
eintsein: eintsein: Printable: Weekly PlannerDecided to make printables again because it’s pretty fueintsein: eintsein: Printable: Weekly PlannerDecided to make printables again because it’s pretty fu



Printable: Weekly Planner

Decided to make printables again because it’s pretty fun and helps a lot of people. This one includes an overview of the week, top 3 priorities, expenses, and a daily habit tracker. Hope this helps you organize your week and hopefully spend your days more efficiently :)

Download in my studyblr dropbox orgoogle drive or individually here:

Just wanted to update this post: all my printables are organized in this google drive folder. Let me know if you need any help!

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Pictures of either Virginia of Maryland as I was flying into Washington DC. I think there was either a wild fire or possible house fire that was visible. It was a nice and easy flight with almost no turbulence or bouncing.

I deeply hope I never live to become disentranced by the magic of flying… ‘O to speed w

I deeply hope I never live to become disentranced by the magic of flying…

‘O to speed where there is space enough and air enough at last!’ — Walt Whitman

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Watchdogs Tactical advice // Hacking 

#watch dogs    #gameplay    #frag dolls    #overview    

Buddhist Art in Thailand and Southeast Asia countries

Introduction video credit: Plant Leaves with wind and Buddha video of Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay,Buddha video credit: Buddha Statue video of Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay,Ending video credit: Meditation Yoga Buddhism video of Julius H. from Pixabay.

The text below is the excerpt of the book 1000 Buddhas of Genius (ASIN: B00T8VNZ5O), written by T.W. Rhys Davids Ph.D. LLD. and Victoria Charles,…

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It’s that time of year again where I do my annual blog post talking about the highs and lows of the last 12 months. And like what everyone says ‘the year flew by!’ Yes, yes it did but for all the good reasons. 

Above is a screenshot of the plans I set myself in my last overview and I can happily say I’ve accomplished around 80% of this; 

- I started 2017 unemployed, skint and desperate for a job just to earn some £ and start saving. I landed a day job working in a cafe in my local town around the beginning of February and I’m still luckily there. I worked my arse off over the stressful Summer and at this moment I’m trusted enough to work in the cafe on my own. A perk of the job was learning how to make coffees which is something I’ve always wanted to learn. Hmm .. coffee.

- I landed my first editorial commission by the end of January where I was commissioned by The Debrief. Since then I’ve been commissioned by the likes of Aquila Magazine, Walnut Magazine, Intercom and Counterpoint AND several other non-editorial gigs. I wouldn’t have landed them if it wasn’t for the amazing help of some brilliant designers and illustrators that I owe a lot to!

- Yes, I did do more project based work, though I’m still struggling with this and want to continue improving this through 2018. I continued with my Lush illustrations (which caught the attention of Lush branches in the US! WOOP!) and set myself a small project of Tarot Card illustrations during the month of October. I still need to work on this but baby steps.

- Now this last aim was something I’m still not too sure whether or not I improved on. Looking back over the year and recognising the successes I’ve had kinda puts things into perspective and I should really stop putting myself down so much. I realise now a lot of my mental health focuses on my desire to work and when I don’t work I have low spells where I value my worth as a person. Obviously I’m thankful I work regularly at my day job so while there’s a quiet period in my freelance, my mind is distracted by the business of a cafe. It’s also enabled me to have breaks and refresh on ideas when I’m in an art block. All the perks I suppose.

(A few snippets of the editorial pieces I’ve done over the year, woop!)

Other successes of 2017.

- I was invited to a small Illustration studio known as Pretty Picture Club, where a group of amazingly talented illustrators from all over the world come together to create illustrations set under restricted colour schemes and themes for every month. I joined in May and so far have been loving the growth of the team! Onto 2018! You can check them out here; https://www.prettypicture.club/

- I got to work with client’s oversees, from France, Canada and the US! I almost had a client in Australia but they chose elsewhere.

- I got to work with one of my local town councils on an illustrated map of Workington. It was the longest I’ve ever worked on a project before and I learned a heck of a lot along the way.

- I was long-listed in the Young Cumbrian Artist of the Year competition in September. Nothing came of it but it was a nice feeling to have my work in gallery.

- My work has developed a heck of a lot over the year. I’ve become more experimental with colour and texture and of course one of my biggest accomplishments of the year was to be more confident with body poses in my work. If you’ve seen my work over the year you can see my love for drawing naked women cause who doesn’t like boobs?

- I’ve discovered a lot of amazing designers and illustrators through Twitter and Instagram and I’ve been fortunate enough to be followed back by them! So many amazing illustrators who have been so inspiring and lovely!

