
How Do I Create an Experiment? | Border Image Credit:  NASA, ESA, the Hubble SM4 ERO Team, and ST-EC

How Do I Create an Experiment? |Border Image Credit:  NASAESA, the Hubble SM4 ERO Team, and ST-ECF, Hubble

Usually when attempting an experiment, one will follow the steps of the scientific method, described below, even if some engineering is involved.

1. Make observations.

2. Propose a question.

3. Do thorough background research. 

4. State the problem. 

5. Construct a hypothesis and make predictions of the results.

6. Design and execute an experiment to test the hypothesis. During the experiment you will be basically controlling and measuring variables, which are divided into three types, explained below.

  • Controlled variable - You may have as many controlled variables as you wish. You will attempt to keep these variables constant and unchanging, so that if you have to re-do the experiment [which you most likely will because very few experiments go completely right the first time] you will be able to reproduce controlled variables exactly, or as closely as possible to how they were in the original experiment. 
  • Independent variable - In most experiments there is only a singular independent variable, which is controlled by the experimenter[s]. During the experiment[s] you will control the independent variable and change it to observe the results. 
  • Dependent variable - This variable depends on the independent variable, thus it’s title. You will focus upon this variable to see how it reacts in lieu of the change[s] of the independent variable. [This is the main variable you will focus on measuring.]

7. Collect results, analyze the data, and draw your conclusions. After collecting your results and analyzing them, do you accept or reject the hypothesis? If you choose to reject the original hypothesis because the results do not support it, go back and revise the hypothesis, and start over. If you’ve accepted your hypothesis because the results support it, feel free to draw conclusions.

There are varied steps depending on the type of experiment you are creating, and what your purpose of said experiment is. If the purpose of your experiment is to observe the way something works you will be using the scientific method, which I described above. If you are attempting to create and/or invent something through your experiment, [eg. products, experiences, environments, computer programs, etc.] then you will be using the engineering design process.

  • If you don’t know which process you should use check out this simple guide to comparing the engineering design process and the scientific method here
  • If you decided to the engineering design process is a better fit for your experiment, you can read the detailed steps and examples via NASA here.
  • A detailed list of steps and examples of the scientific method via NASA can be found here.

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Just reiterating that the heart of witchcraft is (just like science) experimentation and documentation. Try things out. Get them wrong. Mess up. Do better. Write down your efforts. Make changes and alterations based on what you have access to. Above all, if it works, it works; if it doesn’t, then it’s no good. Witchcraft is a results-based practice. 

Happy Easter. #rebirth #climatechange #experiments #lemonguava #psidiumlittoralehttps://www.instag

Happy Easter. #rebirth #climatechange #experiments #lemonguava #psidiumlittorale

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MM111/G935/BurfordRedFlesh #interstem⁣ ⁣ #experiments #grafting #rootstock #burfordredflesh #madorch

MM111/G935/BurfordRedFlesh #interstem⁣

#experiments #grafting #rootstock #burfordredflesh #madorchardist #vulturehill

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Experimental photography- Spreading the disease/ Berlin 2022 with the amazing Roxy7777model from Berlin

These are some experiments I did after I’d decided on what all the text I was using would be. I did paper cutting and laid them over different papers, and cut out letters making them into stamps, then inked them and embossed them, and scanned in all the letters and turned them into different colours. I think these weren’t as effective because of the font, because the swirly letters rather than bold, straight letters don’t look as eye catching.

I took a lot of macro photographs of my skin, showing the hair and imperfections. I then edited them all so I turned them into two tone images just using pink and blue. I really like what they look like and want to incorporate them into some of my final pages, as the surface and texture for the text to go on top of. 

I used white helvitica with some of my statements over the top of the skin.

I took the photographs and tried some experiments on different paper types. I did the first two on shiney, photographic paper, and the second two on normal paper. I sewed the words into the paper with embroidery thread, going back to the idea of using a typically nurturing and feminine craft practice, which contrasts with the hairy body and the words i’d sewn. I then used inks, embossing powder and glittery nail varnishes, and put them into the images and lastly took a heat gun and heated it up. It burnt into the paper and with the photographic paper it caused unpredictable cracks in the paper, with some of the top layer peeling off. Using the glitter connotes something feminine and girly, but contrasting with the body hair questions these gendered stereotypes. The burning into the paper represent the idea of destroying femininity, or destroying the unnecessary standards that society creates for, and expects from women.

these are some other experiments I did, using a large, bold font. This gives a powerful effect, portraying an angry tone. I tried some over the skin photo, some over coloured backgrounds, and some using the ink, embossing, glitter and burning technique. I like the last one best because I think the collaged effect with the different textures, and the varied angles of the letters looks the most interesting.


