay?” 

After hanging up, I stare at the phone in my hand. Why are you not picking up your phone sugar?… What happened?…

Around an hour later, I get a text message. 

‘It´s bad Richard.’ 

It takes less than an hour to pack some stuff and call Misha to organize a flight. She needs me. 

‘Any details please?’ 

We have to wait around two hours to board the flight. The whole time, I´m just sitting there, tapping my foot on the floor and stare on my phone again. 

“Rich, cal-” “Dont tell me to calm down Collins!” I growl when my phone vibrates. 

‘Andy. Lily´s back together with him. She looks bad.’ 

“FUCK!” Growling I throw my phone into my bag. I run my hands through my face and hair and drop back to my chair. “Fuck…” 

“Rich.. There has to be an explanation. We´ll figure out-” “Just shut up, please.” “Rich-” “No, Misha. She told me she loves me, she even agreed to move in with me!” 

An announcement for our flight halls through the airport and we get into our plane. 

Some hours later, I didn’t pay attention, we land. (Y/N)´s waiting for us at the airport. 

“Do you want to stay at my place or-” “Where does he live?” “Rich, maybe you should wait until tomorrow?” Is she crazy? We know what he did to her and she asks me to WAIT? “(Y/N), I want to talk to her, nothing more.” She sighs and agrees to stop at his address. 

Standing in front of the apartment door, I hesitate. What if she didn’t love me? What if…

“Why does this fucker keep calling you, huh? You’re MINE.” I hear his voice and a strange noise. I knock and his yelling stops. “Go, open the door and tell them to fuck off.” 

Slowly, the door opens just a split, but it’s enough to see Lily’s face. This asshole… The little part of her face I can see is bruised, a little cut on her lip seems fresh. 

“Lily…” “Richard, plea…please leave.” She whispers, her voice filled with fear and her eyes focused on mine. Those beautiful green eyes, teary and with dark circles underneath. “Lily, let m-” She shakes her head and closes the door, leaving me standing there, my fists clenched and my heart breaking. No I won’t leave her! Waving at Misha who stands next to the car, signing him to come closer, I hammer my fists against the door. 

Lily opens again, this time Andy is standing behind her. “Fuck off, she doesn’t want you!” He growls but I ignore him, just looking at Lily. She shakes her head and freezes when he grabs her by her shoulder. “Lily, are you here because you want to? Do you love him?” I ask, looking into her pleading eyes. “I… Please…” She mumbles and his grip tightens, squeezing her shoulder. “Lea..Leave Richard.” Her whispering voice tears my heart apart. “No, Lily. I won´t leave, not until I made sure that this asshole can’t hurt you again.” I cup her cheek, very careful to not to hurt her. “Lily, I love you. I just want to know that you are safe.” Andy grabs her wrist and drags her away from the door, letting her wince. “She’s safe and now leave, or you´ll have to be carried away!” 

“Rich, come on. Don’t let him provoke you!” Misha says and places his hand on my shoulder. “Come on.” I let him drag me away, but after just a few steps, I turn around and put my foot into the door to prevent it from being closed. “Rich!” Misha signs (Y/N) to call the police, just in case something happens, and then he follows me back to the door. 

“Hey, Andy. Does anyone know that you hit your ‘girlfriend’?” I shout, trying to make him come out and assault me, while Misha tries to get Lily out there.

And Andy does come out and my heart falls to the bottom of my feet. He’s pointing a gun at me. It’s the first time I am actually praying. And then I hear a gunshot. “RICH!” It´s Lily´s voice. I prepare for the pain, but… there is none. A quiet whump in front of me lets me open my eyes again, expecting the worst, only to see Andy lying there, he’s dead. “Rich!” Lily calls my name again and I run over to her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. 

“Lily.. I was fucking scared when… What happened..I mean-” She cuts me off by kissing me. “Richard? The cops want to talk to her.” Misha says but I refuse to let go of her. “Rich, it’s okay. I have to talk to them, but I´ll go with you wherever you want when I am finished, okay?” Lily whispers and looks in my eyes. I nod and she walks over to the cops to answer their questions.

