#amelie graham de vanily


*Loathe Square wedding reception*

Amelie: Aren’t they just a precious couple?

Felix: *Downs a glass of champagne*

Felix: They won’t last a year.

the REAL scary part of this episode two: electric boogaloo


Hey guys, remember this post I made right after Wishmaker came out? It feels like half of tumblr’s ml regulars have seen it and freaked out over it, and I’ve even seen people citing this post in the tag without actually @ -ing me. but if you’ve managed to avoid it I’d recommend catching up before reading the squeakuel.

Edit: holy crap I wrote 90% of this post in November right when this episode came out and completely forgot about it. *Francine voice* I’m a failure. Sorry guys, better late than never.

In the last post, I basically saw the image of Adrien’s parents with their eye colors as the opposite of what they’re “supposed” to be, and went on this whole deep dive into theories reminiscent of the parent trap and celebrity wife swap.

Thing is, though, Gabriel Agreste takes place nine episodes before Wishmaker and BOY does it have more evidence for my theories. Literally brought a tear to my eye when I noticed this one detail below.

Why haven’t I seen a single soul bring this up before me?

When Marino slides past Gabriel’s finger print scanning security tablet, every single person before her scanned their finger, and they clearly all checked out, but she made sure not to have to touch it because she knew she wouldn’t pass. After this, Chloe insists Gabriel watch her video, so Marino “trips” and throws her tall box of plates at Chloe. This causes Chloe to drop her phone as Adrien jumps to catch it BUT ALSO Gabriel drops his tablet, which BREAKS. The screen doesn’t just shatter, it totally shuts down.

Who are the only people who arrive at the party after this occurs?

Felix and Amelie. Neither of them get their fingerprints scanned while everyone else save Marino did. This is such a subtle yet deliberate detail, so I can’t be surprised that it was missed, but I can’t believe nobody’s made a post about it here yet. The only conclusion I can really draw from this is that Felix, Amelie, or both have fingerprints that don’t match to the ones they should have according to the data in Gabriel’s system.

Everyone’s already analyzed the strong implication that Felix is a sentimonster a million times, so I won’t go deep into that, and these theories operate under the assumption that it’s true, but can sentiFelix explain the possibility of Felix having the “wrong” fingerprint?

Human sentis should theoretically have fingerprints because sentis made with the intention of being humans have all traits that an organic human would have. I’d imagine a human senti would inherently have a unique fingerprint, and Gabriel must have something in the system for Felix regardless because he’s an invited guest. Gabriel and Felix are both aware of Felix being a sentimonster, so even if this isn’t the case, they’d work around it.

But something that stuck out to me was how Gabriel threatened Felix with the same ring he’d soon fiddle with while manipulating Adrien in Mega Leech and more explicitly in Ephemeral. From here on out I’ll be operating under the idea that the rings are the amok object for SentiFelix and SentiAdrien. Was Gabriel bluffing to Felix about the ring being his amok object? Did he really not know whose it was? Did he only figure out it was Adrien’s, and not Felix’s, after attempting and failing to control Felix with it? Are the rings two halves of a single object with a single amok in it like the record from Crocoduel, and both of the boys aren’t tied to one specific ring each?

Here’s a kind of crazy concept: Felix and Adrien swapped places at some point in the past. That would explain Gabriel being unable to magically influence Felix with a ring he thought was made for Felix, because the one he knows as Felix was born as Adrien, and vice versa.

Back to Wishmaker, Adrien is missing a lot of his childhood memories. In my last post I talked about the green eyed woman vs the blue eyed woman. I’ll continue that thought here, so if you have no idea what I’m talking about, peek at the linked post. Our Adrien remembers the blue eyed woman being his birth mother, but all image evidence of Emilie shows her with green eyes

When Felix looks at the portrait of the green-eyed woman, his expression is oddly tender, like more genuine than we’ve ever seen him before. This implies that he has some fond memories of her, which is interesting because we don’t know about any interactions between them, and Adrien doesn’t seem particularly close with Amelie. Could this green-eyed woman be Felix’s birth mother? He’s already a huge mommy’s boy to green-eyed Amelie.

That sort of brings me to another possibility that I explored in the last post: could Amelie and Emilie have switched places? Idk how they’d pull off the massive girlboss gaslighting operation needed to make that work (well, I have one idea) but that would explain why green-eyed Amelie didn’t scan her finger either; it would have come back as the wrong print.

So, in summary, several concepts:

  • Adrien was born as Felix to the blue-eyed woman and the green-eyed man (who probably died a bit ago). Felix was born as Adrien to the green-eyed woman.
  • Potentially, they weren’t swapped at birth but grew up this way too, hence all the family photos and Adrien’s missing childhood memories
  • Le Paon scrubbed memories that were inconvenient to her
  • Amelie and Emilie swapped places at some point somehow
  • Literally everyone is a freaking sentimonster except for Le Paon (blue eyes?) and maybe Felix’s dead dad hence why she manipulated everyone so easily and why the two families are like mirror image clones of each other

To close this off, I want to type out a big DISCLAIMER. I’ve seen a lot of people take my theories (general) really seriously, so for that reason I want to make this clear. I notice a lot of little details that many people do not, and these details are Evidence. Of what? Well, I can never be truly sure, so for that reason I spitball a bunch of Ideas. Sometimes they’re cool or interesting or fanfic-like, sometimes they’re realistic, sometimes they’re crazy, but they’re all just Ideas.

For example, I recently made a theory that Marc and Nath would do a kwami swap, and I came across several posts where people referenced it outside the realm of my blog. There’s nothing wrong with believing one of my Ideas, but I wouldn’t say that I think they’ll do a kwami swap. I think that’s very plausible, and I’d love to see it, but I’m not 100% sure anything will happen. What I do know is the Evidence: there are several images associated with season 4 of a rooster holder who isn’t Coq, and that’s what’s important. My best conclusion was that it’s Nath, thus the goat would be open to Marc, but there is no Evidence to support another goat holder. Maybe the rooster is actually Aspik 3.0, or an Adrienette child from the future, or Spock, the Rock, Doc Ock, or Hulk Hogan.

Similarly, when I make these crazy sentimonster theories they’re all just Ideas. Some of them are even semi-ironic or just “this would be really compelling but I would never image they’d make it canon”. I even change my mind about my own thoughts a lot, especially when new info comes up. The Evidence in this case is that Felix and Amelie didn’t get their fingerprints scanned, and this was very deliberately framed by the writers as well as the story boarders. Also, Felix has affectionate memories about the woman in the painting. Everything else is possible explanations for why this is, but those facts are what really matter.

I can’t wait to see what they really mean in canon, and what other foreshadowing we will even have missed up until some kind of lore reveal, but for the time being, this is the Part 2 of things that caught my attention surrounding the Agreste/GdV lore. Interpret it as you will.

the REAL scary part of this episode

I know we’re all excited about Luka secretly knowing the truth, and how hilarious CrocoJagged was, but this episode dropped a much, much more subtle bomb that scared me more than anything. I’ve already seen people talking about it so some of this will be repeated, but allow me to lay some puzzle pieces out on the table.

This. This drawing. What. The. Heck. Is. This. Adrien’s blue eyed mother and green eyed, brown haired, smiling father? Something is superfishy.

I saw someone mention Adrien’s line in Simon Says, “you’ve got her eyes”. I’m aware that this line is very different in different dubs, but in English, he tells Ladybug that her eyes remind him of his mother. Ladybug’s blue eyes. We were all so confused by why he would say this, but I think we finally got our answer. It was just a subconscious slip of the tongue on his part, and he didn’t even realize anything was wrong, but oh boy could it mean everything.

