#next on my list is to catch up on yin yang asks


the REAL scary part of this episode two: electric boogaloo


Hey guys, remember this post I made right after Wishmaker came out? It feels like half of tumblr’s ml regulars have seen it and freaked out over it, and I’ve even seen people citing this post in the tag without actually @ -ing me. but if you’ve managed to avoid it I’d recommend catching up before reading the squeakuel.

Edit: holy crap I wrote 90% of this post in November right when this episode came out and completely forgot about it. *Francine voice* I’m a failure. Sorry guys, better late than never.

In the last post, I basically saw the image of Adrien’s parents with their eye colors as the opposite of what they’re “supposed” to be, and went on this whole deep dive into theories reminiscent of the parent trap and celebrity wife swap.

Thing is, though, Gabriel Agreste takes place nine episodes before Wishmaker and BOY does it have more evidence for my theories. Literally brought a tear to my eye when I noticed this one detail below.

Why haven’t I seen a single soul bring this up before me?

When Marino slides past Gabriel’s finger print scanning security tablet, every single person before her scanned their finger, and they clearly all checked out, but she made sure not to have to touch it because she knew she wouldn’t pass. After this, Chloe insists Gabriel watch her video, so Marino “trips” and throws her tall box of plates at Chloe. This causes Chloe to drop her phone as Adrien jumps to catch it BUT ALSO Gabriel drops his tablet, which BREAKS. The screen doesn’t just shatter, it totally shuts down.

Who are the only people who arrive at the party after this occurs?

Felix and Amelie. Neither of them get their fingerprints scanned while everyone else save Marino did. This is such a subtle yet deliberate detail, so I can’t be surprised that it was missed, but I can’t believe nobody’s made a post about it here yet. The only conclusion I can really draw from this is that Felix, Amelie, or both have fingerprints that don’t match to the ones they should have according to the data in Gabriel’s system.

Everyone’s already analyzed the strong implication that Felix is a sentimonster a million times, so I won’t go deep into that, and these theories operate under the assumption that it’s true, but can sentiFelix explain the possibility of Felix having the “wrong” fingerprint?

Human sentis should theoretically have fingerprints because sentis made with the intention of being humans have all traits that an organic human would have. I’d imagine a human senti would inherently have a unique fingerprint, and Gabriel must have something in the system for Felix regardless because he’s an invited guest. Gabriel and Felix are both aware of Felix being a sentimonster, so even if this isn’t the case, they’d work around it.

But something that stuck out to me was how Gabriel threatened Felix with the same ring he’d soon fiddle with while manipulating Adrien in Mega Leech and more explicitly in Ephemeral. From here on out I’ll be operating under the idea that the rings are the amok object for SentiFelix and SentiAdrien. Was Gabriel bluffing to Felix about the ring being his amok object? Did he really not know whose it was? Did he only figure out it was Adrien’s, and not Felix’s, after attempting and failing to control Felix with it? Are the rings two halves of a single object with a single amok in it like the record from Crocoduel, and both of the boys aren’t tied to one specific ring each?

Here’s a kind of crazy concept: Felix and Adrien swapped places at some point in the past. That would explain Gabriel being unable to magically influence Felix with a ring he thought was made for Felix, because the one he knows as Felix was born as Adrien, and vice versa.

Back to Wishmaker, Adrien is missing a lot of his childhood memories. In my last post I talked about the green eyed woman vs the blue eyed woman. I’ll continue that thought here, so if you have no idea what I’m talking about, peek at the linked post. Our Adrien remembers the blue eyed woman being his birth mother, but all image evidence of Emilie shows her with green eyes

When Felix looks at the portrait of the green-eyed woman, his expression is oddly tender, like more genuine than we’ve ever seen him before. This implies that he has some fond memories of her, which is interesting because we don’t know about any interactions between them, and Adrien doesn’t seem particularly close with Amelie. Could this green-eyed woman be Felix’s birth mother? He’s already a huge mommy’s boy to green-eyed Amelie.

That sort of brings me to another possibility that I explored in the last post: could Amelie and Emilie have switched places? Idk how they’d pull off the massive girlboss gaslighting operation needed to make that work (well, I have one idea) but that would explain why green-eyed Amelie didn’t scan her finger either; it would have come back as the wrong print.

So, in summary, several concepts:

  • Adrien was born as Felix to the blue-eyed woman and the green-eyed man (who probably died a bit ago). Felix was born as Adrien to the green-eyed woman.
  • Potentially, they weren’t swapped at birth but grew up this way too, hence all the family photos and Adrien’s missing childhood memories
  • Le Paon scrubbed memories that were inconvenient to her
  • Amelie and Emilie swapped places at some point somehow
  • Literally everyone is a freaking sentimonster except for Le Paon (blue eyes?) and maybe Felix’s dead dad hence why she manipulated everyone so easily and why the two families are like mirror image clones of each other

To close this off, I want to type out a big DISCLAIMER. I’ve seen a lot of people take my theories (general) really seriously, so for that reason I want to make this clear. I notice a lot of little details that many people do not, and these details are Evidence. Of what? Well, I can never be truly sure, so for that reason I spitball a bunch of Ideas. Sometimes they’re cool or interesting or fanfic-like, sometimes they’re realistic, sometimes they’re crazy, but they’re all just Ideas.

For example, I recently made a theory that Marc and Nath would do a kwami swap, and I came across several posts where people referenced it outside the realm of my blog. There’s nothing wrong with believing one of my Ideas, but I wouldn’t say that I think they’ll do a kwami swap. I think that’s very plausible, and I’d love to see it, but I’m not 100% sure anything will happen. What I do know is the Evidence: there are several images associated with season 4 of a rooster holder who isn’t Coq, and that’s what’s important. My best conclusion was that it’s Nath, thus the goat would be open to Marc, but there is no Evidence to support another goat holder. Maybe the rooster is actually Aspik 3.0, or an Adrienette child from the future, or Spock, the Rock, Doc Ock, or Hulk Hogan.

Similarly, when I make these crazy sentimonster theories they’re all just Ideas. Some of them are even semi-ironic or just “this would be really compelling but I would never image they’d make it canon”. I even change my mind about my own thoughts a lot, especially when new info comes up. The Evidence in this case is that Felix and Amelie didn’t get their fingerprints scanned, and this was very deliberately framed by the writers as well as the story boarders. Also, Felix has affectionate memories about the woman in the painting. Everything else is possible explanations for why this is, but those facts are what really matter.

I can’t wait to see what they really mean in canon, and what other foreshadowing we will even have missed up until some kind of lore reveal, but for the time being, this is the Part 2 of things that caught my attention surrounding the Agreste/GdV lore. Interpret it as you will.