“What now, Rich?” Misha asks, looking at Lily and then at (Y/N). “I don’t know, at first I need to know if she’s alright. And then we can…” I sigh, my eyes always fixed on Lily.

After a while, she turns around, hurries to come back to me and hugs me. Carefully I lift her head with my hand, looking at her beautiful face. It’s covered with bruises, the little cut in her lip is bleeding again. “How are you, Lily?” My voice actually is a bit shaky, but she smiles reassuringly. “Now I am fine. Thank you Richard.” She places a soft kiss on my lips and then leans her head against my chest. 

(Y/N) takes us to her place. We left Lily’s stuff back there, she didn’t want anything but her purse and her guitar. Wearing some of (Y/N)´s clothes, she’s sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of tea and leaned against my shoulder. (Y/N) is sitting on Misha´s lap and ruffles his hair. 

“So.. what’s the plan now Lily? You can’t go back into your flat, he sold it. I could let you stay here for a while, if you want to.” I shake my head. “I might have an Idea.” All three of them look at me. “What about you move in at my place Lily? Just like we planned before… well before him.” I mumble. Lily stays silent for some minutes, probably thinking about my offer. 

“You could do the same, (Y/N). My house is way too big for just me living there, you know.” Wrapping his arms around (Y/N), Misha smiles and kisses her when she nods yes.

“Well, if you really want me to move in Rich… I would love to. But I need to find a jo-” “Already taken care of. Only if you agree to that of course, but we can discuss it later…You really want to move in?” I can feel my heart pounding in my chest like crazy. She nods and I kiss the top of her head again. 

Another five months later, everything is settled and Lily officially moved in at my place, unofficially, she moved in the day we arrived here. 

“Richie? Have you seen my phone?” She’s been looking for her phone for almost ten minutes now. “It’s here, sugar!” I say while drinking my coffee and scrolling through Twitter. 

Ping! Huh, a message from Misha. 

‘You think she likes this ring?’ There is a photo attached to it, showing a delicate silver ring with a dark blue sapphire on top. 

‘She´ll love it. What about mine?’ And I send him a photo of the ring I got for Lily yesterday. It’s a simple golden ring, half a heart engraved on it and an ember in the middle. The one for me also is a simple golden ring, the other half of the heart engraved and an emerald in it.

“Rich, I can’t find it!” I hear her voice echoing through the house and can’t but smile. The first days after she moved in here were, well considering what she went through, real bad. 

She didn’t want to be a burden to me, so she tried to help me doing chores and wanted to start a new job instantly. I really had to convince her that she needs some rest and that she never could be a burden for me. Every time someone made a quick move around her, she flinched and looked like a scared Bambi. 

It was hell to see her like that. Slowly her bruises were healing and she became happier, day after day. 

I love her deeply and I can’t imagine life without her, so I want to ask her tonight. 

“Rich! I need my damn phone! Did you… what?” She stops in track and looks at me, her eyebrows raised. I was staring at her again. Clearing my throat, I point at her phone laying on our kitchen counter. 

“You put it here when you woke up and made coffee. Sugar, you okay?” She gives me her usual, and utterly adorable, ‘you kiddin me?’ look and I chuckle. “I am about to act a kissing scene and tomorrow a makeout scene for the first time in my life Rich. Of course I am NOT okay!” Her voice a bit higher than usual, she sighs. “Don’t worry sugar, you’re going to be great!” I get up when she gets her phone and together we leave to get on set.

“ACTION!” Jensen’s Voice halls through the set and it begins. 

It’s the scene where I cower on Sam’s bed in the bunker, my mouth stitched close and my arms around my knees. 

Lily and Misha, playing a female hunter and Castiel, come into the room, wanting to help Gabriel, who I am playing. 

“Sam…What happened to your friend?” Lily asks, slowly stepping closer to me, carrying medical supplies. 