Aims for 2018;

- Hopefully find a job a little more relevant and more financially rewarding.

- Keep at it with the freelance work, keep working my butt off to grab as many varied gigs as possible.

- Hopefully move out of my parents home and into my own place!

- Give myself more breaks. I’ve had weeks of non stop work and I’m finding out the hard way how exhausting it can be.

Signing out now, let’s see what 2018 brings!

This is an incomplete list of characters that are in both worlds:

Rose - Rose Dempsey

Lily - Lily B. Dempsey

Ana - Ana Dempsey

Monty - David “Dave” Montgomery

Adam - Adam N. Lupin

Aislinn - Principal A. North

Peter Pan - Cyrus

Wendy - Maria

John - Noah

Michael - Levi

James Hook - Jaime

Marion - May C.

Ella - Michelle Ashbury

Aurora - Charlotte Lethe

Friedrich Grimm - Fred Lethe

“From the ISU Program Components marking chart, available on their website - COMPOSITION: Purpose (idea, concept, vision, mood); pattern/ice coverage; multidimensional use of space and design of movements; phrase and form (movements & parts of the program to match the musical phrasing); ORIGINALITY OF THE COMPOSITION. So now, tell me again how a program recycled four times should be getting 10s in this category?”

It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words.

WWW Wednesday invites you to ask just three simple questions:

  1. What are you reading?
  2. What did you just finish reading?
  3. What will you be reading next?

What are you reading?


I am finally picking up Prodigy after reading Legend back in December. I am taking advantage of the free time and picking this one up. So far it’s been pretty good, but the beginning has been a bit slow.

What did you just finish reading? 


So I took a Shakespeare class this semester and I have been wanting to read more of the bard’s works. I decided, on a whim, to pick up A Midsummer’s Night Dream. When I read Henry IV, Part I for class, I honestly can say that I could not remember a single thing that happened in that play even after finishing a scene, let alone an act. For me, when reading A Midsummer’s Night Dream, I had the exact same experience.

What will you read next? 

So I ordered Champion today, and I do not think that it will be here by the time that I finish Prodigy. In continuing with my trend of finishing series, if by the time I finish Prodigy, Champion has not arrived, I’ll most likely be picking up Evermore to finish the Everless duology.

There you have it, another WWW Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed it! What are you reading? What have you just finished and what are you planning on reading next? Let me know down in the comments below!

As always, happy reading!

#12 WWW Wednesday -5/20/20

It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!

#12 WWW Wednesday -5/20/20 It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!

May has some absolutely amazing books coming out. There are so many, my bank account is seriously going to be hurting after this month. Here are all the books that I absolutely cannot wait to come out this month.

May Fifth 

May Twelfth 

May Nineteenth

May Twenty-Sixth

Those are my anticipated releases of the month! What are your most anticipated releases for May? Let me know down in the comments!

As always, happy reading!

May Anticipated Releases!

May has some absolutely amazing books coming out. There are so many, my bank account is seriously going to be hurting after this month.

May Anticipated Releases! May has some absolutely amazing books coming out. There are so many, my bank account is seriously going to be hurting after this month.

April Wrap-Up and May TBR!

I know I am posting this a bit late, but finals are finally over so this blog and reading can finally be my primary focus again! Despite this, I did manage to get a good chunk of reading done last month and am already knocking this month out of the park. Without further ado, here are the books that I managed to read in April!

April Wrap-Up

(Any books in italics were are books that I had to read…

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Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.


I have read a lot of books that I enjoyed, but since I don’t have many friends in real life that read as much as me, I often don’t have anyone to share these books with. So, here are the top ten books that I have read.

Have you read any of the following? Let me know what you thought about them!

As always, happy reading!

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Enjoyed but Rarely Talk About

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Enjoyed but Rarely Talk About Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to…

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words.

WWW Wednesday invites you to ask just three simple questions:

  1. What are you reading?
  2. What did you just finish reading?
  3. What will you be reading next?

What are you reading?


I am about half way through this! It’s pretty good, but there are some really heavy political elements within the book. Based off of the current political climate, I find myself unable to stay focused at times and I’m not sure this is the right book for me. I might have to put it down for a bit and pick up something else, just due to the intensity of it at moments.


I am also currently reading The Late Mattia Pascal for my European Tradition course. I am not really enjoying this and mostly skimming through it, to be completely honest. It’s also just hard to focus, doing school work from home.

What did you just finish reading?


Another book for class that I just skimmed. I did not enjoy this at all. It was for my world literature course, and if it weren’t for that, I probably wouldn’t have picked this up.