I looked at some different artists who just use typography and text to get some ideas and inspiration. The things I like most are very small, detailed and intimate because I think they portray a way of documenting thoughts and feelings, but because the brief is to make each page a3 size, this would not really be appropriate. 

Within my research I found Jenny Holzer’s pieces, where she writes onto skin in ink, recounting sex crimes.


The creepy, honest, personal accounts work really effectively written onto the skin because it’s so intimate and delicate, and being that close up to skin creates the feeling of being very vulnerable. I then used this idea as using skin as a surface and wrote onto my skin. 


Using skin as a surface was also really relevant for my quotes because I’m talking about society’s expectations of the way women ‘should’ look - as hairless, but my body hair goes against this and shows the reality of what women look like when they don’t follow these standards created by them for society.

I also looked at Tracy Emin’s textiles banner pieces.


These were really relevant to me, and she was playing with this same contradiction I had been experimenting with before, of using something traditionally feminine, but contrasting it with what the words were actually saying. The Tate’s summary of ‘hate and power can be a terrible thing’ says ‘They transform the concept of the traditionally nurturing, feminine craft of quilt-making into an arena for angry self-expression and revelation.’The words are very open and expressive, which is what I liked about the previous small, intimate works I looked at, but having these private thoughts displayed in a very large and accessible manner is very bold and interesting to see.

We also did a workshop where we were given a random article, and blank white booklet, and asked to make something in three colours, and all image or all text. My article was about rainfall causing toxic algae in a river that was polluting tap water. I chose to use all image because using all text was making me feel a bit stuck creatively. I used very abstract imagery, focusing mostly on colour and texture, and I found this exercise really helpful because it made me think about colour, techniques and use of space in a more creative way, so helped me feel more inspired about making my final book.




“While I was perfectly convinced, from the outset, that success would be ultimately achieved, it was not until by slow improvement I evolved the so-called “Magnifying Transmitter” that I obtained convincing evidence of the feasibility of wireless power transmission on a vast scale for all industrial purposes.

"The chief discovery, which satisfied me thoroughly as to the practicability of my plan, was made in 1899 at Colorado Springs, where I carried on tests with a generator of fifteen hundred kilowatt capacity and ascertained that under certain conditions the current was capable of passing across the entire globe and returning from the antipodes to its origin with undiminished strength. It was a result so unbelievable that the revelation at first almost stunned me. I saw in a flash that by properly organized apparatus at sending and receiving stations, power virtually in unlimited amounts could be conveyed through the earth at any distance, limited only by the physical dimensions of the globe, with an efficiency as high as ninety-nine and one-half per cent.

The mode of propagation of the currents from my transmitter through the terrestrial globe is most extraordinary considering the spread of the electrification of the surface. The wave starts with a theoretically infinite speed, slowing down first very quickly and afterward at a lesser rate until the distance is about six thousand miles, when it proceeds with the speed of light. From there on it again increases in speed, slowly at first, and then more rapidly, reaching the antipode with approximately infinite velocity. The law of motion can be expressed by stating that the waves on the terrestrial surface sweep in equal intervals of time over equal areas, but it must be understood that the current penetrates deep into the earth and the effects produced on the receivers are the same as if the whole flow was confined to the earth’s axis joining the transmitter with the antipode. The mean surface speed is thus about 471,200 kilometers per second — fifty-seven per cent. greater than that of the so-called Hertz waves — which should propagate with the velocity of light if they exist. The same constant was found by the noted American astronomer, Capt. J. T. T. See, in his mathematical investigations, for the smallest particles of the ether which he fittingly designates as “etherons.” But while in the light of his theory this speed is a physical reality, the spread of the currents at the terrestrial surface is much like the passage of the moon’s shadow over the globe.

"It will be difficult for most people engaged in practical pursuits to measure or even to form an adequate conception of the intensity of inspiration and force I derive from that part of my work which has passed into history. I have every reason to consider myself one of the most fortunate men, for I experience incessantly a feeling of inexpressible satisfaction that my alternating system is universally employed in the transmission and distribution of heat, light and power and that also my wireless system, in all its essential features, is used throughout the world for conveying intelligence. But my pioneer efforts in this later field are still grossly misunderstood.”

–Nikola Tesla

“World System of Wireless Transmission of Energy.”Telegraph and Telegraph Age, October 16, 1927.



The Greatest Experiments In Scientific History

by J.J.J.

From June 1, 1899 to January 7, 1900, Nikola Tesla conducted experiments and research on high voltage and high frequency electricity to prove his theory of world wireless energy transmission. His previous 10 years of lectures, experiments, and research prior to this expedition had prepared him to further explore the most complex electrical forces any human had previously ever faced in history.