The last scene we’re shooting today is the scene where Lily’s character confronts Chuck and he tells her about his feelings for her. And they have to kiss. 

“Cut!” Jensen grins after shooting the last scene for today. “That was awesome guys! Let’s round up and get something to eat.” Everyone agrees and I take Lily´s hand in mine.

At the dinner, we chat and everyone agrees that Lily did awesome today, just like (Y/N) did. “I kinda envy Alex now.” Misha says, frowning. “Why does (Y/N) play the love interest for Jack? Couldn´t we just cancel the Destiel plans and make her Castiels love interest?” “Better than seeing your girlfriend fake making out with your series-dad!” I joke and see Robs face turn dark red. Lily hits my shoulder and laughs. “Well, I need to see if Rob could do me good, don’t I?” Lily is joking, I know it, but somehow… “Lily, I …you know.. I mean..” I stutter and look at her. “Don´t worry, Richie. You´re my number one!” She smirks and winks at me. 

This time it’s my face that heats up and I look down at the floor. 

Later, we leave the restaurant and head home. 

“Rich, everything alright? You were quiet at the dinner.” Lily asks and looks at me, her face full of worry. “Uh, no… Everything alright, sugar. Maybe a bit tired.”

While Lily is in the shower, I sit on our shared bed, reading a book, trying not to think about this afternoon and the ‘make out’ scene of Lily and Rob. It was nothing much, but even if those were fake kisses, they made me jealous, I wanted to show everyone that she’s mine, that only I can make her…”Richie? What are you thinking about?” Lily’s voice startles me and I put away my book, looking at her. 

Oh…raspberries…. Try to focus on her face Rich, just don´t look at anything else… just her face… Not like the one night… please don´t do it again…. You can´t…

“Richie?” Clearing my throat, I sit up a bit more and lean my back against the headboard. “What?” “You were staring… Don’t you like my sleepwear?” She asks and looks down at herself. 

I let my gaze wander, look at her newest sleepwear. It’s a thin negligee, reaching just until beneath her lace panties. I swallow hard and shuffle on the bed. “You look beautiful sugar! Uhm.. do you… would you…uhm…come to bed?” Stuttering and with shaking hands, I lift the blanket for her to slip under and cuddle against me. Her head´s resting on my shoulder, the blanket only covering our legs, I stare up to the ceiling, trying to avoid looking down at her chest. 

Her hand rests on my thigh and she kisses my neck. Again I have to swallow hard, feeling her touch, feeling her hand wander up to rest on my bare chest. “Richard?” “Hm?” I place a kiss on top of her head, trying to ignore the fantasies that are bubbling up in my head. 

I pull up the blankets to cover us, especially her almost exposed breasts, and hastily wrap my arms around her. “It’s cold, we should…uhm just cuddle and try to sleep, shouldn’t we?” My voice has darkened a bit and sounds quite raspy. 

“What´s wrong Rich? Did I do something wrong?” I shake my head, still trying not to think about her breasts pressed against my skin, my hands slapping- “Nope, all good, sugar.” I clear my throat as she snuggles close against me, her leg laying on mine, brushing against my- “Uh, excuse me, I need.. uh I have to get… Uh…” Mumbling, I crawl out of the bed and leave to get a glass water. 

Come on Rich! You love her. It’s not bad that you can't… I try to breathe, slowly breathing in and out. You can do it. Just go back to bed and show her… make her… uhm.. Just go to bed!

Entering the bedroom again, I close the door and walk over to the bed, my eyes locked on her. Lily´s still sitting there, leaning against the headboard, the blanket slipped down and exposed her beautiful body once again. 

I crawl under the blankets, pull them up again and lay my arm around her shoulder. When I look down, I see that one of her sleeves slipped down her arm along with a lot of the fabric, uncovering her breast. She cuddles against me, her chest pressed against my body, her hand again resting on my thigh. 

