#no turning back

During the Interview, Madame did say that the Office position is full-time and Permanent. And that t

During the Interview, Madame did say that the Office position is full-time and Permanent. And that the Company does have a strict Dress Code. And that there would be considerable Training involved. All very standard in the business world.

I’m sure you’ll agree

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“I’ve got notebooks full of misshapen words
I’ll never speak them anymore
Ten years from now, you won’t know my name
Throw the microphone down on the floor
Put the guitar, guitar, one time
Through the speaker, splintered, broken
Throw the horns down, one time, horns down
Smash them, break them, break up

See the flames begin to crawl, upward
Taste the anguish as they fall, unheard
Hear the record start to skip, unsung
Feel the weight that sunk the ship, so young

The crowds recoil, demand our survival
Fists in the air, mouths caked with saliva
But you are the one, the spark that was spawned
Who picks up the pieces, and passes it on”

 Five Iron Frenzy, “See the Flames Begin to Crawl”

2 Peter 2:21 –

Better not to have started out on the straight road to God than to start out and then turn back, repudiating the experience and the holy command.

Once you've committed to living a Godly lifestyle, there is no turning back. Once you’ve decided to follow God all-out, with everything you have, you can’t stop doing that and not hurt the testimony of God in the lives of the people around you. 

If you are all-out zealous for God, and then when the going gets tough you give up, you’re not only doing yourself harm, you’re doing harm to everyone who looks up to you and your life as an example. 

Your life and the way you walk makes an impact. Everyone stumbles, everyone has hard times, but God calls us not to give up – because he will never give us more than we can withstand, and he promises to never leave us along the way. So if we forsake these two promises and say “it’s too much” or “I just can’t do it anymore”, or we decide to take an easier route, we’re hurting the testimony that God has been building through out lives.

That’s why peter says it’s better to just not start at all.

I watched a really cheesy movie this weekend called The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. In it, the apprentice is told by the sorcerer to step into “Merlin’s circle,” but that once he does, he can never back out of his journey as a sorcerer. From that point on, there is no getting out. later on, he realizes that the journey is more pressure and harder than he expected, and he wants to give up – but the sorcerer reminds him “you stepped in the circle. you can’t turn back now.” And in the end, you know, of course, he saves the world or something.

But that’s how it is with God - we’ve stepped into the circle. Now there’s no turning back. 