After seeing all this is I was shaken and I started re-evaluating everything we know about Adrien’s family. First up: when have we actually seen Emilie in the show?

And here I noticed something that looks like it could be very clever trickery. We can probably safely say that she did indeed star in Solitude as the opening credits of the film suggest. But. Everything related to this movie is in black and white. Interesting. When else do we see Emilie? In a coffin. With her eyes closed.

And here, in Andre’s repressed dreams box? We’d assume that that’s the same person, but notice the black blazer.

Just the type Amelie Graham de Vanily wears. Who has green eyes. And looks identical to her deceased sister. And even has an oddly similar name. And just so happens to be conniving, scheming about something that we don’t know about yet aside from it being related to the twin rings. Let’s pull up some pictures of Emilie from around the Agreste household.

All green-eyed and white blazer-ed. This is the woman who Gabriel looks up at obsessively, who holds Adrien’s hand and makes him smile… but who is she?

Here are some statements I believe to be true:

  • There is a blue eyed woman and a green eyed woman
  • There is a white blazer woman and a black blazer woman
  • The blue eyed woman is Adrien’s mother
  • The green eyed woman served as a mother figure to Adrien and a partner to Gabriel
  • There is a green eyed, black blazer wearing woman alive and scheming against Gabriel
  • We don’t know the eye color of the dead woman, but her blazer is white

Let me also bring to attention Amelie’s son, Felix, who looks exactly like Adrien, and Felix’s recently deceased father, who is a mystery.

I don’t have any solid theories as to what this suspiciousness all adds up to, but here are some ideas:

  • Emilie and Amelie have such similar names because sometimes, when we think someone is saying the name of one, they’re actually referring to the other and hiding it in plain sight
  • The woman in the opening scene of Solitude is Amelie, not Emilie, the main star
  • The woman in the coffin has blue eyes, thus is Adrien’s true mother
  • Kinda crack-y: The five-petaled brooch on the white blazer is a disguised miraculous. All charged miraculous have five separate sections, and the butterfly and peacock, both in the possession of the Agrestes, are brooches. We know Gabriel sells a copy of this design in his store since it became Vanisher’s akuma object, and the only other jewelry design we’ve seen from him has been a copy of the fox miraculous.
  • Cont. I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen the peacock miraculous actually disguised on Gabe, but it’s possible that either the jewel in the cabinet is his disguise mode and the flower is the green eyed woman’s, OR that’s her disguised peacock miraculous and the one she’s wearing in the photo is her disguised butterfly.
  • The blue eyed woman used to wear a black blazer, and the green eyed woman used to wear a white blazer, but after the blue eyed woman’s death, she was dressed in the other’s clothing and the green eyed woman donned her clothes and replaced her
  • The deceased man Felix calls his father is the green-eyed man Adrien remembered in his wish
  • I know how much you guys love hearing sentimonster theories, but the show is clearly foreshadowing something here, that’s undeniable. The peacock miraculous has been in the family for what, fifteen years? At some point it was used until it broke, and supposedly that’s what killed the woman in the coffin. What do we have here? Two boys with different parents who look exactly the same, two women who look exactly the same save for one trait, twin rings shrouded in mystery that the GdV family really wants back for some reason, a devoted bodyguard who never speaks, an even more devoted secretary who’s been around forever and whose last name means “without a heart”, a blue eyed man obsessed with serving and protecting a woman to the point of madness, and last but not least, the fifteen-ish y/o boy who doesn’t remember his childhood and feels like he was literally made to be his parents’ image of perfection.
  • It could even be more than one of them. You know that whole thing about how kids can only use the special power once, but adults don’t have that limit? Maybe making one true human using the miraculous is enough to break it, but maybe it’s not. Maybe you need to really exert it to hit that barrier.

This is all just me spitballing, so I’d love to hear other people’s ideas, but there is, without a doubt, something mad suspicious going on with these people. Keep in mind that I also don’t remember every line of dialogue from the show. There could be stuff disproving me, or stuff that was cleverly said in a vague way on purpose to hide the truth. Otherwise, I hope the episode Gabriel Agreste could shine some light on our missing puzzle pieces such as the rings, the movie Solitude, the mysterious Tsurugi family, and even the Bourgeois.


So…here’s ch 15 of Worthy Opponent. Contains Marlowe’s debut, Ivan making a gift for Mylene and dancing.

Note: I know next to nothing about waltzing so if someone could tell me more, let me know.

Taglist, yo!

@fantasiame,@g-arya, @lavenderjunes, @charlietheepic7,@ahenix,@delectablycoolscientist,@kaseykay17, @vio-march-0327, @mewwitch,@vixen-uchiha,@coolspidermanmusicflower,@lady-bee-fechin,@raeuberprinzessin,@symwinter,@frieddonutsweets, @seraphkitty, @friendsofthefairies, @nickristus-dreamer,@khneltea,@jumpingjoy82,@fan-written,
@woe-is-me0,@corporeal-terrestrial, @queenmj, @theymakeupfairies,@dorkus-minimus, @idk-j-go-with-it, @aespades,@swiftie-miraculer13,@moongoddesskiana,@arty-shadow-morningstar, @ahalloweengirl, @the-navistar-carol,@bigpicklebananatree,@novicevoice,@nerd-nowandforever, @certainmuffinbagelcalzone, @irontimetravelflower,@jjmjjktth, @dopefestsuit, @morning-wolf-designs,@alcoholic-barney,@just-living5,@chocolatecatstheron,@another-cancer,@hammalammadamdam,@ichigorose

Worthy Opponent Chapter Fifteen

“How’s the investigation going so far, Spade?”

Alfonso leaned against a wall, nearly in the shadows as Jayden walked by. The other boy never called him by his first name, only his last, as if they were mere acquaintances instead of classmates who’d known each other for eleven years.

Jayden mentally shrugged off his rudeness, used to it by now. Alonso was an excellent detective, blessed with an eye for detail and one of the best at clue analysis. Unfortunately he’d always had a beef with Jayden and his family. The Marlowes had joined the Society around the same time as the Spades; both had started as working class private detectives who frequently got their hands dirty and sometimes meted out their own justice when the law failed. Jayden’s family was slightly more prestigious, even though both families were considered Founders. The distinction had never bothered Jayden; he believed the world always needed more good detectives and Alfonso was just as good as he was. As a Marlowe, Alfonso disagreed and it had prevented the boys from becoming friends.

He decided to be honest with the other boy and maybe recruit some help. “The usual, Marlowe. Aside from the initial crime scene all we’re getting is crumbs. The trail went cold weeks ago and aside from someone trying to kill Barry and Felicity, we’ve heard nothing.”

Alfonso scoffed, looking smug and superior. “I take it you haven’t checked the chatter on the Dark Web. Someone was looking for someone to teach them how to hack into a car’s computer system.” He shrugged as if tracking down who tried to murder two Legacy students was of no interest to him. Perhaps it wasn’t. Marlowe’s in general were like that.

Jayden looked at Alfonso. Despite trying to appear casual and nonchalant, his body language was a little tense. Did he have information to share, or, and this was more likely, he wanted to be asked to help in the investigation. He could have just asked but Spade knew Marlowe was too proud. He also liked to make things complex on purpose to show how clever he was. It was something he had in common with Barry but Jayden knew better than to compare two of his classmates out loud.

“Sounds like you’re ahead of me, Marlowe.” Jayden spoke trying to emphasize his tone to convey how impressed he felt, to a level Alfonso would easily recognize.