I feel my body tense up, feel the heat running through my veins. My brain again conjures images of her body, kneeling in front of me, my hand on her back, a rosy mark on her butt, fitting the shape of my hand. No! I swallow hard, trying to suppress those pictures, those fantasies. 

She sighs and somehow I hope that she’s given up to seduce me, but apparently… I was wrong. Her whole attire today, everything she did and now this outfit… It seems as if she WANT to get me to sleep with her…. I already want to pull her close and lay down to sleep, but she straddles my hips and I can’t move. 

“Lily, I ..” I can only stutter when she places her hands on my chest and leans down to kiss me. Her hips are moving slowly while she kisses me. 

A tie around her wrists, an eyefold and a gag… My hands slapping her breasts and her ass… Seeing her face looking up to me while she's… blinking my eyes fast, I look up into her face, pushing away my fantasies again. My hands fisting the bedsheets next to me, I feel her grinding on my dick but I just can't… 

I stare at her breasts, one of them completely uncovered, when her hands are wandering around on my skin, caressing and stroking every inch of my body… Almost every inch. 

“Lily, what… What are you doing?” I huff out. “Richard, I want you… I thought you would like… Don’t you want… Too?" 

I spread my arms for her to lean in. "Sugar, I…” I mumble, looking down at her body and stay silent. 

“Okay… Good… G'night then, Richie.” she whispers and lays down, her back facing towards me. I lay down too, pulling her close to cuddle. She pulls the blanket up and falls asleep very fast. 

Sighing deeply, I curse myself for being like this, for… Ugh… I Lay awake a long time, eventually falling asleep after some hours. 

Waking up the next morning, I wake up to an empty bed. 

“Lily?” I mumble, reaching out to the nightstand to grab my phone, I find a note. 

'I went to work early. See you then. Love you. L.' 

Great… She’s mad at me… I get up and get ready for work, meeting the others on set. 

Jensen and Jared look at me and furrow their brows. Alex just greets me with a very grumpy “Mornin’.” Walking to the make up compartment, I freeze when I hear voices. 

“He didn’t want me. I wore a damn negligee! What did I-” Fuck. She saw me. Walking by me, she kissed me and gave me a slightly off smile. “Morning Richie.” She mumbled and left to practice her lines with (Y/N) and Misha. 

“Damn, Rich! You messed up, you know that?” Rob says and pats my shoulder. “Hmmm, 'know,” mumbling, I look down at my feet. 

“What happened? Didn’t you tell me she was the one you love, you want to marry and make a lot cute little babies with?” I nod. “Yes. And I do love her!” “And when she literally sat on your dick, you didn’t do her?" 

Silence… I avoid looking at him, blushing. "You do realize that you need to have sex in order to make babies?” I nod. “And why did you reject her then last night? I mean, if she had done that for me, I would ha-” “I couldn’t get hard!” It’s said. He stares at me, his mouth dropped open. 

“You… WHAT?” Looking down, I run my fingers through my hair. 

“I couldn’t get hard… It’s.. I just..” Fuck! 

Here I stand, trying to find words to tell my best friend that I can’t get hard for my girlfriend, the woman I want to marry, just because I… Because I… Hell,  I can’t even admit it to myself! 

“Just what Rich? You don’t love her? You don’t think she’s attractive?” I shake my head. 

“Guys! We need you on set, NOW!" 

The next hours are hell. She’s ignoring me and I can’t blame her. And then it’s time for the one particular scene to shoot. A makeout scene for Chuck and the character that Lily plays. 

Jensen and I are directing together and after we yell “Action!” Rob and Lily are awesome. 

Rob slowly pushes her against the wall behind her, and he seems like he’s whispering to her all the time, not loud enough to get caught by the microphones. His hands caress her whole body, leaving out the very private parts, then he lays a hand on her mouth, Lily’s eyes go wide as Robs body presses her against the wall. I already want to yell cut, but Jensen holds me back. 