He chose Colorado Springs, CO as the location due to the high elevation and low air pressure suitable for electrical experimentation. Also, because this was a far more sparsely populated and open area compared to his lab in New York, he was free to experiment with the more extreme parameters of electricity.

[Fig. 1.] — Nikola Tesla’s building in Colorado Springs which he called his “Experimental Station.”

[Fig. 2.] — Tesla peaking out his laboratory. Notice the “GREAT DANGER–KEEP OUT” sign.

With his new and improved Tesla coils that he had invented previously, which could produce electrical power up to millions of horsepower, he was set to challenge the limits of electricity. It’s clear from Tesla’s notes that his principle initiative was to find ways to manipulate the forces of nature and to utilize them for the advancement of humankind. In his Colorado Springs Notes text, he expressed that he had three main goals:

1. To develop a transmitter of great power.

2. To perfect means for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted.

3. To ascertain the laws of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere.

In his seven months of work, not only did he accomplish all three goals and prove his theory of wireless energy transmission, but he made some of the most remarkable experiments in scientific history. He obtained voltage and frequencies in the hundreds of millions of horse power–producing sparks over 100 feet in length, and actually sent energy through the earth itself to light multiple lamps which were placed dozens of miles away from his transmitter. He discovered stationary waves deriving from natural lightning discharges which his receiver could detect hundreds of miles away from his station. This discovery proved that power could indeed be transmitted through the earth to far distances. He also discovered that the earth as a whole had certain periods of vibrations, and by using his large oscillator could impress electrical vibrations at the same periods upon it creating more energy within the earth. This process is now referred to as constructive interference (the interference of two or more waves of equal frequency and phase, resulting in their mutual reinforcement and producing a single amplitude equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves). By doing this repeatedly using massive amounts of energy unheard of before, Tesla was able to transmit energy from his transmitter around earth and back to his receiver traveling at a mean velocity of 292,815 miles per second. Over 100,000 mps faster than light. Many electrical experimenters have proven this velocity including Jonathan Zenneck and Arnold Sommerfeld. The mathematical equation to this speed is pi divided by 2 times the speed of light ( π/2( c ) ).

Witnessing this experiment, space, according to Tesla, was completely annihilated. This meant he could potentially throw the globe into oscillations of such magnitude that massive amounts of energy could be created, collected, and transmitted to any point on earth regardless of distance.

Fully confident that he accomplished what he initially set out to do, Tesla journeyed back to New York to patent his improved apparatuses and build a new system on an even larger scale than what he’d created in Colorado. This would lead to his World Wireless System, known as his Wardenclyffe Tower. Unfortunately, Tesla would not realize his dream of providing humankind with cheap, unlimited energy in his lifetime; however, his legacy and dreams live on through his experiments conducted in Colorado Springs:

“I am unwilling to accord to some small-minded and jealous individuals the satisfaction of having thwarted my efforts. These men are to me nothing more than microbes of a nasty disease. My project was retarded by the laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphal success.”

–Nikola Tesla

“My Inventions – V. THE MAGNIFYING TRANSMITTER.” Electrical Experimenter. February, 1919.

[Fig. 3.] — Experiment to Illustrate the Capacity of the Oscillator For Producing Electrical Explosions of Great Power: The coil, partly shown in the photograph, creates an alternative movement of electricity from the earth into a large reservoir and back at a rate of one hundred thousand alternations per second. The adjustments are such that the reservoir is fulled full and bursts at each alternation just at the moment when the electrical pressure reaches the maximum. The discharge escapes with a deafening noise, striking an unconnected coil twenty-two feet away, and creating such a commotion of electricity in the earth that sparks an inch long can be drawn from a water main at a distance of three hundred feet from the laboratory.

[Fig. 4.] — Coils Responding to Electrical Oscillations: The picture shows a number of coils , differently attuned and responding to the vibrations transmitted to them through the earth from an electrical oscillator. The large coil on the right, discharging strongly, is tuned to the fundamental vibration, which is fifty thousand per second; the two larger vertical coils to twice that number; the smaller white wire coil to four times that number, and the remaining small coils to higher tones. The vibrations produced by the oscillator were so intense that they affected perceptibly a small coil tuned to the twenty-sixth higher tone.

[Fig. 5.] — Burning the Nitrogen of the Atmosphere: This result is produced by the discharge of an electrical oscillator giving twelve million volts. The electrical pressure, alternating one hundred thousand times per second, excites the normally inert nitrogen, causing it to combine with the oxygen. The flame-like discharge shown in the photograph measures sixty-five feet across.