Alfonso just shrugged, looking like he didn’t care what Jayden said but Spade knew better. Marlowe loved every opportunity he had to one-up a fellow Legacy student and Spade had just handed him one. He didn’t have to know Jayden had done it on purpose; everyone was allowed to have their pride. It did make things easier for Jayden on occasion too so it was an overall win.

“You sound like just the guy I need to talk to,” Jayden said and Alfonso blinked in surprise. He had expected to be mocked and dismissed but Spade seemed genuinely impressed. “I need someone to do some digging for me. Someone who’s good at hacking and won’t get caught. Someone not afraid to get their hands dirty for a good cause.”

“That’s me.“ Marlowe hesitated as if considering the offer. "You want me to do a deep dive?”

Jayden nodded. As usual, Alfonso didn’t need every little detail explained to him. “If you don’t mind.”

For a second he thought the other boy was going to refuse but then he cracked a grin and said, “What the hell. I need a challenge and was going to check it out anyway.” For a second his mask of jaded cynicism slipped. “Besides, Professor Akunin was a good guy. He deserves better and his killer deserves the slammer. I’ll do what I can, Spade.”

Jayden nodded again. “That’s all I can ask of anyone. Will you let me know when you find out something?”

Marlowe grabbed the brim of an imaginary fedora and nodded. “I’ll be in touch,” he told his classmate and stolled away.


“Bravo! Bravo!” Amelie leaped from her director’s chair and applauded. “Gio, darling, I knew you’d be perfect as Marlowe. You and Allen play off each other so well. Your resentment just…seethes. The audience will love the tension between these characters.”

Gio went from arrogant to humble. “I do what I can. I’m enjoying the character. All villains should be this nuanced.”

“Nah,” Allen disagreed and nudged Gio’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t call Marlowe a villain. More like…” he mentally groped for the right term. “Morally ambiguous. He’s jealous and resentful but there’s a halfway decent person there too.”

Allen and Gio high fived each other and walked off set while the crew set up for the next scene.

Claude met them before they could reach the craft services table. “Hey, Gio, do you have a minute? I need to talk to you.” He looked at Allen and then back at Gio. “Alone.”

The Italian boy looked at Allen who just shrugged. He had no idea what his friend was talking about either. Allen also didn’t have much time to spare so he wasn’t too bothered not knowing. He could always ask what happened later.

Gio thought for a minute, then shrugged. “I have a few hours before they shoot my next scene. Why not?”

“Great!” Claude turned around and then beckoned for Gio to follow him.

“This better not be another attempt to make me try your cooking,” Allen could hear Gio say as they walked off.

“Damn, burn someone’s eyebrows one time,” Claude muttered.

Allen remembered Claude’s one and only attempt atflambé. Never again.


Lila was in the hall when Claude appeared with Gio beside him. She decided to ingratiate herself with the clearly weak-willed Claude while clever Felix and hostile Allegra weren’t around to shield him. “Claude! Good morning!” She decided to go the nervous ingenue route. “Do you have a minute to help me-”

Instead of answering Claude grabbed Gio by the shoulder and shot past Lila before she could finish her sentence. “Not right now! Felix and Allegra need to see Gio right away!”

Gio barely had time to shrug in apology as he was dragged away by his fellow actor. Lila smiled and waved until they were out of sight, then scowled. Ignored! Her! Gio was attractive and talented, but she was a featured Gabriel model, practically his muse.  Soon to be famous or not, they had no right to ignore her.

She fumed and went to find a private place to sulk. Unfortunately they were filming on location today so there was no way for her to be akumatized nor could she get anyone else akumatized. After last time a few of the secondary cast members knew to be wary of her and the principal cast continued to pretend she didn’t exist unless they had a scene with her.

Nearly all of her attempts to elevate her station had failed. Sure, she’d befriended Gio, a clearly up and coming actor and useful acting coach but it wasn’t enough. Maybe she could use him to achieve her own fame but what if he got tired of her and moved on to some other girl before she was done with him?  Her usual charms weren’t working with the more important members of the cast and no one was impressed with her stories. Many of them had actually worked with people like Basilberg and didn’t believe her. The head of security asked her smartphone if Jagged Stone had ever owned a cat while looking her straight in the eye.

No one had the time or inclination to cater to her. When she tried to get special exemptions while claiming she had medical conditions the on-site medical staff demanded proof of all things. When she couldn’t produce a doctor’s note they turned away, shaking their heads as if disappointed in her. One of them had the gall to say they’d checked her medical records and there was no mention of tinnitus or arthritis and they could call and confirm with her mother if she wanted them to.

No one stopped to check on her when she pretended to cry, just told her to save her tears for when the cameras were rolling. Otherwise, she was holding up production and her role was small enough that recasting her would be easy.

Mylene and Ivan spent most of their time on-set. They were usually such gullible idiots they should have been easy to manipulate. Unfortunately both were kept very busy, especially Mylene. The crew ranted and raved about her natural acting ability and Lila had to keep a smile on her face when she really wanted to throw up. The other girl did have acting talent but she didn’t have what counted in the entertainment business and that was a pretty face and a nicely toned body. Lila worked out for thirty minutes a day while Mylene clearly never missed a meal in her life. She was short and dumpy and only a gigantic oaf like Ivan would have noticed her and vice versa.

It wasn’t fair. Mylene was a supporting actress at best and Lila was being wasted in a glorified cameo.

Her thoughts drifted to Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her lip curled in disgust. Talk about waste and the unfairness of life…that simpering brat had somehow lucked her way into a lead role, acting opposite Felix and that hot blue-haired boy.

She thought starting a smear campaign against Marinette would have worked with the film cast as easily as it had worked in college but the teens here weren’t as easily led and the adults weren’t stupid. Plus, everyone did their research and wouldn’t be so conveniently fooled. True, Allegra still hated her; her outright aggressive hostility had cooled into frigid dislike but she’d thought the blonde would have encouraged her friend to have fired Marinette by now.

Lila had felt a little bit of hope when the brat had frozen while filming her first scene but Claude leaped at the chance to help her relax and she hadn’t had more than one retake since. As loath as she was to compliment the girl, her acting was not bad.

And the near accident? That should have worked! Marinette should be dead or disabled but no, the stunt crew was impressed that she managed to stop a runaway vehicle by herself. That girl always had a solution to everything and it made Lila want to puke in her face.

She would have to be more careful next time. Involving Felix had been a mistake; if anything had happened to him his protective, sentimental mother would have shut down production immediately, money be damned and would have had everyone investigated. Marinette or Chloe would definitely implicate her and if someone were to dig into her background or contact her mother she’d be screwed. It was all she could do to keep her mother from visiting the set. No, she’d keep Felix out of it next time.

He was a lot more clever than his cousin, no naivete or belief she could be a better person. He treated her with barely disguised contempt most of the time unless they were in a scene together. Every now and then he’d compliment her acting choices and she felt oddly pleased. She was learning a lot from Gio and was putting it to good use. She was confident she could use this role to springboard into something bigger but that could take months or years! She wanted to be rich and famous now!

Lila clenched her teeth and it was all she could do not to throw something or tear up the set. That would be an incredibly bad idea. Unfortunately, so would being mean or rude to the crew, even if they deserved it. She was pretending to be the good girl, the eager young actress trying to make her big break.

She’d hoped she’d have a rich spineless boyfriend and a world famous modeling career by now. Unfortunately her mark found his own girlfriend, a girl who wouldn’t hesitate to cut her in half and had a rich influential family who far outshadowed the Rossis. To make matters worse M. Agreste was withholding her modeling sessions until she brought him something he could use against the Graham de Vanilys or locate the ring they’d stolen. No luck so far. They never discussed anything personal in front of her and both of them kept their offices locked. Security magically showed up to chase her away whenever they caught her anywhere near so she couldn’t even try picking the locks.