“Don’t be scared, my beloved.” Rob whispers and when his hand wanders down to her throat and they move in rhythm, I tense up. 

I want to drag him away from her, want to be the one to press her against the wall. I want to be the one whose name she whispers while I have her trembling around me. 

“Chuck… please I..” Lily whispers and Rob turns her around, kissing her, his hands under her butt, picking her up and Lily wrapping her legs around his waist. 

My pants suddenly feel a bit tighter and I swallow hard. Rob fists her hair and pulls her head back while Lily moans his name… As fast but silent as I can, I get up from my chair and leave the scene. I have to calm down… I have to… 

“Richard?” It´s Misha. Crap. “Shouldn’t you be directing this scene with Lily and Rob?” I try to cover my crotch with my jacket. “Uhm, yes, but I just wanted to.. Uhm…” Misha raises an eyebrow and looks down at my hands, clinging on to the fabric of my jacket. “Why are you-” “Rich!” Great… Rob. Misha shrugs and leaves when Rob approaches me. “What?!” I turn around and look at him, a wide grin plastered on his face. “Lily was awesome!” “‘Course she was.” I mumble, shifting uncomfortable when I again feel electricity run through my veins and I have the urge to punch him. “What´s wrong Rich?” He asks, looking down at my hands. “You don’t have a…, you know …a … bo..boner, right?” I swallow hard and he stares at my face. “Dude!”


Summary: After getting into a fight with Sam and Dean, you´re sad, because you don’t know why you should leave your home and your big brothers to go somewhere else. 

Characters: reader!Padalecki, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack, Castiel

Word Count:  841

Warnings: language, Supernatural typical violence , angst, hurt reader, fluff 

Beta´d by @wehunt-monsters-whatthehell<3

Note: Kind of reversed “French mistake”. Read parts ONEandTWO too <3

Your name: What is this?

Some days after you dropped into the bunker, Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack got used to your presence here. Cas has been doing a lot of research, since you came to live with them in the bunker, trying to find out about other universes. 

The room where you slept the first nights now belongs to you, and Sam even went shopping for some clothes with you, so you didn’t have to wear the same clothes every day.

When you wake up this day, you already notice that something feels different than the other days, but you can’t quite tell what it is. 

“Hey, (Y/N), need some breakfast?” Dean chuckles when you step into the kitchen, seeing him making pancakes and bacon. 

“Sure! How about Cas?” You ask, chuckling a bit and sitting down at the table. With a smirk, you notice that Dean blushes. “You were up late to discuss that case, hm?" 

Groaning, Dean rolls his eyes and sips his coffee, ignoring your sentence, but blushing even more when Castiel steps into the kitchen, his hair sticking out as if he just got out of bed. “Good morning, (Y/N) and Dean.”

“Hey Cas, how was your night?” Chuckling, you lean back on the chair and look at him, waiting for an answer. 

Castiel sighs and runs his hand over his face, before sitting down at the table too. “It was mostly unpleasant. I got attacked by another angel while doing research. I don’t really feel good, killing other angels.”

“Oh…I’m sorry. Uhm…I know you don’t eat…but do you want a pancake too?” You ask, pointing at the big plate Dean filled with a lot of pancakes. 

Giving you a thankful smile, Cas nods and sits down next to you. “Yes, thank you (Y/N). That would be nice.” He says, a smile on his face, and then takes one of the pancakes.

With a sigh, you lean back against the back of your chair, looking up when Sam enters the kitchen. Absently, your hand wanders down to the bracelet around your wrist and pictures flash through your mind. Pictures of Sam, but looking different, happier, older. You don’t know why, but those pictures of this other Sam calm you down.

“Morning, everyone.” Jack’s voice pulls you out of your mind and you look at him. “I found a lead. Dean and Sam, do you want to take a look at it?” He asks and both of them nod, getting up immediately and heading to the garage, leaving you with Cas back at the bunker. 

