#nikon photography

Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather Ben Ledi - Hiking in a CloudScottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather

Ben Ledi - Hiking in a Cloud

Scottish Weather is notoriously fickle. Just the day before the weather was bright and clear and when we returned the next day, there was already a low cloud enveloping the majority of the mountain tops. But we wanted the full tour and decided not to go the day before and possibly having to descend a precarious mountain path in the dark. The cloud on top never went away, but occasionally the sun would peek through. It’s pretty much like walking through a thick fog, so good navigation is essential. But the atmosphere is amazing and everything looks very mysterious. Whilst at the bottom of the mountain, we could still see the bright Autumn colours, on the top the colours all blended together in the typical Scottish Highlands colour scheme. 

Watch the full hiking vlog on my Youtube channel.

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