It wasn’t in her nature to wait her turn when she could just create an opportunity. Still fuming to herself she weighed her options. She’d blown her chance with Felix and his friends by coming on too strong to his friend. Amelie wasn’t the harmless fluff she pretended to be and the thought of sucking up to Mylene made her gag.

Marinette’s face appeared in her mind again. She’d dearly love to punch her in that sweetly smiling mouth, stomp her in the stomach until she cried, pull her hair out and drop a camera dolly on her.

Her violent fantasy made her feel better and once she’d cheered herself up an idea popped into her head. If she could pull it off without having it be connected to her, she would be rid of Marinette. Perhaps forever.

Well, that might be a step too far but she’d always looked good in black.


Ivan Bruel shuffled up the steps to a modest apartment and gently rang the doorbell. He waited two minutes and tried not to fidget as he waited for the resident to come and let him in.

After three minutes the door cracked open and Fred Haprele’s lanky form appeared in the doorframe. “Ivan! Always good to see you!”

The boy smiled and gave his girlfriend’s dad a sheepish wave. “Hi, M. Haprele.”

The man laughed and invited him inside. “Ivan, we’ve talked about this, remember? At home, I’m just Fred.”

“Thanks…Fred,” Ivan tried not to stumble over the name as he followed his former teacher further into his home. “Sorry.”

Fred looked stern for a minute then grinned. “It’s an old habit. I understand. Now let’s hurry up. Mylene said she didn’t have a lot of scenes to shoot today so she’ll be home by three.”

“Yes sir. I mean…Fred.”

“Has the resin cured?”

Fred Haprele had turned his bedroom into a crafting workshop because he occasionally made his own backdrops for work. He just kept his clothes in the small wardrobe and slept in the living room. Mylene had her own room, of course, and they shared a bathroom.

“See for yourself.” Fred showed Ivan their project on his worktable.

Ivan smiled. The love song/poem he’d written for Mylene  over two years ago was clearly legible beneath thick layers of clear resin.  Flattening the paper between two heavy books had completely smoothed out the wrinkles he’d made after crumpling it up.  After spraying the paper with several layers of spray sealer Fred had helped him pour the liquid resin over the paper. After three days it had hardened and cured into a firm plastic sheet.

It hadn’t been easy to come to the Haprele place without Mylene noticing. He’d told Allen he’d needed some time off and why and Allen agreed. He usually timed his visits during one of Mylene’s shoots and hated the fact he couldn’t watch her act. She looked so confident and fierce, like she’d been acting all her life. It was wonderful to see her like that and he hoped his sweetheart could see herself as she really was someday too.

The man noticed how soft and tender the boy’s face had become and knew Ivan was thinking about his wonderful little girl. “I know this might sound hypocritical coming from me, but we have to move things along. No procrastinating.”

The boy blushed and stammered out an apology and the man chuckled. “I understand. When you’re in love with someone wonderful, it’s hard not to think of them all the time.”

Ivan sighed, picturing what he hoped would be absolute surprise and happiness when Mylene opened her gift. “It’s hard to believe it’s been two years.”

“Happy anniversary,” Fred told him and handed him gloves and protective goggles. Then he made sure both of their respirators were connected and functioning properly. “Safety first.”

“Right. Thanks.”

Ivan and Fred put on the personal protection equipment and then the man got a little hammer. Handing it to the boy he said, “Try to be precise and make two centimeter long pieces. Control your strength so the shards don’t fly up and hit you.”

He followed the man’s instructions and used the hammer to break the sheet into chunks. Once the entire sheet was disassembled Ivan put the hammer down while Fred dug through his supplies to find some sandpaper.

The two sat down and began sanding down the fragments into beads. “So,” Fred asked, making conversation, “besides the gift, do you have any plans for your anniversary? Two years is practically a decade in Teen Years.”

Ivan ducked his head and tried to concentrate on his piece. “Well, there’s this new eco-friendly cafe I thought Mylene would like. Their food is all organic and fair trade, plus it’s mostly vegetarian.”

“Mylene will love it,” Fred praised.

They worked in silence, slowly turning the sharp shards into beads. Ivan might have sanded a little too hard and exposed the paper but that was a small piece and there was more than enough for what he wanted to make.

“I’m very lucky you know,” Ivan said after being quiet for twenty minutes. “I know I’m big and scary and don’t smile a lot but there’s more to me than that. Mylene saw past this big broody exterior and saw me, all of me.” He still couldn’t believe his luck.

The man chuckled, then said. “That’s a funny coincidence,” he looked at the boy. His eyes were kind. “Mylene says the same about you.”

Ivan smiled, gray eyes hopeful. “Really?”

“Really really,” Fred smiled as he remembered the first time his little mouse had brought over her hulk of a boyfriend. Her honey eyes shone with joy as she introduced the huge but shy boy as “mon petit-ami”. He’d wanted to laugh because the whole school knew it already but he pretended like it was new to him and welcomed Ivan into his hope for the first time.

Ivan was enormous and strong but filled with compassion and sensitivity. Plus he was a talented drummer who loved performing with loud gusto for his petite girlfriend. His daughter was gentle and kind but passionate about causes she believed in. Ivan supported and shared her views, often accompanying her to rallies and encouraging her to take bigger and bigger parts in school plays. Fred thought they balanced each other perfectly.

They had a sort of glow about them when they were together. It turned his pretty little mouse into a raving beauty when her beau was around.

Fred remembered that feeling. He and Denise had once been in love like that. It hadn’t been a shocking clap of thunder kind of love but the gentle sort that grew over time. They had struggled the first few years as Mime work wasn’t steady and Fred got his teaching license to supplement their income while Denise finished her degree in Paleontology. They found out they were expecting a year after she finished.

Suddenly his part time work wasn’t so bad because that meant he could stay home with the baby when Denise needed to be elsewhere. It got even easier when Mylene was old enough to enter ecole.

Then Denise was in great demand, her skills needed as a joint Argentinian-French paleontology dig was announced to take place in Patagonia. They tried to make it work but Denise’s assignment was extended from one to four years. They found it harder and harder to stay in contact, or even in love. Fred filed divorce proceedings once his wife was back in France. Mylene was then nine, old enough to understand. They had both sat her down and explained they loved her very much but didn’t love each other enough any more to stay together. It was not her fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. It was just life.

The split was amicable and after a year Denise left again, this time to China. She did her best to stay in touch and often sent Mylene little trinkets and tons of photos.

His daughter and her boyfriend had more in common. Fred hoped they would last longer.

“Um…Fred? I have all the shards sanded into beads. Is it time to drill them?”

He’d been so lost in thought he hadn’t even noticed. “Yes, but I’ll handle it,” he smiled at the boy. “I doubt your mom would let you after the last time.”

Ivan laughed. “That’s what happens when your mom is a heart surgeon. I didn’t even need stitches.”


Amelie sent an email to her principal actors on Sunday night. She told them to dress comfortably because they were going to be taking ballroom dancing lessons and they had to be on set at 9am sharp.

Felix, Claude, Allegra and Allen were already there when Luka got there. He had traded his usual hoodie and ripped jeans in favor of loose cargo shorts and a polo shirt.

The group looked at him, then behind him, as if they expected a second person to magically appear.

“Where’s Marinette?” Claude asked before anyone else could.

Luka raised his eyebrows. “Why would you think she’d be with me?”

Claude looked back at his friends then shrugged. “You two just seemed so close.”