[Fig. 6.] — Illustrating An Effect of An Electrical Oscillator Delivering Energy at a Rate of Seventy-Five Thousand Horse-Power: The discharge, creating a strong draft owing to the heating of the air, is carried upward through the open roof of the building. The greatest width across is nearly seventy feet. The pressure is over twelve million volts, and the current alternates one hundred and thirty thousand times per second.

[Fig. 7.] — A double-exposure photograph of Tesla sitting in front of his electrical oscillator. Of course he’s not really sitting there with the machine on. He would die.

[Fig. 8.] — Experiment Illustrating an Inductive Effect of an Electrical Oscillator of Great Power: The photograph shows three ordinary incandescent lamps lighted to full candle-power by currents induced in a local loop consisting of a single wire forming a square of fifty feet each side, which includes the lamps, and which is at a distance of one hundred feet from the primary circuit energized by the oscillator. The loop likewise includes an electrical condenser, and is exactly attuned to the vibrations of the oscillator, which is worked at less than five percent of its total capacity.

[Fig. 9.] — Experiment Illustrating the Transmission of Electrical Energy Through the Earth Without Wire: The coil shown in the photograph has its lower end or terminal connected to the ground, and is exactly attuned to the vibrations of a distant electrical oscillator. The lamp lighted is in an independent wire loop, energized by induction from the coil excited by the electrical vibrations transmitted to it through the ground from the oscillator, which is worked only to five percent. of its full capacity.

(Photos and captions courtesy of Tesla Collection - http://teslacollection.com/imageshttp://teslacollection.com/tesla_articles/1900/century_magazine/nikola_tesla/the_problem_of_increasing_human_energy)

Faster than light energy transmission. It’s possible!


Nikola Tesla’s Ether Theory

By J. J. J.

The ether is considered a universal medium consisting of a primary substance, attenuated beyond conception, which fills all space and connects all matter. This medium, or field of force, is responsible for action at a distance—a concept where an object can interact with other objects even though they are separated in space. This idea still baffles today’s physicists, but was understood by Nikola Tesla long before Albert Einstein coined his “spooky action at a distance”.

Before I get into Tesla’s explanation of the ether, I must first recall the famous 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment, because I know some readers will immediately bring it up. The experiment was intended to detect the ether using light beams and mirrors to record the speed of light through the ether relative to the Earth’s movement around the Sun; however, the two scientists failed to detect the ether and it became one of the most famous failed experiments in history. Surprisingly though, the experimenters did not account for the fact that the speed of light was relative to the observer moving with the apparatus, which led to the null effect. What it did, rather, was prove that the average velocity of light for a round trip between a beam splitter and a mirror was independent of motion through space. Either way, physicists agreed that by its nature, the ether cannot be detected and it is unnecessary for explaining how light travels through space.  

It was Heinrich Hertz, who during the same time as the Michelson-Morley experiment, demonstrated the notion of action at a distance proving the existence of electromagnetic waves first predicted by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864. Since these waves travel across space, there must be a medium carrying the waves. Like Maxwell, Hertz postulated that ether was structureless beyond conception, and yet solid and possessed a rigidity incomparably greater than the hardest steel. Electromagnetic waves were then believed to be transverse waves (waves that vibrate at ninety degrees angles).

In the early 1890s, Nikola Tesla repeated Hertz’s experiments with a much improved and a far more powerful apparatus, coming to the conclusion that what Hertz observed were longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium propagated by alternate compression and expansion. After discovering these results, Tesla declared that light, and other electromagnetic waves, are not transverse waves (a theory still believed today in conventional physics), but instead are a longitudinal disturbance in the ether involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In his own words, “light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.  Since light has such a constancy of velocity, light can only be explained by assuming that it is dependent solely on the physical properties of the medium, especially density and elastic force.” It wasn’t until after Nikola Tesla met with Hertz and explained his results that Hertz then changed his views on the ether and accepted that it was a gaseous medium rather than a stationary one.

Believing that the ether was one of the most important results of modern scientific research, Tesla refused to abandon it because in his mind the ether was an important key to understanding how electrical energy could travel through space without wires. He displayed this phenomenon in numerous experiments and lectures throughout the 1890s.

It wasn’t until 1896 when Tesla finally obtained experimental proof of the ether. He invented a new form of vacuum tube which could be charged to any high potential and operated with pressures up to 4,000,000 volts. In 1929, Tesla spoke of these vacuum tubes saying, “One of the first striking observations made with my tubes was that a purplish glow for several feet around the end of the tube was formed, and I readily ascertained that it was due to the escape of the charges of the particles as soon as they passed out into the air; for it was only in a nearly perfect vacuum that these charges could be confined to them. The coronal discharge proved that there must be a medium besides air in the space, composed of particles immeasurably smaller than those of air, as otherwise such a discharge would not be possible. On further investigation I found that this gas was so light that a volume equal to that of the earth would weigh only about one-twentieth of a pound.”