While the brothers and Jack are out, you and Cas decide to play some games and eat sandwiches together, but after a while, your mind drifts off more often and you find yourself thinking about the images of the other Sam in your mind. Why does he look different and more happy in those thoughts, which almost feel like memories? All day you find yourself thinking about that, and you often catch yourself subconsciously playing with the leather bracelet around your wrist. 

That evening, you sit in the library of the bunker, reading another lore book, a hot chocolate and a little bar of nougat on the table in front of you. You put down the book when you hear the door slam shut. “(Y/N)?” Sam’s voice sounds tense as he calls for you. “Can you bring me the first aid kit please?” You instantly get up, hurrying to get the kit and walk into the war room. A frown in your face, you crouch down in front of Dean’s chair.

“Here, do you need anything else?” You ask, handing him the kit and then looking around. “Cas should be back soon, he went out to get something for dinner.” 

“No, it’s just a scratch. Wouldn’t say no to a whiskey, though.” Dean says, giving you a wink and when Sam finishes stitching the small cut on his arm, Sam nods to the edge of the room, where someone is standing. 

“Come here, this is the girl we told you about.” Sam says to someone you can’t see. When he steps out of the shadow, you startle a bit. “Gabriel, this is (Y/N), she dropped in and, well, we can’t find a way to get her back into her universe.”

When you hear this, you squint your eyes, looking at Dean and Sam. “What are you talking about? Why would I need to go into another universe, Sammy?” You ask, your voice slightly shaking, because you couldn´t believe that they would send you away. 

“You need to go home, (Y/N).” He frowns, sending a helpless look to Dean. Dean chimes in, trying to sound encouraging. “Hey kiddo, I thought you missed Jared? You need to go back to him, and Gabriel here could help you with that!” He too frowns and raises his eyebrows when you shake your head. 

Your breath hitching a bit, voice shaking and tense, you look at the three men in confusion. “Who´s Jared?”


Hey there all you fish swimmin’ around in the pond. If we could have your attention please. 

Kayleigh and I have been talking and as proud as we are of all the wonderful work y’all have done and continue to do, we’d like to encourage a little more interaction and public feedback by bringing you our monthly Big Fish Awards.

There are so many members of this pond and so many new writers putting out their work so what better way to highlight and support them than to honor their work by showcasing it for all to see? 

Each month our wonderful big fish will select a guppie fic or series that’s stood out to them over the course of the month. We’ll also be asking our big fish to reblog the guppie story of their choosing, tag us (@spnfanficpond), and lead by example by leaving some feedback in the form of a short 2-3 sentence “review” explaining what worked well and their favorite parts of the story. From there we’ll take down their picks and create a master post that’ll be posted on the last of each month with all of the guppie fics and the corresponding reviews for all to see.

Kayleigh and I would like to remind everyone that these monthly “awards” are not prizes or a means for competition or jealousy. This is simply a way for us to offer a little more exposure, public feedback, and interaction between guppies and our big fish.

Thank you and if you have any questions, as always, feel free to message the blog or one of us personally. 

Thank you all for being so amazing! Have fun in the water and happy writing. 

-Kale and Mana

New Members Spotlight - March 2022

The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a link to a work they’ve posted!

@chaoticcockles -

They’re new to Tumblr, and don’t have a masterlist or any fics posted, yet, but have expressed interest in becoming a beta reader!! Head over to their blog and make them feel welcome!


They don’t have a masterlist or any fics posted, but they are signing up to be a beta reader! [Insert “WE GOT ONE” gif here] Head over to their blog and make them feel welcome!


Theirmasterlist already has a several stories for you to dig into if you’re a Dean girl! For some domestic Dean fluff, go read Spin Cycle!


No SPN masterlist or fics found in her recent posts, so head over, say hi, and give her some inspiration!

That’s all for this month, folks! (If we’re missing anyone, let us know and we’ll add them to next month’s list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and let them know you enjoy their stories!



Tagging people who may be interested in participating:

@erins-culinary-service@avengerscompound and of course @spnfanficpond