“We’re…friends,” Luka hesitated over the word. They didn’t need to know he wanted to be so much more to Marinette.  “But we live in opposite directions. It’s actually faster for us to meet here.”

He also looked around. “Is Chloe not filming us today?”

“My mom wanted to do some shopping but didn’t want to go alone so Chloe volunteered to go with her.” Felix didn’t add that Chloe desperately craved “mother-daughter” time and had latched onto his mother to receive it. He might have compared it to a barnacle latching onto a ship if Felix was asked but no one did so he kept that to himself. He complained out loud about having to share his mom but didn’t actually mind. Audrey Bourgeois was a lousy mother and Chloe needed a better female role model. Felix only hoped that with time that overly sensitive to be included vibe she was in lately for her sake.

“She also thought it might make people like you and Marinette nervous,” Allegra put in. “People who’ve never done ballroom dancing before.”

Luka grinned. He knew Marinette would be much more relaxed if she didn’t have an audience. Or Chloe taking pictures.

Allen looked Luka over and gave him a nod of approval. “Good. You’re wearing comfortable clothes that are easy to move in. Good. I also like the loafers. You want to avoid wearing running shoes when waltzing.”

He nodded and was about to ask a question when Marinette ran in, flushed and out of breath.

“Sorry I’m late!” she gasped. She was wearing a dusky pink top with a gray and black skirt. Her hair was in a single ponytail with a green ribbon tied in a bow and wore leaf green flats. It wasn’t her usual style but very flattering.

Allen checked his watch. “You have three more minutes so technically you’re not late.” He gave her a mock-stern glare. “You’re cutting it awfully close though.”

“Sorry! I got inspired and wanted to draw it before I forgot,” she fumbled around in her messenger bag and pulled out a sketchbook. “I was researching Victorian evening wear and got inspired!”

Everyone on the cast and crew knew Marinette was helping with costume design and never missed a chance to check out her latest creations. They all crowded around her as Luka helped her hold her sketchbook.

She leafed through the pages and showed them what she created. “I started with the guys evening wear. I designed a few for the girls too but I couldn’t think of anything that would suit you, Allegra,” she apologized. “Besides, I’d rather consult with you to make sure it’s something you’d like.”

Allegra appreciated her consideration, considering how borderline hostile she’d been in the past. “Thank you, Marinette. I’d love to have input on this gown. “ She looked at the other girl and tried to be friendly. “Except for Mrs. Jennings most costume designers want to either dress us like ten year olds or make everyone low-cut.” She shuddered. “And hardly anyone understands that even though it’s a costume, it should be comfortable when possible.”

Marinette nodded. She was “in the zone” and eager to design something that would work for both the movie and Allegra. She’d all but forgotten in the moment she didn’t get along with the other girl. “Aren’t you supposed to have a scene after the ball where you need to run and fight? We could make the dress two-piece!”

Allegra was interested. “Yes! Maybe make the skirt a tear-away and I could have weapons strapped to my thighs underneath!” She thought about it. “I should wear leggings and some boots underneath so I can run and chase the bad guys.”

“Yes!” Marinette gently took the sketchpad back from Luka and began to draw. “No one would know because of the organza draping but the inner lining could be stiff but still comfortable to hide the boots and weaponry.”

“Oooh! Organza! I like organza better than tulle,” Allegra commented. “It’s not as flowy but I think it’s more elegant.”

“Plus organza is a bit easier to sew.” Marinette sighed. “Organza is harder to care for because it’s not machine washable but it’s worth it for special occasion dresses.”

The girls began to discuss color choices and necklines when Felix cleared his throat. “With all due respect, ladies,” he said, “we only have about three hours before Mom comes back and I think they want to use this set to shoot today.”

Allegra sighed in disappointment while Marinette put her sketchbook away. “We could meet over lunch and discuss it some more.”

The boys looked at each other at the overt olive branch but Marinette didn’t seem to notice. “Good idea!” She turned to Luka. “You don’t mind if I miss lunch with you just this once, do you?”

He shook his head. “Not at all. I’ll make sure Mylene and Ivan understand too.” He offered her his arm and smiled. “So. Shall we dance?”


Marinette looked over to Luka for reassurance. Luka held up his hands. “Hey, would it be okay if I took a few minutes with Marinette and meditated? It helps calm her down when she’s feeling anxious.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to refuse but if his co-star felt anxious it would be even harder to teach her. “Five minutes.”

“More than enough,” Luka sat cross legged on the floor in the lotus position and invited Marinette to sit in front of him. She sat with her back to his chest and copied his position.  She closed her eyes and rested her hands, palms up, on her knees.

Luka leaned toward her ear and began to hum. It wasn’t the usual “Om”, but some sort of tune. Claude didn’t recognize it and looked at Allen, who shrugged. Felix just looked at the timer he’d set on his phone, waiting for the five minutes to be up.

Allegra looked at Marinette’s face as she listened to Luka hum. She was relaxed, even serene. It was clear from her posture she had absolute trust in him. With their similar hair color they almost looked like a matched set.

Since Felix and Claude were the most experienced dancers they decided to rock paper scissors to see who would  teach Marinette and Luka. Felix won so Claude slunked off into the corner to watch.  Allegra and Allen already knew how to dance but decided to practice as a refresher and to make the beginners feel less self-conscious if they weren’t the only ones dancing. Claude would occasionally wander over to dance with Allegra or Allen.

Once everyone had a partner, Felix began to speak.

“We’re going to start with a basic waltz since it’s the kind of dance we’ll be doing in the movie.” He told everyone.

Claude pouted. “Aw, no modified Viennese Waltz?” I like to chat while I dance.”

“No,” Allen called over from where he was doing the foxtrot with Allegra. “Let’s not overcomplicate things for the newbies.”

Claude blew a raspberry. “You’re no fun.”

Allen didn’t even look away from his partner. “This isn’t supposed to be fun, it’s work.”

“Work can be fun.” Claude gave Felix his best puppy dog eyes. “The Viennese Waltz is more exciting and would look better on film. You know I’m right.”

Felix ignored his friends’ comedy routine and concentrated on demonstrating the basic lead steps for Marinette and Luka. “First they have to learn the basics, Claude.”

“Yeah, but-”

“Shut it.”

Felix sighed and went on. “The waltz is also known as the box step because the basic six steps form a box. Let me show them to you.”

Luka and Marinette stood in front of him, at least six apart and six feet all around themselves so they formed a cube of air when they moved. Hopefully that would keep anyone from running into anyone else.

“The first steps I’m going to teach you are the Lead’s Steps. These are the steps you’ll eventually perform with a partner when you’re Now, the first thing you’re going to do is face forward and stand with your feet about hip width apart. Keep your hands relaxed and at your sides for now.” As he spoke he took that position. Luka and Marinette copied him as best they could.

“Now, step with your left foot forward. Usually you’d start with your dominant leg but for the waltz use your left leg.” He stepped forth. “Keep a little bend in your knee, be careful not to let your knees lock up.  Stay as relaxed as you can. Be careful to land lightly and softly on the ball of your foot.”  Luka copied him perfectly, effortlessly mirroring his movements. Marinette slipped a bit but he pretended not to notice. She was trying and that was enough for now.

“After you’ve done that, bring your right foot up so it’s parallel with your left foot. They should still be hip length apart.”

Both of them mimicked him exactly this time. “Bring your left foot to meet your right foot. They should be side by side and just touching.” He showed them how.

This would be the tricky part for Marinette.  “Step back with your right foot and bend your right knee just a little. Make sure you’re keeping your upper body straight and relaxed.”