To explain the density of the ether, Tesla referred to William Thomson’s equations. In 1932, Tesla said, “Its density has been first estimated by Lord Kelvin and conformably to his finding a column of one square centimeter cross section and of a length such that light, traveling at a rate of three hundred thousand kilometers per second, would require one year to transverse it, should weigh 4.8 grams. This is just about the weight of a prism of ordinary glass of the same cross section and two centimeters length which, therefore, may be assumed as the equivalent of the ether column in absorption. A column of the ether one thousand times longer would thus absorb as much light as twenty meters of glass. However, there are suns at distances of many thousands of light years and it is evident that virtually no light from them can reach the earth. But if these suns emit rays immensely more penetrative than those of light they will be slightly dimmed and so the aggregate amount of radiations pouring upon the earth from all sides will be overwhelmingly greater than that supplied to it by our luminary. If light and heat rays would be as penetrative as the cosmic, so fierce would be the perpetual glare and so scorching the heat that life on this and other planets could not exist.”

According to Nikola Tesla’s ether theory, all matter in the universe is metamorphous from the ether. When the ether is set in motion, it becomes gross matter. All matter, then, is merely ether in motion. In 1900, Tesla said, “By being set in movement, ether becomes matter perceptible to our senses; the movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state and becomes imperceptible. If this theory of the constitution of matter is not merely a beautiful conception, which in its essence is contained in the old philosophy of the Vedas, but a physical truth, then if the ether whirl or atom be shattered by impact or slowed down and arrested by cold, any material, whatever it be, would vanish into seeming nothingness, and, conversely, if the ether be set in movement by some force, matter would again form. Thus, by the help of a refrigerating machine or other means for arresting ether movement and an electrical or other force of great intensity for forming ether whirls, it appears possible for man to annihilate or to create at his will all we are able to perceive by our tactile sense.”

In summary, Tesla experimented, and proved his theories using the scientific method. His methods were far more superior to other physicists of his time, because he had the motors and transformers invented by himself to help with his experiments. These include the induction motor, his Telsa coil, and many more apparatuses. In the future the ether may be referred to as dark matter, the force etc., but Nikola Tesla’s ether theory will surely be proven true in years to come.

Ahead of his time!!!

“Some ten years ago, I recognized the fact that to convey electric currents to a distance it was not at all necessary to employ a return wire, but that any amount of energy might be transmitted by using a single wire. I illustrated this principle by numerous experiments, which, at that time, excited considerable attention among scientific men.

"This being practically demonstrated, my next step was to use the earth itself as the medium for conducting the currents, thus dispensing with wires and all other artificial conductors. So I was led to the development of a system of energy transmission and of telegraphy without the use of wires, which I described in 1893. The difficulties I encountered at first in the transmission of currents through the earth were very great. At that time I had at hand only ordinary apparatus, which I found to be ineffective, and I concentrated my attention immediately upon perfecting machines for this special purpose. This work consumed a number of years, but I finally vanquished all difficulties and succeeded in producing a machine which, to explain its operation in plain language, resembled a pump in its action, drawing electricity from the earth and driving it back into the same at an enormous rate, thus creating ripples or disturbances which, spreading through the earth as through a wire, could be detected at great distances by carefully attuned receiving circuits. In this manner I was able to transmit to a distance, not only feeble effects for the purposes of signaling, but considerable amounts of energy, and later discoveries I made convinced me that I shall ultimately succeed in conveying power without wires, for industrial purposes, with high economy, and to any distance, however great.


"To develop these inventions further, I went to Colorado in where I continued my investigations along these and other lines, one of which in particular I now consider of even greater importance than the transmission of power without wires. I constructed a laboratory in the neighborhood of Pike’s Peak. The conditions in the pure air of the Colorado Mountains proved extremely favorable for my experiments, and the results were most gratifying to me. I found that I could not only accomplish more work, physically and mentally, than I could in New York, but that electrical effects and changes were more readily and distinctly perceived. A few years ago it was virtually impossible to produce electrical sparks twenty or thirty foot long; but I produced some more than one hundred feet in length, and this without difficulty. The rates of electrical movement involved in strong induction apparatus had measured but a few hundred horse-power, and I produced electrical movements of rates of one hundred and ten thousand horse-power. Prior to this, only insignificant electrical pressures were obtained, while I have reached fifty million volts.

