#no war in ukraine


Okay, I’m in a relatively safe place in Ukraine. I (so far) have a place to live and (so far) have money. But I’m going to fucking lose my mind [я ебнусь] reading posts about finding people from Mariupol. There are HUNDREDS of these posts. Even if these people are alive, they have already had the worst experience in life imaginable anyway. Terrible.

Why is it not a good idea to say “Russians are even worse than the Nazis!” / “German soldiers gave chocolates to children” (didn’t think I would ever have to write about this, but anyway)

  • Recognize that you’re biased by your own experience of seeing or being in a war. This is neither good nor bad, it’s a fact. You can feel the Russian invasion of Ukraine firsthand, sitting in the basement and hearing explosions, or watching the news about it. You couldn’t see what was happening during the Nazi occupation. Moreover: you’re biased by an endless stream of digital information - videos, photos, leaking personal data of the occupiers. In the 1940s, none of this happened - despite the presence of some war correspondents, the war wasn’t conducted “live”. The main sources of those times are the verbal or oral recollections of eyewitnesses, which are perceived differently than photos or videos.
  • *sighs * Google “World War II novels” or “World War II history books” - you’ll learn a lot! But, in general, it doesn’t take too much time and education to find out how many of the population died at the hands of the Nazis and their allies. I don’t think I should mention concentration camps and gas chambers.
  • A fact that is often reluctantly acknowledged: collaborationism was very common in the Soviet Union. The Nazis kept the occupation at the expense of local policemen. In any case, this doesn’t justify the policemen. It’s quite possible that the Nazis gave sweets to your grandparents for a reason because your older ancestors gave to Nazis local Jews, Roma, partisans, or because your relatives took away food from other people to share it with the invaders.
  • The Soviet army ≠ Russians! Moreover, “Russians” is an English-language label, since the Soviet army didn’t call itself “Russian”. It was called precisely either the Soviet Army or the Red Army. Representatives of many ethnic groups served in the Red Army, including Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Jews, Tatars, Moldovans, etc. It’s all the more stupid to associate the Soviet army of the Second World War with the current Russian one.
  • The fact that there were many problems with the Red Army (which, btw, need to be voiced) doesn’t mean that it wasn’t worth the victory over Nazism. Moreover, there were A LOT OF PROBLEMS with the entire anti-Hitler coalition (including the top of this coalition). The victory in World War II left behind a lot of controversy, but at the same time, the peoples of several countries were collectively able to stop (for a while) the machine of mass destruction.

Pray for Ukraine
Art © Me