“Then move your left foot back so it’s side by side with your right foot. Keep them about hip width or a third of a meter apart.”

He was very pleased and surprised they were catching on so quickly. Marinette was a lot less clumsy when she wasn’t nervous or anxious. What technique did Luka use on her? Felix made a mental note to have the other boy teach him sometime.

“For the last step you’re going to bring your right foot in to meet your left foot and now you’ve formed the box of the box step.”  He gave them the tiniest hint of a smile and they grinned back at him.

“I want you two to practice those six steps until you’re comfortable with them and can perform them perfectly,” Felix told them. Marinette looked a little nervous but determined to do well. Her perseverance was admirable. He respected her for never giving up.

After they’d performed the steps to his satisfaction he decided to move on with the lesson. “The next steps I’m going to teach you are the Follow’s steps. These are usually performed by the female partner,” Allegra paused in her dancing to stick out her tongue at him, “but some ladies like to lead and same sex couples are a thing.”

Everyone in the room nodded in approval and understanding so he continued. “To be honest it’s basically the Lead’s steps but now everything is backwards. “Stand with your legs a meter apart again. Now,” he showed them both, “step back with your right foot. Make sure you keep your knee bent and land on the balls of your feet. Once you’ve done that step back with your left and keep both feet parallel and one third meters apart. After that you’ll bring your right foot next to your left foot so they’re barely touching.”

Felix was watching Marinette closely while trying not to look like he was. She was doing well. He’d half expected her to have fallen down by now but except for that early slip and a wobble every now and then she was doing better than he expected. Maybe Chloe was thinking of a past Marinette when she’d told him of all the times the girl had tripped over her feet or ran into a pole.

Once they had both copied him he went on. “This is just like the Lead’s step. Put your left foot forward, careful to land on the balls of your feet. Then bring your right foot forward so both feet are parallel and then-” he deliberately hesitated, wondering which of his students would speak up.

“Bring your left foot next to your right foot so that they just touch!” Marinette spoke up and demonstrated the step.

Felix gave her a nod of approval and she smiled at him. That was nothing compared to the beam of gratitude when Luka told her, “you catch on quick, Marinette. I think you could learn anything with practice.”

Felix felt a bit of annoyance at Luka’s words until he smiled at Felix and said, “and with a good teacher.”

“Glad to see my contribution has been noticed,” he told the blue-haired boy dryly. “Now I want you to practice the steps for a little while. Then we’ll move on to how to dance with a partner.”


“Actually dancing with a partner isn’t much different than dancing solo,” Felix told them. He gave them a sly grin. “Except for the danger of having your toes trod on. Marinette, it might be a good idea for you to wear flats when we’re filming this scene.”

She looked a little disappointed and ashamed but Luka added, “but I can wear them all I want, right?”

Felix couldn’t help but chuckle a little as Marinette gave her friend a playful nudge. “No stilettos and nothing gaudy. If you can prove you can dance in them, sure.”

The Quantic Kids laughed and Marinette looked relaxed once again.

“First, I’m going to dance with Marinette and Luka will dance with…” he trailed off and looked at his three friends.

Claude’s hand immediately shot up. “I volunteer as tribute!”

Felix looked at Luka. “Is that alright with you?”

Luka gave Claude a gentle smile. “It’s fine. Should I lead or should you?”

Claude grinned back and shrugged. “Eh, you’re the one who needs the practice, so it’s okay if you lead.”

Luka nodded and the two paired up.

Felix stood in front of Marinette and reached out to put his hand on her shoulder blade, then stopped. “I forgot to ask. Is this alright with you? I didn’t think to ask if you’d rather practice with Claude.”

A month ago she would have said no but Felix had mellowed out. That, or she’d just grown used to him. Maybe a bit of both. “It’s fine.” She reached out to touch him and also paused. “Um, sorry. I should ask for your consent to touch you. And um…do I put my hand on your shoulder or on your waist?”

He appreciated her consideration. “On my shoulder is fine.” Putting her hand on his waist was a bit too intimate for his taste. He clasped her other hand in his. “Is this okay so far? Are you comfortable being this close to me?”

She scoffed. “I’ll survive.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Was Felix’s easy reply, the smallest amused smile graced his lips which had Marinette smile back.

When they started filming she would have blushed and stammered or refused to his touch all while glaring at him. Their working relationship had improved a lot since then. He found himself wishing he’d met her before Adrien. He could have been friends with her, or at least peers.

Marinette looked over her shoulder and frowned. Claude and Luka were already dancing while she was standing still. Felix didn’t know exactly what she was looking at, but knew she lost focus.

“For now, I’m going to have to ask you to keep your eyes on me. When dancing you keep most of your attention on your partner. The rest is maintaining spatial awareness so you don’t run into the other dancers.” She returned her gaze to his face.

He nodded in approval. “Good. Now we’re just going to repeat the steps you just learned but now with a partner.”

He stepped forward and she stepped back. Together they brought their feet together and then Marinette stepped forward while Felix stepped back. They repeated the steps over and over until Marinette’s grip on his shoulder relaxed a bit.

“We should really be performing the waltz to a three-count tempo,” he told her. When she looked confused he decided to show her. “Allow me to demonstrate. Take the steps we were taking before when I take them.” He stepped forward. “One.” She stepped back at the same time.

It was so refreshing to have a partner, acting or dancing, that he didn’t have to explain every little thing to. There were actors he knew had been working half their lives who still needed a director who would explain things to them as if they were toddlers.

Likewise with his so-called “high society” dance partners. He had to teach them how to dance in the middle of the dance floor. Hadn’t their parents already hired dance instructors? Then again maybe they thought pretending to be dumb and helpless would somehow endear them to him. Some guys thought that was “cute” but he found it annoying and unnecessary.

Then he stepped to the side while Marinette copied him. “Two. And finally,” he brought his feet together as she brought hers together. “Three.” He looked satisfied. She was doing very well so far.

“Let’s practice waltzing to the tempo a bit more.” He thought for a moment. “I should have thought to bring my phone and play some music,” he told her. “This would be easier with music.”

Her forehead crinkled and then smoothed. She began to hum a tune similar to the one Luka had when he was trying to relax her for the dance lessons. It was smooth and gentle, and best of all, in three-quarter time.

They practiced for another twenty minutes and Marinette continued humming. Occasionally she’d hum a tune she knew and for a little while they’d hum together. They shared a brief smile and Felix approved of her musical taste. If she’d been an XY fan he probably would have fired her. Probably.

Luka was having a good time being taught by Claude. The other boy was even taller than he was, which was nice. He was also very funny and liked to flirt and Luka enjoyed that too. He knew Claude wasn’t serious and his girlfriend would kill him if he stepped out of line. Then again, she might kill Luka as well. Then again, Claude was not Marinette.

He tried to pay attention to the funny story Claude was telling him but his eyes kept straying to Marinette and Felix. She didn’t look as stiff or nervous as he thought she’d be and he was glad. His meditation techniques had helped her relax and he was happy to come to her aid.

Luka admitted he was slightly jealous Felix got to hold her hand and dance with her. He knew the other boy had no feelings for her but he couldn’t help feeling just a little irked he couldn’t have taught her. Felix was behaving himself and teaching her properly, which he was grateful for.

Despite how nasty he could be, Felix wasn’t all bad. Luka could respect him for wanting to make the last movie his father ever wrote. It made him wish yet again he’d known his own father.

“If I had a crush on a girl that cute, I’d stare at her too.”

Luka brought his attention back to Claude, who smirked. “But you’re supposed to be learning how to dance so moon over her on your own time.”