"The accompanying illustrations, with their descriptive titles, taken from an article I wrote for the "Century Magazine,” [“The Problem of Increasing Human Energy”] may serve to convey an idea of the results I obtained in the directions indicated.

“Many persons in my own profession have wondered at them and have asked what I am trying to do. But the time is not far away now when the practical results of my labors will be placed before the world and their influence felt everywhere. One of the immediate consequences will be the transmission of messages without wires, over sea or land, to an immense distance. I have already demonstrated, by crucial tests, the practicability of signaling by my system from one to any other point of the globe, no matter how remote, and I shall soon convert the disbelievers.

"I have every reason for congratulating myself that throughout these experiments, many of which were exceedingly delicate and hazardous, neither myself nor any of my assistants received any injury. When working with these powerful electrical oscillations the most extraordinary phenomena take place at times. Owing to some interference of the oscillations, veritable balls of fire are apt to leap out to a great distance, and if any one were within or near their paths, he would be instantly destroyed. A machine such as I have used could easily kill, in an instant, three hundred thousand persons. I observed that the strain upon my assistants was telling, and some of them could not endure the extreme tension of the nerves. But these perils are now entirely overcome, and the operation of such apparatus, however powerful, involves no risk whatever.”

–Nikola Tesla

“Talking With Planets.” Collier’s Weekly, February 9, 1901.

Although the system of world wireless power transmission consumed most of his attention throughout his life, Nikola Tesla still brought the world many wonderful inventions and discoveries. Stated in chronological order, some of the more notable ones are:

The rotating magnetic field, 1882;

System of arc lighting, 1886;

Tesla motor and system of alternating current power transmission that utilized the rotating magnetic field discovery creating polyphase systems of AC, 1888;

System of electrical conversion and distribution by oscillatory discharges, 1889;

Generators of high-frequency currents and effects of these, 1890;

Transmission of energy through a single wire without return, 1891;

The “Tesla coil,” or oscillation transformer, which was the basis to his wireless transmission of energy making Tesla the true father of radio, 1891;

Investigations of high-frequency effects and phenomena, 1891-93;

System of transmission of intelligence and power without wires, 1891-1905;

Neon light signs, 1893;

Researches and discoveries in radiations, material streams and emanations, today known as X-rays, and X-ray imaging, 1893-1898;

Mechanical oscillators and generators of electrical oscillations, 1894-95;

Radioactivity and cosmic ray discovery published in a series of papers in the "Electrical Review,” New York, 1896-1898;

High-potential vacuum tubes, 1896-1898;

Explained the harms of X-rays and safer ways to use them, 1897;

High-potential magnifying transmitter, 1897;

Economic transmission of energy by refrigeration, 1898;

Remote control, or what Tesla called his “Art of Telautomatics,” 1897-99;

Discovery of stationary electrical waves in the earth, 1899;

Art of transmitting energy by stationary waves through earth, 1899-1900;

Burning of atmospheric nitrogen, and production of other electrical effects of transcending intensities, 1899-1900;

Apparatus for the utilization of cosmic radiation, 1901;

Art of Individualization. Tesla described this as a method of absolute privacy in wireless communication, 1902-1903;

Magnifying transmitter on a large scale, 1902;

Speedometers on new principles, means for lightning protection, types of steam and gas turbines, pressure and vacuum pumps and other apparatus, 1916-1926.

Teleforce, or his “New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media.” This is his particle beam weapon, circa 1930s.

Roentgen Rays: Mr. Tesla Before N.Y. Academy of Sciences.

By B.P. Remy

Electrical Review, NY. April 14, 1897.

“On April 6, Mr. Nikola Tesla delivered before the New York Academy of Sciences an address "On the Streams of Leonard and Röentgen, with Novel Apparatus for Their Production.” The lecturer began by stating that in 1894, in experimenting to determine the actinic action of phosphorescent light emanating from vacuum tubes, he had found that the atinic power of Crookes tubes varied greatly, and in the most anomalous manner. Thus some tubes emitting a strong light had very little action on photographic plates, while some showing a feeble light acted very strongly on such plates. A large number of these plates, made by Tonnele for the Century Magazine, were stored in Mr. Tesla’s laboratory when it was destroyed by fire, and thus he was unable now to examine them for the Röentgen effects. He believed that he had just missed the discovery which made Röentgen famous, and though he was thoroughly familiar with Leonard’s work, he did not see far enough.

