#nnt manga



Some locations in Cursed by Light

Liones kingdom - Castle town - Back street

Fairy King Forest great trees - Wedding ceremony venue

Passage to the Demon realm - Entrance

Demon realm - Demon King’s castle - Indura cage

Demon realm - Demon King’s castle - Interior

Demon realm - Safety zone cave

Sky ruins - Funeral flower garden

Hey so quick thing

Tristan is supposed to be the horsemen of war. I think people in the fandom are thinking it’s because he was the result of a war ending and everything that happened between Meliodas and Elizabeth.

But what if it’s not just that?

Tristan most likely has magic from both sides of his parents meaning that he is a medium almost for light and dark.

What if the war is inside him?

The two magics are trying to reject each other or fight for dominance inside Tristan. Causing mental and physical strain with him. He tries to hide the fact that he is hurting by smiling when on the inside he is being torn apart.

I have now made myself sad


Was thinking about The Seven Deadly Sins (cause I finally watched the movie) and I was thinking about what if Diane and King really did have kids??? What would they be like what would they look like? And then that got me thinking,,,,, what if,,,,, the others had kids to? Like what if Meliodas and Elizabeth have kids and what if Ban and Elaine have kids (if Elaine is alive that is. I’m not completely caught up with the manga so I’m a lil confused about what’s going on even if I have looked at spoilers)? What about Gowther? Would he maybe adopt a child? Maybe create another doll like himself? What about Merlin and Escanor? I don’t know if they’re a canon couple but would they have kids? Maybe they would have kids with other people?

But like,,,,, just imagine a new Seven Deadly Sins team that’s made up of the kids of the previous Seven Deadly Sins.

I’m actually wondering if the author is going to touch on this. If they are going to stick with Arthurian lore like they’ve been doing, Ban and Elaine will have a son named Lancelot ( sound familiar?). Meliodas and Elizabeth will also have a son named Triston. Two of King Arthur’s strongest knights of the round table. Lancelot has an affair with a certain wife of King Arthur, Guinevere. Thus sparks a great yet depressing tale of love. Triston also falls in love with a woman named Iseult. Also if they are still going along with the lore Escanors nephew, Gawain has the exact same ability as his uncle. Arthur also has a child by the name of Mordred ( though in some stories he was his nephew. Or in most cases, both). Mordred goes on to lead a rebellion against Arthur that ends in them dying by each others hands. This leads Camelot to ruin. The only thing that I can think of for King and Diane is the possibility of Titania or Oberon (queen and king of the fairies) though they are only characters in Shakespeares work. I have no clue about Gowther though.

-I am very much a nerd