What will you be reading next?

I truly want to pick up All the Light We Cannot See, but again, I’m unsure if this is going to be too heavy. I would also like to pick up Every Other Weekend again, after starting it on the train coming home for spring break, and then just never picking it up again.


I also need to start reading this for my Shakespeare class, for tomorrow actually, so this will be the first thing I pick up before anything else.

So here’s my WWW Wednesday! Let me know if you have read any of my above picks and what you thought of them!

As always, happy reading!

#11 WWW Wednesday -4/8/20

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words…

#11 WWW Wednesday -4/8/20 WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words…

Usually I like to post these on the first Tuesday of the month / in the first week of the month, but clearly I was on a bit of a hiatus. I considered not posting my most anticipated releases of March since it’s so late, but there are so many that I just couldn’t bring myself to skip this one. So, instead, why not post it on the last Tuesday of the month which just so happens to coincide with the…

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My online solo show with @abendgallery opened last Wednesday afternoon. It seems many people were so

My online solo show with @abendgallery opened last Wednesday afternoon. It seems many people were somewhat distracted at the time, so I’m announcing it again!

This is “Vantage” and “Overview” painted to scale with each other. To accurately represent the average distance between the Earth and Moon, the two paintings would need to be hung about 45 feet apart.

The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts while viewing the Earth from space.

The Earth is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, hanging in the void, shielded by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish, and the conflicts that divide people become less important, encouraging a sense of unity with all of humanity and life on Earth. The need to create a planetary society with the united will to protect this planet becomes both obvious and imperative.

“When we look down at the earth from space, we see this amazing, indescribably beautiful planet. It looks like a living, breathing organism. But it also, at the same time, looks extremely fragile … Anybody else who’s ever gone to space says the same thing because it really is striking and it’s really sobering to see this paper-thin layer and to realize that that little paper-thin layer is all that protects every living thing on Earth from death, basically. From the harshness of space.”
-Ron Garan, Astronaut

#overvieweffect #moon #palebluedot #bluemarble #overview #cosmicperspective #spaceart #scienceart #earth #oilpainting #painting #cosmos #humanist #humanism #boldbrush

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My Online Solo Show with @abendgallery is now live! Overview, Oil, 24 x 24 inches The Overview Effec

My Online Solo Show with @abendgallery is now live!

Overview, Oil, 24 x 24 inches

The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts while viewing the Earth from space.

The Earth is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, hanging in the void, shielded by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish, and the conflicts that divide people become less important, encouraging a sense of unity with all of humanity and life on Earth. The need to create a planetary society with the united will to protect this planet becomes both obvious and imperative.

“When we look down at the earth from space, we see this amazing, indescribably beautiful planet. It looks like a living, breathing organism. But it also, at the same time, looks extremely fragile … Anybody else who’s ever gone to space says the same thing because it really is striking and it’s really sobering to see this paper-thin layer and to realize that that little paper-thin layer is all that protects every living thing on Earth from death, basically. From the harshness of space.”
-Ron Garan, Astronaut

#overvieweffect #overview #earth #earthart #cosmicperspective #oilpainting #painting #spaceart #scienceart #cosmos #humanist #humanism #galleryshow #bluemarble #palebluedot #fineart

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Oasis Oil, 24 x 18 inches A new painting from a study I posted earlier this year, now available on I

Oil, 24 x 18 inches
A new painting from a study I posted earlier this year, now available on IX!

“From that distance, my thumb fit over the entire Earth. I realized how insignificant we all are if everything I’d ever known is behind my thumb … When you see Earth from the moon, you realize how fragile it is and just how limited the resources are. We’re all astronauts on this spaceship Earth and we have to work and live together.”
- Astronaut Jim Lovell

“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena… In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand… the only home we’ve ever known.”
- Carl Sagan, The Pale Blue Dot

Prints and original through link in bio!

#overvieweffect #overview #cosmicperspective #spaceart #spaceartist #humanist #humanism #art #fineart #oilpainting #figurepainting #figurativeart #painting #cosmos #sagan #sciart #scienceart #earth #palebluedot

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Oop it’s my first ArtVsArtist

It feels like my art has been a little bit feast or famine this year, and of course these are only selected from finished pieces I’ve done in my free time this year, but I’m definitely pleased with where I’m at with my work right now.

[image description: a grid of nine images. In the centre is a photo of a young person smiling behind a colourful facemask. Around them are eight digital illustrations, some in a painterly style and some cel-shaded. The subjects of these include several elves, teiflings (half-demons), and humans, as well as a transformer and a mech.]