“Mr. Tesla then reviewed his work in the direction of obtaining a reliable apparatus for generating high-frequency currents, which he recognized as the keynote to the production of vacuum tube lighting. He told how he had met with difficulties at every point; how a small bubble of air would destroy the value of the coil, or how one-quarter of an inch of wire too much or too little would throw a coil out of balance; how one day a coil would run cold and on another day hot, etc. By finally calling to his aid the condenser, Mr. Tesla stated, he had succeeded in obtaining the desired action and now nothing stood in the way of securing millions of vibrations from ordinary circuit. The lecturer then briefly explained the principle of the condenser discharge as applied to high frequency currents, and pointed to various types of apparatus on the lecture table designed to utilize the principle.

"In order to demonstrate the action of high frequency currents, Mr. Tesla attached a circular loop of heavy copper wire to the terminals of a high frequency generator and brought to brilliant incandescence a small lamp connected diametrically across the heavy loop; the illumination of the lamp could be varied by connecting it to various points on the diameter of the loop. Mr. Tesla also lit the lamp by the current induced in a second loop brought in proximity to the first. He explained that the coil accomplishing this work had a resistance of 600 ohms and an inductance of 6 henry’s; the coil was connected to the circuit one-half the time and took from the primary circuit only 5 watts.

"Mr. Tesla next showed a vacuum tube lit from the terminals of another high frequency machine. He also showed a coil consisting of a single turn of heavy wire which formed the core, as it were, of a small coil of a few turns wound on a paper cylinder surrounding the heavy wire. When connected to a high frequency generator, this apparatus gave a 4-inch spark with an expenditure of energy equal to that taken by one lamp. Mr. Tesla stated that his high frequency generators were constructed that they could be connected to any existing circuits, direct or alternating.

"Returning to the Röentgen rays, the lecturer stated that he had succeeded in discovering a new source of these rays, far more powerful than any heretofore available, though the difficulty of maintaining it was very great. This new source is the electric arc; not the ordinary arc, however. The arc required for purposes is that maintained between a platinum terminal and an aluminum plate, as illustrating in the accompanying diagram, where A represents the aluminium plate and B the platinum, enclosed in a glass jar.

"Mr. Tesla stated that he had also succeeded in deflecting the Röentgen rays by a magnet. He had proved this by deflecting the rays into a condenser place a long distance from the source of the rays, and which in 5 seconds was charged sufficiently to throw a galvameter needle off the scale.”

American writer Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, is pictured here in Nikola Tesla’s laboratory experimenting with lamps lighted by electric currents passed through his own body. Mr. Clemens holds a loop of bare wire in his hands. Currents are induced in the loop by means of a resonating coil over which the loop is held. These currents traverse the body of the Mr. Clemens, and at the same time, as they pass between his bare hands, they bring two or three lamps held there to bright incandescence. Although the currents experimented with are of a voltage in the hundreds of thousands, they do not distress the experimenter in the slightest. The extremely high tension of the currents which Mr. Clemens is seen receiving prevents them from doing any harm to him.

Our Naturalist program is for entering 4th and 5th graders who have attended an Explorers camp. The Naturalist campers will dive deeper into life and processes of the San Francisco Bay and Pacific coast, learn research methods and discuss current issues in our world’s marine ecosystems. By learning how to be naturalists, these devoted marine scientists will become familiar with the skills and passion needed to be a life scientist during their fast-paced camp week.

Naturalists have an amazing and fun week ahead of them. Activities include:

  • Preserved sea star dissection to examine the water vascular system.
  • Creating a quadrat, a tool used to quantify the number of species and amount of new species within a designated area. This tool is essential for studying biodiversity and the health of an area. Campers will keep the quadrat they create!
  • Learning how to take fish data by identifying and taking measurements on the fish caught. This data goes into a database which other organizations have access to.
  • Examining Phyla and the features of different groups of animals which made scientists group them together.

… and much more!

All Naturalist camps (except for the shortened July 5th camp week) have:

  • 2 days at our site to study live animals from our aquarium and to engage in other science projects both indoors and outside
  • 2 field trips (reached by school bus) that feature different habitats (shortened July 5th week has 1 field trip)
  • 1 day aboard our ship that includes fishing, studying plankton, sampling mud, and learning about nautical navigation
  • 2 staff plus a volunteer for every 15 campers
  • Flexible curriculum that engages multiple learning styles

Naturalist campers will be visiting two field trip sites: the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center and the Pescadero Marsh Natural Preserve. On both of these excursions campers will learn about the habitats, perform experiments to better understand the conditions of each location, and examine animal life.

There are 4 weeks of Naturalist camp available during the summer. If your entering 4th or 5th grade camper has attended an Explorer camp during a previous summer we encourage them to join this fast-paced program. Campers also have the option of being in an Explorer camp earlier in the summer and signing up for Naturalists later on to compound the information and dive deeper into marine science.

