

Black Womanist Temporalities /// Time Travel Experiment #2 (Experimental Time Order) youtu.be/r0s3JM5mk8s | #afrofuturism #timetravel #diytimetravel #blackquantumfuturism #bobsweeney #bojobreeze #experiments #happynewyear  #temporality #nonlinear #newyear #recurrenceplot (at North Side of Philly)

CP Time has been both a defense mechanism against Black communal trauma and post-trauma under the conditions of class warfare and racial oppression, and a harkening back to a more natural ancestral temporal-spatial consciousness and presentism /// Time Travel Experiment #1 (Experimental Time Order) youtu.be/r0s3JM5mk8s | #afrofuturism #timetravel #diytimetravel #blackquantumfuturism #bobsweeney #bojobreeze #experiments #happynewyear  #temporality #nonlinear #newyear #recurrenceplot #blackfuturism #blackfutures #communityfutureslab #cptime #futuresciencesbooks

Celebrate nonlinear New Years /// Time Travel Experiment #3 (Experimental Time Order) youtu.be/r0s3JM5mk8s | #afrofuturism #timetravel #diytimetravel #blackquantumfuturism #bobsweeney #bojobreeze #experiments #happynewyear  #temporality #nonlinear #newyear (at North Philadelphia)