Luka felt a little embarrassed. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Claude grinned. “Just don’t let Felix catch you slacking.”



“Ready for a more advanced technique?” Felix asked his partner.

Marinette looked a little nervous. “How advanced are we talking here?”

“It’s just going to be a little circle,” he reassured her. “We can start with a one-fourth turn and work our way up to a three-fourth turn. “It’s easier than it sounds. To start, we do the first two steps of the waltz,” he performed them and she copied, “then I’m going to place my left foot with a slight turn, “ he showed her what he meant, “and you do the same.”

Together they did a small turn. “You see? Easy.” They practiced the move a few more times until she was comfortable. “The circular motion is always to the lead’s left. With time, it’ll be a smooth, fluid motion.”

“I want you to try a basic turn,” Felix instructed.

“Is it easy?” Marinette asked.

“Oh yeah,” he assured her. “Don’t worry, you’re doing great. You’ll get it in no time.”

Despite her misgivings she believed him. He wouldn’t risk a scene this important going badly in his father’s movie. Not even to make someone he didn’t like look bad.

“Right, let’s begin.” Felix faced a wall, standing diagonally. Marinette faced opposite him but was still standing diagonally. He stepped forward while she stepped back. He took a quarter turn to the left and she took the turn with him. Then they each brought their feet together, completing the basic circle.

“How would you feel about trying a spin? Would you feel uncomfortable?” Marinette shook her head and that made him feel proud for some reason. She was beginning to relax around him and he enjoyed that.

“Again, it’s just a continuation of steps you already know,” he advised. “Do the first three steps with me,” she did so. “Then on the fourth step I’m going to drop your right arm,” he let it fall. “Now I’m going to lift your left hand and do a clockwise spin.”

She looked at him. “You’re not going to spin me fast, are you?”

She looked so wide eyed and serious he almost wanted to laugh but he stopped himself. That would be unprofessional. Besides, he was having fun teaching her. “I’ll be gentle.”

Marinette gave him a nod and let him spin her. Claude and Luka stopped dancing long enough to applaud.

Marinette and Felix looked at each other, smiled, and then bowed to their audience.


“Do you think anyone remembers we’re still here?” Allegra asked Allen.

The two friends were doing the Foxtrot, rather well if they did say so themselves. Unfortunately, everyone else was too wrapped up in the dance lessons to notice anything else.

“Nope,” he replied and looked over at the other dancers. “Claude’s a good teacher but let’s hope he doesn’t seduce yet another co-star. We don’t need a repeat of ‘Freesia, Wisteria, and Wine’. Felix's…” he raised his eyebrows. “Surprisingly patient with Marinette. I’m impressed; he’s been doing well lately.”

“They look kind of good together,” Allegra commented as she watched her friend spin the girl. “Her dark hair and his light. There’s a term for that in art. An Italian word.” She frowned as she tried to remember.

“I believe it’s chiaroscuro,”  Allen replied. “Light and dark. Yeah, I can see that.” He observed them a little more while they danced. Finally he said, “You’re right. They do contrast nicely with each other. But not in a ‘couple’ sort of way. Just two people standing with each other looking good.”

Allegra snorted. “That’s a relief. Otherwise Claude might start singing ‘Beauty and the Beast’.”



After an hour and a half Marinette and Luka could perform the basic waltz to Felix’s satisfaction.

“Let’s take a fifteen,” Felix told them. “Then since you’ve gotten the basics so well, we might as well try…” he braced himself for Claude’s reaction, “a modified Viennese waltz.”

Claude let out such a loud whoop of pure joy Luka jumped away from him. Claude gently took him into his arms again and began to dance him around the room. “It’s not too different from what you’ve been doing!” he called out over his shoulder. “You’re just moving around the room, like we’ll be doing in the movie. Just add more turns and do some side steps instead of just standing still.”

Felix didn’t want to concede but Claude had a point. “Do you want to try? It’s up to you.”

Being able to actually dance to a classical, high class dance filled Marinette with confidence and more than a little nerve. She hadn’t fallen or stepped on Felix’s feet! Not even once! “Well, we can’t let Claude have all the fun.” She smiled, looking sweet but there was a competitive gleam in her eye. Felix enjoyed it. “Shall we?”

Marinette put his hand on her shoulder blade, placed hers on his shoulder and then grabbed his free hand. “Yes. Yes we shall.”

Felix began to whirl her around the room. “Let me know if you get dizzy,” he advised. “Too many turns can do that. We can slow down and add some side steps, or even quit.”

“Thanks but I want to at least try,” she kept up with him as easily as she had in their fencing lessons or while shooting a scene. His heart sped up despite himself. He was enjoying himself with Marinette. Not just using her for his amusement but because he was genuinely having fun.

He felt so relaxed and comfortable with her he almost wished they were filming a scene.

Marinette looked up at him, seeing the boy she hated a month ago looking relaxed and even smiling as they danced. She decided to try a little improvised scene, just for fun. “Why can’t you allow me to lead for a little while, Holmes? Seems a bit unfair that you lead all the time because of an accident of gender.”

Felix was surprised at first until she winked at him. Really, she was an amazing scene partner. He decided to play along. “Ah, dear Dupin, it’s tradition.”

She glowered at him and it was thrilling. “I’ll drag you kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century, see if I don’t.” She looked up at him with a haughty glare. “Dismissing a new way of doing things and upholding tradition because it benefits you is another form of oppression.”

He raised his eyebrows and gave her his most condescending smile. “Flick, beloved, the century has nothing to do with it. If you recall I fall to your quick thinking plans faster than your dancing skills. The issue is focus.” He did an underarm turn and twirled her a little faster than strictly necessary.  “ I can focus on our surroundings a lot easier leading in the dance. and I can maneuver you for surveillance as well. It’s schematics.”

Marinette wobbled a bit and then gave him the best in-character glare he’d ever seen. “You’re adorable when you think I’m asking for your permission, Barry dearest.” She batted her eyes at him and then daintily but forcibly took the lead.

Felix had to stop his jaw from dropping because it was such a powerful move. It was very in character for Felicity to refuse to be dictated by anyone, especially him. She was a young woman who forged her own path and if he had actually been Barry Holmes he would have swooned. He almost did too.

Instead he took refuge in snark. “I’m adorable? So I see.” He grinned and thought of a way to make her uncomfortable and hopefully take back the lead.  “Your plot of leading is to sweep me off my feet. Your seduction plan has some merit, Felicity. Never knew you were versed in tango.”

He wrestled control from her long enough to dip her in the middle of the dance floor. Claude, Luka, Allen and Allegra had stopped dancing and were now watching the floor show. Claude wished he had popcorn.

She was surprised but not rattled. She took back the dance while he was mentally congratulating himself on his cleverness and whirled them both to the center of the room.

She looked amused at the look of shock on his face and took the opportunity to dip him. They were both internally screaming at their boldness but refused to back down. That was what a loser did.

Instead of bringing him back up she held him there and leaned into his face. Her eyes never left him as she whispered, “I have skills and plans beyond your wildest dreams.”

With that, she brought him up, did an underarm turn, and then sashayed away from him, leaving him confused and intrigued.

Felix nearly stumbled from the momentum and stared after her, too stunned to speak.

Claude was never at a loss for words. He turned to Luka and asked, “Can we keep her?”


After watching Felix and Marinette dance together Luka asked, “Hey. How much time do we have left?”

Allen checked his watch. “About one and a half hours. Why?”

Luka approached Marinette and offered her his hand. “Because I’d like to practice a little while with Marinette.” He turned to her. “If you don’t mind. After all,  we’re going to be dancing together in the movie. I want you to be comfortable with me.”