Join us for this awesome experience as campers dive into marine science and explore our local marine habitats. Camps run Monday through Friday, 8:30am-3pm with extended care available until 5:30pm.


July 5-8 *special overnight opportunity available

July 18-22

August 1-5

August 8-12

*We have a special option for the shortened 4th of July camp week of Naturalists: an optional overnight is available on the Thursday (July 7th) of camp for an additional $50. Campers will bring their overnight materials (clothes, sleeping bags, etc) and we will camp in the MSC. Food will be provided. Campers will watch a marine science themed video TBD, tow for night plankton and examine under a microscope, learn how scientists navigated using the stars, and more!


Marine Camp 2016: Naturalist Sneak Peak. Returning campers dive deeper into marine science. Our Naturalist program is for entering 4th and 5th graders who have attended an Explorers camp. The Naturalist campers will dive deeper into life and processes of the San Francisco Bay and Pacific coast, learn research methods and discuss current issues in our world’s marine ecosystems.

Hey all, Sunny here with another writing post! Today we’re talking about trying new things - specifically, trying new genres. Let’s get started!

What do I need to know?

What you need to know about trying to write in a new genre depends on the kind of experience you want to have. I definitely recommend checking out a few stories in your target genre, or getting perspectives from authors in the genre. (Watching interviews with well-defined authors in a certain genre does a lot more than you think it does.) This answer does exist on a spectrum, though, so there are a few different ways you can approach this.

Different Ways to Learn

The first way is best for experimentation within a genre, dabbling in mixing what you know with what you want to. This way is going in knowing absolutely nothing. It’s best for writers who just want to try something in a genre, who don’t know what they don’t know and are okay with that. Consider this your dip your toes in experience, and here you can start generating questions about the genre: How do I drop hints without giving the answer away? How can I make a romance seem genuine?

The second is something of a balance between two extremes, and there are many ways to approach it. (This one is my preferred way of doing things.) I’ll interact with the genre minimally, enough to generate some questions about the writing technique. From there, I’ll try to answer the questions in a way that works for my writing style, and I’ll experiment to find a balance. It’s important to me as a writer that in trying new things, I’m still able to see myself as the author in the piece. It’s lot of back-and-forth minute adjustments to figure things out, and it takes time, but it gives me the experience I need as a writer to keep going.

The third is to go in extremely educated about the genre. Some folks do this intentionally, while for others it just kind of happens from a lot of interaction with the genre. Either way, this case most likely means you have the questions and some of the answers before you write. At this point it comes down to repetition. If this is what you’re looking to do, you can check out stories, craft books, and author interviews from the genre in question. Analyzing those stories will really help you get a feel for the genre and how it may be different from what you’re used to.

How do I start writing?

Simple as that: start writing. It’s really easy to feel overwhelmed by trying a new genre because of a different amount of experience. In these moments, remember how you grew your skill in the genres you write now. There are no requisites to start writing a genre; all that’s left to do is write.

If you’re not sure what to write, then the Google search “[genre] writing prompts” will be of major use to you. Coming up with new plots can be tough, so it’s okay to get the first bits of your experience using prompts tailored to fit the genre. As you write, you’ll find yourself learning more about the genre and yourself as a writer.

It can be a tough feeling at first, but keep pushing through! The experience will serve you well. Best of luck, and happy writing!

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Some color exploration for my design class! I thought I would hate this piece, but actually somethin

Some color exploration for my design class! I thought I would hate this piece, but actually something about it feels really nice


#colorart #kierandarkarts #kieranheywoodarts #experiments #experimentalart #experimentalartist #acrylicpainter #acrylicpaints #acrylicpaintingartist #abstractpainting #brightandcolorful #colorfulartwork #warmcolors (at University of Idaho)

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Here is a very experimental piece by me. It was very fun to make, but probably will use a different

Here is a very experimental piece by me. It was very fun to make, but probably will use a different technique next time it was very messy


#kierandarkarts #kieranheywoodarts #experiments #experimentalart #experimentalartist #acrylicpainter #acrylicpaints #acrylicpaintingartist #abstractpainting #brightandcolorful #colorfulartwork #warmcolors (at University of Idaho)

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Using your gel prints as a resource for digital printmaking

Using your gel prints as a resource for digital printmaking

I haven’t finished cutting the stencils from the previous post, so I’ve been playing with combining the files digitally. The results were quite interesting in themselves, but also triggered some ideas about combining these stencils with dry points also made from digitally cut plates. I will be parking those for now, but it is definitely something I want to explore at a later date. In this post, I…

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