She couldn’t help but smile up at him. “I’m always comfortable with you, Luka,” she said but took his hand. “I’d love to dance with you.”

“Oh,” Luka asked as if it had just occurred to him, “is that all right, Felix?”

Felix shrugged. He honestly didn’t care. He wanted to sit down and take a break anyway. “Why not? Go for it.”

They held hands and instead of his hand resting on her shoulder, Luka put her hand on her waist. She pinked a bit but put her hand on his shoulder. Then they began to dance.

Allen, Claude and Allegra all watched the couple dance together as Felix sat and checked for messages from his mom on his phone.

Allen noticed that while Marinette seemed a little nervous at first and a bit stiff with Felix until he started bantering, she wasn’t nervous with Luka. They were smiling as they danced. Luka said something and Marinette laughed with joy. They took turns spinning each other about and giggling like children. It was adorable and he wished Chloe was there to take some pictures.

Allegra liked Luka, she really did. For some reason, watching him dance with Marinette…was annoying. She was starting to warm up to Marinette and was glad the other girl regarded consent as important. Besides, Marinette just looked better when she was dancing with Felix. She’d even go as far to say Felix was finally relaxed and having fun; with someone outside of their circle.

She mentally groaned. Damn, she was turning into a shipper. One of those obnoxious ones who shipped real people. She hated those kinds of shippers and besides, Felix made it clear he was asexual and aromantic. It was probable he wouldn’t even keep in contact with Marinette after filming had wrapped. Well, unless he needed a designer.

Claude was just happy. He loved watching people dance and Luka was very watchable. Marinette was too. Man, if he were single he’d make a blueberry cuddle sandwich with those two. He looked over at his girlfriend and his heart melted. He should be ashamed for thinking of anyone else when he had a battle queen like Allegra. Plus she scared the shit out of him, which was incredibly hot.

I’ve wanted to do this forever. Luka thought to himself as he danced with the purest song he’d ever met.  Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were soft as she gazed in his eyes. It was all he could do not to kiss her in the middle of the dance floor, audience or not.

He knew she was finally over Adrien. The guy was an idiot who’d had his chance and blew it. Maybe Kagami would be better for him and teach him how to use his spine. He doubted it; Adrien tried to please everyone which meant he ended up pleasing no one. Kagami would probably take the lead in their relationship, but she’d probably let him have more say and autonomy than M. Agreste.

Luka couldn’t wait to ask Marinette out, but he was willing to wait after an appropriate “mourning period” for her crush had passed. Maybe after the movie was done.

This is wonderful. Marinette inhaled and then breathed out slowly. Without the huge crush she used to have on Adrien weighing her down, she felt lighter and free. If falling for Adrien was a clap of thunder, what she might be feeling for Luka was a sweet summer rain or listening to the Seine while standing under a bridge. She could be herself around Luka. He always saw her, not what he wanted to see or the image she wanted to project but all of her…and he liked it.

Felix looked up from his phone to see how his students were doing. After a minute he could see there was nothing wrong with their technique and relaxed, pleased he’d taught them well. They picked up ballroom dancing pretty fast. Luka didn’t surprise him because as a musician he had natural rhythm but Marinette did. Chloe had told him she’d been accident prone the whole time she’d known her. However it had been weeks since she’d flubbed a take or slipped so he wondered if she became less clumsy when she felt comfortable and confident.

They looked good together he thought as their dance continued and they talked and laughed together. With Marinette’s blue-black hair and cerulean eyes and Luka’s sky blue eyes and black hair with blue tips, they looked like a matched set. Plus it was clear she was much more relaxed with the other boy, probably because they were friends.

He felt a strange pang in his chest. Watson and Dupin got along better in the film; she had been the only one of Jack’s classmates he’d even remembered after eight years. They had an easy rapport and they barely knew each other. Barry had yet to connect with him, something he thought would have been assured considering their family histories. His schoolmate and rival Felicity had befriended Watson easily and together they’d all but left Barry alone. It was both aggravating and incredibly lonely.

Felix knew Barrington Holmes was wholly jealous they had a connection he lacked. Was it only from a “professional” point of view or was it more personal than that? Was he more jealous of Dupin or Holmes? Was he falling in love? What should he do, considering they all had to work together?

Huh. I should remember this feeling and use it during the actual take.

He felt a tap on  his shoulder and glanced up to see Claude staring at him with concern.

“Are you okay there, mate?” he asked, bright blue eyes filled with concern.

Felix shook off Barry Holmes. “Oh, I’m fine, I just figured out how to play Barry watching Watson and Dupin dance during the ball scene.”

Claude blinked, then grinned. “Oh, good. It was just work related. He’s okay guys!” he called out to Allen and Allegra.

The two friends looked relieved and Marinette and Luka stopped dancing, looking confused.

“Um, is the lesson over?” Marinette asked.

Felix got out of his seat. “I believe so. We have less than an hour before my mom is due back. We should probably get ready to get to work.”


I hate that do-gooder bitch. I should have destroyed her in college.

Lila continued to think hateful thoughts about Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was too nice. She should have turned the class against her by claiming Marinette was a bully. She should have driven her to have a nervous breakdown so she’d have to change schools. She should have had Hawk Moth akumatize her into Volpina again and had “Ladybug “ tell Alya her friend was dangerously unstable and secretly wanted her dead.

But she hadn’t. Because Adrien made her a “deal”.

He was a simpering little coward who’d enabled a bully like Chloe but drew the line at being mean to Marinette. Sure, he hadn’t liked it when his assistant and bodyguard had gotten reprimanded but they were employees.

Chloe and her nosy little camera weren’t here today, thank goodness so it would be impossible for Lila to get caught. She crept close to the door where the leads were having their dance lessons and they sounded like they were almost done. Good.

She looked overhead at the lighting rig. They would have to pass right under it to get to hair and make-up so this was her best chance.

Lila followed the weights and wires that suspended the lights and found the wall the cables were attached to. Perfect.  She pulled out a pair of wire cutters she’d stolen from the electrical grips toolbox and was careful not to get any fingerprints on them. That way she could plant the knife and frame someone else for her crime. Honestly, it wasn’t even her fault. A lighting truss that size should be suspended by wires from above, not a few simple cables on the ground and some weights.

She laughed to herself. They should thank her for pointing out the flaws in their system.

They sounded like they were about to leave so she didn’t have much time. She cut through just enough wires to keep the lights in the air until the group was underneath. Gravity would do the rest. She’d even go talk to Gio so she had an alibi.

Goodbye, Marinette. Enjoy Hell.


“So did everyone get all their stuff?” Allen was ever the Team Mom, making sure everyone was taken care of.

“Ah! My phone!”  Marinette ran back in while the rest of the group walked ahead. Luka might have walked a little bit slower so she could catch up.

She ran back out, shutting the door with a little more force than she needed to. She raced to rejoin the group. “Thanks again for your help, everyone!”

“I didn’t do much,” Allegra told her, “but you’re welcome,” Something occurred to her. “Hey, would you like to have tea with me? I want to discuss my ball gown design. If you don’t mind.” Allegra decided she wouldn’t be upset if Marinette refused but she was excited to be included in any design decisions and she wanted to make it up to Marinette for misjudging her.

Marinette knew she was being given an olive branch and honestly wanted to give Allegra a second chance. Plus she loved it when someone she was designing for gave her input. “That sounds like fun! I was thinking lilac for you, just like plum would look amazing on Claude and since you two are also a couple in the film…”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence because at that moment the wires holding the lighting rig finally snapped, sending fifty-five kilos of glass and steel towards Marinette’s head.
